Unemployment on the rise under the Obama regime

8.8% in March 2011 to 9.2% in July of 2011.

Obama promised, if we passed the Trillion Stimulus, unemployment would go down. He still claims he is saving jobs. I can claim my golf game is getting bigger, but when my score is going up, we all know different. Obama is a bumbling fool.


There would have been virtually no difference had McCain and Palin been elected.

There would have been virtually no difference had McCain and Palin been elected.

There would have been a huge difference.
It would have been McCain's and the republicans fault.
With this administration they accept no responsibility and the media defends them at every turn.The media is constantly attacking Republicans as if they have the power to do much of anything. :(

But we'll never know. You can bet your bottom dollar they would have been working on it their entire administration instead of spending most of their time wielding threats on Health Care and Campaigning though.
8.8% in March 2011 to 9.2% in July of 2011.

Obama promised, if we passed the Trillion Stimulus, unemployment would go down. He still claims he is saving jobs. I can claim my golf game is getting bigger, but when my score is going up, we all know different. Obama is a bumbling fool.

Anyone know where the "fuel prices on the rise and 2 wars under Bush 43" threads are?

Seems to me, presidents are blamed for just about everything, as for Obama, maybe conservatives would be happier with a whitey who has failed?

Hey Stupid .. I don't think unemployment ever hit 9.2% when President Bush was in the White House. I'm just sayin
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I wouldn't count on the employment picture to get much better regardless of what party is in charge, folks.
I wouldn't count on the employment picture to get much better regardless of what party is in charge, folks.

Quite possible...

No doubt long term factors would prove best for the US, but voters usually demand results in the short term which complicates things.

At this point. unless news improves and the Left can try to take credit for it, you will see the Left try to pin all bad news on Republicans.
Ignoring history, that the party in Power in the White House will be held accountable, fair or not.

But, if things continue as is, we will be able to test your theory come election time.
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8.8% in March 2011 to 9.2% in July of 2011.

Obama promised, if we passed the Trillion Stimulus, unemployment would go down. He still claims he is saving jobs. I can claim my golf game is getting bigger, but when my score is going up, we all know different. Obama is a bumbling fool.


Americans don't work like them Mexicans. They deserve to fail.
the rich have had their taxes cut several times by republicans and democrats over the last decade, and they have yet to trickle down on us. I suggest they are not helping either. Stop giving them tax cuts and start giving more tax breaks to the samll business owner and allow easier access to loans for small business operators or wanna be operators.

Problem is the Dems wanna go after those rich folk starting at $250k and up.....
Those evil rich bastards having the nerve to make $250k.....

That's where the Libs piss me off. :evil:
8.8% in March 2011 to 9.2% in July of 2011.

Obama promised, if we passed the Trillion Stimulus, unemployment would go down. He still claims he is saving jobs. I can claim my golf game is getting bigger, but when my score is going up, we all know different. Obama is a bumbling fool.

Anyone know where the "fuel prices on the rise and 2 wars under Bush 43" threads are?

Seems to me, presidents are blamed for just about everything, as for Obama, maybe conservatives would be happier with a whitey who has failed?
Ahh the race card....FAIL.
Obama blows a Trillion $$$ in his 1st 90 days.

What a waste!!!
Yet.....the Republican lynch-mob was never able to "finish him off", when Obama went nose-to-nose (with them)....and, smacked the SHIT outta them.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y04g6OPLnQ]YouTube - ‪Obama Dismantles Republican Caucus Part 1 of 7‬‏[/ame]


Lynch mob? Oh yes let us not forget that criticizing the black man is prohibited lest ye be labeled racist.
You Lefties are truly the laziest people known to exist since the beginning of mankind.
8.8% in March 2011 to 9.2% in July of 2011.

Obama promised, if we passed the Trillion Stimulus, unemployment would go down. He still claims he is saving jobs. I can claim my golf game is getting bigger, but when my score is going up, we all know different. Obama is a bumbling fool.


He can't fix the economy, but at least he stopped the oceans from rising.....
the rich have had their taxes cut several times by republicans and democrats over the last decade, and they have yet to trickle down on us. I suggest they are not helping either. Stop giving them tax cuts and start giving more tax breaks to the samll business owner and allow easier access to loans for small business operators or wanna be operators.
Brilliant idea. Helping small business. Unfortunately the political left see ALL business owners as part of the wealthy people community that need to be attacked.
After all, as far libs are concerned, the small business owner that pays wages below those "living" (read union scale) wage phantom levels is just in business to screw as many of the little people as possible.
I wouldn't count on the employment picture to get much better regardless of what party is in charge, folks.

Quite possible...

No doubt long term factors would prove best for the US, but voters usually demand results in the short term which complicates things.

At this point. unless news improves and the Left can try to take credit for it, you will see the Left try to pin all bad news on Republicans.
Ignoring history, that the party in Power in the White House will be held accountable, fair or not.

But, if things continue as is, we will be able to test your theory come election time.

I read nothing from either party that I believe is really addressing the problems this nation is facing as it regards putting Americans back to work.

In fact I see both parties pretty much doing exactly the same things that are in large part responsible for the mess we're in right now.
Obama blows a Trillion $$$ in his 1st 90 days.

What a waste!!!
Yet.....the Republican lynch-mob was never able to "finish him off", when Obama went nose-to-nose (with them)....and, smacked the SHIT outta them.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y04g6OPLnQ]YouTube - ‪Obama Dismantles Republican Caucus Part 1 of 7‬‏[/ame]


Lynch mob? Oh yes let us not forget that criticizing the black man is prohibited lest ye be labeled racist.
You Lefties are truly the laziest people known to exist since the beginning of mankind.

Well when you criticize him about being "black" (or kenyan..or marxist..or what ever fucking code word you morons are using at the moment) we are going to call you racists.

Simple as that.
the rich have had their taxes cut several times by republicans and democrats over the last decade, and they have yet to trickle down on us. I suggest they are not helping either. Stop giving them tax cuts and start giving more tax breaks to the samll business owner and allow easier access to loans for small business operators or wanna be operators.
Brilliant idea. Helping small business. Unfortunately the political left see ALL business owners as part of the wealthy people community that need to be attacked.After all, as far libs are concerned, the small business owner that pays wages below those "living" (read union scale) wage phantom levels is just in business to screw as many of the little people as possible.

Absolutely incorrect. I opened a small business in Georgia (a bar) and was hounded by the Conservative government there from day one. They have something called a "by the drink" tax. They also didn't allow me to do specials and made me serve food. That and the police made me hire them as Security for shows. Was the biggest fucking shake down ever. All conservatives.
Yet.....the Republican lynch-mob was never able to "finish him off", when Obama went nose-to-nose (with them)....and, smacked the SHIT outta them.

YouTube - ‪Obama Dismantles Republican Caucus Part 1 of 7‬‏


Lynch mob? Oh yes let us not forget that criticizing the black man is prohibited lest ye be labeled racist.
You Lefties are truly the laziest people known to exist since the beginning of mankind.

Well when you criticize him about being "black" (or kenyan..or marxist..or what ever fucking code word you morons are using at the moment) we are going to call you racists.

Simple as that.

I haven't seen anyone criticize him about being "black". Do you have a link?
I do criticize him for being a Marxist. I didn't realize Marxist was a race.
the rich have had their taxes cut several times by republicans and democrats over the last decade, and they have yet to trickle down on us. I suggest they are not helping either. Stop giving them tax cuts and start giving more tax breaks to the samll business owner and allow easier access to loans for small business operators or wanna be operators.
Brilliant idea. Helping small business. Unfortunately the political left see ALL business owners as part of the wealthy people community that need to be attacked.After all, as far libs are concerned, the small business owner that pays wages below those "living" (read union scale) wage phantom levels is just in business to screw as many of the little people as possible.

Absolutely incorrect. I opened a small business in Georgia (a bar) and was hounded by the Conservative government there from day one. They have something called a "by the drink" tax. They also didn't allow me to do specials and made me serve food. That and the police made me hire them as Security for shows. Was the biggest fucking shake down ever. All conservatives.
OMG! Corrupt government.
Quick, let's give government more power. For the children!
I wouldn't count on the employment picture to get much better regardless of what party is in charge, folks.

Quite possible...

No doubt long term factors would prove best for the US, but voters usually demand results in the short term which complicates things.

At this point. unless news improves and the Left can try to take credit for it, you will see the Left try to pin all bad news on Republicans.
Ignoring history, that the party in Power in the White House will be held accountable, fair or not.

But, if things continue as is, we will be able to test your theory come election time.

I read nothing from either party that I believe is really addressing the problems this nation is facing as it regards putting Americans back to work.

In fact I see both parties pretty much doing exactly the same things that are in large part responsible for the mess we're in right now.
There is no question something has to give.
First, the federal government has got stop meddling in the economy. Federal economic stimuli have not worked.
Second, govt needs to stay out of the financial markets. This idea of printing money to prop up the stock market is one of the factors killing the value of the US Dollar.
Third. The Obama admin MUST lift the offshore oil drilling ban.
Fourth, the federal reserve MUST allow interest rates to rise.
Fifth, the federal government MUST allow the housing market to bottom out. The market will never recover if it does not hit bottom.
I don't care which party is in power. Do these things and that's that.
Raising taxes and nationalizing industries, bailouts, favors for certain groups or companies, partisan rhetoric....It all has to stop.
God Dammit, these people in Washington have to stop politicking and start governing.
Lynch mob? Oh yes let us not forget that criticizing the black man is prohibited lest ye be labeled racist.
You Lefties are truly the laziest people known to exist since the beginning of mankind.

Well when you criticize him about being "black" (or kenyan..or marxist..or what ever fucking code word you morons are using at the moment) we are going to call you racists.

Simple as that.

I haven't seen anyone criticize him about being "black". Do you have a link?
I do criticize him for being a Marxist. I didn't realize Marxist was a race.
I would like to know when the term "Marxist" took on a racial context.
Let's ask sally.

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