Are the debates already rigged? How?

CNN stands for the Clinton News Network and ABC also leans to the left. Most all of their journalists and so called moderators are donors to the democratic party and avid anti-Trumpers.
Yet trump freely agreed to those terms. Why do you think he did that?
The debates have only recently been agreed to, but there are already accusations that they are already rigged. Some believe the fix is in, but others think those claims are just another conspiracy theory. Both parties have agreed to the time, date, venue, and those posing the questions, as well as no audience. I've heard the rules will call for 5 minutes to answer, and then the microphone will be cut off. With both parties agreeing to the rules, I don't see how the format can be considered rigging. Do you think the debates are, or will be rigged? How do you think they might rig it?
Will they actually cut Cheeto's mic? The were supposed to in 2020 and didn't.
meh....they gave the questions to Hillary Clinton when she debated's not a stretch to imagine they will give the questions to Biden also.

No surprises there.

These people don't have any morals!
meh....they gave the questions to Hillary Clinton when she debated's not a stretch to imagine they will give the questions to Biden also.

No surprises there.

These people don't have any morals!
Irony meter: broken
meh....they gave the questions to Hillary Clinton when she debated's not a stretch to imagine they will give the questions to Biden also.

No surprises there.

These people don't have any morals!
Some people say that you're an absolute lunatic.
The debates have only recently been agreed to, but there are already accusations that they are already rigged. Some believe the fix is in, but others think those claims are just another conspiracy theory. Both parties have agreed to the time, date, venue, and those posing the questions, as well as no audience. I've heard the rules will call for 5 minutes to answer, and then the microphone will be cut off. With both parties agreeing to the rules, I don't see how the format can be considered rigging. Do you think the debates are, or will be rigged? How do you think they might rig it?
CNN works for the Democratic Party. Next question?
The debates have only recently been agreed to, but there are already accusations that they are already rigged. Some believe the fix is in, but others think those claims are just another conspiracy theory. Both parties have agreed to the time, date, venue, and those posing the questions, as well as no audience. I've heard the rules will call for 5 minutes to answer, and then the microphone will be cut off. With both parties agreeing to the rules, I don't see how the format can be considered rigging. Do you think the debates are, or will be rigged? How do you think they might rig it?
Here’s what I think. Rigged? No idea, we’ll have to see the debate first to know.

What I don’t like is that it’s going to be moderated by liberals, who control the mic cut off. It’s not about who talks over each other as it is about the moderators allowing Biden to make all kinds of accusations and not allowing Trump to respond. After Biden goes in a big rant, when it comes to trumps turn, they’ll say “and on to the next topic”

If they pull that kind of thing, then yes, I’d say it’s rigged..
By the way you fucking dumb piece of shit, Luke 11:21 is part of a parable where Jesus is referencing Satan as the strong man. Well, we've confirmed you've never actually read the bible or if you have, you didnt understand what you read. The entire passage reads as follows:
"“When the strong man fully armed guards his own court, his goods are in peace, but when a stronger than he shall come on him, and overcome him, he takes from him his whole armour in which he trusted, and divides his spoils.”

The one that is "stronger than he (Satan)" is a reference to Jesus. So in other words, you are promoting Satan. Fuck, you're an absolute idiot. Who knows maybe you are a Satan worshipper. It appears that way.
Another off topic deflection fucking bitch
Can you even imagine the outraged HOWLS of indignation coming from liberals if this debate was being moderated by Fox News? That would be unacceptable...utterly UNACCEPTABLE yet most of them are so steeped in progressive propaganda they don't consider CNN to be a biased news organization! Then again these are the same people who declared the Jan. 6th Committee to be "non-partisan" because Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger were on it!

So the debate will be held at a venue that is totally ready to do whatever they can to help Joe Biden but you know what? I still think Trump did the right thing in accepting because just having Joe Biden on stage having to answer questions for an hour is going to be a real challenge. I think there is a very good chance that Biden has one of his "episodes" where he just starts babbling and even Bash and Tapper won't be able to save him.
Can you even imagine the outraged HOWLS of indignation coming from liberals if this debate was being moderated by Fox News? That would be unacceptable...utterly UNACCEPTABLE yet most of them are so steeped in progressive propaganda they don't consider CNN to be a biased news organization! Then again these are the same people who declared the Jan. 6th Committee to be "non-partisan" because Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger were on it!

So the debate will be held at a venue that is totally ready to do whatever they can to help Joe Biden but you know what? I still think Trump did the right thing in accepting because just having Joe Biden on stage having to answer questions for an hour is going to be a real challenge. I think there is a very good chance that Biden has one of his "episodes" where he just starts babbling and even Bash and Tapper won't be able to save him.
Remember when trump had a Town Hall on CNN?
So you’re pro-Hamas. Shocking (not!).
Wow, the delusion is strong in that one. Obviously, you've never bothered to read anything I've written, but hey, don't let that stop you from creating opinions out of nothing. It hasn't yet.
Joe Biden is NOT debatable. The guy is going to stand there and spew lie after lie until his opponent is exasperated with the lies. Instead Trump should let Joe tell a few whopper lies then call him a liar and walk off the stage, end of debate.

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