Unreal: A Florida county just banned eight books by NORA ROBERTS from school libraries, due to objections from one right wing activist


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
The GOP has become the party of tyranny. Of not only seeking to impose the views of a minority on the majority but of using the power of government to enforce those views. Turns out the opposite of “woke” is fascist.

The GOP has become the party of tyranny. Of not only seeking to impose the views of a minority on the majority but of using the power of government to enforce those views. Turns out the opposite of “woke” is fascist.

Dr. Seuss was unavailable for comment. Charlie Brown and Tom Sawyer were also unavailable.
Congratulations to the GOP - finally starting to do what Libs&lefties have been doing since the past 45 years.
And Flordia is in majority a red state anyway. - so much for minority.

Good of you to admit there is no difference between the two sides.
both sides are terrible on this issue, i agree
Both sides?
It's only the lefty/libs that are constantly implementing/invoking laws that are not shared by the majority of the people.
Look at this Kansas anti-transgender bill - initially vetoed by the demon governor - and the best argument she can come up with: its bad for Kansas business, because transgender people might now avoid Kansas. (this women is a mental case)
Why doesn't she simply ask for a plebiscite poll?- and you can be sure that neither man nor women would vote in majority in favor of queers placing their asses onto a female toilet, or some masculine lesbian on a men's toilet.
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One person complains, and here we go. Wow, talk about Deja Vu. I remember lefties doing this.

So now we have egotistical, narcissistic assholes from both ends of the spectrum doing this.

Our wingers are fucking wrecking this country.

Sure. They decided, without any coercing, to do it on their own.
You fail at history.

You’re an idiot
You don't seem to understand how capitalism works nor do you seem to understand that capitalists doing capitalist things is not an excuse for Right wing authoritarianism. You're "the left does it too" argument has fallen a part and all we're left with is an assclown who is excusing book bans based on your ignorant misunderstanding of market forces.
Is that like a city council cancelling community Christmas celebrations because one goddamn atheist was offended?
If it's unconstitutional, it goes to court and get fined by atheist lawyers. You missed reading the U.S. Constitution: there is no freedom of religion without freedom from religion at the same time. Taxpayers in a New Mexico town was fined $700,000 for being Constitution illiterate. Like this example?
If it's unconstitutional, it goes to court and get fined by atheist lawyers. You missed reading the U.S. Constitution: there is no freedom of religion without freedom from religion at the same time. Taxpayers in a New Mexico town was fined $700,000 for being Constitution illiterate. Like this example?
You stupid uneducated confused Moon Bats don't know any more about the Constitution than you know about Economics, History, Biology, Climate Science or Ethics.

The Bill of Rights guarantees freedom OF religion not freedom FROM religion. I shit you not. Go look it up.

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