US obesity problem is not budging, new data shows

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
NEW YORK (AP) - America's weight problem isn't getting any better, according to new government research.

Overall, obesity figures stayed about the same: About 40 percent of adults are obese and 18.5 percent of children. Those numbers are a slight increase from the last report but the difference is so small that it could have occurred by chance.

Worrisome to experts is the rate for children and teenagers, which had hovered around 17 percent for a decade. The 2-to-5 age group had the biggest rise.

The bad news is that the numbers didn't go down, experts say. In recent years, state and national health officials have focused on obesity in kids, who were the target of the national Let's Move campaign launched by former first lady Michelle Obama in 2010.

US obesity problem is not budging, new data shows

The last sentence is very telling: kids are still fat in spite of Moochelle trying to force them to eat foods they didn't want or like.

I'm sure leftists are totally shocked at this; Democrats can't control people like most people do their pets. Besides that idiotic campaign, her husband also forced restaurants to post calorie count on all menus from coast to coast. He assumed that unless Big Brother told us a Big Mac combo was not the best choice for dinner, we wouldn't be able to figure it out ourselves.

The federal government is not our parents and we are not the federal governments children. I wonder how many millions of private and taxpayer dollars were wasted on these programs that turned up absolutely nothing?

Message to control freak leftists: Leave us alone! Let us live our own lives and make our own decisions! don't own us.....

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent. Conservatives measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh
Leftists campaigns never produce any results - other than bunch of wasted money and good feels for the initiator.

What needs to happen is people stop being so god damn lazy and caving in for the endless desire of sugar. In short responsibility... not something Michelle would be a fan of.
Leftists campaigns never produce any results - other than bunch of wasted money and good feels for the initiator.

What needs to happen is people stop being so god damn lazy and caving in for the endless desire of sugar. In short responsibility... not something Michelle would be a fan of.

Yes, but we Republicans told liberals these measures wouldn't work from day one, and they didn't. They insisted that the federal government could change eating habits like they believe they can change the climate.

I think this is part of the ongoing trend to change leadership in this country. Nobody wants to be told what to do in their personal lives by the federal government. That goes double when they try to tell our children what they are going to do.
NEW YORK (AP) - America's weight problem isn't getting any better, according to new government research.

Overall, obesity figures stayed about the same: About 40 percent of adults are obese and 18.5 percent of children. Those numbers are a slight increase from the last report but the difference is so small that it could have occurred by chance.

Worrisome to experts is the rate for children and teenagers, which had hovered around 17 percent for a decade. The 2-to-5 age group had the biggest rise.

The bad news is that the numbers didn't go down, experts say. In recent years, state and national health officials have focused on obesity in kids, who were the target of the national Let's Move campaign launched by former first lady Michelle Obama in 2010.

US obesity problem is not budging, new data shows

The last sentence is very telling: kids are still fat in spite of Moochelle trying to force them to eat foods they didn't want or like.

I'm sure leftists are totally shocked at this; Democrats can't control people like most people do their pets. Besides that idiotic campaign, her husband also forced restaurants to post calorie count on all menus from coast to coast. He assumed that unless Big Brother told us a Big Mac combo was not the best choice for dinner, we wouldn't be able to figure it out ourselves.

The federal government is not our parents and we are not the federal governments children. I wonder how many millions of private and taxpayer dollars were wasted on these programs that turned up absolutely nothing?

Message to control freak leftists: Leave us alone! Let us live our own lives and make our own decisions! don't own us.....

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent. Conservatives measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh

Go to the biggest shopping mall near you. Have a seat. People watch.

See who is obese, especially among the kids. The greater numbers of the fattest are imports and guests who won't leave, who are skewing the national numbers in many areas. The second largest group is ... well, you'll figure it out.
What needs to happen is people stop being so god damn lazy and caving in for the endless desire of sugar.

That's hard to do when added sugar is in almost everything that's available to eat in the United States.

Everything You Need to Know About Sugar. | Nerd Fitness

1822: Americans consume 45 grams of sugar every five days, or the amount of sugar in a can of coke.

2012: Americans consume 756 grams of sugar every five days, or 130 POUNDS of sugar a year.

More than a pound of sugar every 3 days on average.
NEW YORK (AP) - America's weight problem isn't getting any better, according to new government research.

Overall, obesity figures stayed about the same: About 40 percent of adults are obese and 18.5 percent of children. Those numbers are a slight increase from the last report but the difference is so small that it could have occurred by chance.

Worrisome to experts is the rate for children and teenagers, which had hovered around 17 percent for a decade. The 2-to-5 age group had the biggest rise.

The bad news is that the numbers didn't go down, experts say. In recent years, state and national health officials have focused on obesity in kids, who were the target of the national Let's Move campaign launched by former first lady Michelle Obama in 2010.

US obesity problem is not budging, new data shows

The last sentence is very telling: kids are still fat in spite of Moochelle trying to force them to eat foods they didn't want or like.

I'm sure leftists are totally shocked at this; Democrats can't control people like most people do their pets. Besides that idiotic campaign, her husband also forced restaurants to post calorie count on all menus from coast to coast. He assumed that unless Big Brother told us a Big Mac combo was not the best choice for dinner, we wouldn't be able to figure it out ourselves.

The federal government is not our parents and we are not the federal governments children. I wonder how many millions of private and taxpayer dollars were wasted on these programs that turned up absolutely nothing?

Message to control freak leftists: Leave us alone! Let us live our own lives and make our own decisions! don't own us.....

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent. Conservatives measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh
It takes more than a few years to change habits.

Most of what Michelle did was educate better habits. How dare she!

I for one am very glad calorie counts were posted and it has made a difference in my choices. Rightwingers seem to think informed decision making is a bad thing and will fight tooth and nail to prevent it and then blame the victim for the results of bad decisions.

Liberals believe it is less costly to invest in prevention through education and making information available then it is to pay for the resulting illness, disability and workforce losses down the road.

Conservatives prefer to punish the person who made bad choices.

Which outlook is regressive?
The problem of obesity is a complicated is only one component. Lack of activity...electronic stationary amusements....motorized toys instead of people powered....all create a grim outlook for today's children.
NEW YORK (AP) - America's weight problem isn't getting any better, according to new government research.

Overall, obesity figures stayed about the same: About 40 percent of adults are obese and 18.5 percent of children. Those numbers are a slight increase from the last report but the difference is so small that it could have occurred by chance.

Worrisome to experts is the rate for children and teenagers, which had hovered around 17 percent for a decade. The 2-to-5 age group had the biggest rise.

The bad news is that the numbers didn't go down, experts say. In recent years, state and national health officials have focused on obesity in kids, who were the target of the national Let's Move campaign launched by former first lady Michelle Obama in 2010.

US obesity problem is not budging, new data shows

The last sentence is very telling: kids are still fat in spite of Moochelle trying to force them to eat foods they didn't want or like.

I'm sure leftists are totally shocked at this; Democrats can't control people like most people do their pets. Besides that idiotic campaign, her husband also forced restaurants to post calorie count on all menus from coast to coast. He assumed that unless Big Brother told us a Big Mac combo was not the best choice for dinner, we wouldn't be able to figure it out ourselves.

The federal government is not our parents and we are not the federal governments children. I wonder how many millions of private and taxpayer dollars were wasted on these programs that turned up absolutely nothing?

Message to control freak leftists: Leave us alone! Let us live our own lives and make our own decisions! don't own us.....

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent. Conservatives measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh
It takes more than a few years to change habits.

Most of what Michelle did was educate better habits. How dare she!

I for one am very glad calorie counts were posted and it has made a difference in my choices. Rightwingers seem to think informed decision making is a bad thing and will fight tooth and nail to prevent it and then blame the victim for the results of bad decisions.

Liberals believe it is less costly to invest in prevention through education and making information available then it is to pay for the resulting illness, disability and workforce losses down the road.

Conservatives prefer to punish the person who made bad choices.

Which outlook is regressive?
. The crazy thing is that liberals caused the trends to form in the first place, then they take taxpayers money to create programs that have to wean the population back off of it.. lol.... Say it ain't so, and I'll say it is so.
The problem of obesity is a complicated is only one component. Lack of activity...electronic stationary amusements....motorized toys instead of people powered....all create a grim outlook for today's children.

Also a lack of parents teaching their children good eating and exercise habits. My 4 year old exercises with me almost every day. People attribute things like heart disease and diabetes to their genes WAY more than they should. In reality they often just have the same terrible eating/exercise habits their parents did, and so they get the same ailments.
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The fatter the country, the better that place is to live.

Of course, the left will blame diet and sugar etc........meaning capitalism and America. Another little opportunity to justify their desires for communism.

Let me theorize what the problem has been. First let me point out what the left won't point out. Obesity AROUND THE WORLD has increased dramatically. They are not going to point out the problem in those socialist paradises in Europe. We all know why.

Obesity and overweight

Junk food, coke, Mcdonalds, etc has been around for a while now. Hundred years or more. Yet, the obesity PROBLEM has increased dramatically over the last 25 years or so. What has been introduced as a part of world culture over the last 25 years? The internet? Oh.....yeah. Since 1975 according to that study I provided, WORLD OBESITY has tripled. Oh right around the time home computers and video games and cable TV? Yeah, right around that time?


Let me give my little theory now. It is not necessarily what you eat. It is how active you are. It you are the type that is constantly moving.....and active you can eat whatever you want....within reason. As you grow older your diet should become more adult. Also, as you grow older the slower your metabolism. The less active you are, the better you should eat. That is the key.

Problem with kids (and adults) is we eat the junk food or load ourselves on carbs (or sugars) and then we do not burn it off. That is where the internet and video games play the major part. Along with excessive television watching. The average person probably spends 6 or 7 hours at work in front of a computer. Come home, and right back onto a computer or in front of a TV. Even if you got 30 minutes of exercise a day, it is probably not enough.

So, the basic formula (which is not rocket science) is the worse you eat, the more active you should be. Walk or find an activity that you do in the yard. Move, move, move. If you are not going to be active, then you better be eating strictly. That is the reality.

Don't let the American hating commies let you think this is a capitalist problem as they try and take over every nook and cranny of the average persons life.
The problem of obesity is a complicated is only one component. Lack of activity...electronic stationary amusements....motorized toys instead of people powered....all create a grim outlook for today's children.
. The biggest one is where the libs began slapping bad criminals on the wrist, and then creating an environment of fear in which forced the children to not be able to go out to play or be active anymore. Liberal actions and policies have been a huge failure in this country, and it has caused some tragic things to form in this country. The results are in, and now it's damage control time eh liberals ?
NEW YORK (AP) - America's weight problem isn't getting any better, according to new government research.

Overall, obesity figures stayed about the same: About 40 percent of adults are obese and 18.5 percent of children. Those numbers are a slight increase from the last report but the difference is so small that it could have occurred by chance.

Worrisome to experts is the rate for children and teenagers, which had hovered around 17 percent for a decade. The 2-to-5 age group had the biggest rise.

The bad news is that the numbers didn't go down, experts say. In recent years, state and national health officials have focused on obesity in kids, who were the target of the national Let's Move campaign launched by former first lady Michelle Obama in 2010.

US obesity problem is not budging, new data shows

The last sentence is very telling: kids are still fat in spite of Moochelle trying to force them to eat foods they didn't want or like.

I'm sure leftists are totally shocked at this; Democrats can't control people like most people do their pets. Besides that idiotic campaign, her husband also forced restaurants to post calorie count on all menus from coast to coast. He assumed that unless Big Brother told us a Big Mac combo was not the best choice for dinner, we wouldn't be able to figure it out ourselves.

The federal government is not our parents and we are not the federal governments children. I wonder how many millions of private and taxpayer dollars were wasted on these programs that turned up absolutely nothing?

Message to control freak leftists: Leave us alone! Let us live our own lives and make our own decisions! don't own us.....

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent. Conservatives measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh
It takes more than a few years to change habits.

Most of what Michelle did was educate better habits. How dare she!

I for one am very glad calorie counts were posted and it has made a difference in my choices. Rightwingers seem to think informed decision making is a bad thing and will fight tooth and nail to prevent it and then blame the victim for the results of bad decisions.

Liberals believe it is less costly to invest in prevention through education and making information available then it is to pay for the resulting illness, disability and workforce losses down the road.

Conservatives prefer to punish the person who made bad choices.

Which outlook is regressive?
. The crazy thing is that liberals caused the trends to form in the first place, then they take taxpayers money to create programs that have to wean the population back off of it.. lol.... Say it ain't so, and I'll say it is so.
Hoe exactly did they "cause" obesity trends in today's children?
The fatter the country, the better that place is to live.

Of course, the left will blame diet and sugar etc........meaning capitalism and America. Another little opportunity to justify their desires for communism.

Let me theorize what the problem has been. First let me point out what the left won't point out. Obesity AROUND THE WORLD has increased dramatically. They are not going to point out the problem in those socialist paradises in Europe. We all know why.

Obesity and overweight

Junk food, coke, Mcdonalds, etc has been around for a while now. Hundred years or more. Yet, the obesity PROBLEM has increased dramatically over the last 25 years or so. What has been introduced as a part of world culture over the last 25 years? The internet? Oh.....yeah. Since 1975 according to that study I provided, WORLD OBESITY has tripled. Oh right around the time home computers and video games and cable TV? Yeah, right around that time?


Let me give my little theory now. It is not necessarily what you eat. It is how active you are. It you are the type that is constantly moving.....and active you can eat whatever you want....within reason. As you grow older your diet should become more adult. Also, as you grow older the slower your metabolism. The less active you are, the better you should eat. That is the key.

Problem with kids (and adults) is we eat the junk food or load ourselves on carbs (or sugars) and then we do not burn it off. That is where the internet and video games play the major part. Along with excessive television watching. The average person probably spends 6 or 7 hours at work in front of a computer. Come home, and right back onto a computer or in front of a TV. Even if you got 30 minutes of exercise a day, it is probably not enough.

So, the basic formula (which is not rocket science) is the worse you eat, the more active you should be. Walk or find an activity that you do in the yard. Move, move, move. If you are not going to be active, then you better be eating strictly. That is the reality.

Don't let the American hating commies let you think this is a capitalist problem as they try and take over every nook and cranny of the average persons life.
You are right in that it is going up around the world and it is tied to affluence.
Let me give my little theory now. It is not necessarily what you eat. It is how active you are.

It's definitely both. This comment demonstrates pretty well that you have a very lacking understanding of the role diet plays in our health.
Yeah, and your fucking comment show how you ignore that sedentary behavior ALONG WITH DIET is the problem. You can ignore that junk food etc has been around for over 100 years and ignore the factors that has caused the obesity diabetic problem to increase over the last 25 years.

It is sedentary behavior. Period.

Do you think the average persons diet was better back in the 50s? Households cooked with crisco. Everyone smoked.

You are full of commie shit.
The biggest one is where the libs began slapping bad criminals on the wrist, and then creating an environment of fear in which forced the children to not be able to go out to play or be active anymore. Liberal actions and policies have been a huge failure in this country, and it has caused some tragic things to form in this country. The results are in, and now it's damage control time eh liberals ?

People stay inside because they're inundated with addictive technology. Before the internet and video games there wasn't much else to do but go outside and be active.
Allot of this problem with fat slob children can be laid right at the feet of limp wrists lazy moms and dads. If one has a sloppy fat child I their house, it is the owner of that child's fault. Not McDonalds, Twinkies or whatever. It's also not the democrats fault, unless that is said democrats are in charge of your kids. The female obamas little lunch scheme had no effect on any of my kids as I made it a point to be in charge of feeding them. Thus, I don't have fat disgusting children.
We need sugar, it fuels our brains and body, but too much sugar intake is poisonous, and kills us with obesity, diabetes, kidney failures.....

Exercise helps us pass the excess no longer play the way they used to outside....

Also, when the USA was on a fat free or low fat kick, manufacturers added sugar for better taste.....turns out, we were better off with the fat content than with the added sugar.
Let me give my little theory now. It is not necessarily what you eat. It is how active you are.

It's definitely both. This comment demonstrates pretty well that you have a very lacking understanding of the role diet plays in our health.
Yeah, and your fucking comment show how you ignore that sedentary behavior ALONG WITH DIET is the problem. You can ignore that junk food etc has been around for over 100 years and ignore the factors that has caused the obesity diabetic problem to increase over the last 25 years.

It is sedentary behavior. Period.

Do you think the average persons diet was better back in the 50s? Households cooked with crisco. Everyone smoked.

You are full of commie shit.

I'll go one further, all the game consoles. Not that I'm against them at all, it's just real easy to get on in the AM and stay on until way late in the PM.

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