
Tea Party

the Right is more divided now than ever .. they will fall.

LOSERS .... deal with it RW's
funny thing that. people who spew that pretentious shit usually have never graduated from any school public or private.
I'm amazed you can spell.
it's called a retort... dumbfuck.....
I went to a school that taught reading writing and arithmetic. Not a bunch of nonsense that is presented as education in public indoctrination centers these days. I'm sure you believe two women should be able to marry one man. Or maybe a man should be able to marry his sister or his horse. You're one of the enlightened ones.

Tea Party

the Right is more divided now than ever .. they will fall.

LOSERS .... deal with it RW's
Shutup #7 no one needs to read your BS today...LOL
funny thing that. people who spew that pretentious shit usually have never graduated from any school public or private.
I'm amazed you can spell.
it's called a retort... dumbfuck.....
I went to a school that taught reading writing and arithmetic. Not a bunch of nonsense that is presented as education in public indoctrination centers these days. I'm sure you believe two women should be able to marry one man. Or maybe a man should be able to marry his sister or his horse. You're one of the enlightened ones.
so you never graduated !
the rest is just a rant from a typical uneducated piece of shit.
It simply amazes me that i am trying to get all of US united against the common enemy, BIG GOVERNMENT(both liberal republicans and democrats) and you dumber than rocks , liberals just keep on drinking the liberal kool aid. Go ahead, as i said, when the war starts, you guys are going to be smack in the middle of it, while the liberals will be running for their bunkers waiting for US to kill each other.
It simply amazes me that i am trying to get all of US united against the common enemy, BIG GOVERNMENT(both liberal republicans and democrats) and you dumber than rocks , liberals just keep on drinking the liberal kool aid. Go ahead, as i said, when the war starts, you guys are going to be smack in the middle of it, while the liberals will be running for their bunkers waiting for US to kill each other.
oh no not the drink the cool aid ploy again.
my guess is you haven't got a clue as to where that phrase comes from.
what war? the same mythical bullshit war you ass holes have been masturbating over since dirt was invented.
next you'll say some shit about god .
WND reported it and you laughed, i guess because you think WND is a far right wing NEWS org? Is NBC also?
Baltimore Riots Poll Finds 96 Expect More Racially-Charged Unrest Nationwide - NBC News
Baltimore Riots: Poll Finds 96% Expect More Racially-Charged Unrest Nationwide
It seems that almost 100% of the American populace except those living in their mothers basements, have a bad feeling about what is to come this summer. Problem for many people is now that the "POLICE" have been castrated, they will stand down, while mom's house burn. Will you be one of those lucky ones? You wanted the fundamental transformation of America, my question is "HOW IS THAT HOPE AND CHANGE WORKING OUT FOR YOU".
so you never graduated !
the rest is just a rant from a typical uneducated piece of shit

Once again no argument...you fail!!!!!!!! go back to school and take a debate course. It will do you some good.
WND reported it and you laughed, i guess because you think WND is a far right wing NEWS org? Is NBC also?
Baltimore Riots Poll Finds 96 Expect More Racially-Charged Unrest Nationwide - NBC News
Baltimore Riots: Poll Finds 96% Expect More Racially-Charged Unrest Nationwide
It seems that almost 100% of the American populace except those living in their mothers basements, have a bad feeling about what is to come this summer. Problem for many people is now that the "POLICE" have been castrated, they will stand down, while mom's house burn. Will you be one of those lucky ones? You wanted the fundamental transformation of America, my question is "HOW IS THAT HOPE AND CHANGE WORKING OUT FOR YOU".


didn't even notice either way, hasn't bothered me in the least. I take care of myself. I don't whine about cops, gays, or castrated afraid of the dark types like you.
WND reported it and you laughed, i guess because you think WND is a far right wing NEWS org? Is NBC also?
Baltimore Riots Poll Finds 96 Expect More Racially-Charged Unrest Nationwide - NBC News
Baltimore Riots: Poll Finds 96% Expect More Racially-Charged Unrest Nationwide
It seems that almost 100% of the American populace except those living in their mothers basements, have a bad feeling about what is to come this summer. Problem for many people is now that the "POLICE" have been castrated, they will stand down, while mom's house burn. Will you be one of those lucky ones? You wanted the fundamental transformation of America, my question is "HOW IS THAT HOPE AND CHANGE WORKING OUT FOR YOU".

You must have gotten a superior education.

"while mom's house burn"

I bet you do, that is typical of a liberal to think only of himself/herself/other, before they think of their country that is going down the shitter because their president that they voted for not once but twice, has screwed them to the 10s. I have been preparing for the day when Obama's agenda comes forward and when there are riots, you dumber than rock liberals, will be looking for someone to protect you. Soldiers will go home and defend their houses, cops will do the same, but who will be there to protect llittle ole selfish you?
All you can do is point out my typo's. You must be the spelling police. Of course you probably just let Obama slide on by when he spelled this R-S-P-E-C-T. Obama Misspells Respect While Praising Franklin Before White House Concert CBS DC
“When Aretha first told us what R-S-P-E-C-T meant to her,” Obama said, before the audience in the East Room erupted into laughter.
To think that this guy graduated from college, i didnt, just shows how good money was wasted on the Dictator for college.
WND reported it and you laughed, i guess because you think WND is a far right wing NEWS org? Is NBC also?
Baltimore Riots Poll Finds 96 Expect More Racially-Charged Unrest Nationwide - NBC News
Baltimore Riots: Poll Finds 96% Expect More Racially-Charged Unrest Nationwide
It seems that almost 100% of the American populace except those living in their mothers basements, have a bad feeling about what is to come this summer. Problem for many people is now that the "POLICE" have been castrated, they will stand down, while mom's house burn. Will you be one of those lucky ones? You wanted the fundamental transformation of America, my question is "HOW IS THAT HOPE AND CHANGE WORKING OUT FOR YOU".
it called paranoia and you really should move out of your mom's basement .
Repubs were members of the KKK in the early 1900's....
"KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders."

Ku Klux Klan - Facts Summary - HISTORY.com

"Fact: The Republican Party was founded primarily to oppose slavery, and Republicans eventually abolished slavery. The Democratic Party fought them and tried to maintain and expand slavery. The 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery, passed in 1865 with 100% Republican support but only 23% Democrat support in congress."

"Fact: In the 1950s, President Eisenhower, a Republican, integrated the US military and promoted civil rights for minorities. Eisenhower pushed through the Civil Rights Act of 1957. One of Eisenhower's primary political opponents on civil rights prior to 1957 was none other than Lyndon Johnson, then the Democratic Senate Majority Leader. LBJ had voted the straight segregationist line until he changed his position and supported the 1957 Act.

Fact: The historic Civil Rights Act of 1964 was supported by a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats in both houses of Congress. In the House, 80 percent of the Republicans and 63 percent of the Democrats voted in favor. In the Senate, 82 percent of the Republicans and 69 percent of the Democrats voted for it.

Fact: Contrary to popular misconception, the parties never "switched" on racism. The Democrats just switched from overt racism to a subversive strategy of getting blacks as dependent as possible on government to secure their votes. At the same time, they began a cynical smear campaign to label anyone who opposes their devious strategy as greedy racist"

A Short History of Democrats Republicans and Racism

Seeing is believing and this is exactly what democrats have done.

Seems that the real bigots, sexists and racists are the liberals who speak against Christians and their faith.
Bigotry is a state of mind where a person obstinately, irrationally, unfairly or intolerantly dislikes other people, ideas, etc
and racism because anyone who moves away from the liberal plantation is called an Oreo, or Uncle Tom.
Uncle Tom - This term is used with disparaging intent and is perceived as highly insulting. Though usually used of a black person, it occasionally refers to a person of any race who exhibits overly deferential behavior, esp. a female.
In the Rules for Radicals, the liberals must attack the character of the person, instead of debating the issues presented by that person, as in liberalism, they only believe in death, high taxes, and complete control of the government over the people.
Seems that the real bigots, sexists and racists are the liberals who speak against Christians and their faith.
Bigotry is a state of mind where a person obstinately, irrationally, unfairly or intolerantly dislikes other people, ideas, etc
and racism because anyone who moves away from the liberal plantation is called an Oreo, or Uncle Tom.
Uncle Tom - This term is used with disparaging intent and is perceived as highly insulting. Though usually used of a black person, it occasionally refers to a person of any race who exhibits overly deferential behavior, esp. a female.
In the Rules for Radicals, the liberals must attack the character of the person, instead of debating the issues presented by that person, as in liberalism, they only believe in death, high taxes, and complete control of the government over the people.
All you can do is point out my typo's. You must be the spelling police. Of course you probably just let Obama slide on by when he spelled this R-S-P-E-C-T. Obama Misspells Respect While Praising Franklin Before White House Concert CBS DC
“When Aretha first told us what R-S-P-E-C-T meant to her,” Obama said, before the audience in the East Room erupted into laughter.
To think that this guy graduated from college, i didnt, just shows how good money was wasted on the Dictator for college.
Well, Obama's never proudly showed us his College transcripts.

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