UN demands reparations....

They can talk about this shit after they take care of this.

Diplomats owe $17 mln in New York parking fines

Diplomats owe $17 mln in New York parking fines

By Ray Sanchez | NEW YORK

New York City is owed nearly $17 million in parking tickets issued to diplomats, a hefty amount that may have grown this week as world leaders gathered for the U.N. General Assembly.

The city's Department of Finance said unpaid tickets totalled $16.7 million through the end of July. Egypt topped the list with $1.9 million in tickets, followed by Nigeria with about $1 million and Indonesia with about $725,000.

Then they can go fuck off.

Oh, fuck the UN. You send shit to the UN if you want to see a 10 year cluster fuck of not a damn thing be done.

Yes Fuck The UN, Western nations owe blacks nothing, they could get reparations if they agree to leave all Western nations and return to the land of their Ancestors, which is Africa.


They sure are angry arent they?

What's to be angry about? It's ludicrous when you have a panel FROM the UN that is willing to say reparations are owed while at the same time making sure third world countries remain in poverty.
I have no objection to participation in UN discussions only that it's time the UN returned to the hallowed grounds of Versailles or the Hague and ceased with funding an organization the serves no other purpose then that of fulfilling ideologues diplomatic theory.
The economic impact in NY would be substantial, however I am confident their current Mayor de Blasio will find another source to replace lost revenue.

Oh, fuck the UN. You send shit to the UN if you want to see a 10 year cluster fuck of not a damn thing be done.

Yes Fuck The UN, Western nations owe blacks nothing, they could get reparations if they agree to leave all Western nations and return to the land of their Ancestors, which is Africa.


They sure are angry arent they?

What's to be angry about? It's ludicrous when you have a panel FROM the UN that is willing to say reparations are owed while at the same time making sure third world countries remain in poverty.

Who remains in poverty is just a deflection from what you're really angry about. Someone has the nerve to suggest that America was built on the backs of slave labor and that hurts your mayonnaise ass. It always does
At the end of the day, the UN is a Globalist farce owned by U.S./Western Globalist Elites. It'll do what it's told to do. I'm betting nothing comes of this.

Oh, fuck the UN. You send shit to the UN if you want to see a 10 year cluster fuck of not a damn thing be done.

Yes Fuck The UN, Western nations owe blacks nothing, they could get reparations if they agree to leave all Western nations and return to the land of their Ancestors, which is Africa.


They sure are angry arent they?

What's to be angry about? It's ludicrous when you have a panel FROM the UN that is willing to say reparations are owed while at the same time making sure third world countries remain in poverty.

Who remains in poverty is just a deflection from what you're really angry about. Someone has the nerve to suggest that America was built on the backs of slave labor and that hurts your mayonnaise ass. It always does

Why would I be angry about that?

Oh, fuck the UN. You send shit to the UN if you want to see a 10 year cluster fuck of not a damn thing be done.

Yes Fuck The UN, Western nations owe blacks nothing, they could get reparations if they agree to leave all Western nations and return to the land of their Ancestors, which is Africa.


They sure are angry arent they?

What's to be angry about? It's ludicrous when you have a panel FROM the UN that is willing to say reparations are owed while at the same time making sure third world countries remain in poverty.

Who remains in poverty is just a deflection from what you're really angry about. Someone has the nerve to suggest that America was built on the backs of slave labor and that hurts your mayonnaise ass. It always does

Racist much????
If they limit it to anybody who owed slaves, I'm ok with it. Or even direct descendants of slave owners. My family tree in America doesn't begin until the 1890's. Yep, that's right. The bucktoothmorons arrived in this country post emancipation, so I am off the hook....whew. No but seriously folks, this is political correctness gone mad. If we give reparations to any group who has been wronged then a whole lot of money will be exchanged. What do the Germans owe the Jews? What do the Jews owe the Christians for killing Jesus? What is owed to the Native Americans by Europe and the USA. Oh my god, the list is unending...
Shit... I'll have to pay myself reparations.
Go to the source, the South should pay the reparations. Of course as Red states in the South already take the most welfare from the government, asking them to pay for their mistakes is like asking Trump to tell the truth just once.

Not gonna happen. Republicans do like their welfare.
Go to the source, the South should pay the reparations. Of course as Red states in the South already take the most welfare from the government, asking them to pay for their mistakes is like asking Trump to tell the truth just once.

Not gonna happen. Republicans do like their welfare.

Geeze.. not this stupid shit again.
Isaac, A tad bit oh History is called for, Democrats started every war, except the Revolutionary and Spanish American wars in the history of this country.

Reparations due as a result of my families loss and sacrifice in the Civil War are that of the nation as a result of failing to uphold the very principles as outlined in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. In short our debt if any has been paid in blood.

Good luck in tracking down the lineage of the very small number of families that engaged or owned slaves. One may find those very families died off ages ago.

But first run a DNA sample of those claiming to deserve reparations as from being the descendants of slaves to validate their right for compensation. You may find the number to be rather low,

The long and short, maybe its time to think of the future and not dwell in the self pity of the past.
Isaac, A tad bit oh History is called for, Democrats started every war, except the Revolutionary and Spanish American wars in the history of this country.

Reparations due as a result of my families loss and sacrifice in the Civil War are that of the nation as a result of failing to uphold the very principles as outlined in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. In short our debt if any has been paid in blood.

Good luck in tracking down the lineage of the very small number of families that engaged or owned slaves. One may find those very families died off ages ago.

But first run a DNA sample of those claiming to deserve reparations as from being the descendants of slaves to validate their right for compensation. You may find the number to be rather low,

The long and short, maybe its time to think of the future and not dwell in the self pity of the past.

You sound like Trump when HRC said "I seem to be responsible for everything that has ever happened" and Trump said "you are". It is a thing an angry child would say, it is such a disconnect from reality that it doesn't warrant response. I think the lives lost during the civil war were in fact payment enough but as usual cons here want to blame someone else and it won't fly.
Go to the source, the South should pay the reparations. Of course as Red states in the South already take the most welfare from the government, asking them to pay for their mistakes is like asking Trump to tell the truth just once.

Not gonna happen. Republicans do like their welfare.

You should push to eliminate welfare.
Stick it to those rednecks.
Soros, I am sure behind it. The left will of course cheer for it.

Anything to support their globalist masters..
We got a very inflammable situation developing in America as it is. And now the UN just threw gasoline in the situation.
And we're supposed to be their best friend.
Not only that these slimes believe we should conform to their standards and violate every citizen here in the U.S.'s constitutional rights to meet their demands.
Here's the deal, They'll get reparation, but it has to be in infrastructure, police and education dollars. It should be enough to even out the poorly funded innercity school and pay for extra cops.

How about $100,000,000,000

How much money have your taxpayers already given to these Ghettos to turn them from Ghettos into normal places and 50 years on they're still Ghettos, so now you think that your taxpayers should give more money?

The situation is, blacks need to fix their own problems and that includes getting an entire new lifestyle as opposed to the usual lifestyle of Dead Beat Fathers, hero worshipping Gangsta Rappers, dealing Crack, smashing things up and burning things down and getting off their lazy buttocks and getting a job instead of claiming welfare.

Blacks in America can't even get out of their Ghettos even though you have the very racist Affirmative Action, a programme that gives them a help onto the ladder solely because of the colour of their skin and not on merit.
The money does not actually go to the ghetto's it gets ripped before it benefits the people in the ghettos'. That happens also with the EO money going into contracting. The ones who benefit from those programs are already in control and they get the extra contract bucks for hiring an affirmative action contractor. Those generally have a select few sellouts that are willing to pay to play or a few that were willing to sell themselves into that big contractors pocket. This is a fact and an area where I have personal experience as I was made a very lucrative offer if I would allow a very large corrupt firm to use my woman own status (which I never applied for) so they could control all of the federal contracts. They offered to give me their twenty percent over-ride and all of the profits from my mine operation. Unintentionally I pissed them off when I told them to send their proposal to me in the mail and I would consider it but doubted I would do that as I had contracted for x amount of years and never had to do anything like that before.
If they limit it to anybody who owed slaves, I'm ok with it. Or even direct descendants of slave owners. My family tree in America doesn't begin until the 1890's. Yep, that's right. The bucktoothmorons arrived in this country post emancipation, so I am off the hook....whew. No but seriously folks, this is political correctness gone mad. If we give reparations to any group who has been wronged then a whole lot of money will be exchanged. What do the Germans owe the Jews? What do the Jews owe the Christians for killing Jesus? What is owed to the Native Americans by Europe and the USA. Oh my god, the list is unending...
Shit... I'll have to pay myself reparations.

They will likey tax you when you pay it and when you receive it then.
If they limit it to anybody who owed slaves, I'm ok with it. Or even direct descendants of slave owners. My family tree in America doesn't begin until the 1890's. Yep, that's right. The bucktoothmorons arrived in this country post emancipation, so I am off the hook....whew. No but seriously folks, this is political correctness gone mad. If we give reparations to any group who has been wronged then a whole lot of money will be exchanged. What do the Germans owe the Jews? What do the Jews owe the Christians for killing Jesus? What is owed to the Native Americans by Europe and the USA. Oh my god, the list is unending...
That would put it right into the lap of the princes and sultans in the ME and their goons.

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