Ukraine Needs Armor - Will Europe Respond?


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
It's time to get them whatever equipment they need. This is a clear battle of good versus evil, aggressor versus victim, even though our Russian trolls and Trumpsters will disagree.

Poland and Britain are considering sending main battle tanks to Ukraine, a move that would end the West’s nearly yearlong refusal to deploy some of its most advanced weaponry against Russia and ratchet up pressure on other allies of Kyiv to follow suit.

Warsaw and London have yet to finalize such a move, but doing so would meet a demand Kyiv has been making almost since the start of the war and support potential offensives against Russian forces in the coming months. Poland would require a sign-off from Berlin to send its German-made tanks.

Defense officials in the United States and Europe have long held concerns that giving Ukraine tanks would signal more direct Western involvement in the war and could prompt President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia into escalation.

On Wednesday, the president of Poland said that his country was prepared to send German-made Leopard II tanks to Ukraine if an “international coalition” agreed to do so. No such Western-made battle tanks have been sent to Ukraine since the invasion.

Poland had already decided to include the Leopards as part of a package from the coalition, President Andrzej Duda said, speaking at a joint news conference in Lviv with President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine and President Gitanas Nausėda of Lithuania. Mr. Duda added that he hoped the tanks would “soon flow through various routes to Ukraine.”

Mr. Duda did not specify which countries might be involved in such a coalition. But Polish officials have urged Western nations several times this week to band together and jointly send more modern tanks to bolster Ukraine’s diminishing supply of Soviet-era tanks.

Germany has long resisted sending Ukraine offensive weaponry out of concerns about escalating the war and said it would not be the first NATO ally to send tanks. And, out of ethical concerns, Germany places limits on its vast, lucrative arms exports and their re-export, so its agreement is required for Poland or any other country to send Ukraine the German-made Leopards.

Mr. Zelensky said on Wednesday that Ukraine expected a “joint decision” on the transfer of the tanks and that it would take donations from several countries to meet the needs of Ukrainian forces. “One state cannot help us with Leopards, because we are fighting against thousands of tanks of the Russian Federation,” he said.

The mounting pressure on Berlin comes a day after Britain said it was considering sending Challenger II tanks. No decision has yet been made on whether the Challenger II tanks — reportedly as few as 10 — will be donated to Ukraine.

Ukraine’s foreign minister, Dmytro Kuleba, expressed hope that the floodgates had been opened for the West to send battle tanks after France, the United States and Germany agreed in quick succession last week to send lighter armored fighting vehicles: AMX-10 RC reconnaissance vehicles from France, M2 Bradley Fighting Vehicles from the U.S., and Marder Infantry Fighting Vehicles from Germany.

Germany’s decision to send the Marders marked a significant shift in Berlin’s approach, and the armored vehicles pledged by the three countries are some of the most advanced Ukraine has received since the start of the war. Still, they fall short of the capabilities of battle tanks like the Leopards, which analysts say could be key for Ukraine to push beyond the grinding attrition that has defined the war this winter.



Good luck with all that....The manufactures are too busy replacing the old Soviet era cast-offs from Poland and former client states along the broke down POS German armor that cost Poland near as much to fix as a new one costs.

Brit shit will break down a mile from the railhead they transport them on so that's no help.

The Ukes are going to have to fight with what they got or seek peace.

Fuck all that "Billions for Ukraine Friday" BS anyway.
Good luck with all that....The manufactures are too busy replacing the old Soviet era cast-offs from Poland and former client states along the broke down POS German armor that cost Poland near as much to fix as a new one costs.

Brit shit will break down a mile from the railhead they transport them on so that's no help.

The Ukes are going to have to fight with what they got or seek peace.

Fuck all that "Billions for Ukraine Friday" BS anyway.

They don't need money, I can agree with that 100%.

I'd say give 'em tanks though. A Leopard is so much better than an upgraded T-72A, or even the T-80U.

Apart from the destruction of lives and property there is another war going on using Ukraine.

I believe there is no question his position is correct.
If they want armor, sell them armor, don't just fucking give it to them at the taxpayers' expense.
Of course you understand that Ukraine can't afford to pay for all the military equipment it needs, so in effect, you are saying, yes, to Russian imperialism and no, to the defense of democracy, just the opposite of what America has stood for in the world since WWII.
The United States worked too hard for too many years to get this war started to want it to end this fast.
There are still Billions more to be made off of the backs of our citizens and plenty of Ukrainians left to die fighting for the goal of weakening Russia
The United States worked too hard for too many years to get this war started to want it to end this fast.
There are still Billions more to be made off of the backs of our citizens and plenty of Ukrainians left to die fighting for the goal of weakening Russia
Maybe if your boy Vladimir had not have invaded another nation, one that is democratic (or trying to be, after kicking out the Russian stooge who ran it, who, ironically, is now back in Ukraine and fighting his former protector) this war would not have started to begin with. And Ukraine should not be punished for wanting to join with the West.

They are a FREE COUNTRY now, and Putin can suck a big horse cock.
Of course you understand that Ukraine can't afford to pay for all the military equipment it needs, so in effect, you are saying, yes, to Russian imperialism and no, to the defense of democracy, just the opposite of what America has stood for in the world since WWII.
During WWII the Democrat FDR administration reinstituted slavery AGAIN and got a half a million Americans killed. And it had nothing to do with America's national security. It was a total fucking disaster.

And now the Democratic party is pushing America into another war in Europe. The best predictor of the corrupt Democratic party of slavery's future behavior is their past behavior. In the American civil war, the Democratic party fought for slavery. WWI, the Democratic reinstated slavery. WWII the Democratic party reinstated slavery again. Korean war, the Democratic reinstated slavery again. Vietnam war, the Democratic party reinstated slavery again.

The best predictor of the corrupt Democratic party of slavery's future behavior is their past behavior.

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Will have to wait another week to find out what's going on with getting armor to the battlefield. It's time to act now, there is no more time to waste.

The issue of whether to allow Leopards to be sent to Ukraine is likely to come to a head at a Jan. 20 meeting of senior defense and military officials from dozens of nations, including NATO states, at Ramstein Air Base in Germany.

Britain has so far said it is considering sending as few as 10 Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine. Britain has about 227 Challengers, which have maintenance issues, and it would be hard-pressed to replenish its stocks.

Part of the internal debate among British officials is political, a senior European diplomat said. Rishi Sunak, the new prime minister, wants to take some leadership in the war, and London and Warsaw appear to be acting in concert to put pressure on Berlin. In a closed-door session of his National Security Council on Tuesday, Mr. Sunak outlined a strategy to increase support for Ukraine, likely beginning with the tanks, to give Kyiv an edge ahead of any possible peace negotiations, according to another senior European official.

But Washington’s explicit approval would be vital to pushing Mr. Scholz to authorize the Leopards, as it was crucial to the decision to send the German-made fighting vehicles known as Marders, said Claudia Major, a defense analyst with the German Institute for International and Security Affairs in Berlin.

A senior Biden administration official said Washington had not prodded Berlin to send the tanks to Ukraine, and that the German government would make its own decisions about its level of military support. Speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive issue more candidly, he described the discussions between Washington and Berlin as “very active” and said the Germans, “like us, have evolved their willingness to provide capabilities as the fight has changed over time.” The United States has not told allies to refrain from giving Western tanks to Ukraine, the official said.

The Germans regard such a stance as a cop-out, according to Ms. Major, the analyst in Berlin, reflecting Washington’s own unwillingness to send any Abrams tanks to Ukraine. She has said that just one Abrams from Washington would be enough to free Mr. Scholz to act.


That is very much what the video in post 12 is about. One war concerning the needless killing of people both Ukrainian and Russian. With this war goes the destruction of Ukraine which for some reason Ukraine is content with also expecting the rebuilding of Ukraine to be paid for by someone else. It is difficult to think anyone would be happy with this war.

The other one, the US fighting for its hegemonic position wanting the 'weakening' of Russia and demanding NATO follow its orders 'fighting for democracy' as we are forever being told though there is no evidence Ukraine has yet reached such a situation. The initial sanctions were supposed to do the job themselves and Russia would be begging for help in a short time and initially the Rouble did go down though that only lasted a short time. What the war has shown is that the US has lost its hegemony. Not only is this due to Bricks but to other countries like Saudi Arabia and India joining them. This time the number of countries who have been too afraid of the US not to follow its sanctions has been relatively small. It may still take a little time but things are changing. The US is not the only power in the world. There is also the Bricks+ and there is the uncertain future where the EU will place it's loyalty. Unfortunately as has been so often said, the people of Ukraine are the people being hurt and their country destroyed while this goes on.

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