UN Resolutions that Israel has defied/ ignored

They really should be using Green bombs developed by the Germans. Here's more information:

New environmentally friendly, nitrogen-based explosives could deliver more of a bang while being safer to handle than traditional charges, according to chemists at the University of Munich in Germany.

When detonated, common explosives now used in military and industrial applications such as TNT and RDX generate toxic gases that pollute the environment. They're also dangerous to handle: They don't like to be dropped or bumped and are super sensitive to electrical sparks.

To make them safer and reduce environmental dangers, German scientists have turned to tetrazoles--synthetic compounds that derive most of their explosive energy from nitrogen instead of carbon, as do many conventional explosives. Tetrazoles are already used to generate the gas to fill the airbags in some cars.

German scientists developing green bombs | Military Tech - CNET News

Maybe they can buy carbon-offsets from Al Gore before they launch one of these babies. That might win them the Nobel Peace Prize.
If they could accept the consequences of their fighting I might agree.

no way. the consequences of their killings just indicates that muslims really ARE tools of satan meant to pack an Armageddon battle between jesus and the devil. And, if that doesn't happen there is always calling someone an antisemite. I've seen a zionist validate BOTH Rabin's jewish assassin AND the bombing of the king david hotel today. thank g-d consequences, like all jewish blank checks, only flow one way.

Looks to me like they accept it fine.

I don't see the jews weeping over it.

Pals still haven't figured it out, never bring a knife to a gun fight.

they sure as hell are gonig to be pissed when people respond to them for particpating in the Mideast Massacre. You've heard it all before a zillion times. We are victims---never again--don't call us bad names or we will sic the JADL on you. bla bla bla.
The UN has no authority over God, and God says the Jews are his chosen people. The UN better look out or God is going to step on that building.

You know, while I appreciate the thought, I find this type of thinking to be very damaging. There is no mystical reason that Israel is supposed to exist now. There are LEGAL reasons it exists as a legitimate country under international law. As a result, it has the right to defend itself from missiles being fired at it.

As for the whole chosen people thing, Jews believe they were chosen not as favored people but to receive the law in the form of the torah. Has nothing to do with being a favored child.
they sure as hell are gonig to be pissed when people respond to them for particpating in the Mideast Massacre. You've heard it all before a zillion times. We are victims---never again--don't call us bad names or we will sic the JADL on you. bla bla bla.
All that generates from me is so what.
Time and time again, Israel has reacted to Palestinian rocket attacks, or terrorism, with a disporportionate,millitary overkill type reaction. This only
makes Israel look like a murderous uncompassionate country.

When will the Israeli government learn, that they are doing what the Palestinians really want. To bring world attention and sympathy to the Palestinian cause, and make Israel appear to be a state of villians and murderers.
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Just for the sake of argument, how many BINDING resolutions from the UN has israel ignored?

You know, the ones they are forced to follow by the security council?

I'll save you some time, the answer is none.
no way. the consequences of their killings just indicates that muslims really ARE tools of satan meant to pack an Armageddon battle between jesus and the devil. And, if that doesn't happen there is always calling someone an antisemite. I've seen a zionist validate BOTH Rabin's jewish assassin AND the bombing of the king david hotel today. thank g-d consequences, like all jewish blank checks, only flow one way.


Read my posts and you will see that I did neither, but you like twisting things people say to fit your agenda. You're worse than a propogandist for Hamas; disgusting.
hamas.jpg (image)

hamas rocket damage.

No deaths have been caused by these rockets.

The death toll in Gaza is 500 and growing with a third of them children.

Then Hamas sure as shit shouldn't be throwing crappy bombs from behind children.

Know one of the first adult lessons my boys learned? DON'T PICK ON THE BIG BOYS. They'll clean your clock every time, and mommy can't always be there.
Time and time again, Israel has reacted to Palestinian rocket attacks, or terrorism, with a disporportionate,millitary overkill type reaction. This only
makes Israel look like a murderous uncompassionate country.

When will the Israeli government learn, that they are doing what the Palestinians really want. To bring world attention and sympathy to the Palestinian cause, and make Israel appear to be a state of villians and murderers.

When are the Palestinians going to learn that you can't just continue killing Jews and destroying their property with no consequences.

If the Palis wanted peace and a much better life, they could have it. But they'll never get it until they completely change their ideology.
Time and time again, Israel has reacted to Palestinian rocket attacks, or terrorism, with a disporportionate,millitary overkill type reaction. This only
makes Israel look like a murderous uncompassionate country.

When will the Israeli government learn, that they are doing what the Palestinians really want. To bring world attention and sympathy to the Palestinian cause, and make Israel appear to be a state of villians and murderers.

In every battle in every war every army seeks to apply disproportionate force because that's how battles and wars are won.
From behind children?

Are there no Children in Israel?

They both are populated by families.

Look at the video, its a street for gods sake.

Now look at the little boy sitting in the midst of that mess with his leg mangled.
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hamas.jpg (image)

hamas rocket damage.

No deaths have been caused by these rockets.

The death toll in Gaza is 500 and growing with a third of them children.

Straight up lie, But hey keep on spreading your lies.

I assume based on your statements that as long as I randomly lob grenades onto your property you won't mind, right? I mean that is what you are saying. Even if I occasionally kill someone, all is good since it is random and I don't kill someone with every grenade.

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