UN Passes Five Resolutions In Favor Of Palestine

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Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
Clearly people around the World see Israel's 67 Pre-Emptive Land Grab as nothing less than Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians from their homes...

UN Passes Five Resolutions In Favor Of Palestine
New York, New York
(IMEMC) – The overwhelming majority of General Assembly of the United Nations, Wednesday, voted on five draft resolutions in favor of Palestine. The decision comes after the Assembly discussed the two articles, “the Palestinian Cause” and “the Conditions in the Middle East.”

According to Al Ray, the first resolution was entitled, “Using Amicable Methods to Resolve the Palestinian Cause”. The voting results were 148 in favor to 6 against, with 8 abstentions.

The second resolution regarding “Jerusalem” passed with 144 votes in favor to 6 against, and 10 abstentions. The third resolution was entitled, “The Informational Program about the Palestinian Cause”, which is being handled by the administration of media affairs in the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and passed with 147 votes in favor to 7 against, and 9 abstentions.

The fourth resolution was entitled “Committee for Palestinians Right to Exercise Ownership of Their Inalienable Rights.” The voting results were 94 in favor to 7 against, with 56 abstentions. The last resolution, entitled, “The Section of Palestinians Rights in the Secretary-General of UN”, passed with 91 votes in favor to 7 against, with 59 abstentions.

After the voting process, Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations, Riyad Mansour, gave a speech to show his gratitude and thanks to the member countries of the UN for their initial stand, and their votes in favor of the resolutions that show their support to the Palestinian cause.

Mansour added that the international community represented by the United Nations’ protection of international law is a source of comfort and support to the Palestinian people. It will help them in their continuing journey of resisting and striving to maintain their inalienable rights, and bringing an end to the Israeli occupation, which will liberate the state of Palestine and its capitol of East Jerusalem
Well Israel is above the law of the land, nothing will change. Just makes the UN look good.
Clearly people around the World see Israel's 67 Pre-Emptive Land Grab as nothing less than Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians from their homes...

UN Passes Five Resolutions In Favor Of Palestine
New York, New York
(IMEMC) – The overwhelming majority of General Assembly of the United Nations, Wednesday, voted on five draft resolutions in favor of Palestine. The decision comes after the Assembly discussed the two articles, “the Palestinian Cause” and “the Conditions in the Middle East.”

According to Al Ray, the first resolution was entitled, “Using Amicable Methods to Resolve the Palestinian Cause”. The voting results were 148 in favor to 6 against, with 8 abstentions.

The second resolution regarding “Jerusalem” passed with 144 votes in favor to 6 against, and 10 abstentions. The third resolution was entitled, “The Informational Program about the Palestinian Cause”, which is being handled by the administration of media affairs in the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and passed with 147 votes in favor to 7 against, and 9 abstentions.

The fourth resolution was entitled “Committee for Palestinians Right to Exercise Ownership of Their Inalienable Rights.” The voting results were 94 in favor to 7 against, with 56 abstentions. The last resolution, entitled, “The Section of Palestinians Rights in the Secretary-General of UN”, passed with 91 votes in favor to 7 against, with 59 abstentions.

After the voting process, Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations, Riyad Mansour, gave a speech to show his gratitude and thanks to the member countries of the UN for their initial stand, and their votes in favor of the resolutions that show their support to the Palestinian cause.

Mansour added that the international community represented by the United Nations’ protection of international law is a source of comfort and support to the Palestinian people. It will help them in their continuing journey of resisting and striving to maintain their inalienable rights, and bringing an end to the Israeli occupation, which will liberate the state of Palestine and its capitol of East Jerusalem

These laughable UN opinions, (apparently 6, non-binding, BTW), appear to be the same silliness addressed here:
UN Adopts 6 Resolutions On Israel In One Day, Zero On Rest Of World

“Surreal barely captures the scene whereby the world is under assault by terrorists killing in the name of Islam and martyrhood — as Palestinians are doing while stabbing Israeli Jews — and the UN’s response is to reflexively condemn Israel in six separate resolutions, all of which are one-sided,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch.
Clearly people around the World see Israel's 67 Pre-Emptive Land Grab as nothing less than Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians from their homes...

UN Passes Five Resolutions In Favor Of Palestine
New York, New York
(IMEMC) – The overwhelming majority of General Assembly of the United Nations, Wednesday, voted on five draft resolutions in favor of Palestine. The decision comes after the Assembly discussed the two articles, “the Palestinian Cause” and “the Conditions in the Middle East.”

According to Al Ray, the first resolution was entitled, “Using Amicable Methods to Resolve the Palestinian Cause”. The voting results were 148 in favor to 6 against, with 8 abstentions.

The second resolution regarding “Jerusalem” passed with 144 votes in favor to 6 against, and 10 abstentions. The third resolution was entitled, “The Informational Program about the Palestinian Cause”, which is being handled by the administration of media affairs in the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and passed with 147 votes in favor to 7 against, and 9 abstentions.

The fourth resolution was entitled “Committee for Palestinians Right to Exercise Ownership of Their Inalienable Rights.” The voting results were 94 in favor to 7 against, with 56 abstentions. The last resolution, entitled, “The Section of Palestinians Rights in the Secretary-General of UN”, passed with 91 votes in favor to 7 against, with 59 abstentions.

After the voting process, Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations, Riyad Mansour, gave a speech to show his gratitude and thanks to the member countries of the UN for their initial stand, and their votes in favor of the resolutions that show their support to the Palestinian cause.

Mansour added that the international community represented by the United Nations’ protection of international law is a source of comfort and support to the Palestinian people. It will help them in their continuing journey of resisting and striving to maintain their inalienable rights, and bringing an end to the Israeli occupation, which will liberate the state of Palestine and its capitol of East Jerusalem
Of course they did. Otherwise they have to talk about Islamofascism forcing men and women and children into slavery and the mass murdering genocide they are accomplishing.

Evil is so much easier to deal with when you can ignore true evil.
Clearly people around the World see Israel's 67 Pre-Emptive Land Grab as nothing less than Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians from their homes...

UN Passes Five Resolutions In Favor Of Palestine
New York, New York
(IMEMC) – The overwhelming majority of General Assembly of the United Nations, Wednesday, voted on five draft resolutions in favor of Palestine. The decision comes after the Assembly discussed the two articles, “the Palestinian Cause” and “the Conditions in the Middle East.”

According to Al Ray, the first resolution was entitled, “Using Amicable Methods to Resolve the Palestinian Cause”. The voting results were 148 in favor to 6 against, with 8 abstentions.

The second resolution regarding “Jerusalem” passed with 144 votes in favor to 6 against, and 10 abstentions. The third resolution was entitled, “The Informational Program about the Palestinian Cause”, which is being handled by the administration of media affairs in the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and passed with 147 votes in favor to 7 against, and 9 abstentions.

The fourth resolution was entitled “Committee for Palestinians Right to Exercise Ownership of Their Inalienable Rights.” The voting results were 94 in favor to 7 against, with 56 abstentions. The last resolution, entitled, “The Section of Palestinians Rights in the Secretary-General of UN”, passed with 91 votes in favor to 7 against, with 59 abstentions.

After the voting process, Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations, Riyad Mansour, gave a speech to show his gratitude and thanks to the member countries of the UN for their initial stand, and their votes in favor of the resolutions that show their support to the Palestinian cause.

Mansour added that the international community represented by the United Nations’ protection of international law is a source of comfort and support to the Palestinian people. It will help them in their continuing journey of resisting and striving to maintain their inalienable rights, and bringing an end to the Israeli occupation, which will liberate the state of Palestine and its capitol of East Jerusalem
This is only the beginning. The world is sick of Israel's bullshit and is now starting to do something about it.

American's need to do their part by not voting for anyone with an allegiance to Israel.
Penelope, et al,

You are correct. These are "feel-good" resolutions.

Well Israel is above the law of the land, nothing will change. Just makes the UN look good.

• “Using Amicable Methods to Resolve the Palestinian Cause”. 148 in favor to 6 against, with 8 abstentions.

• “Jerusalem” passed with 144 votes in favor to 6 against, and 10 abstentions.

• The Informational Program about the Palestinian Cause”, 147 votes in favor to 7 against, and 9 abstentions.

• “Committee for Palestinians Right to Exercise Ownership of Their Inalienable Rights.” 94 in favor to 7 against, with 56 abstentions.

• “The Section of Palestinians Rights in the Secretary-General of UN”, 91 votes in favor to 7 against, with 59 abstentions.

Are any of these Resolutions binding in any way shape or form?

Can history be undone?


Back before the termination of the Mandate, and the during the Civil War between the Arabs Jewish factions, the UN Palestine Commission note that: "Powerful Arab interests, both inside and outside Palestine, are defying the resolution of the General Assembly and are engaged in a deliberate effort to alter by force the settlement envisaged therein." (A/AC.21/7 29 January 1948) The Arab Higher Committee rejected the invitation extended by the Resolution 181(II).

The Resolution requested that The Security Council determine as a threat to the peace, breach of the peace or act of aggression, in accordance with Article 39 of the Charter, any attempt to alter by force the settlement envisaged by this resolution.

Most Respectfully,
From your link Rocco. Thanks, we call that an own goal.

"c) The representative of the Mandatory Power informed the Commission at its sixteenth meeting on 21 January 1948, that

  • in the present circumstances the Jewish story that the Arabs are the attackers and the Jews the attacked is not tenable. The Arabs are determined to show that they will not submit tamely to the United Nations Plan of Partition; while the Jews are trying to consolidate the advantages gained at the General Assembly by a succession of drastic operations designed to intimidate and cure the Arabs of any desire for further conflict. Elements on each side are thus engaged in attacking or in taking reprisals indistinguishable from attacks…The Government of Palestine fear that strife in Palestine will be greatly intensified when the Mandate is terminated, and that the international status of the United Nations Commission will mean little or nothing to the Arabs in Palestine, to whom the killing of Jews now transcends all other considerations. Thus, the Commission will be faced with the problem of how to avert certain bloodshed on a very much wider scale than prevails at present.”

    A/AC.21/7 29 January 1948
Maybe a resolution with teeth to remove weapons from gaza and end the terrorism of Israel would be more helpful.
Maybe a resolution with teeth to remove weapons from gaza and end the terrorism of Israel would be more helpful.

Maybe a resolution to arm the non-Jews to the teeth would end Israel's terrorization of the Palestinians.
the UN has become a sick joke. if they weren't so dangerous to all of us we could laugh at them. we need to kick them out of our country and stop funding them. let them go set up camp In the Muslim countries.
Maybe a resolution with teeth to remove weapons from gaza and end the terrorism of Israel would be more helpful.

Maybe a resolution to arm the non-Jews to the teeth would end Israel's terrorization of the Palestinians.
The Islamic terrorists occupying Gaza and Pal'istananian territories already have a UN resolution that arms them by way of a long running welfare fraud. It's called UNRWA.
Sunni Man, aris2chat, et al,

I don't think that you are understanding what "aris2chat" is saying.

Maybe a resolution with teeth to remove weapons from gaza and end the terrorism of Israel would be more helpful.
I agree, ending Israel's terrorism would be a step in the right direction. ...... :thup:

The entire reason for the Allied Powers to stand in favor of establishing a Jewish National Home, is to provide for a defendable territory in which the Jewish People can protect and defend themselves from multinational powers and collective intergovernmental organizations that could be manipulated to the color of law to persecute the Jewish People; and promoting anti-Semitic activities and political policies. In particular --- the surrounding Hostile Arab Powers having previously formed an alliance and collectively attacked Israel in the past, makes for a formidable threat. It would be counterproductive for the State of Israel, in a territory so surrounded - in the dead center of radicalized Islamic threats (Hezbollah to the North, al-Qaeda to the East with a destabilized country becoming infested by DAESH to the West, and Fedayeen in the West Bank, HAMAS/Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Gaza to the South) to demilitarized. This would place Israel in exceptionally grave jeopardy from multiple and untrustworthy Arabs State, which have collaborated in the past, to challenge the territorial integrity and right to self-determination from in every direction.

Most Respectfully,
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Sunni Man, aris2chat, et al,

I don't think that you are understanding what "aris2chat" is saying.

Maybe a resolution with teeth to remove weapons from gaza and end the terrorism of Israel would be more helpful.
I agree, ending Israel's terrorism would be a step in the right direction. ...... :thup:

The entire reason for the Allied Powers to stand in favor of establishing a Jewish National Home, is to provide for a defendable territory in which the Jewish People can protect and defend themselves from multinational powers and collective intergovernmental organization that could be manipulated to the color of law to persecute the Jewish People; and promoting anti-Semitic activities and political policies. In particular --- the surrounding Hostile Arab Powers having previously formed an alliance and collectively attacked Israel in the past, makes for a formidable threat. It would be counterproductive for the State of Israel, in a territory so surrounded - in the dead center of radicalized Islamic threats (Hezbollah to the North, al-Qaeda to the East with a destabilized country becoming infested by DAESH to the West, and Fedayeen in the West Bank, HAMAS/Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Gaza to the South) to demilitarized. This would place Israel in exceptionally grave jeopardy from multiple and untrustworthy Arabs State, which have collaborated in the past, to challenge the territorial integrity and right to self-determination from in every direction.

Most Respectfully,
Not to worry, Rocco. Israel has all them millions of Ayrabs surrounded. Where they can't get away.
the UN has become a sick joke. if they weren't so dangerous to all of us we could laugh at them. we need to kick them out of our country and stop funding them. let them go set up camp In the Muslim countries.
Funny though, the General Assembly which represents most of the known world's inhabitants voted somewhere around 126 Nations to six against Israel.

Are you laughing at yourself?
the UN has become a sick joke. if they weren't so dangerous to all of us we could laugh at them. we need to kick them out of our country and stop funding them. let them go set up camp In the Muslim countries.
Funny though, the General Assembly which represents most of the known world's inhabitants voted somewhere around 126 Nations to six against Israel.

Are you laughing at yourself?
No, laughing at those 126 Jew-hating nations who are defying and mocking God. They'll get theirs, make no mistake.
the UN has become a sick joke. if they weren't so dangerous to all of us we could laugh at them. we need to kick them out of our country and stop funding them. let them go set up camp In the Muslim countries.
Funny though, the General Assembly which represents most of the known world's inhabitants voted somewhere around 126 Nations to six against Israel.

Are you laughing at yourself?
No, laughing at those 126 Jew-hating nations who are defying and mocking God. They'll get theirs, make no mistake.
Hoss, nobody except a nut would actualy hate Jews in this day and age, certainly not 126 Nation States...They just see what any human being sees: Israeli Ethnic Cleansing is proceeding in a nice steady pace.

Israel fools no one but you.
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