UAE Designates CAIR and Muslim Brotherhood as TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS!


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
About time. If more Muslim countries stepped up and did this, maybe it would herald a new age of reformation in the Islamic world.

United Arab Emirates Designates Two American Muslim Groups As Terrorist Orgs

The United Arab Emirates has officially designated 83 groups as terrorist organizations, including two based in the U.S., the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Muslim American Society.

UAE’s cabinet made the announcement following a meeting on Saturday.

Other groups designated as terrorists include al-Qaida, al Nusra, Boko Haram and the Muslim Brotherhood.

CAIR’s designation is interesting given its high profile here in the U.S.

The group was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation case in 2007. Leaders of the Holy Land Foundation were found guilty of aiding Hamas, which the U.S. has designated as a terrorist organization.

Starting in 2008, the FBI adopted a strict policy against dealing with CAIR in its investigations. Last year, the Department of Justice inspector general issued a report showing that the FBI had in some instances failed to maintain that arms-length requirement.
About time. If more Muslim countries stepped up and did this, maybe it would herald a new age of reformation in the Islamic world.

United Arab Emirates Designates Two American Muslim Groups As Terrorist Orgs

The United Arab Emirates has officially designated 83 groups as terrorist organizations, including two based in the U.S., the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Muslim American Society.

UAE’s cabinet made the announcement following a meeting on Saturday.

Other groups designated as terrorists include al-Qaida, al Nusra, Boko Haram and the Muslim Brotherhood.

CAIR’s designation is interesting given its high profile here in the U.S.

The group was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation case in 2007. Leaders of the Holy Land Foundation were found guilty of aiding Hamas, which the U.S. has designated as a terrorist organization.

Starting in 2008, the FBI adopted a strict policy against dealing with CAIR in its investigations. Last year, the Department of Justice inspector general issued a report showing that the FBI had in some instances failed to maintain that arms-length requirement.
Good. We should add them too.
Gee ------I find this development a bit odd------muslims usually do not engage in back biting PUBLICALLY. CAIR is very
important-------donations to those murdering terrorist pigs fulfull the ZAKAT REQUIREMENT. gee......
CAIR is an organization that is funded by Islamists, who's goal is to overthrow rulers in states like UAE and replace them with terroristic Muslim Brotherhood affiliates. CAIR should be outlawed in the US, and its members deported and stripped of their citizenship. There is no reason to allow this anti Amercan organization to continue operating operating on our soil, when even other moderate Arab countries have recognized them as terrorists.
CAIR is an organization that is funded by Islamists, who's goal is to overthrow rulers in states like UAE and replace them with terroristic Muslim Brotherhood affiliates. CAIR should be outlawed in the US, and its members deported and stripped of their citizenship. There is no reason to allow this anti Amercan organization to continue operating operating on our soil, when even other moderate Arab countries have recognized them as terrorists.

A little known fact-------it was SADAAM HUSSEIN---who
founded CAIR--------way back------like circa 1960. It had
a different name back then----something like "USA FRIENDS OF ARABS" <<< sorta........the agent was a
greasy creep named Mahmoud (?) Mehdi It was he---
and his organization that picketed the Israeli shack----at the
New York World's fair (back then----in the 60s) Mehdi was
a close friend of Sadaam Hussein -------believe it or not-----
all true. ----Sadaam Hussein has been active since his
youth-----a veritable arabist prodigy-----big time Baathist
pig-----like Nasser, and like papa and baby Assad.-----
ask me how I know--------well---I do know----not from
my good friends at mossad-------way back in 1964 I talked to
the greasy pig-------Mehdi------I was still a child
CAIR is an organization that is funded by Islamists, who's goal is to overthrow rulers in states like UAE and replace them with terroristic Muslim Brotherhood affiliates. CAIR should be outlawed in the US, and its members deported and stripped of their citizenship. There is no reason to allow this anti Amercan organization to continue operating operating on our soil, when even other moderate Arab countries have recognized them as terrorists.

A little known fact-------it was SADAAM HUSSEIN---who
founded CAIR--------way back------like circa 1960. It had
a different name back then----something like "USA FRIENDS OF ARABS" <<< sorta........the agent was a
greasy creep named Mahmoud (?) Mehdi It was he---
and his organization that picketed the Israeli shack----at the
New York World's fair (back then----in the 60s) Mehdi was
a close friend of Sadaam Hussein -------believe it or not-----
all true. ----Sadaam Hussein has been active since his
youth-----a veritable arabist prodigy-----big time Baathist
pig-----like Nasser, and like papa and baby Assad.-----
ask me how I know--------well---I do know----not from
my good friends at mossad-------way back in 1964 I talked to
the greasy pig-------Mehdi------I was still a child

Saddam Hussein was given the key to the city by Detroit I believe.
CAIR is an organization that is funded by Islamists, who's goal is to overthrow rulers in states like UAE and replace them with terroristic Muslim Brotherhood affiliates. CAIR should be outlawed in the US, and its members deported and stripped of their citizenship. There is no reason to allow this anti Amercan organization to continue operating operating on our soil, when even other moderate Arab countries have recognized them as terrorists.

A little known fact-------it was SADAAM HUSSEIN---who
founded CAIR--------way back------like circa 1960. It had
a different name back then----something like "USA FRIENDS OF ARABS" <<< sorta........the agent was a
greasy creep named Mahmoud (?) Mehdi It was he---
and his organization that picketed the Israeli shack----at the
New York World's fair (back then----in the 60s) Mehdi was
a close friend of Sadaam Hussein -------believe it or not-----
all true. ----Sadaam Hussein has been active since his
youth-----a veritable arabist prodigy-----big time Baathist
pig-----like Nasser, and like papa and baby Assad.-----
ask me how I know--------well---I do know----not from
my good friends at mossad-------way back in 1964 I talked to
the greasy pig-------Mehdi------I was still a child

Saddam Hussein was given the key to the city by Detroit I believe.

OY !!!! when?
CAIR is an organization that is funded by Islamists, who's goal is to overthrow rulers in states like UAE and replace them with terroristic Muslim Brotherhood affiliates. CAIR should be outlawed in the US, and its members deported and stripped of their citizenship. There is no reason to allow this anti Amercan organization to continue operating operating on our soil, when even other moderate Arab countries have recognized them as terrorists.

A little known fact-------it was SADAAM HUSSEIN---who
founded CAIR--------way back------like circa 1960. It had
a different name back then----something like "USA FRIENDS OF ARABS" <<< sorta........the agent was a
greasy creep named Mahmoud (?) Mehdi It was he---
and his organization that picketed the Israeli shack----at the
New York World's fair (back then----in the 60s) Mehdi was
a close friend of Sadaam Hussein -------believe it or not-----
all true. ----Sadaam Hussein has been active since his
youth-----a veritable arabist prodigy-----big time Baathist
pig-----like Nasser, and like papa and baby Assad.-----
ask me how I know--------well---I do know----not from
my good friends at mossad-------way back in 1964 I talked to
the greasy pig-------Mehdi------I was still a child

Saddam Hussein was given the key to the city by Detroit I believe.

OY !!!! when?

80s I think but this might not be true, I heard someone typing about it on this board a while back.
YUP ----1980 I googled. Sadaam donated money to a church in Detroit-------and got the keys----a priest went to Iraq
give him the keys to Detroit. If I remember correctly---Sadaam had already demonstrate himself a nut-----but the
facts did not make news much in the USA-----I believe he had
PURGED out his political enemies about that time-----just
pointed and people were axed
Many of CAIR's founders and active members have already been convicted of terrorism related charges and are now in federal prison. I don't understand what else the US govt needs to shut these Islamic organizations down. They are all bad news that do not have the best interests of America in mind. In fact all Islamic organizations should be banned, period.
YUP ----1980 I googled. Sadaam donated money to a church in Detroit-------and got the keys----a priest went to Iraq
give him the keys to Detroit. If I remember correctly---Sadaam had already demonstrate himself a nut-----but the
facts did not make news much in the USA-----I believe he had
PURGED out his political enemies about that time-----just
pointed and people were axed

Yeah that was before the Iran/Iraq war, the gassing of the Kurds and the invasion of Kuwait, most Americans in 1980 never even heard of Saddam Hussein at that point.
YUP ----1980 I googled. Sadaam donated money to a church in Detroit-------and got the keys----a priest went to Iraq
give him the keys to Detroit. If I remember correctly---Sadaam had already demonstrate himself a nut-----but the
facts did not make news much in the USA-----I believe he had
PURGED out his political enemies about that time-----just
pointed and people were axed

Yeah that was before the Iran/Iraq war, the gassing of the Kurds and the invasion of Kuwait, most Americans in 1980 never even heard of Saddam Hussein at that point.
YUP ----1980 I googled. Sadaam donated money to a church in Detroit-------and got the keys----a priest went to Iraq
give him the keys to Detroit. If I remember correctly---Sadaam had already demonstrate himself a nut-----but the
facts did not make news much in the USA-----I believe he had
PURGED out his political enemies about that time-----just
pointed and people were axed

Yeah that was before the Iran/Iraq war, the gassing of the Kurds and the invasion of Kuwait, most Americans in 1980 never even heard of Saddam Hussein at that point.

Ahhhhh ......yes-------*****BEFORE**** it was before we heard the name Sadaam----and Osama -----and even before we came to grasp the real issues in IRAN and
THE HOLY REVOLUTION------the good old optimistic
60s and 70s-------LOVE LOVE LOVE -----and Carter
the perennial schmuck-------and the BELIEVERS----those who LAUDED THE ARAB SPRING!!!!!!!-------------

and now for a refrain
la la la la la

springtime for hitler.........
Many of CAIR's founders and active members have already been convicted of terrorism related charges and are now in federal prison. I don't understand what else the US govt needs to shut these Islamic organizations down. They are all bad news that do not have the best interests of America in mind. In fact all Islamic organizations should be banned, period.
The way things are going, it seems likely that CAIR will be sorted as a terror-front, sometime soon after January 20, 2017.
Many of CAIR's founders and active members have already been convicted of terrorism related charges and are now in federal prison. I don't understand what else the US govt needs to shut these Islamic organizations down. They are all bad news that do not have the best interests of America in mind. In fact all Islamic organizations should be banned, period.
The way things are going, it seems likely that CAIR will be sorted as a terror-front, sometime soon after January 20, 2017.

It will not help

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