
Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
E pluribus unum (/ˈ ˈplʊərɨbəs ˈnəm/; Latin: [ˈeː ˈpluːrɪbʊs ˈuːnʊ̃])—Latin for "Out of many, one"[1][2] (alternatively translated as "One out of many"[3] or "One from many")[4]—is a phrase on the Seal of the United States, along with Annuit cœptis (Latin for "He/she/it approves (has approved) of the undertakings") and Novus ordo seclorum (Latin for "New Order of the Ages"), and adopted by an Act of Congress in 1782. Today, with such divisiveness being spewed out of the White House, no wonder America is having many issues with race, gender, sexual orientation and of course "OTHER". A house united together can repell even the largest army that was (1776) but if America was split over the issue of slavery during that time, there would of been 2 separate countries with 6 and 7 states each. Not one unified country of 13 states able to defeat the army of Great Britian. So the founding fathers wrote in the Declaration of Indepenced a way that America could eventually overcome the subjegation of colored people, but Democrats of the North and South werent going to allow it. It was this way in the civil war, as the new Republican President wanted everyone to be free with the emmancipation proclaimation but once again, the Democrats went against it. The KKK after the civil war not only hung people of color(who voted Republican) but while republicans also. This kept going well into the 1900's and at 1 point the Democrats knew that if they ever were going to regain power they needed to change history to make republicans look like the bad guys, and they(Dem) were for the little guy. So LBJ, went out and created the welfare state, projects that put 10 of thousands of blacks in a 1 square mile area, making sure those people did not get out of their poverty stricken lifestyle but think that they were being taken care of by the liberals. Soon blacks not only voted for the Democrats, but started running for political offices that were at one time strickly against black people. This book, i am presenting to you , will enlighten you to the TRUE history of blacks in America. White Democrats in America, and why we are about to have a civil war once again, as the title of my thread states. Please read this book , then we can discuss race.
Setting the Record Straight American History in Black and White by David Barton 9781932225273 Paperback Barnes Noble
I can see Moonglow that you are a product of the public education system that doesnt want to LEARN the real history of the U.S. You have just failed and belong enslaved to the government that is now FORCING upon you HOPE AND CHANGE you voted for not once, but twice. I see more intelligence out of a box of rocks.

KKK Terrorist Arm of the Democratic Party National Black Republican Association
KKK Terrorist Arm of the Democratic Party
when you get done with all the standard fringe white trash conservative shit ,
David Barton
David Barton is an American evangelical Christian conservative political activist and author. He is the founder of WallBuilders, a Texas-based organization which promotes the view that it is a myth that the United States Constitution insists on separation of church and state. Barton is the former vice chair of the Republican Party of Texas. He has been described as a Christian nationalist and "one of the foremost Christian revisionist historians"; much of his work is devoted to advancing the idea, based upon research that many historians describe as flawed, that the United States was founded as an explicitly Christian nation.
David Barton is an American evangelical Christian conservative political activist and author. He is the founder of WallBuilders, a Texas-based organization which promotes the view that it is a myth that the United States Constitution insists on separation of church and state. Barton is the former vice chair of the Republican Party of Texas. …


yep I can smell an asshole a mile away.
Abraham Lincoln - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
At its 1864 convention, the Republican Party selected Johnson, a War Democrat from the Southern state of Tennessee, as his running mate. To broaden his coalition to include War Democrats as well as Republicans, Lincoln ran under the label of the new Union Party.
Funny how my title of the article talks about unification of America.
I bet you smell like fecal matter there Moonglow, as once again, you didnt bother to read the book before you spew forth the filth that comes out of your pie hole. Every point in the book has a bulletpoint from which the articles were written from. But that would take work, and that 4 letter word probably doesnt suit you well. So continue to sit in your mothers basement, taking in your liberal government cheese, and keep feeling sorry for yourself. When the next civil war happens, it just might spill over into your neighborhood. 50.8% of American are white, the other 49.2% is.... Poll 96 brace for summer of race riots
Poll: 96% brace for summer of race riots
Americans believe Baltimore's problems not a local phenomenon
The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is a far right organization, advocating white supremacy, white nationalism, and anti-immigration stances. Their end goal was, is and always has been racial subordination, and to this end they fought way back in their founding against voting rights of black people and the right to keep and bear arms for black people. In Southern cities they opposed unions. They recruit in this century using issues of illegal immigration, urban crime, civil unions and same-sex marriage.

These positions align with the modern day Republican Party’s policies on many issues, which is why I referred to the Party as metaphorically wearing white hoods while they metaphorically took women back to the cave. Let us refrain from trying to explain metaphors to the party who still thinks that satire is what you call being mean in order to get away with it.

They know it’s “bad” to be a racist, and so they will deny the white hood while hiding under the deflection that Democrats wore it first way back in the late 1860s when it was founded by six veterans of the Confederate Army. Yes, Democrats were a big part of the original KKK over 150 years ago. But Democrats were on the other side in 1948 with the addition of civil rights as a campaign plank and on into the fights for Civil Rights in the 60s, losing Southern white voters to the Republican Party. But really, what matters when you are voting is where each party stands TODAY. (The KKK had a resurgence in the 20s by white protestants angry at industrialization and immigration and high on Prohibition and the Bible, and a third big incarnation in reaction to the Civil Rights movement.)

Educating Republicans Why You Can t Spell KKK Without the Letters G-O-P
Abraham Lincoln - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
At its 1864 convention, the Republican Party selected Johnson, a War Democrat from the Southern state of Tennessee, as his running mate. To broaden his coalition to include War Democrats as well as Republicans, Lincoln ran under the label of the new Union Party.
Funny how my title of the article talks about unification of America.
false the unification you are yammering about only includes white Christians so it's bullshit.
Repubs were members of the KKK in the early 1900's....
That is the old "you did it too argument"....it's a silly and childish argument and you are also wrong. Republicans have steered away from the KKK. They always have. The Democrats on the other hand had a senator who was a grand wizard of the KKK just this last decade until he thankfully finally kicked the bucket.
The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is a far right organization, advocating white supremacy, white nationalism, and anti-immigration stances. Their end goal was, is and always has been racial subordination, and to this end they fought way back in their founding against voting rights of black people and the right to keep and bear arms for black people. In Southern cities they opposed unions. They recruit in this century using issues of illegal immigration, urban crime, civil unions and same-sex marriage.

These positions align with the modern day Republican Party’s policies on many issues, which is why I referred to the Party as metaphorically wearing white hoods while they metaphorically took women back to the cave. Let us refrain from trying to explain metaphors to the party who still thinks that satire is what you call being mean in order to get away with it.

They know it’s “bad” to be a racist, and so they will deny the white hood while hiding under the deflection that Democrats wore it first way back in the late 1860s when it was founded by six veterans of the Confederate Army. Yes, Democrats were a big part of the original KKK over 150 years ago. But Democrats were on the other side in 1948 with the addition of civil rights as a campaign plank and on into the fights for Civil Rights in the 60s, losing Southern white voters to the Republican Party. But really, what matters when you are voting is where each party stands TODAY. (The KKK had a resurgence in the 20s by white protestants angry at industrialization and immigration and high on Prohibition and the Bible, and a third big incarnation in reaction to the Civil Rights movement.)

Educating Republicans Why You Can t Spell KKK Without the Letters G-O-P
:bsflag:all lies written by loony lefties...
The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is a far right organization, advocating white supremacy, white nationalism, and anti-immigration stances. Their end goal was, is and always has been racial subordination, and to this end they fought way back in their founding against voting rights of black people and the right to keep and bear arms for black people. In Southern cities they opposed unions. They recruit in this century using issues of illegal immigration, urban crime, civil unions and same-sex marriage.

These positions align with the modern day Republican Party’s policies on many issues, which is why I referred to the Party as metaphorically wearing white hoods while they metaphorically took women back to the cave. Let us refrain from trying to explain metaphors to the party who still thinks that satire is what you call being mean in order to get away with it.

They know it’s “bad” to be a racist, and so they will deny the white hood while hiding under the deflection that Democrats wore it first way back in the late 1860s when it was founded by six veterans of the Confederate Army. Yes, Democrats were a big part of the original KKK over 150 years ago. But Democrats were on the other side in 1948 with the addition of civil rights as a campaign plank and on into the fights for Civil Rights in the 60s, losing Southern white voters to the Republican Party. But really, what matters when you are voting is where each party stands TODAY. (The KKK had a resurgence in the 20s by white protestants angry at industrialization and immigration and high on Prohibition and the Bible, and a third big incarnation in reaction to the Civil Rights movement.)

Educating Republicans Why You Can t Spell KKK Without the Letters G-O-P
:bsflag:all lies written by loony lefties...
says the conservative trailer park white
There are 3 factions America. The extreme right of Socialism is Fascism: Nazi, KKK, white supremecy, New Black Panther party.
Nazism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Nazism subscribed to theories of racial hierarchy and social Darwinism. Germanic peoples (called the Nordic race) were depicted as the purest of the Aryan race, and were therefore the master race. Opposed to both capitalism and communism, it aimed to overcome social divisions, with all parts of a homogeneous society seeking national unity and traditionalism, and what it viewed as historically German territory as well as additional lands for expansion.
The extreme left of Socialism is communism: USSR, Cuba, Venezuela and other dictatorial countries.
Communism includes a variety of schools of thought, which broadly include Marxism, anarchism (anarchist communism) and the political ideologies grouped around both. All these hold in common the analysis that the current order of society stems from its economic system, capitalism, that in this system, there are two major social classes: the working class – who must work to survive.
Then there is Conservatism(Classical liberalism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia) : Classical liberalism is a political ideology, a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties and political freedom with Representative democracy under the rule of law and emphasizes economic freedom.

I dont expect much from you goosestepping, koolaid drinking, mind numbed useful idiots, as even the SS of Hitler were so mezmerized by the Fuhrer, that they went to their graves fighting for EVIL. Are you fighting for EVIL?
Saul Alinsky s Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment
to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom —
says the conservative trailer park white
Nice argument! you really stated your case with that stupid come back...nice try dumbfuck:itsok: you must be a graduate of our public school system.
funny thing that. people who spew that pretentious shit usually have never graduated from any school public or private.
I'm amazed you can spell.
it's called a retort... dumbfuck.....
I bet you smell like fecal matter there Moonglow, as once again, you didnt bother to read the book before you spew forth the filth that comes out of your pie hole. Every point in the book has a bulletpoint from which the articles were written from. But that would take work, and that 4 letter word probably doesnt suit you well. So continue to sit in your mothers basement, taking in your liberal government cheese, and keep feeling sorry for yourself. When the next civil war happens, it just might spill over into your neighborhood. 50.8% of American are white, the other 49.2% is.... Poll 96 brace for summer of race riots
Poll: 96% brace for summer of race riots
Americans believe Baltimore's problems not a local phenomenon
wnd hahahahahahahahahah!
There are 3 factions America. The extreme right of Socialism is Fascism: Nazi, KKK, white supremecy, New Black Panther party.
Nazism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Nazism subscribed to theories of racial hierarchy and social Darwinism. Germanic peoples (called the Nordic race) were depicted as the purest of the Aryan race, and were therefore the master race. Opposed to both capitalism and communism, it aimed to overcome social divisions, with all parts of a homogeneous society seeking national unity and traditionalism, and what it viewed as historically German territory as well as additional lands for expansion.
The extreme left of Socialism is communism: USSR, Cuba, Venezuela and other dictatorial countries.
Communism includes a variety of schools of thought, which broadly include Marxism, anarchism (anarchist communism) and the political ideologies grouped around both. All these hold in common the analysis that the current order of society stems from its economic system, capitalism, that in this system, there are two major social classes: the working class – who must work to survive.
Then there is Conservatism(Classical liberalism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia) : Classical liberalism is a political ideology, a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties and political freedom with Representative democracy under the rule of law and emphasizes economic freedom.

I dont expect much from you goosestepping, koolaid drinking, mind numbed useful idiots, as even the SS of Hitler were so mezmerized by the Fuhrer, that they went to their graves fighting for EVIL. Are you fighting for EVIL?
Saul Alinsky s Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment
to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom —
E pluribus unum (/ˈ ˈplʊərɨbəs ˈuːnəm/; Latin: [ˈeː ˈpluːrɪbʊs ˈuːnʊ̃])—Latin for "Out of many, one"[1][2] (alternatively translated as "One out of many"[3] or "One from many")[4]—is a phrase on the Seal of the United States, along with Annuit cœptis (Latin for "He/she/it approves (has approved) of the undertakings") and Novus ordo seclorum (Latin for "New Order of the Ages"), and adopted by an Act of Congress in 1782. Today, with such divisiveness being spewed out of the White House, no wonder America is having many issues with race, gender, sexual orientation and of course "OTHER". A house united together can repell even the largest army that was (1776) but if America was split over the issue of slavery during that time, there would of been 2 separate countries with 6 and 7 states each. Not one unified country of 13 states able to defeat the army of Great Britian. So the founding fathers wrote in the Declaration of Indepenced a way that America could eventually overcome the subjegation of colored people, but Democrats of the North and South werent going to allow it. It was this way in the civil war, as the new Republican President wanted everyone to be free with the emmancipation proclaimation but once again, the Democrats went against it. The KKK after the civil war not only hung people of color(who voted Republican) but while republicans also. This kept going well into the 1900's and at 1 point the Democrats knew that if they ever were going to regain power they needed to change history to make republicans look like the bad guys, and they(Dem) were for the little guy. So LBJ, went out and created the welfare state, projects that put 10 of thousands of blacks in a 1 square mile area, making sure those people did not get out of their poverty stricken lifestyle but think that they were being taken care of by the liberals. Soon blacks not only voted for the Democrats, but started running for political offices that were at one time strickly against black people. This book, i am presenting to you , will enlighten you to the TRUE history of blacks in America. White Democrats in America, and why we are about to have a civil war once again, as the title of my thread states. Please read this book , then we can discuss race.
Setting the Record Straight American History in Black and White by David Barton 9781932225273 Paperback Barnes Noble

"Today, with such divisiveness being spewed out of the White House, no wonder America is having many issues with race, gender, sexual orientation and of course "OTHER".-OP

Like there is absolutely no divisiveness coming the the right side of the aisle? :disbelief:
I just love these claims that it's "just the other side who does it". Both sides do this. It's called, walking the goose-step and turning a blind eye on those who feed you bullshit.
I have for years blamed all the divisiveness of hyper-partisan talking heads on Hate Radio, hyper-partisan blogs, hyper-partisan cable TV alleged news channels and the weak-minded who allow themselves to be so easily manipulated.

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