US Generals Lied, Lost Wars, And Looted Those They Claimed To Serve


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
i agree completely. the US empire has SUCCUMBED!


Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Congress in June that he wanted to understand “white rage,” why “thousands of people” tried “to assault this building and … overturn the Constitution of the United States of America.”

If Milley really wants to understand the “rage” of the American people he should start by asking why he and his fellow generals can’t win any wars.

Unable to win wars overseas, the military’s leaders went “woke.” Currying ideological favor is easier than trying to end insurgencies. It is also necessary if military leaders want to keep the gravy train of taxpayer funding. Donald Trump’s America First foreign policy and his devastating critique of George Bush and Barack Obama in the run-up to the 2016 election put the military-industrial complex on high alert. Trump was pushing the American right-wing away from the expensive and unending foreign interventions the military-industrial complex needed in order to justify its existence.

Instead of profiles in courage, America’s military leaders deserve profiles in grifting. Current Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin made $7 million once leaving the service. Gen. James Mattis is reportedly worth $5 million, including $150,000 annual payouts from Theranos for serving on their board. Theranos was a blood-testing company indicted for fraud. Not a single senator asked Mattis about the connection at his confirmation hearing as secretary of defense. Gen. David Petraeus, after leaving the CIA in disgrace after revelations of leaking classified information to his mistress and personal biographer Paula Broadwell, went on to a successful career in academia, public speaking, and private equity. His net worth is estimated at $2 million.

Those military leaders who failed to properly account for their own efforts, mislead the public, and then racked up cushy paychecks after the war deserve to be punished. Generals who lose wars should lose their pensions. At the very least. It isn’t right for thousands of America’s sons and daughters to lose life and limb in service of idiotic policy goals while their leaders get rich.
basquebromance most people don't know shit about military/wars/etc.........we've been over this before...a lot wars are not won or lost---they are ended with cease fires/etc ..UNDENIABLY Vietnam was unwinnable--I've got a thread on it with mucho evidence......
..they did not lose wars....
--your OP is pure bullshit
....the POLITICIANS are in charge--THEY start the wars --not the generals/etc
etc Afghanistan ...these are not total wars--like WW2...these are very complicated
i agree completely. the US empire has SUCCUMBED!


Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Congress in June that he wanted to understand “white rage,” why “thousands of people” tried “to assault this building and … overturn the Constitution of the United States of America.”

If Milley really wants to understand the “rage” of the American people he should start by asking why he and his fellow generals can’t win any wars.

Unable to win wars overseas, the military’s leaders went “woke.” Currying ideological favor is easier than trying to end insurgencies. It is also necessary if military leaders want to keep the gravy train of taxpayer funding. Donald Trump’s America First foreign policy and his devastating critique of George Bush and Barack Obama in the run-up to the 2016 election put the military-industrial complex on high alert. Trump was pushing the American right-wing away from the expensive and unending foreign interventions the military-industrial complex needed in order to justify its existence.

Instead of profiles in courage, America’s military leaders deserve profiles in grifting. Current Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin made $7 million once leaving the service. Gen. James Mattis is reportedly worth $5 million, including $150,000 annual payouts from Theranos for serving on their board. Theranos was a blood-testing company indicted for fraud. Not a single senator asked Mattis about the connection at his confirmation hearing as secretary of defense. Gen. David Petraeus, after leaving the CIA in disgrace after revelations of leaking classified information to his mistress and personal biographer Paula Broadwell, went on to a successful career in academia, public speaking, and private equity. His net worth is estimated at $2 million.

Those military leaders who failed to properly account for their own efforts, mislead the public, and then racked up cushy paychecks after the war deserve to be punished. Generals who lose wars should lose their pensions. At the very least. It isn’t right for thousands of America’s sons and daughters to lose life and limb in service of idiotic policy goals while their leaders get rich.

Its the Federalist. They are famous for slander.. Enjoy yourself.
i agree completely. the US empire has SUCCUMBED!


Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Congress in June that he wanted to understand “white rage,” why “thousands of people” tried “to assault this building and … overturn the Constitution of the United States of America.”

If Milley really wants to understand the “rage” of the American people he should start by asking why he and his fellow generals can’t win any wars.

Unable to win wars overseas, the military’s leaders went “woke.” Currying ideological favor is easier than trying to end insurgencies. It is also necessary if military leaders want to keep the gravy train of taxpayer funding. Donald Trump’s America First foreign policy and his devastating critique of George Bush and Barack Obama in the run-up to the 2016 election put the military-industrial complex on high alert. Trump was pushing the American right-wing away from the expensive and unending foreign interventions the military-industrial complex needed in order to justify its existence.

Instead of profiles in courage, America’s military leaders deserve profiles in grifting. Current Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin made $7 million once leaving the service. Gen. James Mattis is reportedly worth $5 million, including $150,000 annual payouts from Theranos for serving on their board. Theranos was a blood-testing company indicted for fraud. Not a single senator asked Mattis about the connection at his confirmation hearing as secretary of defense. Gen. David Petraeus, after leaving the CIA in disgrace after revelations of leaking classified information to his mistress and personal biographer Paula Broadwell, went on to a successful career in academia, public speaking, and private equity. His net worth is estimated at $2 million.

Those military leaders who failed to properly account for their own efforts, mislead the public, and then racked up cushy paychecks after the war deserve to be punished. Generals who lose wars should lose their pensions. At the very least. It isn’t right for thousands of America’s sons and daughters to lose life and limb in service of idiotic policy goals while their leaders get rich.

Generals don't start wars, stupid.
..UNDENIABLY Vietnam was unwinnable-

We won Vietnam. We got the North to acknowledge the sovereignty of South Vietnam with the Paris Peace Accord. That was the military and diplomatic objective from the beginning

However, the filthy Democrats, with the help of a few weak Republicans, gave away the victory with the Church-Case defunding of South Vietnam that gave a green light to the North to undo the agreement.
Flash unwinnable--all evidence here:
Gabe Lackmann bullshit.....

I don't fault you. You have been conditioned to unquestioningly support your military. I was the same for years. I served 25 as a matter of fact.
It's a scam, you are being led along a garden to the edge of a very high cliff.
Those who enlist in the military want to win.
Or a job. Ya know, I used to call officers pod people, because after they make light colonel they change. It's always political for them, but after a certain point it becomes, almost like you are talking to a politician? If that makes sense?
I won't pretend like I have rubbed elbows with generals or anything like that. I have assisted the assister at times. However, they are so far away from you and I. Their peers are other generals, government contractors, bureaucrats, and politicians. They at the tip of that strategic spear.
I think that is where civilians lose it.
They think that all military is just crunched into one big arena together, waiting for orders from Washington. At those levels, they are their own entity man. Not civilian, not political, but not really 'military' either, to be honest.
Flash unwinnable--all evidence here:

The Paris Peace Accord won the war for the US and South Vietnam.

All we had to do provide support for South Vietnam like we did for South Korea.

But we didn't do it so the North invaded.

If you point is that eventually the corrupt South Vietnam government would have blown it then that is an interesting point of view but we will never know. South Korea had some pretty corrupt leaders but we managed to stabilize the government.

We will never know because the Democrats gave the victory away.
Flash first France, then the US..I have many links/quotes/etc in my thread
..blah blah blah --no win ..not even close to a win
However, the filthy Democrats, with the help of a few weak Republicans, gave away the victory with the Church-Case defunding of South Vietnam that gave a green light to the North to undo the agreement.
Actually Republicans overwhelmingly voted for Church-Case in the House and only 4 Republicans voted against it in the Senate.

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RE: US Generals Lied, Lost Wars, And Looted Those They Claimed To Serve
SUBTOPIC: Objective and Outcomes in Conflicts
※→ el al,

BLUF: The concepts behind the terminology → "war" → "Win 'vs' Losses" → Victory and Strategy are all antiquated concepts along with the baggage and perceptions they carry with them has disappointment written all over them.

Those who enlist in the military want to win.
Actually, the term "war" is an idealization. In the big picture, the proper terms are: (QUOTATION SOURCE: ICRC & International Humanitarian Law)

◈ International humanitarian law distinguishes two types of armed conflicts, namely:
✦ international armed conflicts, opposing two or more States, and
✦ non-international armed conflicts, between governmental forces and non-
governmental armed groups, or between such groups only. IHL treaty law also establishes a distinction between non-international armed conflicts in the meaning of common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and non-international armed conflicts falling within the definition provided in Art. 1 of Additional Protocol II.
◈ Legally speaking, no other type of armed conflict exists. It is nevertheless important to underline that a situation can evolve from one type of armed conflict to another, depending on the facts prevailing at a certain moment.
Terms like "Win 'vs' Losses" → "Victory and Strategy" romanticized notions and political hype use to camouflage the latent objectives and hidden agendas. In terms of the Big Picture, the antiquated term "war" is not actually defined in the
DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms [Short title: DOD Dictionary] does not actually define either "War or Victory." What most people mean by "war" is:

objective —​
1. The clearly defined, decisive, and attainable goal toward which an operation is directed.​
2. The specific goal of the action taken which is essential to the commander’s plan.​

Now you do see the term "war" as part of a descriptive term or in the phrase of description:

◈ As examples of Phrases: explosive remnants of war - law of war - peacetime, crises or emergencies, or war - etc
◈ As examples of modifiers: irregular warfare - prescribed for war materiel - requirements of a war or other national emergency, etc​

Now there are some cases in which the term "war" becomes essential for international consumption:

◈ theater of war​
◈ Treatment of Prisoners of War​
◈ War Crimes​
◈ War potential or combat effectiveness​

But again, these have variable meanings depending on the entity using the terms and applying them to the events of the real-time world.

Similarly, "to win" is a battlefield outcome, not a conditional outcome based on the "absolute" political objective. An objective → to "break the will of the people to continue the conflict" cannot be achieved through conventional means. Why, because of the Customary and International Humanitarian Law (IHL) like (but not limited to) Rule 2: Acts or threats of violence the primary purpose of which is to spread terror among the civilian population are prohibited. To even tell a country that you are going to hurt them to the point that to continue to support hostilities will become such an unbearable agony → is a violation of IHL.

The only time that "to win" is an objective is when (politically speaking) it is designated a no-holds-barred war - with the unconditional support of Congress, a Declaration of War and
grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal in support of total war.

Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick.​
................................Teddy Roosevelt
......26th president of the United States

But if all you are going to do is carry a twig, then stay at home. If you really don't have a stick, then don't speak in opposition of an action by a people that WILL give it their all. The United States is not the country of President Roosevelt's day.

Most Respectfully,


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