United Methodist Church To Split Over Gay Marriage


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
The third largest denomination in America is set to split up over gay marriage.

One branch will be spun off and will continue to oppose interracial gay marriage and gay clergy and casual Fridays.

The remaining branch, which sounds like it will be the bulk of the church, will allow gay marriage and gay clergy and wet T-shirt contests.

United Methodist Church is expected to split over gay marriage, fracturing the nation’s third-largest denomination

Friday’s announcement came as new sanctions were set to go into effect in the church, which would have made punishments for United Methodist Church pastors who perform same-sex weddings much more severe: one year’s suspension without pay for the first wedding and removal from the clergy for any wedding after that.

Instead, leaders from liberal and conservative wings signed an agreement saying they will postpone those sanctions and instead vote to split at the worldwide church’s May general conference.

They said the agreement was brokered by Kenneth Feinberg, the mediation expert who handled the compensation fund for victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, among other major negotiations.

"See you all in Hell!"
No comment? Really?

I guess Trump hasn't tweeted about it yet.
The third largest denomination in America is set to split up over gay marriage.

One branch will be spun off and will continue to oppose interracial gay marriage and gay clergy and casual Fridays.

The remaining branch, which sounds like it will be the bulk of the church, will allow gay marriage and gay clergy and wet T-shirt contests.

United Methodist Church is expected to split over gay marriage, fracturing the nation’s third-largest denomination

Friday’s announcement came as new sanctions were set to go into effect in the church, which would have made punishments for United Methodist Church pastors who perform same-sex weddings much more severe: one year’s suspension without pay for the first wedding and removal from the clergy for any wedding after that.

Instead, leaders from liberal and conservative wings signed an agreement saying they will postpone those sanctions and instead vote to split at the worldwide church’s May general conference.

They said the agreement was brokered by Kenneth Feinberg, the mediation expert who handled the compensation fund for victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, among other major negotiations.

"See you all in Hell!"
That is going to suck for a lot of congregations--people leaving to go to another Methodist church that meets with their approval. I know it happened to the Baptists, though in the 1800's, and they're still around.

Is this only happening in America or everywhere?
People should attend a church that has principles that match theirs.

So I see nothing wrong about the Methodist Church splitting up.

I think that the number of people believing in "God" is decreasing anyway, so what a church does is of no real importance to society, except to those people who find comfort in being church members.

Best of luck to both branches of the Methodist Church.
The third largest denomination in America is set to split up over gay marriage.

One branch will be spun off and will continue to oppose interracial gay marriage and gay clergy and casual Fridays.

The remaining branch, which sounds like it will be the bulk of the church, will allow gay marriage and gay clergy and wet T-shirt contests.

United Methodist Church is expected to split over gay marriage, fracturing the nation’s third-largest denomination

Friday’s announcement came as new sanctions were set to go into effect in the church, which would have made punishments for United Methodist Church pastors who perform same-sex weddings much more severe: one year’s suspension without pay for the first wedding and removal from the clergy for any wedding after that.

Instead, leaders from liberal and conservative wings signed an agreement saying they will postpone those sanctions and instead vote to split at the worldwide church’s May general conference.

They said the agreement was brokered by Kenneth Feinberg, the mediation expert who handled the compensation fund for victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, among other major negotiations.

"See you all in Hell!"
That is going to suck for a lot of congregations--people leaving to go to another Methodist church that meets with their approval. I know it happened to the Baptists, though in the 1800's, and they're still around.

Is this only happening in America or everywhere?
That's a good question. UMC is on four continents.
The third largest denomination in America is set to split up over gay marriage.

One branch will be spun off and will continue to oppose interracial gay marriage and gay clergy and casual Fridays.

The remaining branch, which sounds like it will be the bulk of the church, will allow gay marriage and gay clergy and wet T-shirt contests.

United Methodist Church is expected to split over gay marriage, fracturing the nation’s third-largest denomination

Friday’s announcement came as new sanctions were set to go into effect in the church, which would have made punishments for United Methodist Church pastors who perform same-sex weddings much more severe: one year’s suspension without pay for the first wedding and removal from the clergy for any wedding after that.

Instead, leaders from liberal and conservative wings signed an agreement saying they will postpone those sanctions and instead vote to split at the worldwide church’s May general conference.

They said the agreement was brokered by Kenneth Feinberg, the mediation expert who handled the compensation fund for victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, among other major negotiations.

"See you all in Hell!"
The far Left extremist destroy mainstream organization such as churches and the boy scouts.
The Left is intolerant of people who are better than them.
All part of the Global New World order Satanic conspiracy to destroy traditional religion, and to bring in Homosexuality as a form of global population control. As was Aids, we now have Ebola, please whats next?! The attack on America, and the western world will continue into the 21st century. This is only the start of it.
No comment? Really?

I guess Trump hasn't tweeted about it yet.

President Trump isn't a methodist, he's devout Presbyterian.

Even though his doofus pastor at Marble Collegiate has denounced and practically expelled him.

Sort of a stupid move by the minister, IMHO.

It would have been smarter to sign a contract for President Trump to give Sunday School lessons, like that church in Georgia did with Jimmy Carter. That church is still getting good attendance ,even though they are in the middle of nowhere in southern Georgia and Carter isn't a very compelling speaker.

If Trump gave the Sunday School lessons at MC Church, he could draw huge crowds in Manhattan, a huge tourist location as well as being in a city with 7 million residents. And Trump is much easier to listen to
If Trump gave the Sunday School lessons at MC Church, he could draw huge crowds in Manhattan, a huge tourist location as well as being in a city with 7 million residents. And Trump is much easier to listen to
Yeah, except it would have to be a New International Trump Version of the bible.

"Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery."

New International Trump Version:

And Jesus spake, "Thou mayest committeth adultery many, many times with prostitutes, bigly. You may have as many wedding cakes as you wish for all your multiple marriages. It's Okay When Trump Does It!

"But thou shalt not bake a cake for a homo. Truly, I tell you, that would be a disaster, believe me."
It's Okay When Trump Does It!
One of my brothers has been through as many marriages and divorces as President Trump. Was it okay when my brother did it? He sinned, which means he "missed the mark--the ideal" when it comes to marriage. What do we do those situations? Should I have shunned my brother, cut him out of my life? Should I have been less than loving and accepting to wives two and three? Simply because one person missed the mark/idea does not open the door to give others the right to also miss the mark when it comes to forgiveness and love.
It's Okay When Trump Does It!
One of my brothers has been through as many marriages and divorces as President Trump. Was it okay when my brother did it? He sinned, which means he "missed the mark--the ideal" when it comes to marriage. What do we do those situations? Should I have shunned my brother, cut him out of my life? Should I have been less than loving and accepting to wives two and three? Simply because one person missed the mark/idea does not open the door to give others the right to also miss the mark when it comes to forgiveness and love.
Trump denies his sins. Worse, he continues to bear false witness against others several times a day.

He is totally unrepentant.

It's funny how forgiveness is asked for Trump, but don't bake a cake for a homo! How do your heads not explode from the hypocrisy?
It's Okay When Trump Does It!
One of my brothers has been through as many marriages and divorces as President Trump. Was it okay when my brother did it? He sinned, which means he "missed the mark--the ideal" when it comes to marriage. What do we do those situations? Should I have shunned my brother, cut him out of my life? Should I have been less than loving and accepting to wives two and three? Simply because one person missed the mark/idea does not open the door to give others the right to also miss the mark when it comes to forgiveness and love.
Trump denies his sins. Worse, he continues to bear false witness against others several times a day.

He is totally unrepentant.

It's funny how forgiveness is asked for Trump, but don't bake a cake for a homo! How do your heads not explode from the hypocrisy?
All you have to do is stop forcing people to pay for the results of others irresponsible ways. Then everything will work itself out.
It's Okay When Trump Does It!
One of my brothers has been through as many marriages and divorces as President Trump. Was it okay when my brother did it? He sinned, which means he "missed the mark--the ideal" when it comes to marriage. What do we do those situations? Should I have shunned my brother, cut him out of my life? Should I have been less than loving and accepting to wives two and three? Simply because one person missed the mark/idea does not open the door to give others the right to also miss the mark when it comes to forgiveness and love.
Trump denies his sins. Worse, he continues to bear false witness against others several times a day.

He is totally unrepentant.

It's funny how forgiveness is asked for Trump, but don't bake a cake for a homo! How do your heads not explode from the hypocrisy?

Why don't the homosexuals just bake their own cakes?

Why force others to accept their idea that Almighty God put Adam and Steve into the Garden? A lot of folks see that as heretical.
It's Okay When Trump Does It!
One of my brothers has been through as many marriages and divorces as President Trump. Was it okay when my brother did it? He sinned, which means he "missed the mark--the ideal" when it comes to marriage. What do we do those situations? Should I have shunned my brother, cut him out of my life? Should I have been less than loving and accepting to wives two and three? Simply because one person missed the mark/idea does not open the door to give others the right to also miss the mark when it comes to forgiveness and love.
Trump denies his sins. Worse, he continues to bear false witness against others several times a day.

He is totally unrepentant.

It's funny how forgiveness is asked for Trump, but don't bake a cake for a homo! How do your heads not explode from the hypocrisy?

Why don't the homosexuals just bake their own cakes?

Why force others to accept their idea that Almighty God put Adam and Steve into the Garden? A lot of folks see that as heretical.
And yet I have never heard of anyone not baking a cake for someone getting married for the third or fourth time.

It sickens me that hypocrites use the bible as a shield for their bigotry and hatred. They make the same arguments the bigots who opposed interracial marriages. Not one difference.
The third largest denomination in America is set to split up over gay marriage.

One branch will be spun off and will continue to oppose interracial gay marriage and gay clergy and casual Fridays.

The remaining branch, which sounds like it will be the bulk of the church, will allow gay marriage and gay clergy and wet T-shirt contests.

United Methodist Church is expected to split over gay marriage, fracturing the nation’s third-largest denomination

Friday’s announcement came as new sanctions were set to go into effect in the church, which would have made punishments for United Methodist Church pastors who perform same-sex weddings much more severe: one year’s suspension without pay for the first wedding and removal from the clergy for any wedding after that.

Instead, leaders from liberal and conservative wings signed an agreement saying they will postpone those sanctions and instead vote to split at the worldwide church’s May general conference.

They said the agreement was brokered by Kenneth Feinberg, the mediation expert who handled the compensation fund for victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, among other major negotiations.

"See you all in Hell!"

This is actually an excellent story, and an inspiring one.

These are people that no longer share a religious faith, so some are breaking off to pursue normative relations while others are sticking around to take it in the caboose. Being mature enough to recognize their differences is tremendous
Maybe Trump could hold his sermons in one of his bankrupt casinos.

Or maybe at his defunct fraudulent university where he ripped off senior citizens.

Maybe he could have Stormy pass around the collection plate.
In the book of Matthew, chapter 19 verses 4-6 and also Mark, chapter 10 verses 6-9, Jesus reinforces the definition of marriage as being between man and a woman. He didn't call for same sex marriage to be acceptable nor did he condemn it but He didn't need to do either action since the concept was already defined. He made a point to create the two genders to work together and to be together for the benefit of His kingdom here on Earth. For me personally I will follow Jesus's words and definitions and trust in Him. That does NOT mean that I hold any ill-will towards same sex couples, and it absolutely does not mean that I hate them or judge them, but it just simply means that my personal belief is that marriage as defined by God is between a man and a woman. If a same sex couple wants to be married and show a dedication of love between the two of them then I support their right to do that in the United States and will be happy for them. I will say though that in the event that a church or a Christian who objects to being a part of the service or the commitment in general then that should be respected by all people involved. We can still coexist in peace and respect and live our lives freely even if we don't agree due to religious reasons.
United Methodist Church Announces Plan to Split Over Same-Sex Marriage

I call "Bullshit" on this.

If the United Methodist denomination is a Christian religion, then I hate to say it, but they MUST accept the proposition that THERE IS A RIGHT AND WRONG ANSWER TO MORAL QUESTIONS. If one part of the denomination believes X and another part of the denomination believes Y, then AT LEAST ONE OF THEM IS WRONG. To have a group of UM's holding fundamentally different views on a basic moral question is untenable.

Here we have one group saying that a lifestyle incorporating homosexual sodomy into their routine existence, and publicly announcing that fact, is morally equivalent to those living a conventional Christian marriage. The "conservative" faction finds this position immoral and anti-Biblical.

How can they both remain in good standing with the religion? It is absurd.

Say what you will about the Roman Catholic Church and about "Papal Infallibility," but at least it recognizes that there is but one right answer to fundamental moral questions. If the Holy Spirit is guiding the Church, She will not allow this schism. The United Methodist Church has just flunked the test.

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