US Navy launches ship to commemorate gay rights activist Harvey Milk

Rough men who stood ready to do violence so that free people could sleep peacefully in their beds at night.
Men like St Trumpy who would have gladly done His part had it not been for those blasted bone spurs.
I thought it was a nice touch that they caressed that champagne bottle so lovingly before breaking over the bow.

The little titters and shrieks as all the stuff came pouring out made for a most memorable occasion.
Men like St Trumpy who would have gladly done His part had it not been for those blasted bone spurs.
Is that like Slick Willy who would have gladly done his part had it not been for the fact he loathed the military or like The Worthless Negro that would have served except he was hanging out with his Communists buddies. Maybe like Potatohead and that pesky asthma. The sonofabitch could be a lifeguard and a football player but he just couldn't serve in the military during Vietnam, could he? Five deferments!
Men like St Trumpy who would have gladly done His part had it not been for those blasted bone spurs.

President Trump did do his part. He was Commander in Chief of the most powerful military this world had ever seen.

That is, before some demented old kiddie-diddler stole an election in 2020. Now China, Russian, North Korea, and Iran just laughs at us, and thinks we're sissies and faggots.
You mean, you don't CARE that he was a sexual predator who groomed young boys.

Many on the left wrong will say that those of us who have a problem with this are just being hateful, judgmental, bigots.

They're not even trying to hide it as much as they used to, their drive to sexually brainwash, groom, and exploit minors.

Modern LIbEralism truly is both a mental disease and a moral disease.
Because fuckwad...I don't believe he was. I'm laughing at you....and your pitiful attempts to..well..quite frankly i really don't discern your just all rings as stupid to me.
You are one of the knee-jerk crowd..and as such..really can't be taken seriously..that's what I find funny~
16 years olds have been fucking since the dawn of time..and I doubt they've stopped--why should I care again?

No, I just think that laws shouls be applied equally to everyone. You don't see a problem with a grown man having sex with a 16 year old?

I have no problem with 16 year olds having sex with each other. I DO have a problem with adults having sex with 16 year olds.

Age of consent laws exist for a reason. Interesting, and sad that you don't care about the well being of the children they are designed to protect.

And for the record, I don't care that milk was gay, I care that he, an adult in a position of power, took advantage of a young person who had no power, and was still legally, a child.
Oh, poor widdle partisan hack doesn't like being called out for his hacwerwy.

I do not mind you humping my leg at all, I am used to people like you on these forums doing so in order to get my attention you so desperately desire.
Guy was screwing a 16 year old boy, ie, he was a statutory rapist. Naturally he deserves a ship in his honor because this administration is like watching one long version of punk'd. JFC.

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