US Ban On Cluster Bombs Reversed


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
More of our great Commander in Chief taking the fetters off the military, and letting them do what they do best. :happy-1:

"January 11, 2018: In late 2017 the U.S. decided to reverse a 2008 decision to phase out the use of cluster munitions by 2019. The reason behind this cluster munition ban was the 2010 Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM). The countries with major stockpiles of cluster bombs, like the United States, Russia and China didn’t sign or ratified the CCM and the American 2008 decision was made to silence critics while keeping their options open. Meanwhile the Americans thought that current cluster munitions could be replaced more effective (precise and reliable) cluster munitions free of the drawbacks that led to the CCM. This turned to be much harder than anticipated because not only are smart munitions much more expensive but also a limited stockpile can be very quickly depleted in conventional conflict."

Air Weapons: U.S. Cluster Bombs Get A Reprieve
More of our great Commander in Chief taking the fetters off the military, and letting them do what they do best. :happy-1:

"January 11, 2018: In late 2017 the U.S. decided to reverse a 2008 decision to phase out the use of cluster munitions by 2019. The reason behind this cluster munition ban was the 2010 Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM). The countries with major stockpiles of cluster bombs, like the United States, Russia and China didn’t sign or ratified the CCM and the American 2008 decision was made to silence critics while keeping their options open. Meanwhile the Americans thought that current cluster munitions could be replaced more effective (precise and reliable) cluster munitions free of the drawbacks that led to the CCM. This turned to be much harder than anticipated because not only are smart munitions much more expensive but also a limited stockpile can be very quickly depleted in conventional conflict."

Air Weapons: U.S. Cluster Bombs Get A Reprieve

More of our great Commander in Chief taking the fetters off the military, and letting them do what they do best. :happy-1:

"January 11, 2018: In late 2017 the U.S. decided to reverse a 2008 decision to phase out the use of cluster munitions by 2019. The reason behind this cluster munition ban was the 2010 Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM). The countries with major stockpiles of cluster bombs, like the United States, Russia and China didn’t sign or ratified the CCM and the American 2008 decision was made to silence critics while keeping their options open. Meanwhile the Americans thought that current cluster munitions could be replaced more effective (precise and reliable) cluster munitions free of the drawbacks that led to the CCM. This turned to be much harder than anticipated because not only are smart munitions much more expensive but also a limited stockpile can be very quickly depleted in conventional conflict."

Air Weapons: U.S. Cluster Bombs Get A Reprieve

Yee Haw!

Ain't that like them Joos to take something of ours and make it better? :beer:
Israel, Jews damned by God, dropped millions of cluster bombs in the somewhat recent Israel/Syria war. Cluster bombs had been band by western nations because of their low tactical value and high probability of wounding and killing innocent people for years after a war.
Israel, Jews damned by God, dropped millions of cluster bombs in the somewhat recent Israel/Syria war. Cluster bombs had been band by western nations because of their low tactical value and high probability of wounding and killing innocent people for years after a war.
high probability??
innocents are killed in just about every war
Take the gloves off and let the US military show it's might. ROE is for pussies
Every American Body Bag Is Stamped "ROE"

The air-conditioned ethics of the Geneva Convention were cooked up by sheltered vicious snobs whose class-supremacy goal was to kill off or take the fight out of us plebeians who went off to war. Mission accomplished. That class owes us Vietnam vets 60,000 lives.
Israel, Jews damned by God, dropped millions of cluster bombs in the somewhat recent Israel/Syria war. Cluster bombs had been band by western nations because of their low tactical value and high probability of wounding and killing innocent people for years after a war.
Whoever Controls Language Controls Thought

Wars are between whole nations, not just between their militaries. There are no civilians in war. That word was made up by cowards and GI-haters. At most, "civilian" refers to someone in peacetime who isn't in the military.
Israel, Jews damned by God, dropped millions of cluster bombs in the somewhat recent Israel/Syria war. Cluster bombs had been band by western nations because of their low tactical value and high probability of wounding and killing innocent people for years after a war.
high probability??
innocents are killed in just about every war
Pick a Side or You Deserve to Get Picked Off

There are no innocents in a combat zone.
There are no innocents in a combat zone.

Here's the thing undetonated cluster bombs hang around long after an area has stopped being a combat zone.
Swishing Towards Gomorrah

You jealous sissies like to see manly troops get killed because of restricted use of weapons. Patriots couldn't care less about the future of shithole countries.
Cluster bombs are VERY EFFECTIVE weapons against groups like ISIS............

The same group that put's people in cages and burns them alive on video.......

Lines people up and Behead them....

Stake people to crosses hang them up to die..........

Uses Acid and other torture methods on prisoners or those not deemed worthy of their religion..........


Sounds right to me.
There are no innocents in a combat zone.

Here's the thing, dumbshit, undetonated cluster bombs hang around long after an area has stopped being a combat zone.
so we would rather lose the war/lose military personnel because of bleeding hearts??

I don't give a shit about you. If you were dying slowly of agonizing cancer, I'd still sit back and enjoy a beer. And, when you die, God will throw you into the lake of fire, with an "amen" from me, so don't accuse me have having a bleeding heart. Here's the real deal with warmongering pieces of shit like you, you want to take my money and waste it on bullshit. Stick to your own money for killing others, and may karma eviscerate you, dumbshit. Amen.

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