Unrigging Our Elections


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Unrigging Our Elections

Republicans need a serious counter-offensive if they want to stand a chance.

3 May 2023 ~~ By Mark and Mollie Hemingway

It might not matter whom Republicans run for president in 2024.
America’s propaganda press traffics in disinformation. Its Big Tech oligarchs censor news and information helpful to conservatives, while elevating biased news and information that helps the Left. And its election systems have been overrun by privately funded groups that run Democratic “get out the vote” campaigns to traffic ballots into ballot boxes. We catalogued this particularly complex problem in Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections.
Instead of election day, we now have an “election season”—during which, over a period of months, we flood homes across the country with tens of millions of mail-in ballots, regardless of whether secretaries of state or local registrars have any idea if those ballots are being sent to the correct addresses. This in a country where 11% of residents move every year. We then wait for sophisticated partisan turnout operations funded by activist billionaires and run by ideological statisticians to round up those ballots in entirely selective ways.
This culminates with us all glued to our TVs on a Tuesday evening in November listening to “journalists” who spent the months leading up to the election smothering any accurate information about the state of the country with a pillow, making empty judgments about the health of American democracy based entirely on how much the results will further advance policies that favor a toxic admixture of their own corporate paymasters and woke Montagnards.
Responding in Kind
At the same time as these ballot harvesting operations have been ramping up, there has also been a lot of talk about “voter fraud” on the Right. While there’s evidence voter fraud is a bigger problem than anyone wants to admit, it’s also true that the focus on voter fraud to explain GOP failures is often just an unhelpful cope. It distracts people from the fact that they’re getting outspent and out organized.
So while it is only natural to have detailed thoughts about a Trump-DeSantis match up, when you consider the events that defined the 2020 election—nationwide riots, social media censorship, the partisan co-opting of local election offices, and the wholesale rewriting of America’s election laws on the fly—the fate of America rests on the ability to win over voters on issues far larger than a personality contest. The problems are pressing and dire, and the best time to start working on these structural challenges was about 50 years ago. The second-best time is now.

This has been a problem for a long time, and it’s only getting worse. We know that in 2016, the Deep State was capable of generating at least 5 million Fraud votes per cycle, since that was the amount President Trump uncovered in his research. The only flaw was handing the mop up work with the Voter Commission to Pence, therefore nothing got done and the problem only doubled in 2020.
IMO, the solution MUST come at the STATE level.
The constitution delegates almost total control of elections to the states, and any attempt at piecemeal change at the local level will simply be annulled by lawfare. State legislatures must reform state election laws, including explicit remedies in the even of election anomalies. In plain English, that means RE-DOing elections where some standard of misconduct is met, not merely punishing the mis-doers. The only way the left will realize election fraud won’t work is when it — won’t work.
Biden was right, when he said the Democrats under Obama created the most effective voter fraud system in history.
As long as Republicans count voters and Democrats count ballots, they win.

Unrigging Our Elections

Republicans need a serious counter-offensive if they want to stand a chance.

3 May 2023 ~~ By Mark and Mollie Hemingway

It might not matter whom Republicans run for president in 2024.
America’s propaganda press traffics in disinformation. Its Big Tech oligarchs censor news and information helpful to conservatives, while elevating biased news and information that helps the Left. And its election systems have been overrun by privately funded groups that run Democratic “get out the vote” campaigns to traffic ballots into ballot boxes. We catalogued this particularly complex problem in Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections.
Instead of election day, we now have an “election season”—during which, over a period of months, we flood homes across the country with tens of millions of mail-in ballots, regardless of whether secretaries of state or local registrars have any idea if those ballots are being sent to the correct addresses. This in a country where 11% of residents move every year. We then wait for sophisticated partisan turnout operations funded by activist billionaires and run by ideological statisticians to round up those ballots in entirely selective ways.
This culminates with us all glued to our TVs on a Tuesday evening in November listening to “journalists” who spent the months leading up to the election smothering any accurate information about the state of the country with a pillow, making empty judgments about the health of American democracy based entirely on how much the results will further advance policies that favor a toxic admixture of their own corporate paymasters and woke Montagnards.
Responding in Kind
At the same time as these ballot harvesting operations have been ramping up, there has also been a lot of talk about “voter fraud” on the Right. While there’s evidence voter fraud is a bigger problem than anyone wants to admit, it’s also true that the focus on voter fraud to explain GOP failures is often just an unhelpful cope. It distracts people from the fact that they’re getting outspent and out organized.
So while it is only natural to have detailed thoughts about a Trump-DeSantis match up, when you consider the events that defined the 2020 election—nationwide riots, social media censorship, the partisan co-opting of local election offices, and the wholesale rewriting of America’s election laws on the fly—the fate of America rests on the ability to win over voters on issues far larger than a personality contest. The problems are pressing and dire, and the best time to start working on these structural challenges was about 50 years ago. The second-best time is now.

This has been a problem for a long time, and it’s only getting worse. We know that in 2016, the Deep State was capable of generating at least 5 million Fraud votes per cycle, since that was the amount President Trump uncovered in his research. The only flaw was handing the mop up work with the Voter Commission to Pence, therefore nothing got done and the problem only doubled in 2020.
IMO, the solution MUST come at the STATE level.
The constitution delegates almost total control of elections to the states, and any attempt at piecemeal change at the local level will simply be annulled by lawfare. State legislatures must reform state election laws, including explicit remedies in the even of election anomalies. In plain English, that means RE-DOing elections where some standard of misconduct is met, not merely punishing the mis-doers. The only way the left will realize election fraud won’t work is when it — won’t work.
Biden was right, when he said the Democrats under Obama created the most effective voter fraud system in history.
As long as Republicans count voters and Democrats count ballots, they win.

Not sure I can get on board. Is there no chance Republican could go back to running on issues and ideasm instead of culture war? That might have an appeal.

Unrigging Our Elections

Republicans need a serious counter-offensive if they want to stand a chance.

3 May 2023 ~~ By Mark and Mollie Hemingway

It might not matter whom Republicans run for president in 2024.
America’s propaganda press traffics in disinformation. Its Big Tech oligarchs censor news and information helpful to conservatives, while elevating biased news and information that helps the Left. And its election systems have been overrun by privately funded groups that run Democratic “get out the vote” campaigns to traffic ballots into ballot boxes. We catalogued this particularly complex problem in Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections.
Instead of election day, we now have an “election season”—during which, over a period of months, we flood homes across the country with tens of millions of mail-in ballots, regardless of whether secretaries of state or local registrars have any idea if those ballots are being sent to the correct addresses. This in a country where 11% of residents move every year. We then wait for sophisticated partisan turnout operations funded by activist billionaires and run by ideological statisticians to round up those ballots in entirely selective ways.
This culminates with us all glued to our TVs on a Tuesday evening in November listening to “journalists” who spent the months leading up to the election smothering any accurate information about the state of the country with a pillow, making empty judgments about the health of American democracy based entirely on how much the results will further advance policies that favor a toxic admixture of their own corporate paymasters and woke Montagnards.
Responding in Kind
At the same time as these ballot harvesting operations have been ramping up, there has also been a lot of talk about “voter fraud” on the Right. While there’s evidence voter fraud is a bigger problem than anyone wants to admit, it’s also true that the focus on voter fraud to explain GOP failures is often just an unhelpful cope. It distracts people from the fact that they’re getting outspent and out organized.
So while it is only natural to have detailed thoughts about a Trump-DeSantis match up, when you consider the events that defined the 2020 election—nationwide riots, social media censorship, the partisan co-opting of local election offices, and the wholesale rewriting of America’s election laws on the fly—the fate of America rests on the ability to win over voters on issues far larger than a personality contest. The problems are pressing and dire, and the best time to start working on these structural challenges was about 50 years ago. The second-best time is now.

This has been a problem for a long time, and it’s only getting worse. We know that in 2016, the Deep State was capable of generating at least 5 million Fraud votes per cycle, since that was the amount President Trump uncovered in his research. The only flaw was handing the mop up work with the Voter Commission to Pence, therefore nothing got done and the problem only doubled in 2020.
IMO, the solution MUST come at the STATE level.
The constitution delegates almost total control of elections to the states, and any attempt at piecemeal change at the local level will simply be annulled by lawfare. State legislatures must reform state election laws, including explicit remedies in the even of election anomalies. In plain English, that means RE-DOing elections where some standard of misconduct is met, not merely punishing the mis-doers. The only way the left will realize election fraud won’t work is when it — won’t work.
Biden was right, when he said the Democrats under Obama created the most effective voter fraud system in history.
As long as Republicans count voters and Democrats count ballots, they win.


go give the Russians more campaign polling data
Unless major reforms take place, the Repub has no chance & I won't be voting.
I'm not taking part in the charade anymore as long as I know it doesn't really matter.
As long as the UNiparty is allowed to commit as much fraud as necessary to install whomever they want, we have selections instead if elections.
Why can't we have paper ballots cast on election day like a legitimate democracy?
Liberals have long been advocating for paper ballots:

"Paper Ballots Helped Secure the 2020 Election — What Will 2022 Look Like? Progress toward 100 percent paper ballots continues, but there are challenges ahead."

I'm wondering if you're confused, what with all the shit the right throws, hoping some will stick?

what are less reliable when hand counted? Many votes are on paper ballots. It's how they're counted.

Unless major reforms take place, the Repub has no chance & I won't be voting.
I'm not taking part in the charade anymore as long as I know it doesn't really matter.
As long as the UNiparty is allowed to commit as much fraud as necessary to install whomever they want, we have selections instead if elections.
stay home. don't vote. What state do you live in anyway?
Require Voter ID.
Every ballot should have a serial number that is assigned to a real verified living voter.
All voting systems should be certified using test ballots before during and after elections.
there is so little voter fraud, it's amazing how you think this you propose will actually help? The I.D. laws are proposed by right wingers in areeas where poor, elderly, and minority people vote. Make it harder.
I would require voter identification and changing it from election season to election day -- with the normal provisional ballots for registration anomalies that can be verified.

Election season makes the late stage election activities meaningless, including the traditional televised debates and the "October surprise" -- times when candidates need to prove their worth .. instead of coasting in their basement with productionized and scripted interviews.
I would require voter identification and changing it from election season to election day -- with the normal provisional ballots for registration anomalies that can be verified.

Election season makes the late stage election activities meaningless, including the traditional televised debates and the "October surprise" -- times when candidates need to prove their worth .. instead of coasting in their basement with productionized and scripted interviews.
bad ideas

the horrific unintended consequences of an Election Day in a national election
there is so little voter fraud, it's amazing how you think this you propose will actually help? The I.D. laws are proposed by right wingers in areeas where poor, elderly, and minority people vote. Make it harder.
How is it harder? This is just democrat talking point -- precincts are required to provide provisional ballots to cover anomalies -- like if you're name isn't on the roles or there is some question about eligibility. The point is .. these get verified.
How is it harder? This is just democrat talking point -- precincts are required to provide provisional ballots to cover anomalies -- like if you're name isn't on the roles or there is some question about eligibility. The point is .. these get verified.
I.D.s already proven it is not always possible for seniors to get I.D.s and keep them up to date. Maybe if you gave out free I.D.s to everyone. Who is proposing that?

and to post in your style: Our election system is not broken. Your shit is just Republican talking points.
Require Voter ID.
Every ballot should have a serial number that is assigned to a real verified living voter.
All voting systems should be certified using test ballots before during and after elections.

We have secret ballots here specifically so that voters cannot be punished by the state. That is achieved by NOT having individual ballots tied to the voter once it has been cast.


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