US credit rating CUT- Bernanke to blame

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Obama, the Democrats, and the Republicans are all responsible for this. They have all forsaken their fiscal responsibility and yet most people will go out and vote them all right back into office again. You get the government you deserve.

Ratings firm Egan-Jones cut its credit rating on the U.S. government to "AA-" from "AA," citing its opinion that quantitative easing from the Federal Reserve would hurt the U.S. economy and the country's credit quality.

The Fed on Thursday said it would pump $40 billion into the U.S. economy each month until it saw a sustained upturn in the weak jobs market. (Read more: Fed's 'QE Infinity' — Four Things That Could Go Wrong)

In its downgrade, the firm said that issuing more currency and depressing interest rates through purchasing mortgage-backed securities does little to raise the U.S.'s real gross domestic product, but reduces the value of the dollar.

In turn, this increases the cost of commodities, which will pressure the profitability of businesses and increase the costs of consumers thereby reducing consumer purchasing power, the firm said.

In April, Egan-Jones cuts the U.S. credit rating to "AA" from "AA+" with a negative watch, citing a lack of progress in cutting the mounting federal debt.

US Credit Rating Cut by Egan-Jones ... Again - US  Business News - CNBC
I sincerely hope that the DC whores can't agree on extending the tax cuts and the fiscal cliff and automatic sequestration happens. They need to be hit upside the head how much money they have and stop borrowing before the economy completely collapses. This mis-management has gone on too long already.

C'mon fiscal cliff, cut spending to $3T...
Thanks Obama.

US Credit Rating Cut by Egan-Jones ... Again - US  Business News - CNBC

Ratings firm Egan-Jones cut its credit rating on the U.S. government to "AA-" from "AA," citing its opinion that quantitative easing from the Federal Reserve would hurt the U.S. economy and the country's credit quality.

The Fed on Thursday said it would pump $40 billion into the U.S. economy each month until it saw a sustained upturn in the weak jobs market. (Read more: Fed's 'QE Infinity' — Four Things That Could Go Wrong)

In its downgrade, the firm said that issuing more currency and depressing interest rates through purchasing mortgage-backed securities does little to raise the U.S.'s real gross domestic product, but reduces the value of the dollar. ......

In turn, this increases the cost of commodities, which will pressure the profitability of businesses and increase the costs of consumers thereby reducing consumer purchasing power, the firm said.

In April, Egan-Jones cuts the U.S. credit rating to "AA" from "AA+" with a negative watch, citing a lack of progress in cutting the mounting federal debt
I said this was going to happen in the two threads here on Bernanke and his print machine.. I said they warned us they would slash our credit rating AND THEY DID.. The article states very clearly that pumping all these worthless dollars (treasury bills) in to the economy is going to SKYROCKET inflation.. You damn liberals are the fucking IDIOT party.
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US Credit Rating Cut by Egan-Jones ... Again - US* Business News - CNBC

We all saw this coming.. I've been talking about it here for over 24 hours now and the libs just mocked me.. NOW WHAT you damn idiots?!

Kiss America goodbye. I enjoyed it while it lasted.

These fucking liberals and their socialist spending rampage! I'm so sick of this Administration and their ZOMBIE followers.. Our country is falling apart and that sorry ass Obama is campaigning.. ABSENT LEADERSHIP

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