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Unhinged Eric Holder: when they go low, we kick them! That's what this new Democratic party is about

going low is a step up for Democrats, they're in the gutter

Democrats' behavioral standards are worse than the gutter; theirs are six feet under.
That racist, crooked-as-a-Slinky, psychopathic walking slime-mold Eric Holder declared America a "nation of racist cowards" shortly after America became the first white-majority nation in history to elect a black leader. It proves that no what how much one panders to minorities, they will never, ever be happy. Becaus the feeling of satisfaction and a crybaby victim mentality cannot exist in the same person.

Seriously, tell us how you REALLY feel ;)

If I told you how I REALLY feel about Holder and Typhoid Barry Obamaggot, I would be banned for sure. Trust me, what I think of those two is probably better imagined than described.
Well I'm not a pussy like you republican scum are I hope you all go to hell and soon ,,,punks
Democrats, the party of hate, lies and violence.
Lying scum Was it trump who said punch his face in I'll pay your bail??
Yep. You know why. The guy came to a rallies to cause trouble.
going low is a step up for Democrats, they're in the gutter

Democrats' behavioral standards are worse than the gutter; theirs are six feet under.
Seriously, tell us how you REALLY feel ;)

If I told you how I REALLY feel about Holder and Typhoid Barry Obamaggot, I would be banned for sure. Trust me, what I think of those two is probably better imagined than described.
Well I'm not a pussy like you republican scum are I hope you all go to hell and soon ,,,punks
Democrats, the party of hate, lies and violence.
Lying scum Was it trump who said punch his face in I'll pay your bail??

it was trump

he also advocated being rough (violent) to people being arrested (for a crime they haven't been convicted of yet!....so...GUILTY before trial!)

he also uses reverse incitements.....sort of a blood libel.....he repeatedly tells his minions that LIBERALS are going to do TERRIBLE THINGS to them if they assume political power......scarring these morons to the point that they believe THEY need to "do something" (violent) about the "liberal problem"......
Democrats actually really do terrible things. They tax the hell out of us.
Any reasonable person who was still on the fence about whether or not the last administration was full of people driven by hate, need not sit on the fence anymore.

Speaking on Sunday at a campaign event for local Georgia Democratic candidates, former Attorney General Eric Holder flatly rejected former first lady Michelle Obama's widely cited call for civility and instead seemingly urged Democrats to brawl with Republicans.

Read more at foxnews.com ...

Sounds to me like he is taking a page from the Trump playbook. Why does that bother you?
It doesn't.....I like the controversity, and would gladly exchange shots with the subversive scum, once you guys start firing again, at a baseball game!.....Did a right Sider ever shoot a subversive?
going low is a step up for Democrats, they're in the gutter

Democrats' behavioral standards are worse than the gutter; theirs are six feet under.
Seriously, tell us how you REALLY feel ;)

If I told you how I REALLY feel about Holder and Typhoid Barry Obamaggot, I would be banned for sure. Trust me, what I think of those two is probably better imagined than described.
Well I'm not a pussy like you republican scum are I hope you all go to hell and soon ,,,punks
Democrats, the party of hate, lies and violence.
Lying scum Was it trump who said punch his face in I'll pay your bail??

it was trump

he also advocated being rough (violent) to people being arrested (for a crime they haven't been convicted of yet!....so...GUILTY before trial!)

he also uses reverse incitements.....sort of a blood libel.....he repeatedly tells his minions that LIBERALS are going to do TERRIBLE THINGS to them if they assume political power......scarring these morons to the point that they believe THEY need to "do something" (violent) about the "liberal problem"......
Well we do have at least one example of a subversive shooting a member of Congress at a baseball game, anyone from the right shoot a DemonRAT?
Perhaps this....thank GOD this piece of shit didn't have a gun or knife......tell me again about leftist violence....

Tim Kaine's son faces misdemeanor charges after Trump rally incident


Linwood Michael Kaine, a son of Virginia senator and former vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine, faces misdemeanor charges in Minnesota after an incident at a pro-Donald Trump rally in March.

Kaine, 24, was charged Friday by prosecutors in St. Paul with fleeing on foot, concealing identity in a public place, and obstructing the legal process by interfering with a peace officer.

The obstruction charge is a gross misdemeanor, which carries a possible sentence of up to one year in prison and a fine of as much as $3,000.

Kaine was among counterprotesters inside the state Capitol's rotunda shortly after the "March 4 Trump" rally. "Some of the counter-demonstrators, equipped with face and head coverings and goggles, broke away and attempted to enter the rally from the second floor staircase by pushing and shoving," a news release from Ramsey County Attorney John Choi said. "During the disturbance, they employed smoke bombs, mace and fireworks, thereby creating a chaotic and dangerous situation."

Read more at cnn.com ...AT CNN YET!!!!!

That's what you do to guttersnipe, kick them.

When they deem to go down in the gutter, kick their cotton-pickin' teeth in!

If you don't like it, then don't go low.
Easy there, keyboard warrior
The Democrat Party must bring violence against Republicans going into 2020 in order to win, said former Attorney General Eric Holder.

“Michelle [Obama] always says ‘When they go low, we go high.’ No. No. When they go low, we kick them,” Holder said Wednesday to a cheering crowd.

“That’s what this new Democratic Party is about.”

‘When They Go Low, We Kick Them’: Eric Holder Rolls Out Dems’ 2020 Slogan


So here you go , promoting violence just typical of the Democratic scum bags, Lets just virtual signal the sheep to beat the shit out of more ppl just because the support Trump, wear a Tshirt, hat whatever.
You should listen to the trump rallies if you want to hear the promotion of violence.
People like Holder should be publicly shamed for this kind of rhetoric. This will do nothing but encourage more violence

Get ready folks, stay safe.
Any reasonable person who was still on the fence about whether or not the last administration was full of people driven by hate, need not sit on the fence anymore.

Speaking on Sunday at a campaign event for local Georgia Democratic candidates, former Attorney General Eric Holder flatly rejected former first lady Michelle Obama's widely cited call for civility and instead seemingly urged Democrats to brawl with Republicans.

Read more at foxnews.com ...

Sounds to me like he is taking a page from the Trump playbook. Why does that bother you?
It doesn't.....I like the controversity, and would gladly exchange shots with the subversive scum, once you guys start firing again, at a baseball game!.....Did a right Sider ever shoot a subversive?

No. He just an them over with a car.
Lindsey Graham is awesome ... In response to Holder, he said GOING LOW IS A STEP UP FOR DEMOCRATS AFTER WHAT THEY TRIED TO DO TO KAVANAUGH!


Eric Holder Demonstrates Why Decent People Don’t Vote Democrat


Gosh, wonder why we’ve never heard this on CNN?: Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, who was one of the Republicans who was almost murdered when a lunatic Bernie Sanders disciple shot up a congressional GOP softball practice in 2017, told an interviewer yesterday that the shooter was screaming “this is for healthcare!” as he tried to kill everyone. Strange how we’ve never seen that part of the story reported by any mainstream television network or in the pages of our nation’s newspapers. So odd. Must just be an oversight.

You’re gonna need some bigger boots, Eric. – Former fake attorney general Eric Holder, speaking to an audience of supporters of Democrat Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, jumped on the Democrat civil war-promoting wagon train yesterday. Taking issue with former first lady Michelle Obama’s famous admonition that “when they go low, we go high,” Holder advised his audience that they need to be meaner and tougher, saying “when they go low, we kick them.”

Holder went on to tell his whooping and hollering audience that “That’s what this new Democratic Party is about. We’re proud as hell to be Democrats. We’re going to fight for the ideals of the Democratic Party.”

So, to be clear, this “new Democrat Party” is about Antifa terrorists attacking senior citizens on the streets of Portland, wailing social justice warriors clawing at the doors of the Supreme Court building, hiring a lineup of women to participate in an organized smear of a judicial nominee, mobs assaulting Republicans in restaurants and other public places, and on and on. That’s the “new Democrat Party” Eric Holder is promoting.

Holder, of course, is just trying to keep pace with the Pantsuit Princess, who jumped onto the wagon train on Tuesday, and just joins a constantly-expanding list of Democrat “leaders” like Maxine Waters who are doing everything they can to foment public violence. None of these “leaders” talk about what they expect the ultimate outcome of their promotion of violence to be, but any thinking person can see that, once a major political party takes this genie out of the bottle, it becomes increasingly hard to put it back in.

So long as no Democrat officeholder in a prominent position is willing to forcefully and unambiguously condemn this promotion of violence, the violence is going to escalate. Don’t kid yourself – they are all fully aware of this fact. Ultimately, as Senator Paul said yesterday, someone is going to get killed by these people. When that happens, all bets are off.

More at
DB Daily Update ^
The Democrat Party must bring violence against Republicans going into 2020 in order to win, said former Attorney General Eric Holder.

“Michelle [Obama] always says ‘When they go low, we go high.’ No. No. When they go low, we kick them,” Holder said Wednesday to a cheering crowd.

“That’s what this new Democratic Party is about.”

‘When They Go Low, We Kick Them’: Eric Holder Rolls Out Dems’ 2020 Slogan


So here you go , promoting violence just typical of the Democratic scum bags, Lets just virtual signal the sheep to beat the shit out of more ppl just because the support Trump, wear a Tshirt, hat whatever.
I wish they would just go full blown violence...I am ready...they are picking a fight they can't win.
It's nothing new, Holder's boss Barry Hussein said "if they (republicans) bring a knife to a fight we will bring a gun". The democrat leadership has always been angry and incoherent but they tried to keep their crazy angry fringe base in check for a while. Now they advocate anarchy.
My Bro gave me a gun and they can not use it. Because I belong to the MeFirst crowd.
These are Trump quotes:


Can one of these Trump minions explain why they are OK?

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