Understanding women

The question I ask is this. Does a man who beds married and engaged women and then puts them down for fucking him love and respect women?

I'm trying to understand.

IMO there is a difference between men who love women, and men who don't love women but just like to fuck them.

Maybe he just doesn't respect marriage or engagement.
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The question I ask is this. Does a man who beds married and engaged women and then puts them down for fucking him love and respect women?

WTF are you going on about? High didn't put down the married woman he slept with.

.... IMO there is a difference between men who love women, and men who don't love women but just like to fuck them.

WTF are you going on about? High never said he doesn't love women. High never even implied that he doesn't love women.

But, it's interesting that you are STILL going on about High when you have an entire thread by someone who treats women like livestock.
I'll wait for his answer.
Good idea. Then ask him an equivalently stupid question: why he hates America.


And, keep focusing on a man who slept with a married woman who wanted to sleep with him, when there is an entire thread about someone who treats women like livestock.

I mean your transparency is very obvious.

But, here's a question for you: From his post, what makes you think High put the married woman with whom he had consentual sex down? It's a serious question.

ETA your edit:
He and I had a previous conversation about the engaged Muslim woman he bragged about bedding and then put her down for it.

I don't know what you're talking about that I have a thread about treating women as livestock.

This thread, moron. Read the fucking thread. Or, even read the OP.
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I'll wait for his answer.
Good idea. Then ask him an equivalently stupid question: why he hates America.


And, keep focusing on a man who slept with a married woman who wanted to sleep with him, when there is an entire thread about someone who treats women like livestock.

I mean your transparency is very obvious.

But, here's a question for you: From his post, what makes you think High put the married woman with whom he had consentual sex down? It's a serious question.

Read his post.

He acts he's Mr Morality in the Religion Forum, and then he posts stuff like this.
I'll wait for his answer.
Good idea. Then ask him an equivalently stupid question: why he hates America.


And, keep focusing on a man who slept with a married woman who wanted to sleep with him, when there is an entire thread about someone who treats women like livestock.

I mean your transparency is very obvious.

But, here's a question for you: From his post, what makes you think High put the married woman with whom he had consentual sex down? It's a serious question.

Read his post.

He acts he's Mr Morality in the Religion Forum, and then he posts stuff like this.
Can't answer, I see. No surprise; it's hard to produce your hallucinations.

And, keep focusing on a man who slept with a married woman who wanted to sleep with him, when there is an entire thread about someone who treats women like livestock.
If you date a woman, and you go dining and she tells you, that she doesn't want you to pay her bill in the restaurant, does that mean she really doesn't want me to pay for her or is this just a woman's psychological testing thing?

And what does it mean, when a man is invited for a dinner-date to a woman's house and she asked you on telephone what she shall cook for you. You told her, that you'd like a hot (chilly) prepared meal.
On the dinner-date she has cooked exactly the meal according to your wishes, but the meal does not taste hot but sugary more then anything else.
Does that mean, that she can't cook or what does that mean?

Now that we have a religious experience thread started by Mr- Sauerkraut, I thought, that we also could have an "experience with women" thread.
You do not really have to respond to the 2 points in this first post, but can write whatever you want about your experience with women...

The very fact that you're trying to understand women indicates that you will never understand women.

There are 3.5 billion women in this world.

The fact that you imagine that you can find some common theme in their thinking indicates that you not only do not understand women, but that you do not understand the human condition.
The very fact that you're trying to understand women indicates that you will never understand women.

There are 3.5 billion women in this world.

The fact that you imagine that you can find some common theme in their thinking indicates that you not only do not understand women, but that you do not understand the human condition.

The common theme is their nonunderstandability.
When out with a woman a man should open doors, hold her chair, help her with her coat and yes he should pick up the tab.

And don't forget to compliment her.
When out with a woman a man should open doors, hold her chair, help her with her coat and yes he should pick up the tab.

And don't forget to compliment her.

I agree with all of the above except the "pick up the tab"-thing. It's a nice gesture if he offers it, but as an independent woman who makes her own money it's very important to me that I on the first couple of dates pay for my own drinks and dining. That way I won't feel guilty if I have to reject him because we turn out to be a bad match.

As the dates hopefully progress, we can take turns in picking up the tab. I.e. he pays for dinner and I buy tickets and candy for the cinema, or I cook him a nice dinner at home where I don't expect him to pay for the food I use for the cooking et cetera.

If the guy doesn't like the idea of being equal in this matter I doubt he is right for me. My grandmother taught me that you should be with a man out of love, not out of money and I won't make myself depend upon another person.
Also, by taking turns in paying for going out, we can go out more because the guy's economy isn't ruined in the process.

Win/win on all accounts. But then again, I'm not American so it's probably a cultural difference.
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When out with a woman a man should open doors, hold her chair, help her with her coat and yes he should pick up the tab.

And don't forget to compliment her.

I agree with all of the above except the "pick up the tab"-thing. It's a nice gesture if he offers it, but as an independent woman who makes her own money it's very important to me that I on the first couple of dates pay for my own drinks and dining. That way I won't feel guilty if I have to reject him because we turn out to be a bad match.

As the dates hopefully progresses, we can take turns in picking up the tab. I.e. he pays for dinner and I buy tickets and candy for the cinema, or I cook him a nice dinner at home where I don't expect him to pay for the food I use for the cooking et cetera.

If the guy doesn't like the idea of being equal in this matter I doubt he is right for me. My grandmother taught me that you should be with a man out of love, not out of money and I won't make myself depend upon another person.
Also, by takes turns in paying for going out, we can go out more because the guy's economy isn't ruined in the process.

Win/win on all accounts. But then again, I'm not American so it's probably a cultural difference.

You have no need to feel guilty if a guy pays for a couple dinners and you dump him.

We guys all know that's part of the game and we take the risk willingly. You should just accept that and graciously accept a free meal or two.
You have no need to feel guilty if a guy pays for a couple dinners and you dump him.

We guys all know that's part of the game and we take the risk willingly. You should just accept that and graciously accept a free meal or two.

I find that particular game boring. Maybe because it to me resembles a dating culture I don't understand.
I also wonder if the same rules apply for the relationship. In America stay-at-home moms are very normal and the same is said about that: It's part of life that a man should provide for his family and the woman is doing her duty in the household, so she shouldn't feel guilty spending her husbands money.

I don't want that. I want to work, make my own money. So it's hard for me to accept any symbolism that men are the providers and women are the receivers, being a provider myself.
You have no need to feel guilty if a guy pays for a couple dinners and you dump him.

We guys all know that's part of the game and we take the risk willingly. You should just accept that and graciously accept a free meal or two.

I find that particular game boring. Maybe because it to me resembles a dating culture I don't understand.
I also wonder if the same rules apply for the relationship. In America stay-at-home moms are very normal and the same is said about that: It's part of life that a man should provide for his family and the woman is doing her duty in the household, so she shouldn't feel guilty spending her husbands money.

I don't want that. I want to work, make my own money. So it's hard for me to accept any symbolism that men are the providers and women are the receivers, being a provider myself.

How do you get from a guy paying for dinner to that same guy wanting you to be barefoot and pregnant?

You have issues I think.
How do you get from a guy paying for dinner to that same guy wanting you to be barefoot and pregnant?

You have issues I think.

Not really. I'm just so used to a dating culture where it's normal that each pays for his/hers own that it's hard for me to imagine something else.

I have a feeling I would suck at dating in the US. :redface:
After my first wife and I split up 20 years ago, I puzzled how I was going to meet a
woman with heart. My eldest sonstayed with me, he was 14. A few weeks after she
left he said, ' there are a load of clothes that need ironing dad, what's to be done?'
'Get my suit out son' I said. Over a short period of time, I brought four women back
to the house. Only one noticed the pile of clothes that needed ironing. She said 'that's
a mess, get the board out, and I'll iron that lot' My son nodded approvingly. In time,
we got married, and are still to this day. She is in the kitchen now, ironing some curtains.
Find one with heart, and you won't go far wrong.
Good idea. Then ask him an equivalently stupid question: why he hates America.


And, keep focusing on a man who slept with a married woman who wanted to sleep with him, when there is an entire thread about someone who treats women like livestock.

I mean your transparency is very obvious.

But, here's a question for you: From his post, what makes you think High put the married woman with whom he had consentual sex down? It's a serious question.

Read his post.

He acts he's Mr Morality in the Religion Forum, and then he posts stuff like this.
Can't answer, I see. No surprise; it's hard to produce your hallucinations.

And, keep focusing on a man who slept with a married woman who wanted to sleep with him, when there is an entire thread about someone who treats women like livestock.

Read his post. Draw your own conclusion.
I'm dropping the whole question of whatever it is that High Gravity is (or isn't) doing. (If he wants to be a "player" or "walkaway joe" it's none of my business.)

I have a more general question.

It's about narcissistic men. The narcissist fears women and tries to manage this fear by imbueing them with "objective" menacing qualities.

The view is that women are leeches, parasites.

Somatic narcissists use women as objects and then discard them.
Narcissists and Women - Narcissists as Women-Haters and Misogynists

What do you think? Is this author full of it?

Are women "dumb, drunk sluts" who deserve whatever happens to them?
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