Uh Oh!!: Tim Adams, Chief Elections Clerk in Hawaii says Obama wasn't born there.

well, think back to when Bush was being asked for his papers
he produced everything he could produce, the nay sayers were still not happy
i say Obama learned from that and isnt going to bother
since it is unlikely that anything he could do would satisfy them, other than giving in and resigning
then they would find something else to be bitching about ;)

I agree with you. This isn't about the facts. It's just about clouding the waters.
please fix your quotes ;)

Done. Sorry and thanks.
It would be very easy to get rid of all the birthers......... all the Dickbreath-In-Chief would need to do is show the actual birth certificate to the world( he showed the obviously fake Certificate of Live Birth, why not the real Birth Certificate?)why fabricate a document..... poorly........ I wonder why he doesn't do that? Seems it would be a great way for him to kick someone's ass or at least say something else inappropriate for a President. Aren't all of you people a little curious?

Do you have any idea how they do it in Hawaii? Yo dont have a clue do you.

Birthers, keep it up. You are making your party look like idiots!

Dickbreath indeed.

Is english a second language for you zonie? Yea dickbreath, you should be intimately familiar to the smell of that, dumb fuck. Of course you are no doubt more familiar with the smell of Obama's ass since you keep your nose so firmly planted up his.

Politics has nothing to do with the fact that each state keeps the property, the original birth certificate, for safe keeping. The original is not to be released.
A certified copy is all Obama or anyone can get.
You can make a political argument all you want but some facts, anything, something other than hot air is needed. To date you have provided nothing.
And I am a Republican moderate.
The problem is that this BS is what got Obama elected in the first place. Rush Limbaugh needs no facts and provides none as he does not have to. He is accountable to no one.
An informed American requires evidence. There is no evidence to support Obama is not an American citizen. Never has been and you keep proving there never will be.
This type of behavior from the strange reactionary-agenda driven lunatic far right guarantees that Congress will remain Dem this fall. Even if the Dems lose 25 of the 30 most in play seats in the House, the Dems maintain a comfortable majority.

I wonder if secret far leftist money is underwriting the Tea Party, the birthers, the warmers, and all the psycho talk from the whacky right.
This Skinhead Tim Adams is a real corker of a guy:

"The Council of Conservative Citizens is a group of updated know-nothing types, who believes the United States is a Christian country, a white country, a European-American country, and the rest of it. At its 2010 National Conference held in Nashville, CofCC member, anti-Semite, racist, homophobe James Edwards live-broadcast his white supremacist, neo-nazi, hate-talk radio show, Political Cesspool, which is carried by Stormfront Media.

Adams describes himself as a Clinton primary supporter, who later voted for McCain in the 2008 general election. While a student at the University of Hawaii, he says he was working a temp position and came to know from his superiors at the local Honolulu elections office that Barack Obama was not born in that city or county or anywhere in the State of Hawaii.

In early 2009, Timothy Lee Adams self-published a print-on-demand book,The River And Other Stories, which was apparently an update of a 2007 book, “Stories I’ve Finished Before I’m Dead.”

The books are categorized “motivational” and, assuming from that, if the stories are about his own life, he was as miserable and hateful a child as he appears to be as an adult. He hated everybody and everybody hated him. His schoolmates cut off a German Shepherd’s head and put it in his locker. He tried to kill his own brother. The Army later diagnosed him as mentally ill and his fellow soldiers wouldn’t be in the same room with him. (Ya think?)

More: Oh, For Goodness Sake Blog Archive Birthers’ New Bright Shining Object Dims

Just when you thought the Birthers had reached their crescendo. :rofl:
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For a short time he had a blog about Hawaii under the name of “Brian Johnson,” where he also obsessed over crime and race. His skinhead photo can be seen online with his writings as Timothy Lee Adams and as Brian Johnson, which is also the name on his MySpace profile, and as Brian Johnson he refers to his books, which are the same books published by Timothy Lee Adams.


If I am reading Adams’s MySpace page right, he may not have been in Hawaii–which he refers to repeatedly as “ghetto paradise”–for the full month of May, according to an August 18, 2008 post:
Well, it’s almost the end of August and I haven’t written since I returned from my trip down under in May. My bad, spank me with a wet noodle. Sorry, I have a life, such as it is. … I’ve been employed by the City of Honolulu, managing an office for the upcoming national and state elections, but I’m on leave til August 21st and I don’t think I’ll be going back.
So he worked two full months, maybe three, and then went “on leave” before leaving the job altogether. Why didn’t he work through the November elections?
I scrolled through his MySpace blog and I saw no reference to Hillary Clinton.
I saw no reference to Obama, except for one, not even on Election Day.
Tomorrow we have two big events going on here in Ghetto P. At 1600hours, a group from Westboro Baptist Church will be protesting over at Punchbowl Cemetary just before the funeral for Barack Obama’s tutu (grandma). I plan to be there, while I don’t agree with these folks on some issues, it’s definitely a blessing to have a group of Christians who accurately and blatantly put the real Gospel of Jesus Christ out in the public view. I’m sure all the watered-down, milquetoasts religios will come out to disparage them. It’s okay, none of them are Christian, nor saved anyway. Hell is full of them.
He planned to picket Obama’s grandmother’s funeral and is not ashamed to say so on MySpace. Nice. I am sure Jesus would be pleased.

So, in the course of working a few months, this older college student/temporary worker somehow achieved the title of “Honolulu Chief Elections Clerk,” according to him. World Net Daily originally called Adams a “college professor,” later changing it to “instructor...”

Tim Adams


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For a short time he had a blog about Hawaii under the name of “Brian Johnson,” where he also obsessed over crime and race. His skinhead photo can be seen online with his writings as Timothy Lee Adams and as Brian Johnson, which is also the name on his MySpace profile, and as Brian Johnson he refers to his books, which are the same books published by Timothy Lee Adams.


If I am reading Adams’s MySpace page right, he may not have been in Hawaii–which he refers to repeatedly as “ghetto paradise”–for the full month of May, according to an August 18, 2008 post:
Well, it’s almost the end of August and I haven’t written since I returned from my trip down under in May. My bad, spank me with a wet noodle. Sorry, I have a life, such as it is. … I’ve been employed by the City of Honolulu, managing an office for the upcoming national and state elections, but I’m on leave til August 21st and I don’t think I’ll be going back.
So he worked two full months, maybe three, and then went “on leave” before leaving the job altogether. Why didn’t he work through the November elections?
I scrolled through his MySpace blog and I saw no reference to Hillary Clinton.
I saw no reference to Obama, except for one, not even on Election Day.
Tomorrow we have two big events going on here in Ghetto P. At 1600hours, a group from Westboro Baptist Church will be protesting over at Punchbowl Cemetary just before the funeral for Barack Obama’s tutu (grandma). I plan to be there, while I don’t agree with these folks on some issues, it’s definitely a blessing to have a group of Christians who accurately and blatantly put the real Gospel of Jesus Christ out in the public view. I’m sure all the watered-down, milquetoasts religios will come out to disparage them. It’s okay, none of them are Christian, nor saved anyway. Hell is full of them.
He planned to picket Obama’s grandmother’s funeral and is not ashamed to say so on MySpace. Nice. I am sure Jesus would be pleased.

So, in the course of working a few months, this older college student/temporary worker somehow achieved the title of “Honolulu Chief Elections Clerk,” according to him. World Net Daily originally called Adams a “college professor,” later changing it to “instructor...”

Tim Adams

Well, Well,Well....

the Birthers DUPED AGAIN!

'us army retired' part deaux is getting a little tiring....
Do you have any idea how they do it in Hawaii? Yo dont have a clue do you.

Birthers, keep it up. You are making your party look like idiots!

Dickbreath indeed.

Is english a second language for you zonie? Yea dickbreath, you should be intimately familiar to the smell of that, dumb fuck. Of course you are no doubt more familiar with the smell of Obama's ass since you keep your nose so firmly planted up his.

i remember when george bush went on tv to show his birth certificate

oh, wait, i don't. i wonder why no one insisted on it?

His history is well known, he wasn't raised outside the country with a "father" from Kenya and a Kenyan grandmother who claims she was there during his birth. His Father wasn't an admitted Communist and neither were his grandparents unlike Barry. His mother wasn't an anarchist that slept with all and any garbage she picked up in a fucking bar. Maybe that's why nobody asked to see a birth certificate. Oh and he was born in the United States to two American parents........ another semi important point.

Why did Barry feel a need to place an obviously faked Certificate Of Live Birth on his campaign web site. I have a photographic copy of my birth certificate and I was born 7 years before that dimwitted clown in Air Force One, why won't he show his? Who was the doctor that delivered him? What was the hospital's name? Why would a 1961 certificate of live birth have African for his father's race? Why did the same certificate state his mother's race as caucasian, why wouldn't they be consistent and say she was a member of the North American race:lol::lol::lol:?
Link to these accusations?

Fukino (Dr. Chiyome Fukino, DOH Director) said she and the registrar of vital statistics, Alvin Onaka, have personally verified that the health department holds Obama's original birth certificate.

"Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai‘i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures," Fukino said.

Fukino said that no state official, including Gov. Linda Lingle, ever instructed that Obama's certificate be handled differently from any other.
Obama's Birth Certificate Verified By State - Politics News Story - KITV Honolulu

Game, set, fucking match.

Director of Health >>>>>>>> Part-time putz employee whose job description has nothing to do with verifying Obama's place of birth.

If Obama were a registered voter in the State of Hawaii, then this might make some sort of sense, and even then it's a massive stretch since it comflicts with Dr. Fukino's official statement.

However, this jackass was a low-level clown whose sole job was to verify voter registration. I doubt he even had access to the paper records.

Of course, since you are a birther, I predict your next move will be to claim that Dr. Fukino is in on the conspiracy.

What I don't get is how birthers explain how the news paper announced his birth. How did they know to fake his birth in the paper?

SERIOUSLY BIRTHERS, EXPLAIN HOW THEY ANNOUNCED HIS BIRTH IN THE PAPER A COUPLE DAYS AFTER HE WAS "SUPPOSEDLY" BORN? Was it a conspiracy even back then? How did they know he would grow up to be president. Damn that "exotic" Hawaii. Obviously not American.

Wow, that would have been tough in 1961....... his anarchist mother's communist parents lived in Hawaii, if she got in touch with them and told them to call the papers, why would the paper doubt what they were told? That's all you have, really? Why did Barry put his obviously fake certificate of live birth on his campaign web site? Think of it as a science question, aren't you curious why he would hide behind a certificate that I could have produced in 5 minutes with my computer and a printer? Why weren't they at east smart enough to get an actual typewriter to produce the fake document? You really have to have you nose buried deep up that Osama ass.
Is english a second language for you zonie? Yea dickbreath, you should be intimately familiar to the smell of that, dumb fuck. Of course you are no doubt more familiar with the smell of Obama's ass since you keep your nose so firmly planted up his.

i remember when george bush went on tv to show his birth certificate

oh, wait, i don't. i wonder why no one insisted on it?

His history is well known, he wasn't raised outside the country with a "father" from Kenya and a Kenyan grandmother who claims she was there during his birth. His Father wasn't an admitted Communist and neither were his grandparents unlike Barry. His mother wasn't an anarchist that slept with all and any garbage she picked up in a fucking bar. Maybe that's why nobody asked to see a birth certificate. Oh and he was born in the United States to two American parents........ another semi important point.

Why did Barry feel a need to place an obviously faked Certificate Of Live Birth on his campaign web site. I have a photographic copy of my birth certificate and I was born 7 years before that dimwitted clown in Air Force One, why won't he show his? Who was the doctor that delivered him? What was the hospital's name? Why would a 1961 certificate of live birth have African for his father's race? Why did the same certificate state his mother's race as caucasian, why wouldn't they be consistent and say she was a member of the North American race:lol::lol::lol:?

outside of 3 years in indonesia, he was not raised outside of the united states, I lived in Italy for 3 years and my mother is an italian, does that make me not a citizen? ABSOLUTELY NOT.

In addition to this, you are not telling the truth about obama's grandmother...I listened to the radio tape the birthers have of her SUPPOSEDLY saying obama was born in Kenya....SHE NEVER SAID THAT....she spent the entire interview telling the radio jock he was wrong and mistaken and obama was born in Hawaii....

Go listen to it....
Obama's Birth Certificate Verified By State - Politics News Story - KITV Honolulu

Game, set, fucking match.

Director of Health >>>>>>>> Part-time putz employee whose job description has nothing to do with verifying Obama's place of birth.

If Obama were a registered voter in the State of Hawaii, then this might make some sort of sense, and even then it's a massive stretch since it comflicts with Dr. Fukino's official statement.

However, this jackass was a low-level clown whose sole job was to verify voter registration. I doubt he even had access to the paper records.

Of course, since you are a birther, I predict your next move will be to claim that Dr. Fukino is in on the conspiracy.

What I don't get is how birthers explain how the news paper announced his birth. How did they know to fake his birth in the paper?

SERIOUSLY BIRTHERS, EXPLAIN HOW THEY ANNOUNCED HIS BIRTH IN THE PAPER A COUPLE DAYS AFTER HE WAS "SUPPOSEDLY" BORN? Was it a conspiracy even back then? How did they know he would grow up to be president. Damn that "exotic" Hawaii. Obviously not American.

Wow, that would have been tough in 1961....... his anarchist mother's communist parents lived in Hawaii, if she got in touch with them and told them to call the papers, why would the paper doubt what they were told? That's all you have, really? Why did Barry put his obviously fake certificate of live birth on his campaign web site? Think of it as a science question, aren't you curious why he would hide behind a certificate that I could have produced in 5 minutes with my computer and a printer? Why weren't they at east smart enough to get an actual typewriter to produce the fake document? You really have to have you nose buried deep up that Osama ass.

Let's do this. You pick a newspaper of your choice. Call them today and tell them that your grandchild (pick any name you want) was born at (pick a hospital in your locale) and ask them to print an announcement. Then come back here and tell up the newspaper, name and hospital so we can watch it online to see if they report what you called in. Go ahead. We'll wait. I'm serious. But your money where your mouth is.
Screw the birth records. What does the State Department have on him and what about those student records. Did he ever have dual citizenship??? Did he falsify Student Loan Applications???
Don't you think if there was ANY chance he was not born in the country that his opponents(republicans) would have dug that up by now?? Are they in on the conspiracy too? Or are you people that are still holding on tight to this ridiculous theory just smarter and more informed then all of the politicians in the republican party?
i remember when george bush went on tv to show his birth certificate

oh, wait, i don't. i wonder why no one insisted on it?

His history is well known, he wasn't raised outside the country with a "father" from Kenya and a Kenyan grandmother who claims she was there during his birth. His Father wasn't an admitted Communist and neither were his grandparents unlike Barry. His mother wasn't an anarchist that slept with all and any garbage she picked up in a fucking bar. Maybe that's why nobody asked to see a birth certificate. Oh and he was born in the United States to two American parents........ another semi important point.

Why did Barry feel a need to place an obviously faked Certificate Of Live Birth on his campaign web site. I have a photographic copy of my birth certificate and I was born 7 years before that dimwitted clown in Air Force One, why won't he show his? Who was the doctor that delivered him? What was the hospital's name? Why would a 1961 certificate of live birth have African for his father's race? Why did the same certificate state his mother's race as caucasian, why wouldn't they be consistent and say she was a member of the North American race:lol::lol::lol:?

outside of 3 years in indonesia, he was not raised outside of the united states, I lived in Italy for 3 years and my mother is an italian, does that make me not a citizen? ABSOLUTELY NOT.

In addition to this, you are not telling the truth about obama's grandmother...I listened to the radio tape the birthers have of her SUPPOSEDLY saying obama was born in Kenya....SHE NEVER SAID THAT....she spent the entire interview telling the radio jock he was wrong and mistaken and obama was born in Hawaii....

Go listen to it....

I don't know, maybe it does mean you are not a citizen. Do you have a legal Birth Certificate showing that you were born in the states?

Are you willing to provide your Birth Certificate to those that need to know when you apply for a job or governmental services?


PS I am not implying President Obama was not born in the states or that he did not provide the proof of citizenship required at the time that he was put on the ballot. I would like to believe that he did so and I continue to assume that he did until there is some actual evidence that he did not.

Tomorrow we have two big events going on here in Ghetto P. At 1600hours, a group from Westboro Baptist Church will be protesting over at Punchbowl Cemetary just before the funeral for Barack Obama’s tutu (grandma). I plan to be there, while I don’t agree with these folks on some issues, it’s definitely a blessing to have a group of Christians who accurately and blatantly put the real Gospel of Jesus Christ out in the public view. I’m sure all the watered-down, milquetoasts religios will come out to disparage them. It’s okay, none of them are Christian, nor saved anyway. Hell is full of them.
So he protested with the WBC crowd and thinks their message is right on?

Just when you think the birthers can't get any more idiotic.
Screw the birth records. What does the State Department have on him and what about those student records. Did he ever have dual citizenship??? Did he falsify Student Loan Applications???

And if he did, WHAT?

You tell me what happens to you when you get caught committing fraud on Student Loan and Grant applications???? Sounds like a crime to me. Federal loans and grants, federal laws being violated.
His history is well known, he wasn't raised outside the country with a "father" from Kenya and a Kenyan grandmother who claims she was there during his birth. His Father wasn't an admitted Communist and neither were his grandparents unlike Barry. His mother wasn't an anarchist that slept with all and any garbage she picked up in a fucking bar. Maybe that's why nobody asked to see a birth certificate. Oh and he was born in the United States to two American parents........ another semi important point.

Why did Barry feel a need to place an obviously faked Certificate Of Live Birth on his campaign web site. I have a photographic copy of my birth certificate and I was born 7 years before that dimwitted clown in Air Force One, why won't he show his? Who was the doctor that delivered him? What was the hospital's name? Why would a 1961 certificate of live birth have African for his father's race? Why did the same certificate state his mother's race as caucasian, why wouldn't they be consistent and say she was a member of the North American race:lol::lol::lol:?

outside of 3 years in indonesia, he was not raised outside of the united states, I lived in Italy for 3 years and my mother is an italian, does that make me not a citizen? ABSOLUTELY NOT.

In addition to this, you are not telling the truth about obama's grandmother...I listened to the radio tape the birthers have of her SUPPOSEDLY saying obama was born in Kenya....SHE NEVER SAID THAT....she spent the entire interview telling the radio jock he was wrong and mistaken and obama was born in Hawaii....

Go listen to it....

I don't know, maybe it does mean you are not a citizen. Do you have a legal Birth Certificate showing that you were born in the states?

Are you willing to provide your Birth Certificate to those that need to know when you apply for a job or governmental services?


PS I am not implying President Obama was not born in the states or that he did not provide the proof of citizenship required at the time that he was put on the ballot. I would like to believe that he did so and I continue to assume that he did until there is some actual evidence that he did not.

I have both the original black form and the newer State certification form. Hey Sparky, the Feds will check you out in more ways you can imagine should you seek employment there. Who you kidding??? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Whenever the left wingnuts post some outrageous information on somebody, it doesn't take long to do a cursory search and find that the only sources reporting it are leftwing blogs, all making copycat posts. Maybe Huffington Post or some such as that picks it up, but you can't find it anywhere in the Mainstream Media. So it's a pretty safe bet the information is bogus.

So when this first surfaced, I did my usual cursory search and, except for Worldnet Daily, could find only copycat posts on rightwing blogs. Nothing, nada, zilch in the Mainstream Media and nothing from conservative talk radio.

So it's a pretty safe bet the information is bogus.

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