US Communist Leader: ‘Progressive Change Is Closer than We Think’


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
links in article at site.

by Trevor Loudon
In a Christmas break message to his party, Communist Party USA vice chair Jarvis Tyner has confirmed the vital importance of the build up to the 2012 elections to “set the stage for a new progressive era and for a socialist transformation.”

Tyner draws clear right/left battle lines and the communist’s commitment to Party ‘friend’ President Barack Obama and to the Democratic Party cause;

2012 is a big election year and as we know the stakes are very high. The right-wing Republican opposition unashamedly defends the wealth and privilege of the 1% over the 99% that includes tens of millions who are struggling to survive. These self-proclaimed patriots are willing to wreck our country in order to defeat Barack Obama in 2012 elections. Our party and youth league are an active part of the great democratic mass that is standing against them.

Jarvis Tyner also makes it clear that a key part of the Communist Party/Democratic Party game plan, will be use of the “race card”.

If the Republicans and Tea Party gang want people to stop accusing them of racism, there is a solution. They must end their long history of using racist scapegoating and pushing racist policies and practices. After the passage of the Civil rights and voting rights acts in the mid sixties the racist Southern white Democrats (called “Dixiecrats”) en mass joined the ranks of the Republican Party. They were warmly welcomed. Today without their racist Southern base of voters the Republicans could not win the presidency, or any national election. They literally thrive on racism as a party. And that is why there is a virulent racist component to almost every program they advance today.

It begins with the disgraceful attacks on the first African American president. But continues also on the issues of reducing the size of the federal government and privatization, which means that the government will not be able to stop massive corporate abuse of working people.

It means the destruction of vital public services and the jobs of public workers who are disproportionately African American and Latino unionized workers. And the privatization, characterization and destruction of public education are primarily aimed at predominantly Black and Latino school.

The racist component is dramatically present in the incarceration rates for African-American males and the use of the death penalty. Since a higher proportion of African American and Latino workers are members of unions then other racial groups, the Republicans pro-corporate anti-union drive also has a strong racist component. One of the most backward parts of the Republican program is the racist attack on Mexican immigrants.

There is a direct correlation between the level of racism and the fight for democracy, peace and for socialism. In our country in a special way, racism blunts the fight against capitalist exploitation and oppression and US imperialism. These struggles cannot be advanced without an ongoing struggle against racism.

Tyner then goes onto outline the Communist Party’s commitment to Democratic Party victories over several decades;

read it all here with comments.
» US Communist Leader: ‘Progressive Change Is Closer than We Think’ - Big Government
Well, I agree with Tyner on most of that, of course (surprisingly reasonable coming from a Communist), but he has delusions of his party's importance in American politics.

So, it would seem, do you.
Doesn't this give you a warm tingly feeling knowing the Communist party throws it SUPPORT behind the Democrat party?

wake up folks...look real hard at the Democrat party..
Yep, todays GOP are making the fringe parties look reasonable. Really tells you where the wingnuts truly are at.

I wasn't comparing him to the Republicans but to the CP as I remember them. It's been a long time since I had anything to do with those guys, though; I stopped being a Commie in the 1970s. So it's entirely possible the party has changed. Maybe the big turning point was when the Soviet Union fell. In the old days, the CPUSA was widely known on the left for being Soviet shills. Since that's no longer possible, there being no USSR to shill for, perhaps they've begun thinking for themselves. That would be good, I guess.

Anyway, he's absolutely right, we are at an important turning point in terms of progressive change. More than the possible outcome of the election itself is the beginning of a change in the Democratic Party in response to Occupy. They seem to be having glimmers of a recollection that they're supposed to be the progressive party in American politics. If they get more wholehearted about that change and articulate it well, they'll demolish the GOP next year.

But it's really 2016 that I'm hoping for.
Doesn't this give you a warm tingly feeling knowing the Communist party throws it SUPPORT behind the Democrat party?

wake up folks...look real hard at the Democrat party..

I don't worry about it anymore than the Republicans accepting help from the Nazis. :cool:
Yep, todays GOP are making the fringe parties look reasonable. Really tells you where the wingnuts truly are at.

I wasn't comparing him to the Republicans but to the CP as I remember them. It's been a long time since I had anything to do with those guys, though; I stopped being a Commie in the 1970s. So it's entirely possible the party has changed. Maybe the big turning point was when the Soviet Union fell. In the old days, the CPUSA was widely known on the left for being Soviet shills. Since that's no longer possible, there being no USSR to shill for, perhaps they've begun thinking for themselves. That would be good, I guess.

Anyway, he's absolutely right, we are at an important turning point in terms of progressive change. More than the possible outcome of the election itself is the beginning of a change in the Democratic Party in response to Occupy. They seem to be having glimmers of a recollection that they're supposed to be the progressive party in American politics. If they get more wholehearted about that change and articulate it well, they'll demolish the GOP next year.

But it's really 2016 that I'm hoping for.

You can drop the pretty name Progressive and just call it what it is...communist.
The people in this country is still mostly Conservative..but that won't stop you commies with your OWS to cause as much trouble for the American people as you might be surprised by the response...back
links in article at site.

by Trevor Loudon
In a Christmas break message to his party, Communist Party USA vice chair Jarvis Tyner has confirmed the vital importance of the build up to the 2012 elections to “set the stage for a new progressive era and for a socialist transformation.”

Tyner draws clear right/left battle lines and the communist’s commitment to Party ‘friend’ President Barack Obama and to the Democratic Party cause;

2012 is a big election year and as we know the stakes are very high. The right-wing Republican opposition unashamedly defends the wealth and privilege of the 1% over the 99% that includes tens of millions who are struggling to survive. These self-proclaimed patriots are willing to wreck our country in order to defeat Barack Obama in 2012 elections. Our party and youth league are an active part of the great democratic mass that is standing against them.

Jarvis Tyner also makes it clear that a key part of the Communist Party/Democratic Party game plan, will be use of the “race card”.

If the Republicans and Tea Party gang want people to stop accusing them of racism, there is a solution. They must end their long history of using racist scapegoating and pushing racist policies and practices. After the passage of the Civil rights and voting rights acts in the mid sixties the racist Southern white Democrats (called “Dixiecrats”) en mass joined the ranks of the Republican Party. They were warmly welcomed. Today without their racist Southern base of voters the Republicans could not win the presidency, or any national election. They literally thrive on racism as a party. And that is why there is a virulent racist component to almost every program they advance today.

It begins with the disgraceful attacks on the first African American president. But continues also on the issues of reducing the size of the federal government and privatization, which means that the government will not be able to stop massive corporate abuse of working people.

It means the destruction of vital public services and the jobs of public workers who are disproportionately African American and Latino unionized workers. And the privatization, characterization and destruction of public education are primarily aimed at predominantly Black and Latino school.

The racist component is dramatically present in the incarceration rates for African-American males and the use of the death penalty. Since a higher proportion of African American and Latino workers are members of unions then other racial groups, the Republicans pro-corporate anti-union drive also has a strong racist component. One of the most backward parts of the Republican program is the racist attack on Mexican immigrants.

There is a direct correlation between the level of racism and the fight for democracy, peace and for socialism. In our country in a special way, racism blunts the fight against capitalist exploitation and oppression and US imperialism. These struggles cannot be advanced without an ongoing struggle against racism.

Tyner then goes onto outline the Communist Party’s commitment to Democratic Party victories over several decades;

read it all here with comments.
» US Communist Leader: ‘Progressive Change Is Closer than We Think’ - Big Government

This guy is a typical leftie. Blames all the ills on society on the right not wanting big government to run every aspect of people's lives. The left are the ones who use minorities as pawns in their quest for power. They don't want to see them do well. They want them completely dependent on government for every need to ensure votes. They don't care that in 50 years, the poor have not been elevated, but are part of an expanding group that are more desperate than ever. The more government "helps" them, the worse it gets.

Unions are no more than political money laundering organizations. They seek to raid the pockets of the tax payers with collective bargaining, which ensures that no worker is fired no matter how lazy or inept they are. They donate big money to Democrats. Every time the government comes up with a program to "help" the people, the unions often benefit. It's the unions who make millions off the school lunch programs and turn around and put that money back into Democrats pockets. Never mind that after years of government being involved in school lunch and breakfast programs, we have fat children. Now they will do more of the same and claim they'll change that.

Generations of families on welfare, fat union bosses, a bloated and controlling government and a socialist health care program that will worsen the quality of health care in this country are their only achievements.

Socialists and communists are idiots. It never works the way they say and history shows us that. It's always the same with these pied pipers. They promise people the moon and stars and lead them over the cliff. And people are so trusting and so blind that they think they make sense.
Yep, todays GOP are making the fringe parties look reasonable. Really tells you where the wingnuts truly are at.

I wasn't comparing him to the Republicans but to the CP as I remember them. It's been a long time since I had anything to do with those guys, though; I stopped being a Commie in the 1970s. So it's entirely possible the party has changed. Maybe the big turning point was when the Soviet Union fell. In the old days, the CPUSA was widely known on the left for being Soviet shills. Since that's no longer possible, there being no USSR to shill for, perhaps they've begun thinking for themselves. That would be good, I guess.

Anyway, he's absolutely right, we are at an important turning point in terms of progressive change. More than the possible outcome of the election itself is the beginning of a change in the Democratic Party in response to Occupy. They seem to be having glimmers of a recollection that they're supposed to be the progressive party in American politics. If they get more wholehearted about that change and articulate it well, they'll demolish the GOP next year.

But it's really 2016 that I'm hoping for.

You can drop the pretty name Progressive and just call it what it is...communist.
The people in this country is still mostly Conservative..but that won't stop you commies with your OWS to cause as much trouble for the American people as you might be surprised by the response...back

Trying to hide the Republicans' Nazi ties, eh? Do we need to bring that all back? :lol::lol::lol:
You can drop the pretty name Progressive and just call it what it is...communist.
The people in this country is still mostly Conservative..but that won't stop you commies with your OWS to cause as much trouble for the American people as you might be surprised by the response...back

LOL Stephanie you're so funny.

The Cold War is over, you know. Or did you know? Happened 20 years ago. Pretty interesting times.

Anyway, you're wrong about all of that, as usual. Progressives aren't Communists (although Communists are at least supposed to be progressives), the country isn't mostly conservative, Occupy is certainly not Communist for the most part although a few Commies are supporting it, and Wall Street is not the American people.

I would say you are likely to be the one surprised, except that since the end of the Cold War seems to have escaped your notice, maybe you just won't pay attention.
man of man these people are clueless.

Government didnt crash this economy you fools.

The CEOs of banks did with the help of the republican party
You can drop the pretty name Progressive and just call it what it is...communist.
The people in this country is still mostly Conservative..but that won't stop you commies with your OWS to cause as much trouble for the American people as you might be surprised by the response...back

LOL Stephanie you're so funny.

The Cold War is over, you know. Or did you know? Happened 20 years ago. Pretty interesting times.

Anyway, you're wrong about all of that, as usual. Progressives aren't Communists (although Communists are at least supposed to be progressives), the country isn't mostly conservative, Occupy is certainly not Communist for the most part although a few Commies are supporting it, and Wall Street is not the American people.

I would say you are likely to be the one surprised, except that since the end of the Cold War seems to have escaped your notice, maybe you just won't pay attention.

yeah ok...deny, lie and deceive...The communist-progressive motto
links in article at site.

by Trevor Loudon
In a Christmas break message to his party, Communist Party USA vice chair Jarvis Tyner has confirmed the vital importance of the build up to the 2012 elections to “set the stage for a new progressive era and for a socialist transformation.”

Tyner draws clear right/left battle lines and the communist’s commitment to Party ‘friend’ President Barack Obama and to the Democratic Party cause;

2012 is a big election year and as we know the stakes are very high. The right-wing Republican opposition unashamedly defends the wealth and privilege of the 1% over the 99% that includes tens of millions who are struggling to survive. These self-proclaimed patriots are willing to wreck our country in order to defeat Barack Obama in 2012 elections. Our party and youth league are an active part of the great democratic mass that is standing against them.

Jarvis Tyner also makes it clear that a key part of the Communist Party/Democratic Party game plan, will be use of the “race card”.

If the Republicans and Tea Party gang want people to stop accusing them of racism, there is a solution. They must end their long history of using racist scapegoating and pushing racist policies and practices. After the passage of the Civil rights and voting rights acts in the mid sixties the racist Southern white Democrats (called “Dixiecrats”) en mass joined the ranks of the Republican Party. They were warmly welcomed. Today without their racist Southern base of voters the Republicans could not win the presidency, or any national election. They literally thrive on racism as a party. And that is why there is a virulent racist component to almost every program they advance today.

It begins with the disgraceful attacks on the first African American president. But continues also on the issues of reducing the size of the federal government and privatization, which means that the government will not be able to stop massive corporate abuse of working people.

It means the destruction of vital public services and the jobs of public workers who are disproportionately African American and Latino unionized workers. And the privatization, characterization and destruction of public education are primarily aimed at predominantly Black and Latino school.

The racist component is dramatically present in the incarceration rates for African-American males and the use of the death penalty. Since a higher proportion of African American and Latino workers are members of unions then other racial groups, the Republicans pro-corporate anti-union drive also has a strong racist component. One of the most backward parts of the Republican program is the racist attack on Mexican immigrants.

There is a direct correlation between the level of racism and the fight for democracy, peace and for socialism. In our country in a special way, racism blunts the fight against capitalist exploitation and oppression and US imperialism. These struggles cannot be advanced without an ongoing struggle against racism.

Tyner then goes onto outline the Communist Party’s commitment to Democratic Party victories over several decades;

read it all here with comments.
» US Communist Leader: ‘Progressive Change Is Closer than We Think’ - Big Government

This guy is a typical leftie. Blames all the ills on society on the right not wanting big government to run every aspect of people's lives. The left are the ones who use minorities as pawns in their quest for power. They don't want to see them do well. They want them completely dependent on government for every need to ensure votes. They don't care that in 50 years, the poor have not been elevated, but are part of an expanding group that are more desperate than ever. The more government "helps" them, the worse it gets.

Unions are no more than political money laundering organizations. They seek to raid the pockets of the tax payers with collective bargaining, which ensures that no worker is fired no matter how lazy or inept they are. They donate big money to Democrats. Every time the government comes up with a program to "help" the people, the unions often benefit. It's the unions who make millions off the school lunch programs and turn around and put that money back into Democrats pockets. Never mind that after years of government being involved in school lunch and breakfast programs, we have fat children. Now they will do more of the same and claim they'll change that.

Generations of families on welfare, fat union bosses, a bloated and controlling government and a socialist health care program that will worsen the quality of health care in this country are their only achievements.

Socialists and communists are idiots. It never works the way they say and history shows us that. It's always the same with these pied pipers. They promise people the moon and stars and lead them over the cliff. And people are so trusting and so blind that they think they make sense.

[ame=]"We're Number 37" - Paul Hipp - YouTube[/ame]
You can drop the pretty name Progressive and just call it what it is...communist.
The people in this country is still mostly Conservative..but that won't stop you commies with your OWS to cause as much trouble for the American people as you might be surprised by the response...back

LOL Stephanie you're so funny.

The Cold War is over, you know. Or did you know? Happened 20 years ago. Pretty interesting times.

Anyway, you're wrong about all of that, as usual. Progressives aren't Communists (although Communists are at least supposed to be progressives), the country isn't mostly conservative, Occupy is certainly not Communist for the most part although a few Commies are supporting it, and Wall Street is not the American people.

I would say you are likely to be the one surprised, except that since the end of the Cold War seems to have escaped your notice, maybe you just won't pay attention.

yeah ok...deny, lie and deceive...The communist-progressive motto

Poor, poor Staphanie, just misses dear old Tailgunner Joe so much:D
LOL Stephanie you're so funny.

The Cold War is over, you know. Or did you know? Happened 20 years ago. Pretty interesting times.

Anyway, you're wrong about all of that, as usual. Progressives aren't Communists (although Communists are at least supposed to be progressives), the country isn't mostly conservative, Occupy is certainly not Communist for the most part although a few Commies are supporting it, and Wall Street is not the American people.

I would say you are likely to be the one surprised, except that since the end of the Cold War seems to have escaped your notice, maybe you just won't pay attention.

yeah ok...deny, lie and deceive...The communist-progressive motto

Poor, poor Staphanie, just misses dear old Tailgunner Joe so much:D

I don't think it's Joe McCarthy she misses, but Joe Stalin. He was so GOOD at being the bad guy! The left doesn't have anyone nowadays that makes such a handy image for demonization and guilt by association.

Frustrating, I'm sure. :tongue:
I don't think it's Joe McCarthy she misses, but Joe Stalin. He was so GOOD at being the bad guy! The left doesn't have anyone nowadays that makes such a handy image for demonization and guilt by association.

Frustrating, I'm sure. :tongue:

deny, lie, deceive and DEMONIZE.

the progressive-communist motto
this whole crap about equating the democratic party with the communist party is such horseshit.

The idiot ranks who buy this stupoid stuff are shrinking thankfully and soon the republican party will have to jetison the rest of these nutters to ever win another election.

Good days are right arround the corner.
this whole crap about equating the democratic party with the communist party is such horseshit.

The idiot ranks who buy this stupoid stuff are shrinking thankfully and soon the republican party will have to jetison the rest of these nutters to ever win another election.

Good days are right arround the corner.

funny how they both have the SAME goals eh?

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