US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds.

They'll be back....January 21st
Yes they'll be back as the traitor trump befriends his KGB friend Putin Putin plays dump for a fool

Yawn....go bother someone else you infantile tool.

Obama is just doing this because he's as butthurt as you are his agenda was rejected by America.

We're sick of you asshole's shit.
Go back to the stock markets sassy Hopefully you're better there than with politics

My holdings and trades are real....unlike your made up ones.....and your "politics"
So this must be what Hussein obozo thinks is payback

Or blaming someone that has no factor in the hacking? He is going crazy trying to cause friction with other foreign countries before Trimp takes over. He is a vindictive, shallow and crazy person.
This is similarity scary lol...........Referring to the posted article and this article...

This warning has been around for well over 2,000 years, but our leaders are completely ignoring God's warning that He will judge them for dividing up His land. On Friday, U.N. Security Council Resolution 2344 declared that all Jewish settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank are illegal, and it gave the Palestinians legal ownership of those territories.

Is this the dividing of the land that Joel 3 warns about? If not, it is pretty close. Many are still anticipating that there may be another U.N. Security Council resolution that would formally establish a Palestinian state, and if that happens, it would definitely fulfill Joel 3.

In Zechariah 12, we are told that the city of Jerusalem will be particularly troublesome in the last days. The following is what Zechariah 12:3 says in the Modern English Version:

Did Obama Just Bring a Curse on America With Anti-Israel Vote?'re one of those loony-cakes.
Trump humpers siding with Russia over America. Color us surprised.

It was the Russians that caused Hillary to lose...and it was a YouTube video that fomented Benghazi. You Obamabot will believe anything those proven lying sacks of shit utter if it provides your side political cover.

Wake the fuck up.
They'll be back....January 21st
Yes they'll be back as the traitor trump befriends his KGB friend Putin Putin plays dump for a fool

Yawn....go bother someone else you infantile tool.

Obama is just doing this because he's as butthurt as you are his agenda was rejected by America.

We're sick of you asshole's shit.
Go back to the stock markets sassy Hopefully you're better there than with politics

My holdings and trades are real....unlike your made up ones.....and your "politics"
I make more with my AAPL dividends then you make in the market all year
December 29, 2016 2:01 PM EST - Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) called for tougher sanctions on Moscow and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) called Russian President Vladimir Putin a "thug and a murderer." (Reuters)
John McCain needs to retire.
They'll be back....January 21st
Yes they'll be back as the traitor trump befriends his KGB friend Putin Putin plays dump for a fool

Yawn....go bother someone else you infantile tool.

Obama is just doing this because he's as butthurt as you are his agenda was rejected by America.

We're sick of you asshole's shit.
Go back to the stock markets sassy Hopefully you're better there than with politics

My holdings and trades are real....unlike your made up ones.....and your "politics"
I make more with my AAPL dividends then you make in the market all year

Yeah right...just like you bought FB "low"...every fake trader I've ran into bought APPL and FB...low. LOL
Trump now boxed in. …
Yes they'll be back as the traitor trump befriends his KGB friend Putin Putin plays dump for a fool

Yawn....go bother someone else you infantile tool.

Obama is just doing this because he's as butthurt as you are his agenda was rejected by America.

We're sick of you asshole's shit.
Go back to the stock markets sassy Hopefully you're better there than with politics

My holdings and trades are real....unlike your made up ones.....and your "politics"
I make more with my AAPL dividends then you make in the market all year

Yeah right...just like you bought FB "low"...every fake trader I've ran into bought APPL and FB...low. LOL
HEY DIP remember me telling you I'm NOT a trader?? I take some short term trades but nothing less than a couple of months I have a stock I've owned for 15+ years
Yawn....go bother someone else you infantile tool.

Obama is just doing this because he's as butthurt as you are his agenda was rejected by America.

We're sick of you asshole's shit.
Go back to the stock markets sassy Hopefully you're better there than with politics

My holdings and trades are real....unlike your made up ones.....and your "politics"
I make more with my AAPL dividends then you make in the market all year

Yeah right...just like you bought FB "low"...every fake trader I've ran into bought APPL and FB...low. LOL
HEY DIP remember me telling you I'm NOT a trader?? I take some short term trades but nothing less than a couple of months I have a stock I've owned for 15+ years

Yawn...I don't believe you. That's already been established
They'll be back....January 21st
Yes they'll be back as the traitor trump befriends his KGB friend Putin Putin plays dump for a fool

Yawn....go bother someone else you infantile tool.

Obama is just doing this because he's as butthurt as you are his agenda was rejected by America.

We're sick of you asshole's shit.
Go back to the stock markets sassy Hopefully you're better there than with politics
Can't be any worse than you 'stains are. Y'all oughta start carrying around a plant to replace all the oxygen you steal.
Yawn....go bother someone else you infantile tool.

Obama is just doing this because he's as butthurt as you are his agenda was rejected by America.

We're sick of you asshole's shit.
Go back to the stock markets sassy Hopefully you're better there than with politics

My holdings and trades are real....unlike your made up ones.....and your "politics"
I make more with my AAPL dividends then you make in the market all year

Yeah right...just like you bought FB "low"...every fake trader I've ran into bought APPL and FB...low. LOL
HEY DIP remember me telling you I'm NOT a trader?? I take some short term trades but nothing less than a couple of months I have a stock I've owned for 15+ years
That's spelled "traitor".

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