UN demands reparations....

Yes Fuck The UN, Western nations owe blacks nothing, they could get reparations if they agree to leave all Western nations and return to the land of their Ancestors, which is Africa.
You should return to the land of your ancestors, because Black people were here long before they got here.

What a minute...pretty sure we brought bought and paid for blacks from Africa.
Of course we bought em from other blacks...

Exactly, if we just look at Ghana, the Chief black at that time in each village had lower level blacks rounded up and kept in dungeons, then when the Slave Ships docked the evil white people would meet with the not-evil-because-he-was-black Chief who would then sell his fellow blacks to the evil whites who then would load them onto the slave ships and take them to evil white nations.

The lesson here in the Leftist Kool-Aid Pea Brain:

Black slave traders weren't evil because they were black and blacks can't be racist :rolleyes-41:

White slave traders OMG Satan in human form, white racists because only whites can be racist :rolleyes-41:
Send the UN back to Europe. Enough of their Bull Shit. Why we pay a dam thing to this organization is bewildering to say the least. Name one thing the UN has accomplished since they violated their charter in 49? Great, a international forum to discuss whats wrong with America.
As for Black People, take a DNA sample, you may find the majority are not nor ever were related to the slaves that Mr. Soros cares so much about.

"Send the UN back to Europe."

No we don't want the UN either, we European Patriots say fuck the UN and fuck the EU, down with the UN, down with the EU.
Actually, we just do one better. We should take every nation-state that the IMF "poverty reduction" plan includes bamboo growing or textile manufacturing or bee keeping and have the UN pay reparations for the slave wages they have going on now. They can make reparations by "forgiving debt". After all, they get to pick and choose who gets to have what and how their government operates.

Yes Fuck The UN, Western nations owe blacks nothing, they could get reparations if they agree to leave all Western nations and return to the land of their Ancestors, which is Africa.
You should return to the land of your ancestors, because Black people were here long before they got here.

What a minute...pretty sure we brought bought and paid for blacks from Africa.
Of course we bought em from other blacks...
Really, when did your ancestors come here?
Here's the deal, They'll get reparation, but it has to be in infrastructure, police and education dollars. It should be enough to even out the poorly funded innercity school and pay for extra cops.

How about $100,000,000,000

How much money have your taxpayers already given to these Ghettos to turn them from Ghettos into normal places and 50 years on they're still Ghettos, so now you think that your taxpayers should give more money?

The situation is, blacks need to fix their own problems and that includes getting an entire new lifestyle as opposed to the usual lifestyle of Dead Beat Fathers, hero worshipping Gangsta Rappers, dealing Crack, smashing things up and burning things down and getting off their lazy buttocks and getting a job instead of claiming welfare.

Blacks in America can't even get out of their Ghettos even though you have the very racist Affirmative Action, a programme that gives them a help onto the ladder solely because of the colour of their skin and not on merit.
Here's the deal, They'll get reparation, but it has to be in infrastructure, police and education dollars. It should be enough to even out the poorly funded innercity school and pay for extra cops.

How about $100,000,000,000

How much money have your taxpayers already given to these Ghettos to turn them from Ghettos into normal places and 50 years on they're still Ghettos, so now you think that your taxpayers should give more money?

The situation is, blacks need to fix their own problems and that includes getting an entire new lifestyle as opposed to the usual lifestyle of Dead Beat Fathers, hero worshipping Gangsta Rappers, dealing Crack, smashing things up and burning things down and getting off their lazy buttocks and getting a job instead of claiming welfare.

Blacks in America can't even get out of their Ghettos even though you have the very racist Affirmative Action, a programme that gives them a help onto the ladder solely because of the colour of their skin and not on merit.

They weren't ghettos until black women all went on welfare.

Yes Fuck The UN, Western nations owe blacks nothing, they could get reparations if they agree to leave all Western nations and return to the land of their Ancestors, which is Africa.
You should return to the land of your ancestors, because Black people were here long before they got here.

What a minute...pretty sure we brought bought and paid for blacks from Africa.
Of course we bought em from other blacks...
Really, when did your ancestors come here?

So it's first come first served when it comes to colonization?
Think carefully before answering.
Send the UN back to Europe. Enough of their Bull Shit. Why we pay a dam thing to this organization is bewildering to say the least. Name one thing the UN has accomplished since they violated their charter in 49? Great, a international forum to discuss whats wrong with America.
As for Black People, take a DNA sample, you may find the majority are not nor ever were related to the slaves that Mr. Soros cares so much about.

"Send the UN back to Europe."

No we don't want the UN either, we European Patriots say fuck the UN and fuck the EU, down with the UN, down with the EU.
Send it to Zimbabwe so it can be situated among the people it truly represents.
Here's the deal, They'll get reparation, but it has to be in infrastructure, police and education dollars. It should be enough to even out the poorly funded innercity school and pay for extra cops.

How about $100,000,000,000

How much money have your taxpayers already given to these Ghettos to turn them from Ghettos into normal places and 50 years on they're still Ghettos, so now you think that your taxpayers should give more money?

The situation is, blacks need to fix their own problems and that includes getting an entire new lifestyle as opposed to the usual lifestyle of Dead Beat Fathers, hero worshipping Gangsta Rappers, dealing Crack, smashing things up and burning things down and getting off their lazy buttocks and getting a job instead of claiming welfare.

Blacks in America can't even get out of their Ghettos even though you have the very racist Affirmative Action, a programme that gives them a help onto the ladder solely because of the colour of their skin and not on merit.

They weren't ghettos until black women all went on welfare.

Because it pays to go on welfare, they keep having children with different men, the men are nowhere to be seen, probably in prison for dealing Crack and the women sit on their fat buttocks claiming welfare because of all these children they keep popping out each year.

So this is the lifestyle and the environment these children grow up in, when they become adults, they then just repeat the process and become Welfare Queens and Crack dealers themselves because that's how they've been brought up.
Send the UN back to Europe. Enough of their Bull Shit. Why we pay a dam thing to this organization is bewildering to say the least. Name one thing the UN has accomplished since they violated their charter in 49? Great, a international forum to discuss whats wrong with America.
As for Black People, take a DNA sample, you may find the majority are not nor ever were related to the slaves that Mr. Soros cares so much about.

"Send the UN back to Europe."

No we don't want the UN either, we European Patriots say fuck the UN and fuck the EU, down with the UN, down with the EU.
Send it to Zimbabwe so it can be situated among the people it truly represents.

Or even better DR Congo.
If they limit it to anybody who owed slaves, I'm ok with it. Or even direct descendants of slave owners. My family tree in America doesn't begin until the 1890's. Yep, that's right. The bucktoothmorons arrived in this country post emancipation, so I am off the hook....whew. No but seriously folks, this is political correctness gone mad. If we give reparations to any group who has been wronged then a whole lot of money will be exchanged. What do the Germans owe the Jews? What do the Jews owe the Christians for killing Jesus? What is owed to the Native Americans by Europe and the USA. Oh my god, the list is unending...
So only the US has been singled out? By Soros? Every culture on earth had slaves. Instead of going after the one country that went to war with itself to end it, why not instead concentrate on those who still promote it:

A report by the Walk Free Foundation in 2013, found India had the highest number of slaves, nearly 14 million, followed by China (2.9 million), Pakistan (2.1 million), Nigeria, Ethiopia, Russia, Thailand, Democratic Republic of Congo, Myanmar and Bangladesh; while the countries with the highest of proportion of slaves were Mauritania, Haiti, Pakistan, India and Nepal.

In June 2013, U.S. State Department released a report on slavery, it placed Russia, China, Uzbekistan in the worst offenders category, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, and Zimbabwe were also at the lowest level. The list also included Algeria, Libya, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait among a total of 21 countries.

If we don't get the UN out of our White House, they will destroy us. Trump wants them out. Hillary wants to continue to work on their behalf. Now you are starting to see the fruits of UN's labor thanks to their rep. Obama. If we let it continue unabated, our children will suffer the consequences. We will all be working for the UN if Hitlery moves into power.
Stop the global elite's attack on our home. FU won't do it. Voting for Trump will.
It's time for us to demand........
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Yes Fuck The UN, Western nations owe blacks nothing, they could get reparations if they agree to leave all Western nations and return to the land of their Ancestors, which is Africa.
You should return to the land of your ancestors, because Black people were here long before they got here.

What a minute...pretty sure we brought bought and paid for blacks from Africa.
Of course we bought em from other blacks...
Really, when did your ancestors come here?

Are you going with the "I was here first" defense?
The U.N. is the main perpetrator of globalization,they should be removed from American soil.

Oh, yeah and when you get to see them in action like when Japan didn't get to become a permanent member "expansion pack" of the Security-Council then they do crap like......refuse to take water to the refugees in Darfur. Now, they have changed their tune but for a good while it was just an atrocious UN meltdown.
Soros, I am sure behind it. The left will of course cheer for it.

Anything to support their globalist masters..

The way this is heading if it's not stopped, there's going to be violence from the section of society they fear the most and that's white people.

History, the entire history of Western Civilisation shows that there's no more violent people or more no-holds-barred barbaric people than white people once we're poked one time too many, when the gloves come off pretty much everything is on the table, history shows us this.

If this isn't stopped history will of course repeat itself, because this crowd are now on the verge of going too far, saying that we must hate ourselves, we must consider ourselves evil, we must indoctrinate our children into also hating themselves and considering themselves evil....but at the same time they want OUR money to give to an entire group of people who if it hadn't of been for White Colonialists would never have even survived to have descendants.

The African Continent demanded that the white people hand control to the Africans to rule themselves, and what that showed was the majority cannot rule themselves and so you have what was for example a beautiful and functioning nation like Rhodesia, known as the Garden of Africa, now turned into a complete nightmare of a crapheap called Zimbabwe.

Now they want us to either give them even more money or the UN demands that we allow millions of Africans to come to us so they can what, turn the European Continent into a crapheap? Parts of Italy are now already a crapheap because they squat there because the UN says you can't deport them.

Fuck the UN, we have to ignore the UN, we either ignore them and save ourselves and our Continent or we get turned within 10 years into one big crapheap like Africa.

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