Having high ranking military *ask* Jones not to exercise free speech:


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey called Florida pastor Terry Jones on Wednesday to ask him to withdraw his support for the video that some reports have linked with anti-American unrest in the Muslim world, a spokesman said.

"I know the military has operational concerns, and I’m concerned about the safety of troops and diplomats, but having the nation’s high-ranking military officials ask people not to exercise their right to free speech is pretty chilling of free speech."

The eight dumbest things said about free speech this week « Hot Air
The guy's a shit-stirrer, and he's putting Americans at risk, whether you like it or not is irrelevant.

Hey.............free speech states that you can say anything you like, but there are limits on it. Shouting "fire" in a crowded building when there isn't one for example, because that endangers lives by causing panic.

Same reason the general asked Jones to stand down.

But...............if Terry Jones really wants to exercise his free speech and burn a Koran while showing that video, let him do so..............................

Smack dab in the center of Tahrir square.
The degree of the stupidity of leftist American-haters is frightening.
The guy's a shit-stirrer, and he's putting Americans at risk, whether you like it or not is irrelevant.

Hey.............free speech states that you can say anything you like, but there are limits on it. Shouting "fire" in a crowded building when there isn't one for example, because that endangers lives by causing panic.

Same reason the general asked Jones to stand down.

But...............if Terry Jones really wants to exercise his free speech and burn a Koran while showing that video, let him do so..............................

Smack dab in the center of Tahrir square.

It doesn't even go that far. If Jones would have told the general to go screw himself, does anyone really think men with guns were going to arrive at his door?
Let us also try to remember, he's not being silenced, but he has been asked to stfu.

Freedom of speech still reigns.

And............he's been given a very good reason to do so.

I think the military should provide Jones with a plane ticket, a large video screen with a VCR, a Koran and a Bic lighter.

That way he can exercise his freedom of speech in Tahrir square over in Cairo and see first hand what it's like.
The general is the Obama administrations way of our military denonucing such behavior.

Speaks directly to: if we are just nicer to them they wont hate us.
The degree of the stupidity of leftist American-haters is frightening.

Gen. Dempsey, who has devoted his life to service of nation, isn't an "American-hater". Also, since he's a general, I am pretty sure he's not a liberal.
The general is the Obama administrations way of our military denonucing such behavior.

Speaks directly to: if we are just nicer to them they wont hate us.

Here's the problem, I can just accept the fact that these things are going to happen if the situation presents itself.

It doesn't mean I condone the action.
At what point did I say anything about incitement?

Do the events of the last several days not show you that it's putting some lives at risk?

Shit-stirring = incitement. Come on now.

I think aside of other telling specifics as to the timing.....I support free speech and fuck Islam.

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