US Embassy in Kabul directs staff to destroy sensitive documents as many diplomats prepare for evacuation


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Taliban’s Lightning Afghanistan Advance Could Win Billions of Dollars in U.S.-Made Weapons.

Joe Dufus just sent 3k troops to evacuate the American embassy.

These are the Joe Dufus queers, transvestites, butch women and affirmative action Negroes fresh off CRT training. The Taliban won't know what hit them.
We had 20 years to devise an exit plan. This goes to show that the entire mess was nothing but a huge mistake.
BOTH sides ( Republican AND Democrat ) are responsible for this abortion of an outcome...

I've said it before and I'll say it again...

Going into Afghanistan to kill Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda scum after 9-11 while the Taliban were sheltering and enabling them was righteous...

But we should have been in-and-out of that 4th-world $hithole within six months...

It was a mistake to attempt to "nation-build" in a setting where we had nothing but Neanderthal Muzzie Fundamentalists to work with...

We should have bombed the phukkers back to the Stone Age and then walked away, leaving them stumbling-about in the smoking ruins...

As difficult as this is to say, except for hammering al-Qaeda operational camps and cells during the first few months...

This was a complete and utter and disgraceful and stupid waste of American blood and treasure...

Absolutely pointless... and there was absolutely no point in hanging-about one second longer than we did... there is no good way to end such a mess.

It was simpler this way.
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BOTH sides ( Republican AND Democrat ) are responsible for this abortion of an outcome...

I've said it before and I'll say it again...

Going into Afghanistan to kill Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda scum after 9-11 while the Taliban were sheltering and enabling them was righteous...

But we should have been in-and-out of that 4th-world $hithole within six months...

It was a mistake to attempt to "nation-build" in a setting where we had nothing but Neanderthal Muzzie Fundamentalists to work with...

We should have bombed the phukkers back to the Stone Age and then walked away, leaving them stumbling-about in the smoking ruins...

As difficult as this is to say, except for hammering al-Qaeda operational camps and cells during the first few months...

This was a complete and utter and disgraceful and stupid waste of American blood and treasure...

Absolutely pointless...

You are advocating murdering a countless number of people who did absolutely nothing to us.
BOTH sides ( Republican AND Democrat ) are responsible for this abortion of an outcome...

I've said it before and I'll say it again...

Going into Afghanistan to kill Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda scum after 9-11 while the Taliban were sheltering and enabling them was righteous...

But we should have been in-and-out of that 4th-world $hithole within six months...

It was a mistake to attempt to "nation-build" in a setting where we had nothing but Neanderthal Muzzie Fundamentalists to work with...

We should have bombed the phukkers back to the Stone Age and then walked away, leaving them stumbling-about in the smoking ruins...

As difficult as this is to say, except for hammering al-Qaeda operational camps and cells during the first few months...

This was a complete and utter and disgraceful and stupid waste of American blood and treasure...

Absolutely pointless...
Absolutely true!

Our war was always with the Bin Laden terrorists.

We let Bin Laden get away at Tora Bora and then we decided on nation building. That was dumb as hell.

You are correct and it is both a Democrat and Republican failure but Obama should never have escalated the war and should have called it quits after Bin Laden was killed.
just like in Vietnam..the US never learns
Not entirely true...

In Operation Desert Storm, Bush 41, Powell and Schwarzkopf conducted a war with specific goals and got us out as soon as those goals were accomplished.

Mind you, I think they made a mistake, letting Saddam remain in power, but those three men DID learn and remember and act accordingly.

But.... yeah... there is merit in what you say in this regard... the National Collective Memory... for lack of a better phrase... is pretty damned faulty.
Not entirely true...

In Operation Desert Storm, Bush 41, Powell and Schwarzkopf conducted a war with specific goals and got us out as soon as those goals were accomplished.

Mind you, I think they made a mistake, letting Saddam remain in power, but those three men DID learn and remember and act accordingly.

But.... yeah... there is merit in what you say in this regard... the National Collective Memory... for lack of a better phrase... is pretty damned faulty.

Saddam was in power because we backed him to start with. Mind our own business.
Kondor3 exactly what my new thread is about---EXACTLY--and I was going to mention PG1/Six Day War/etc ...but I didn't want to make the OP too long/etc
...key word in the OP is '''TERRORISM''''

It was a mistake to attempt to "nation-build" in a setting where we had nothing but Neanderthal Muzzie Fundamentalists to work with...
I believe they accomplished EXACTLY what they intended. I was never one to believe that our government would use the lives of our military to enrich themselves with graft from war contracts but today I do. They sucked the tit for 20 years and have made no plans to draw down safely. That may not be a mistake. If they haven't milked enough cash from that cow yet they could easily cause a crisis as they leave that requires them to come back and continue the theft. I put NOTHING past them at this point.
In Operation Desert Storm, Bush 41, Powell and Schwarzkopf conducted a war with specific goals and got us out as soon as those goals were accomplished.
They did and it cannot be denied that they should have taken Saddam out before drawing the forces down. BUT... if you recall, Bush had basically given the UN near-veto power on that operation, and had he continued further into Iraq to "finish the job", that coalition could have dissolved overnight OR begun fighting against itself.
Kondor3 totally different from Afghanistan ......
Yes and No.

Yes, insofar as the casus belli and logistics and particulars of our adversary were concerned...

No, insofar as we learned from Vietnam in that we got in-and-out of Kuwait-Iraq in 1991 without endless flopping-about after the initial victory...
We had 20 years to devise an exit plan. This goes to show that the entire mess was nothing but a huge mistake.
well don’t blame the past twenty years…xiden is the one that is leading this failed exit. It’s all on him

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