US obesity problem is not budging, new data shows

NEW YORK (AP) - America's weight problem isn't getting any better, according to new government research.

Overall, obesity figures stayed about the same: About 40 percent of adults are obese and 18.5 percent of children. Those numbers are a slight increase from the last report but the difference is so small that it could have occurred by chance.

Worrisome to experts is the rate for children and teenagers, which had hovered around 17 percent for a decade. The 2-to-5 age group had the biggest rise.

The bad news is that the numbers didn't go down, experts say. In recent years, state and national health officials have focused on obesity in kids, who were the target of the national Let's Move campaign launched by former first lady Michelle Obama in 2010.

US obesity problem is not budging, new data shows

The last sentence is very telling: kids are still fat in spite of Moochelle trying to force them to eat foods they didn't want or like.

I'm sure leftists are totally shocked at this; Democrats can't control people like most people do their pets. Besides that idiotic campaign, her husband also forced restaurants to post calorie count on all menus from coast to coast. He assumed that unless Big Brother told us a Big Mac combo was not the best choice for dinner, we wouldn't be able to figure it out ourselves.

The federal government is not our parents and we are not the federal governments children. I wonder how many millions of private and taxpayer dollars were wasted on these programs that turned up absolutely nothing?

Message to control freak leftists: Leave us alone! Let us live our own lives and make our own decisions! don't own us.....

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent. Conservatives measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh
There was no forced feeding you mindless wimp....The only thing worse than tyrants is liars, so there you are...I like the calorie counts posted to watch my intake, before they were available I had a book which gave the calories per item...It helps when one plans on what to eat a t a time of day and the calories and fats can be taken into the decision..Others that don't give

Sorry you can't figure out that a Whopper combo isn't low calorie or that a salad with no dressing is pretty reasonable, but the rest of us don't need the federal government making laws to help people like you who can't figure this all out.

Correct, there was no force feeding---only an attempt. Kids would buy candy and cupcakes and bring that to school instead of spending money on a lunch that even a homeless man wouldn't eat.
NEW YORK (AP) - America's weight problem isn't getting any better, according to new government research.

Overall, obesity figures stayed about the same: About 40 percent of adults are obese and 18.5 percent of children. Those numbers are a slight increase from the last report but the difference is so small that it could have occurred by chance.

Worrisome to experts is the rate for children and teenagers, which had hovered around 17 percent for a decade. The 2-to-5 age group had the biggest rise.

The bad news is that the numbers didn't go down, experts say. In recent years, state and national health officials have focused on obesity in kids, who were the target of the national Let's Move campaign launched by former first lady Michelle Obama in 2010.

US obesity problem is not budging, new data shows

The last sentence is very telling: kids are still fat in spite of Moochelle trying to force them to eat foods they didn't want or like.

I'm sure leftists are totally shocked at this; Democrats can't control people like most people do their pets. Besides that idiotic campaign, her husband also forced restaurants to post calorie count on all menus from coast to coast. He assumed that unless Big Brother told us a Big Mac combo was not the best choice for dinner, we wouldn't be able to figure it out ourselves.

The federal government is not our parents and we are not the federal governments children. I wonder how many millions of private and taxpayer dollars were wasted on these programs that turned up absolutely nothing?

Message to control freak leftists: Leave us alone! Let us live our own lives and make our own decisions! don't own us.....

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent. Conservatives measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh
There was no forced feeding you mindless wimp....The only thing worse than tyrants is liars, so there you are...I like the calorie counts posted to watch my intake, before they were available I had a book which gave the calories per item...It helps when one plans on what to eat a t a time of day and the calories and fats can be taken into the decision..Others that don't give a fuck and want to be corpulent corpses can do it all they like..I prefer to control my weight for my health...
. So due to your lifeless lifestyle, you need to be very careful about your diet and food intake right ? So it is important to you that you have as much information as possible, because you know your not gonna be walking, riding bycycles, jogging, playing with grandchildren, excersizing, working an active job etc. so you fear not having the government providing you with the alternative means to survive in the way that you choose ?
Michelle Obama advocated exercise and a balanced diet

Fat Donnie believes in fast food and that exercise uses up your lifetime supply of energy
Would you please post a link to where President Trump said what you stated, or admit you lied, tia.
You lose sweetheart......apology accepted

Donald Trump has a very strange theory about exercise - CNNPolitics

After college, after Trump mostly gave up his personal athletic interests, he came to view time spent playing sports as time wasted. Trump believed the human body was like a battery, with a finite amount of energy, which exercise only depleted. So he didn't work out. When he learned that John O'Donnell, one of his top casino executives, was training for an Ironman triathlon, he admonished him, "You are going to die young because of this."
. What's this got to do with Trump ?
NEW YORK (AP) - America's weight problem isn't getting any better, according to new government research.

Overall, obesity figures stayed about the same: About 40 percent of adults are obese and 18.5 percent of children. Those numbers are a slight increase from the last report but the difference is so small that it could have occurred by chance.

Worrisome to experts is the rate for children and teenagers, which had hovered around 17 percent for a decade. The 2-to-5 age group had the biggest rise.

The bad news is that the numbers didn't go down, experts say. In recent years, state and national health officials have focused on obesity in kids, who were the target of the national Let's Move campaign launched by former first lady Michelle Obama in 2010.

US obesity problem is not budging, new data shows

The last sentence is very telling: kids are still fat in spite of Moochelle trying to force them to eat foods they didn't want or like.

I'm sure leftists are totally shocked at this; Democrats can't control people like most people do their pets. Besides that idiotic campaign, her husband also forced restaurants to post calorie count on all menus from coast to coast. He assumed that unless Big Brother told us a Big Mac combo was not the best choice for dinner, we wouldn't be able to figure it out ourselves.

The federal government is not our parents and we are not the federal governments children. I wonder how many millions of private and taxpayer dollars were wasted on these programs that turned up absolutely nothing?

Message to control freak leftists: Leave us alone! Let us live our own lives and make our own decisions! don't own us.....

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent. Conservatives measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh
There was no forced feeding you mindless wimp....The only thing worse than tyrants is liars, so there you are...I like the calorie counts posted to watch my intake, before they were available I had a book which gave the calories per item...It helps when one plans on what to eat a t a time of day and the calories and fats can be taken into the decision..Others that don't give a fuck and want to be corpulent corpses can do it all they like..I prefer to control my weight for my health...
. So due to your lifeless lifestyle, you need to be very careful about your diet and food intake right ? So it is important to you that you have as much information as possible, because you know your not gonna be walking, riding bycycles, jogging, playing with grandchildren, excersizing, working an active job etc. so you fear not having the government providing you with the alternative means to survive in the way that you choose ?

Correct, because some believe our founders created our federal government to force industry to give them calorie count.
The problem of obesity is a complicated is only one component. Lack of activity...electronic stationary amusements....motorized toys instead of people powered....all create a grim outlook for today's children.

And processed foods which is just about everything people eat now..

Everything is get it now in the microwave which is horrible for young growing bodies..Michelle tried to go fresh foods,and get off your butt and move..
People are too busy working 2 jobs to make things from scratch..

She didn't "try" to do anything except force people to eat the way she approved of. That's not what our government is for.

Mars Candy And Michelle Obama Are Making Candy Bars Smaller — And Twitter Is FREAKING Out
She didn't force anyone. Honestly can't you get beyond your knee jerk talking points hatred of her and see it? You can't bitch about obesity and turn around and savage those trying to promote health at the same time. It comes off looking like you just do it because you hate HER and therefor any and every thing she does or says.
. Oh so you forget about the stories after Michelle started her bullcrap where schools looked through the kids lunch bag, and said to him to tell his parents that she couldn't send him to school with the items that were in the bag eh ? You remember them confiscating the kids lunch don't you ? It's just like the bullcrap Barack started or tried to enforce about the bathrooms, where as the next thing people knew such a thing was gonna be enforced in the schools or they were going to lose federal monies and such remember ? The Reason School Lunches Were Confiscated From Children Has Parents Infuriated

Obama Decrees ALL Public Schools Must Allow Transgender Bathroom Use
The problem of obesity is a complicated is only one component. Lack of activity...electronic stationary amusements....motorized toys instead of people powered....all create a grim outlook for today's children.

And processed foods which is just about everything people eat now..

Everything is get it now in the microwave which is horrible for young growing bodies..Michelle tried to go fresh foods,and get off your butt and move..
People are too busy working 2 jobs to make things from scratch..

She didn't "try" to do anything except force people to eat the way she approved of. That's not what our government is for.

Mars Candy And Michelle Obama Are Making Candy Bars Smaller — And Twitter Is FREAKING Out
She didn't force anyone. Honestly can't you get beyond your knee jerk talking points hatred of her and see it? You can't bitch about obesity and turn around and savage those trying to promote health at the same time. It comes off looking like you just do it because you hate HER and therefor any and every thing she does or says.
. Oh so you forget about the stories after Michelle started her bullcrap where schools looked through the kids lunch bag, and said to him to tell his parents that she couldn't send him to school with the items that were in the bag eh ? You remember them confiscating the kids lunch don't you ? It's just like the bullcrap Barack started or tried to enforce about the bathrooms, where as the next thing people knew such a thing was gonna be enforced in the schools or they were going to lose federal monies and such remember ? The Reason School Lunches Were Confiscated From Children Has Parents Infuriated

Obama Decrees ALL Public Schools Must Allow Transgender Bathroom Use
So you take a few examples of lunchbox vigilanteism and apply it to a whole and blame Michelle for having the audacity to address childhood obesity? Talk about spinning. The rights hatred of Michelle is so irrational.

Where has she called for or advocated the behavior in your article?

Did you know that school lunch program was originally the depository for excess foods the government bought off of farmers in order to subsidize them? An outlet for tons of cheese for example? Nutrition wasn't considered. Now you guys are on the one hand bemoaning obesity while on the other hand criticizing efforts to address it in the schools primarily I think, because of your hatred of Obama, not the attempts themselves.

So it wasn't perfect. Wasn't bad either, but all you guys did was emphasize the bad instead of getting creative and thinking on how to improve it. Well you can't have it both ways, you can't condemn child obesity on the one hand and then knock down attempts to address it because you don't like the person making those attempts.

Parents can certainly do a lot, but when the child is in school they have little control over food choices.
. All one has to do is start the bullcrap from a position of authoritarianism, and next thing you know it takes on a life of it's own. How about this, the next time a first lady or politician or President opens their pie holes, how about they engage their brains first, and their mouths next ? And then if they engage their mouths first, and get something going that was not intended to take on the life it took on, then speak common sense to it so that the crap doesn't get miss-interpreted or gets something started that never was intended to get totally blown out of order like it did. Is that so complicated these days ?
NEW YORK (AP) - America's weight problem isn't getting any better, according to new government research.

Overall, obesity figures stayed about the same: About 40 percent of adults are obese and 18.5 percent of children. Those numbers are a slight increase from the last report but the difference is so small that it could have occurred by chance.

Worrisome to experts is the rate for children and teenagers, which had hovered around 17 percent for a decade. The 2-to-5 age group had the biggest rise.

The bad news is that the numbers didn't go down, experts say. In recent years, state and national health officials have focused on obesity in kids, who were the target of the national Let's Move campaign launched by former first lady Michelle Obama in 2010.

US obesity problem is not budging, new data shows

The last sentence is very telling: kids are still fat in spite of Moochelle trying to force them to eat foods they didn't want or like.

I'm sure leftists are totally shocked at this; Democrats can't control people like most people do their pets. Besides that idiotic campaign, her husband also forced restaurants to post calorie count on all menus from coast to coast. He assumed that unless Big Brother told us a Big Mac combo was not the best choice for dinner, we wouldn't be able to figure it out ourselves.

The federal government is not our parents and we are not the federal governments children. I wonder how many millions of private and taxpayer dollars were wasted on these programs that turned up absolutely nothing?

Message to control freak leftists: Leave us alone! Let us live our own lives and make our own decisions! don't own us.....

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent. Conservatives measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh
The report is simply a lie.

Yeah, that Associated Press is known for lying all the time.
A very clear lie. Look around you. Are 40% of the adults you see obese? THINK.

It's all propaganda, primarily from the weight loss, diet food and pharmaceutical industries.

Somehow these evil son of a bitches have convinced a huge portion of the American public that calories are bad for you, that dietary fat is super bad for you, and that toxic waste from the soybean oil industry is very very good for you and should be added to your childrens' food as a "meat substitute".
Michelle Obama advocated exercise and a balanced diet

Fat Donnie believes in fast food and that exercise uses up your lifetime supply of energy
Would you please post a link to where President Trump said what you stated, or admit you lied, tia.
You lose sweetheart......apology accepted

Donald Trump has a very strange theory about exercise - CNNPolitics

After college, after Trump mostly gave up his personal athletic interests, he came to view time spent playing sports as time wasted. Trump believed the human body was like a battery, with a finite amount of energy, which exercise only depleted. So he didn't work out. When he learned that John O'Donnell, one of his top casino executives, was training for an Ironman triathlon, he admonished him, "You are going to die young because of this."
. What's this got to do with Trump ?
Its the reason he is known as Fat Donnie
Michelle Obama advocated exercise and a balanced diet

Fat Donnie believes in fast food and that exercise uses up your lifetime supply of energy
Would you please post a link to where President Trump said what you stated, or admit you lied, tia.
You lose sweetheart......apology accepted

Donald Trump has a very strange theory about exercise - CNNPolitics

After college, after Trump mostly gave up his personal athletic interests, he came to view time spent playing sports as time wasted. Trump believed the human body was like a battery, with a finite amount of energy, which exercise only depleted. So he didn't work out. When he learned that John O'Donnell, one of his top casino executives, was training for an Ironman triathlon, he admonished him, "You are going to die young because of this."
. What's this got to do with Trump ?
Its the reason he is known as Fat Donnie
And he should be doing what in regards to the subject concerning the American people ?? Should he run and make commercials showing him looking like fat Alec Baldwin riding an excersize bike on SNL ??? Yeah that's it, he could do that until his skin has to be lifted back up like a blanket, and tucked back under his neck just to satisfy his critics who think that he the President should look like the icon of health in this country that he represents. Sorry, but this ain't Hollywood, and Hollywood don't run this nation anymore. I know those are tough words for the Weinstein cheerleaders to hear, but Hollywood knows that there is a new sheriff in town, and his name is TRUMP. You know for his age, Trump must be in great shape putting up with the stress that a job like that entails, but there he is still working harder than most 1950's 20 year olds had once worked in this country.
I was a child in the 50's, ate lots of fried foods, and even the few vegetables I would eat were cooked with bacon fat or butter. No soft drinks, but plenty of kool aid with added sugar. My brother and I, after we did our chores would be outside riding our bikes, building forts with pine needles, outside until it got dark and we had to go inside. Neither one of us were ever over weight. As soon as my son could walk, we were at the parks on weekends, during the week after dinner we would walk around the neighborhood. As he got older, he had friends over on the weekends, for every hour they played video games, they had to play an hour outside. Funny, they would be having so much fun outside, they would forget about coming inside. I was/am a single parent, worked full time, still raised my son to be a decent, productive human being. Oh, he was also adopted, and as a Christian, Conservative, white Republican, those who say we only care about the unborn, how many children have you fostered, adopted, I've done both, how about you.....Off topic there I know, but I am so sick of the lies!

Thank you. I got it now. Finally. If your child is obese, contact an adoption agency. That way the child will stop being obese.
A sugar tax would cure American obesity. But too bad, like all things American, this sugar tax bill will be written only against natural sugars and will be used to replace everything you eat with the artificial chemical sugars such as HFC and aspartame. So no matter how you wiggle, the fatter you will get. My American friends, you are the fattest fly caught in the spiders net. Wiggle on and wobble on.

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