Us Liberals Are Happy

I love all the mental diarrhea being thrown around in this thread. Hillary is going to drop like a rock when she faces Trump. She's got way too much dirt in her past to not look like a walking pile of shit when it hits her fan. See you fools at the polls.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not without women or Hispanics.

But they're already saying it's neck and neck at the polls. Agreed. Let's see the debates, what the corporate media pushes and then how many people show up.

I'll bet you Hillary does a lot worse with women than the left is betting on. The Hispanic vote is even going to be a couple points short. She's got no love and if you've been watching her real turnouts compared to Bernie and Trump you will get a feel for it.
I don't care about turnout to events. When it comes down to voting we will just have to see. I am OK with whoever wins although I'm voting hillary. Good luck. May the better woman win
I love all the mental diarrhea being thrown around in this thread. Hillary is going to drop like a rock when she faces Trump. She's got way too much dirt in her past to not look like a walking pile of shit when it hits her fan. See you fools at the polls.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not without women or Hispanics.

But they're already saying it's neck and neck at the polls. Agreed. Let's see the debates, what the corporate media pushes and then how many people show up.

I'll bet you Hillary does a lot worse with women than the left is betting on. The Hispanic vote is even going to be a couple points short. She's got no love and if you've been watching her real turnouts compared to Bernie and Trump you will get a feel for it.

Watching TV this evening, they called the WV race for Sanders.
Republicans lost because of the cry babies in the party.

When an establishment nominee gets elected, the TP party types stay home.
When somebody like Trump wins, the establishment says they will stay home.

I held my nose voting for Romney and McCain, but I can't let the Democrats win simply because my ideal nominee didn't get in.

Then when somebody like DumBama serves two terms, these cry babies sit back and ask how that could happen? My answer to them is Duh!!!!

I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries, but now that he is legitimately the nominee, I will vote for him not because he's Trump, but to keep the Democrats out. And if more Republicans would keep that as a target instead of sobbing their candidate lost, maybe such unity could assure us some kind of Republican in the White House.
I hear this a lot and it is utter bullshit. This stance assumes that the republicans simply deserve my vote (or anyone's vote) rather than having to actually earn it. It is a false assumption on your part to assume that a particular voter is looking for the 'ideal' nominee. I certainly am not looking for ideal at all. All I ask is for someone that bothers to represent me at least a little bit. The current republican party is far more big government, pro war and anti freedom than their supposed 'platform' of smaller government that does not get in your way.

You blame the likes of us that refuse to vote garbage out of blanket fear that 'the other guy is worse.' I blame those that are like you and hold your nose voting for that garbage for the continued crap candidates that we keep getting. Make no mistake, the republicans are no better than the democrats and the continued votes they garner are WHAT IS KEEPING THEM THERE. You want a republican party that you do not have to hold your nose for? You want a candidate that may not have a platform that you can totally get behind but at least stands for a majority of the things you do? Then stop supporting those that do not meet that criteria. You will ALWAYS get a candidate that you have to hold your nose for as long as you are willing to feed them your vote.

The idea that we all need to vote against the other guy rather than voting FOR someone has utterly destroyed our political system and is utterly nonsensical in a democracy. When the goal becomes to stop the other candidate rather than place a decent one in office, you can accept anyone. At that point, what is the difference?

That's exactly my goal, to stop Hillary or any Democrat from taking office.

DumBama won both elections, and with confidence, I can say I did all I could do to stop it. I took the time to go to the polls and vote against him. While I've hated these last seven years plus, at least I don't feel guilty because I let my ego usher him into the White House.

If you waste your vote on a candidate that stands no chance in hell of winning, or otherwise not vote at all, you did cast a vote for Obama, and Hillary if you do the same this election.

You don't change your party during the presidential election, you change your party during the primaries as we have now. I vote for what's better for the country--not what makes me feel good. And this election is very critical with the balance of the Supreme Court at hand. You can vote out a President after four years, but Supreme Court justices are for life, and I'm not about to let them turn my country into a Socialist Utopia because Trump wasn't good enough for my vote. Mickey Mouse is good enough for my vote if it stops these liberals from taking my rights away--particularly my gun rights.
If you continue to waste your vote on the trash that the republicans put up then you end up with Trump as the front runner - a creation of the failed republican party thus far.

No. People put Trump as the runner because they are lashing out at the Republican party. The conservatives are upset and so is the establishment. This election is historical and I'm glad I'm alive to see it happening.

While I'm not crazy about Trump, I would be more unhappy with another McCain or Romney. Another one of those would be the same ole, same ole.

I'm not voting for Trump--I'm voting against Hilary. That's the only way to look at this. And if you think you're going to change the Republican's mind my not voting or voting in some nobody that has no chance at winning, trust me, you aren't accomplishing anything. That's what happened the last couple of presidential elections.
You guys act like the economy is bad and we need a new direction. Obama's great hillary will take over nice try

The economy is doing great?

If that's so, why do we still have over 45 million Americans using food stamps?
Why is the median family income lower than when DumBama took office?
Why do we have over 93 Americans of working age not working nor looking for work?

The only real boost to the economy that we've had during DumBama was the decrease in fuel costs which he had nothing to do with. That was due to fracking which most Democrats are against. It lowered our cost for natural gas, for gasoline, and even diesel fuel which dipped below the price of gasoline for the first time since the new pollution regulations went into effect during the Bush years.
I love all the mental diarrhea being thrown around in this thread. Hillary is going to drop like a rock when she faces Trump. She's got way too much dirt in her past to not look like a walking pile of shit when it hits her fan. See you fools at the polls.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not without women or Hispanics.

But they're already saying it's neck and neck at the polls. Agreed. Let's see the debates, what the corporate media pushes and then how many people show up.

I'll bet you Hillary does a lot worse with women than the left is betting on. The Hispanic vote is even going to be a couple points short. She's got no love and if you've been watching her real turnouts compared to Bernie and Trump you will get a feel for it.
And if trump wins I hope he does a good job. We haven't had a good Republican president since Reagan. And you can't doubt that anymore because that's why jebs not the nominee
Republicans lost because of the cry babies in the party.

When an establishment nominee gets elected, the TP party types stay home.
When somebody like Trump wins, the establishment says they will stay home.

I held my nose voting for Romney and McCain, but I can't let the Democrats win simply because my ideal nominee didn't get in.

Then when somebody like DumBama serves two terms, these cry babies sit back and ask how that could happen? My answer to them is Duh!!!!

I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries, but now that he is legitimately the nominee, I will vote for him not because he's Trump, but to keep the Democrats out. And if more Republicans would keep that as a target instead of sobbing their candidate lost, maybe such unity could assure us some kind of Republican in the White House.
I hear this a lot and it is utter bullshit. This stance assumes that the republicans simply deserve my vote (or anyone's vote) rather than having to actually earn it. It is a false assumption on your part to assume that a particular voter is looking for the 'ideal' nominee. I certainly am not looking for ideal at all. All I ask is for someone that bothers to represent me at least a little bit. The current republican party is far more big government, pro war and anti freedom than their supposed 'platform' of smaller government that does not get in your way.

You blame the likes of us that refuse to vote garbage out of blanket fear that 'the other guy is worse.' I blame those that are like you and hold your nose voting for that garbage for the continued crap candidates that we keep getting. Make no mistake, the republicans are no better than the democrats and the continued votes they garner are WHAT IS KEEPING THEM THERE. You want a republican party that you do not have to hold your nose for? You want a candidate that may not have a platform that you can totally get behind but at least stands for a majority of the things you do? Then stop supporting those that do not meet that criteria. You will ALWAYS get a candidate that you have to hold your nose for as long as you are willing to feed them your vote.

The idea that we all need to vote against the other guy rather than voting FOR someone has utterly destroyed our political system and is utterly nonsensical in a democracy. When the goal becomes to stop the other candidate rather than place a decent one in office, you can accept anyone. At that point, what is the difference?

That's exactly my goal, to stop Hillary or any Democrat from taking office.

DumBama won both elections, and with confidence, I can say I did all I could do to stop it. I took the time to go to the polls and vote against him. While I've hated these last seven years plus, at least I don't feel guilty because I let my ego usher him into the White House.

If you waste your vote on a candidate that stands no chance in hell of winning, or otherwise not vote at all, you did cast a vote for Obama, and Hillary if you do the same this election.

You don't change your party during the presidential election, you change your party during the primaries as we have now. I vote for what's better for the country--not what makes me feel good. And this election is very critical with the balance of the Supreme Court at hand. You can vote out a President after four years, but Supreme Court justices are for life, and I'm not about to let them turn my country into a Socialist Utopia because Trump wasn't good enough for my vote. Mickey Mouse is good enough for my vote if it stops these liberals from taking my rights away--particularly my gun rights.
If you continue to waste your vote on the trash that the republicans put up then you end up with Trump as the front runner - a creation of the failed republican party thus far.

No. People put Trump as the runner because they are lashing out at the Republican party. The conservatives are upset and so is the establishment. This election is historical and I'm glad I'm alive to see it happening.

While I'm not crazy about Trump, I would be more unhappy with another McCain or Romney. Another one of those would be the same ole, same ole.

I'm not voting for Trump--I'm voting against Hilary. That's the only way to look at this. And if you think you're going to change the Republican's mind my not voting or voting in some nobody that has no chance at winning, trust me, you aren't accomplishing anything. That's what happened the last couple of presidential elections.
You know what usually happens? You don't even bother voting this year. Throw your hands up.

I think Hillary has to worry about that more than Trump. Hillary can't sell out a high school basketball court while Trump has stadiums of people attending with standing room only.

Oh yes, Hillary does better with this group or that group, but doing better means absolutely nothing if those groups don't come out and vote.

The people supporting Trump will be front and center come election day--Hillary, I'm not so sure of.
I hear this a lot and it is utter bullshit. This stance assumes that the republicans simply deserve my vote (or anyone's vote) rather than having to actually earn it. It is a false assumption on your part to assume that a particular voter is looking for the 'ideal' nominee. I certainly am not looking for ideal at all. All I ask is for someone that bothers to represent me at least a little bit. The current republican party is far more big government, pro war and anti freedom than their supposed 'platform' of smaller government that does not get in your way.

You blame the likes of us that refuse to vote garbage out of blanket fear that 'the other guy is worse.' I blame those that are like you and hold your nose voting for that garbage for the continued crap candidates that we keep getting. Make no mistake, the republicans are no better than the democrats and the continued votes they garner are WHAT IS KEEPING THEM THERE. You want a republican party that you do not have to hold your nose for? You want a candidate that may not have a platform that you can totally get behind but at least stands for a majority of the things you do? Then stop supporting those that do not meet that criteria. You will ALWAYS get a candidate that you have to hold your nose for as long as you are willing to feed them your vote.

The idea that we all need to vote against the other guy rather than voting FOR someone has utterly destroyed our political system and is utterly nonsensical in a democracy. When the goal becomes to stop the other candidate rather than place a decent one in office, you can accept anyone. At that point, what is the difference?

That's exactly my goal, to stop Hillary or any Democrat from taking office.

DumBama won both elections, and with confidence, I can say I did all I could do to stop it. I took the time to go to the polls and vote against him. While I've hated these last seven years plus, at least I don't feel guilty because I let my ego usher him into the White House.

If you waste your vote on a candidate that stands no chance in hell of winning, or otherwise not vote at all, you did cast a vote for Obama, and Hillary if you do the same this election.

You don't change your party during the presidential election, you change your party during the primaries as we have now. I vote for what's better for the country--not what makes me feel good. And this election is very critical with the balance of the Supreme Court at hand. You can vote out a President after four years, but Supreme Court justices are for life, and I'm not about to let them turn my country into a Socialist Utopia because Trump wasn't good enough for my vote. Mickey Mouse is good enough for my vote if it stops these liberals from taking my rights away--particularly my gun rights.
If you continue to waste your vote on the trash that the republicans put up then you end up with Trump as the front runner - a creation of the failed republican party thus far.

No. People put Trump as the runner because they are lashing out at the Republican party. The conservatives are upset and so is the establishment. This election is historical and I'm glad I'm alive to see it happening.

While I'm not crazy about Trump, I would be more unhappy with another McCain or Romney. Another one of those would be the same ole, same ole.

I'm not voting for Trump--I'm voting against Hilary. That's the only way to look at this. And if you think you're going to change the Republican's mind my not voting or voting in some nobody that has no chance at winning, trust me, you aren't accomplishing anything. That's what happened the last couple of presidential elections.
You guys act like the economy is bad and we need a new direction. Obama's great hillary will take over nice try

The economy is doing great?

If that's so, why do we still have over 45 million Americans using food stamps?
Why is the median family income lower than when DumBama took office?
Why do we have over 93 Americans of working age not working nor looking for work?

The only real boost to the economy that we've had during DumBama was the decrease in fuel costs which he had nothing to do with. That was due to fracking which most Democrats are against. It lowered our cost for natural gas, for gasoline, and even diesel fuel which dipped below the price of gasoline for the first time since the new pollution regulations went into effect during the Bush years.
Why? Because of Republicans! Why do you think your party is out of the race?
That's exactly my goal, to stop Hillary or any Democrat from taking office.

DumBama won both elections, and with confidence, I can say I did all I could do to stop it. I took the time to go to the polls and vote against him. While I've hated these last seven years plus, at least I don't feel guilty because I let my ego usher him into the White House.

If you waste your vote on a candidate that stands no chance in hell of winning, or otherwise not vote at all, you did cast a vote for Obama, and Hillary if you do the same this election.

You don't change your party during the presidential election, you change your party during the primaries as we have now. I vote for what's better for the country--not what makes me feel good. And this election is very critical with the balance of the Supreme Court at hand. You can vote out a President after four years, but Supreme Court justices are for life, and I'm not about to let them turn my country into a Socialist Utopia because Trump wasn't good enough for my vote. Mickey Mouse is good enough for my vote if it stops these liberals from taking my rights away--particularly my gun rights.
If you continue to waste your vote on the trash that the republicans put up then you end up with Trump as the front runner - a creation of the failed republican party thus far.

No. People put Trump as the runner because they are lashing out at the Republican party. The conservatives are upset and so is the establishment. This election is historical and I'm glad I'm alive to see it happening.

While I'm not crazy about Trump, I would be more unhappy with another McCain or Romney. Another one of those would be the same ole, same ole.

I'm not voting for Trump--I'm voting against Hilary. That's the only way to look at this. And if you think you're going to change the Republican's mind my not voting or voting in some nobody that has no chance at winning, trust me, you aren't accomplishing anything. That's what happened the last couple of presidential elections.
You guys act like the economy is bad and we need a new direction. Obama's great hillary will take over nice try

The economy is doing great?

If that's so, why do we still have over 45 million Americans using food stamps?
Why is the median family income lower than when DumBama took office?
Why do we have over 93 Americans of working age not working nor looking for work?

The only real boost to the economy that we've had during DumBama was the decrease in fuel costs which he had nothing to do with. That was due to fracking which most Democrats are against. It lowered our cost for natural gas, for gasoline, and even diesel fuel which dipped below the price of gasoline for the first time since the new pollution regulations went into effect during the Bush years.
Why? Because of Republicans! Why do you think your party is out of the race?

Our party is out of the race? What race? WTF are you even talking about?
I love all the mental diarrhea being thrown around in this thread. Hillary is going to drop like a rock when she faces Trump. She's got way too much dirt in her past to not look like a walking pile of shit when it hits her fan. See you fools at the polls.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not without women or Hispanics.

But they're already saying it's neck and neck at the polls. Agreed. Let's see the debates, what the corporate media pushes and then how many people show up.

I'll bet you Hillary does a lot worse with women than the left is betting on. The Hispanic vote is even going to be a couple points short. She's got no love and if you've been watching her real turnouts compared to Bernie and Trump you will get a feel for it.
And if trump wins I hope he does a good job. We haven't had a good Republican president since Reagan. And you can't doubt that anymore because that's why jebs not the nominee

I think Trump will do a good job overall. He seems to love America a lot more than Clinton, Bush II, or Obama. We've been taking it in the rump since Bush Sr introduced the NWO and while the Bush I and most of the Clinton years were good economically, both men set the stage for the two morons that followed and the economic calamity of the past decade.

Hillary is a turd, Jeb is an ass monkey. No more Dynasties. 4 years of Trump is exactly what we need to fix some of our internal political bullshit. I hope the Bernie rips the Democratic Party in two and that Trump does the same to the Republicans.

Our country's political system has been hijacked by two companies that sell politics for profit. Trump is exactly what we need to expose their bullshit. The only greed Trump will accept is his own and he will out the other fuckers with no mercy. If this is all he accomplished in the next 4 years, we've made real progress as a nation.
Imagine if trump ran as a democrat and he were our nominee? We'd be hoping he would beat Cruz rubio or kasich in the general election.

Well he is beating Cruz rubio and kasich. This pleases us very much.

Now that doesn't mean we want trump to be president but we'll take a trump presidency over a rubio kasich or Cruz presidency anyday.

So as far as this liberal is concerned, America is infinitely better off as soon as there is no chance rubio kasich or Cruz is the nominee.

Hopefully trump beats kasich in Ohio and rubio in Florida this week.

What I find interesting here is that by stating this opinion you are putting yourself at odds with nearly every liberals who is pretending that Trump is the next Hitler..

I assume that a part of that means you disagree about the "Hitler" thing.

So, what do you think of all those libs who are panic mongering about Trump?
1. I have my reservations about trump.
2. He has used a page or two out of the demagogue playbook. But how you play politics running for office isn't necessarily how you will govern. He's said a lot of things I agree with.
3. You have to say crazy stuff to get Republican voters to vote for you. I know he doesn't really care about Monica but he's going to milk that

I won't vote for trump. At least not yet. But if he wins I won't be sad like if Cruz or kasich rubio or bush won. Not even close.

If he wins, Trump isn't going to be a right wing tool. I don't want him to win but he's the least offensive GOP imo

YOu have enough independent thought to realize that Trump is NOT the next "Hitler".

My question to you then, is how would you describe the tactics of a person or political group that is falsely claiming that a person is the next "Hitler"?

Is that not playing on the emotions of the voters? Especially minority voters?

"Demagoguery is an appeal to people that plays on their emotions and prejudices rather than on their rational side. Demagoguery is a manipulative approach — often associated with dictators and sleazy politicians — that appeals to the worst nature of people."

So, who is really "used a page or two out of the demagogue playbook."?

Trump or the anti-Trumps?

A vote for Hillary is a vote for demagoguery.
Republicans lost because of the cry babies in the party.

When an establishment nominee gets elected, the TP party types stay home.
When somebody like Trump wins, the establishment says they will stay home.

I held my nose voting for Romney and McCain, but I can't let the Democrats win simply because my ideal nominee didn't get in.

Then when somebody like DumBama serves two terms, these cry babies sit back and ask how that could happen? My answer to them is Duh!!!!

I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries, but now that he is legitimately the nominee, I will vote for him not because he's Trump, but to keep the Democrats out. And if more Republicans would keep that as a target instead of sobbing their candidate lost, maybe such unity could assure us some kind of Republican in the White House.
I hear this a lot and it is utter bullshit. This stance assumes that the republicans simply deserve my vote (or anyone's vote) rather than having to actually earn it. It is a false assumption on your part to assume that a particular voter is looking for the 'ideal' nominee. I certainly am not looking for ideal at all. All I ask is for someone that bothers to represent me at least a little bit. The current republican party is far more big government, pro war and anti freedom than their supposed 'platform' of smaller government that does not get in your way.

You blame the likes of us that refuse to vote garbage out of blanket fear that 'the other guy is worse.' I blame those that are like you and hold your nose voting for that garbage for the continued crap candidates that we keep getting. Make no mistake, the republicans are no better than the democrats and the continued votes they garner are WHAT IS KEEPING THEM THERE. You want a republican party that you do not have to hold your nose for? You want a candidate that may not have a platform that you can totally get behind but at least stands for a majority of the things you do? Then stop supporting those that do not meet that criteria. You will ALWAYS get a candidate that you have to hold your nose for as long as you are willing to feed them your vote.

The idea that we all need to vote against the other guy rather than voting FOR someone has utterly destroyed our political system and is utterly nonsensical in a democracy. When the goal becomes to stop the other candidate rather than place a decent one in office, you can accept anyone. At that point, what is the difference?

That's exactly my goal, to stop Hillary or any Democrat from taking office.

DumBama won both elections, and with confidence, I can say I did all I could do to stop it. I took the time to go to the polls and vote against him. While I've hated these last seven years plus, at least I don't feel guilty because I let my ego usher him into the White House.

If you waste your vote on a candidate that stands no chance in hell of winning, or otherwise not vote at all, you did cast a vote for Obama, and Hillary if you do the same this election.

You don't change your party during the presidential election, you change your party during the primaries as we have now. I vote for what's better for the country--not what makes me feel good. And this election is very critical with the balance of the Supreme Court at hand. You can vote out a President after four years, but Supreme Court justices are for life, and I'm not about to let them turn my country into a Socialist Utopia because Trump wasn't good enough for my vote. Mickey Mouse is good enough for my vote if it stops these liberals from taking my rights away--particularly my gun rights.
Trump will nominate Obama's nominee for supreme

And you will never like a democratic president no matter how good they are.

The only reason I won't vote trump is I can't vote for who you vote for.

Ill give you one thing the entire system is corrupt and the most important step was saying no to McCain Romney kasich Cruz rubio and jeb.

Yes, we keep telling us.

Trump might not make a good pick for SC or he might, but we know what Hillary will pick, so I guess we will have to take our chances with Trump.
And I'm cool with that. If trump wins he will be a moderate populice triangulator the GOP will have to govern with and make no mistake who the boss is

Triangulation was Bill's game. It does not seem to be Trump's.
If trump were running as a democrat and said he was going to raise taxes on the rich you'd all flip but he said it the other day and not a peep from Republicans.

Might have a point if not for the fact he would need congressional and Senate approval--but he does.
And if trump tries to implement his policies, we will see who the obstructionists are over bringing jobs home, good paying jobs, sending illegal workers home and raising taxes on the rich and closing loopholes.

The Democrats will fight like hell to keep those illegals here. They will do the same with closing loopholes because that's where their contributions come from.

He will have a battle with Congress Republican and Democrat alike depending on the issue. who knows, maybe that's a good thing?
I would love for trump to give his word that he would nominate Obama's supreme if he wins. Give his word. That would take the issue off the table. Like trump has a problem with the guy?

Are you really happy with the way the dem appointees voted in favor of the New Haven anti-white discrimination?

Ricci v. DeStefano - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Imagine if trump ran as a democrat and he were our nominee? We'd be hoping he would beat Cruz rubio or kasich in the general election.

Well he is beating Cruz rubio and kasich. This pleases us very much.

Now that doesn't mean we want trump to be president but we'll take a trump presidency over a rubio kasich or Cruz presidency anyday.

So as far as this liberal is concerned, America is infinitely better off as soon as there is no chance rubio kasich or Cruz is the nominee.

Hopefully trump beats kasich in Ohio and rubio in Florida this week.

What I find interesting here is that by stating this opinion you are putting yourself at odds with nearly every liberals who is pretending that Trump is the next Hitler..

I assume that a part of that means you disagree about the "Hitler" thing.

So, what do you think of all those libs who are panic mongering about Trump?
1. I have my reservations about trump.
2. He has used a page or two out of the demagogue playbook. But how you play politics running for office isn't necessarily how you will govern. He's said a lot of things I agree with.
3. You have to say crazy stuff to get Republican voters to vote for you. I know he doesn't really care about Monica but he's going to milk that

I won't vote for trump. At least not yet. But if he wins I won't be sad like if Cruz or kasich rubio or bush won. Not even close.

If he wins, Trump isn't going to be a right wing tool. I don't want him to win but he's the least offensive GOP imo

YOu have enough independent thought to realize that Trump is NOT the next "Hitler".

My question to you then, is how would you describe the tactics of a person or political group that is falsely claiming that a person is the next "Hitler"?

Is that not playing on the emotions of the voters? Especially minority voters?

"Demagoguery is an appeal to people that plays on their emotions and prejudices rather than on their rational side. Demagoguery is a manipulative approach — often associated with dictators and sleazy politicians — that appeals to the worst nature of people."

So, who is really "used a page or two out of the demagogue playbook."?

Trump or the anti-Trumps?

A vote for Hillary is a vote for demagoguery.
You know it's hard for Rocky to fight a Mr. T when he wasn't trained to fight that kind of fighter.

Trump could be a monster. It's the Democrats job to convince them that Trump is in over his head, he's appealing to racist white America, he's a liar too, he will promise anything, etc.

But truth is, we don't know what he will do because he doesn't have a record to judge. So a part of me wants someone who isn't seeing things from a Democratic or Republican perspective. Trump seems to be playing both sides. He's promising both sides the world.

But that's what we need. We need a President who makes the rich happy but doesn't fuck the poor in order to do it. That's why I always vote Democratic. They at least throw the masses a bone every now and again.

I think Trump, if he wins, will be a centrist/populist. He'll give the rich tax breaks but he will also do things to raise wages and bring jobs back home.

So will Hillary. But if the American people don't like her at least there is a chance Trump won't fuck us. We know Cruz Kasich and Rubio and Jeb would have fucked us. Trump is a wild card.

If the GOP are successful in getting the voters to hate Hillary, he has a chance. I'm voting Hillary but good luck.
I hear this a lot and it is utter bullshit. This stance assumes that the republicans simply deserve my vote (or anyone's vote) rather than having to actually earn it. It is a false assumption on your part to assume that a particular voter is looking for the 'ideal' nominee. I certainly am not looking for ideal at all. All I ask is for someone that bothers to represent me at least a little bit. The current republican party is far more big government, pro war and anti freedom than their supposed 'platform' of smaller government that does not get in your way.

You blame the likes of us that refuse to vote garbage out of blanket fear that 'the other guy is worse.' I blame those that are like you and hold your nose voting for that garbage for the continued crap candidates that we keep getting. Make no mistake, the republicans are no better than the democrats and the continued votes they garner are WHAT IS KEEPING THEM THERE. You want a republican party that you do not have to hold your nose for? You want a candidate that may not have a platform that you can totally get behind but at least stands for a majority of the things you do? Then stop supporting those that do not meet that criteria. You will ALWAYS get a candidate that you have to hold your nose for as long as you are willing to feed them your vote.

The idea that we all need to vote against the other guy rather than voting FOR someone has utterly destroyed our political system and is utterly nonsensical in a democracy. When the goal becomes to stop the other candidate rather than place a decent one in office, you can accept anyone. At that point, what is the difference?

That's exactly my goal, to stop Hillary or any Democrat from taking office.

DumBama won both elections, and with confidence, I can say I did all I could do to stop it. I took the time to go to the polls and vote against him. While I've hated these last seven years plus, at least I don't feel guilty because I let my ego usher him into the White House.

If you waste your vote on a candidate that stands no chance in hell of winning, or otherwise not vote at all, you did cast a vote for Obama, and Hillary if you do the same this election.

You don't change your party during the presidential election, you change your party during the primaries as we have now. I vote for what's better for the country--not what makes me feel good. And this election is very critical with the balance of the Supreme Court at hand. You can vote out a President after four years, but Supreme Court justices are for life, and I'm not about to let them turn my country into a Socialist Utopia because Trump wasn't good enough for my vote. Mickey Mouse is good enough for my vote if it stops these liberals from taking my rights away--particularly my gun rights.
Trump will nominate Obama's nominee for supreme

And you will never like a democratic president no matter how good they are.

The only reason I won't vote trump is I can't vote for who you vote for.

Ill give you one thing the entire system is corrupt and the most important step was saying no to McCain Romney kasich Cruz rubio and jeb.

Yes, we keep telling us.

Trump might not make a good pick for SC or he might, but we know what Hillary will pick, so I guess we will have to take our chances with Trump.
And I'm cool with that. If trump wins he will be a moderate populice triangulator the GOP will have to govern with and make no mistake who the boss is

Triangulation was Bill's game. It does not seem to be Trump's.
Excuse me? What does the word mean to you? Because that's exactly what Trump is going to do. He's a negotiator. He will give to get.
If trump were running as a democrat and said he was going to raise taxes on the rich you'd all flip but he said it the other day and not a peep from Republicans.

Might have a point if not for the fact he would need congressional and Senate approval--but he does.
And if trump tries to implement his policies, we will see who the obstructionists are over bringing jobs home, good paying jobs, sending illegal workers home and raising taxes on the rich and closing loopholes.

The Democrats will fight like hell to keep those illegals here. They will do the same with closing loopholes because that's where their contributions come from.

He will have a battle with Congress Republican and Democrat alike depending on the issue. who knows, maybe that's a good thing?
I would love for trump to give his word that he would nominate Obama's supreme if he wins. Give his word. That would take the issue off the table. Like trump has a problem with the guy?

Are you really happy with the way the dem appointees voted in favor of the New Haven anti-white discrimination?

Ricci v. DeStefano - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They were worried about the disparate impact law. In United States anti-discrimination law, the theory of disparate impact holds that practices in employment, housing, or other areas may be considered discriminatory and illegal if they have a disproportionate "adverse impact" on persons in a protected class.
Imagine if trump ran as a democrat and he were our nominee? We'd be hoping he would beat Cruz rubio or kasich in the general election.

Well he is beating Cruz rubio and kasich. This pleases us very much.

Now that doesn't mean we want trump to be president but we'll take a trump presidency over a rubio kasich or Cruz presidency anyday.

So as far as this liberal is concerned, America is infinitely better off as soon as there is no chance rubio kasich or Cruz is the nominee.

Hopefully trump beats kasich in Ohio and rubio in Florida this week.

What I find interesting here is that by stating this opinion you are putting yourself at odds with nearly every liberals who is pretending that Trump is the next Hitler..

I assume that a part of that means you disagree about the "Hitler" thing.

So, what do you think of all those libs who are panic mongering about Trump?
1. I have my reservations about trump.
2. He has used a page or two out of the demagogue playbook. But how you play politics running for office isn't necessarily how you will govern. He's said a lot of things I agree with.
3. You have to say crazy stuff to get Republican voters to vote for you. I know he doesn't really care about Monica but he's going to milk that

I won't vote for trump. At least not yet. But if he wins I won't be sad like if Cruz or kasich rubio or bush won. Not even close.

If he wins, Trump isn't going to be a right wing tool. I don't want him to win but he's the least offensive GOP imo

YOu have enough independent thought to realize that Trump is NOT the next "Hitler".

My question to you then, is how would you describe the tactics of a person or political group that is falsely claiming that a person is the next "Hitler"?

Is that not playing on the emotions of the voters? Especially minority voters?

"Demagoguery is an appeal to people that plays on their emotions and prejudices rather than on their rational side. Demagoguery is a manipulative approach — often associated with dictators and sleazy politicians — that appeals to the worst nature of people."

So, who is really "used a page or two out of the demagogue playbook."?

Trump or the anti-Trumps?

A vote for Hillary is a vote for demagoguery.
You know it's hard for Rocky to fight a Mr. T when he wasn't trained to fight that kind of fighter.

Trump could be a monster. It's the Democrats job to convince them that Trump is in over his head, he's appealing to racist white America, he's a liar too, he will promise anything, etc.

But truth is, we don't know what he will do because he doesn't have a record to judge. So a part of me wants someone who isn't seeing things from a Democratic or Republican perspective. Trump seems to be playing both sides. He's promising both sides the world.

But that's what we need. We need a President who makes the rich happy but doesn't fuck the poor in order to do it. That's why I always vote Democratic. They at least throw the masses a bone every now and again.

I think Trump, if he wins, will be a centrist/populist. He'll give the rich tax breaks but he will also do things to raise wages and bring jobs back home.

So will Hillary. But if the American people don't like her at least there is a chance Trump won't fuck us. We know Cruz Kasich and Rubio and Jeb would have fucked us. Trump is a wild card.

If the GOP are successful in getting the voters to hate Hillary, he has a chance. I'm voting Hillary but good luck.

It's the Democrats job, in an election, to convince the voter that they have the better policy platform and candidate to serve the interests of the voters and the nation.

Trump's inexperience is, of course a valid issue.

He will promise "anything" should be, but as that has become the norm, it is fairly moot.

IT IS NOT the Democrats job to convince voters that Trump is a racist.

That is them betraying their "job" and advancing their agenda, by tearing this nation apart.

If Trump is NOT the next Hitler, then convincing the Majority of voters, that he is, and thus that a near majority of the nation, including a majority of whites, are NAZIS

is inflicting EXTREME DAMAGE to the nation.

How can we are a nation, work together, or even live together, if minorities and liberals actually believe that most whites are effectively Nazis?

A vote for Hillary is a vote to tear this nation apart.
That's exactly my goal, to stop Hillary or any Democrat from taking office.

DumBama won both elections, and with confidence, I can say I did all I could do to stop it. I took the time to go to the polls and vote against him. While I've hated these last seven years plus, at least I don't feel guilty because I let my ego usher him into the White House.

If you waste your vote on a candidate that stands no chance in hell of winning, or otherwise not vote at all, you did cast a vote for Obama, and Hillary if you do the same this election.

You don't change your party during the presidential election, you change your party during the primaries as we have now. I vote for what's better for the country--not what makes me feel good. And this election is very critical with the balance of the Supreme Court at hand. You can vote out a President after four years, but Supreme Court justices are for life, and I'm not about to let them turn my country into a Socialist Utopia because Trump wasn't good enough for my vote. Mickey Mouse is good enough for my vote if it stops these liberals from taking my rights away--particularly my gun rights.
Trump will nominate Obama's nominee for supreme

And you will never like a democratic president no matter how good they are.

The only reason I won't vote trump is I can't vote for who you vote for.

Ill give you one thing the entire system is corrupt and the most important step was saying no to McCain Romney kasich Cruz rubio and jeb.

Yes, we keep telling us.

Trump might not make a good pick for SC or he might, but we know what Hillary will pick, so I guess we will have to take our chances with Trump.
And I'm cool with that. If trump wins he will be a moderate populice triangulator the GOP will have to govern with and make no mistake who the boss is

Triangulation was Bill's game. It does not seem to be Trump's.
Excuse me? What does the word mean to you? Because that's exactly what Trump is going to do. He's a negotiator. He will give to get.

Triangulation is where you pick your position to be between, and "above", conceptually, the positions of any debate.

ONe of the major problems with this is that it's primary goal is to serve the short term political image of the person doing it.

Instead of picking a policy based on the actual merits of the policy.

Trump's primary issues seems to be chose NOT by that, but based on his views on what would serve the interests of the nation and it's citizens, especially the WOrking/Middle Class(s).

If he engages in Negotiation, even tough negotiations where he has to give more than he or I want him to give, he is still STARTING from an honest position chosen to serve the long term interests of the nation.
Might have a point if not for the fact he would need congressional and Senate approval--but he does.
And if trump tries to implement his policies, we will see who the obstructionists are over bringing jobs home, good paying jobs, sending illegal workers home and raising taxes on the rich and closing loopholes.

The Democrats will fight like hell to keep those illegals here. They will do the same with closing loopholes because that's where their contributions come from.

He will have a battle with Congress Republican and Democrat alike depending on the issue. who knows, maybe that's a good thing?
I would love for trump to give his word that he would nominate Obama's supreme if he wins. Give his word. That would take the issue off the table. Like trump has a problem with the guy?

Are you really happy with the way the dem appointees voted in favor of the New Haven anti-white discrimination?

Ricci v. DeStefano - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They were worried about the disparate impact law. In United States anti-discrimination law, the theory of disparate impact holds that practices in employment, housing, or other areas may be considered discriminatory and illegal if they have a disproportionate "adverse impact" on persons in a protected class.

And that concern, which was shared by ALL the dem appointees, led them to support blatant overt discrimination.

Do you really support that?

Because HIllary does.

Any Justice she appoints will.
If you lean left, and followed the GOP primaries, you would quickly developed a ranking of the last four as follows.

1 Kasich
3 none of the below
4 either Cruz or Trump

Kasich is a moderate with fiscal conservative leanings. Something we actually need right now

Rubio is a conservative with moderate leanings

Trump and Cruz are blahh!!
Well, Cheech, your wish is gonna come true, although you may not get the outcome you expect.
If all my friends and family are willing to roll the dice on trump, maybe he will try to bring jobs back home. Maybe he is serious about illegals and importing Muslims.
While you roll a joint? :lol:
I just don't want another bush or rubio kasich Christie Cruz near the white house. Republicans got to stop only representing the rich. And don't tell me I'm wrong. It's why America said no to another Republican anywhere near the white house.

Hell yea I'll smoke to that

Republicans lost because of the cry babies in the party.

When an establishment nominee gets elected, the TP party types stay home.
When somebody like Trump wins, the establishment says they will stay home.

I held my nose voting for Romney and McCain, but I can't let the Democrats win simply because my ideal nominee didn't get in.

Then when somebody like DumBama serves two terms, these cry babies sit back and ask how that could happen? My answer to them is Duh!!!!

I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries, but now that he is legitimately the nominee, I will vote for him not because he's Trump, but to keep the Democrats out. And if more Republicans would keep that as a target instead of sobbing their candidate lost, maybe such unity could assure us some kind of Republican in the White House.

And that ^^ --- political partisanship run amok, to the point where you think it's some kind of football game, the object being to "score points" for your "team" and in this case prevent the other "team" from scoring --- is the worst reason in the world to cast a vote, and is what facilitates at best gridlock and at worst despotism.

Thanks for being part of the problem. Way to think outside the herd.

Well, Cheech, your wish is gonna come true, although you may not get the outcome you expect.
If all my friends and family are willing to roll the dice on trump, maybe he will try to bring jobs back home. Maybe he is serious about illegals and importing Muslims.
While you roll a joint? :lol:
I just don't want another bush or rubio kasich Christie Cruz near the white house. Republicans got to stop only representing the rich. And don't tell me I'm wrong. It's why America said no to another Republican anywhere near the white house.

Hell yea I'll smoke to that

Republicans lost because of the cry babies in the party.

When an establishment nominee gets elected, the TP party types stay home.
When somebody like Trump wins, the establishment says they will stay home.

I held my nose voting for Romney and McCain, but I can't let the Democrats win simply because my ideal nominee didn't get in.

Then when somebody like DumBama serves two terms, these cry babies sit back and ask how that could happen? My answer to them is Duh!!!!

I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries, but now that he is legitimately the nominee, I will vote for him not because he's Trump, but to keep the Democrats out. And if more Republicans would keep that as a target instead of sobbing their candidate lost, maybe such unity could assure us some kind of Republican in the White House.

And that ^^ --- political partisanship run amok, to the point where you think it's some kind of football game, the object being to "score points" for your "team" and in this case prevent the other "team" from scoring --- is the worst reason in the world to cast a vote, and is what facilitates at best gridlock and at worst despotism.

Thanks for being part of the problem. Way to think outside the herd.

Been saying that for a long time.

What they fail to realize is that continued complaining that those like me are not voting for their guy is NEVER going to win our votes over so they will continue to lose. Continuing to do so because of positions that they have taken all the while blaming others.

This is a good example of refusing to take responsibility for ones own actions.

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