U.S. to Israel: If You Attack, We Don't Have Your Back

I find it rather interesting how Roudy posts a lot on these subjects but never says anything of substance.
He insults and reds but never comes up with any valid arguments to support his position.

That would suggest his position is shaky at best.
BS Roudy puts out a plethora of informational facts and is met with juvenile remarks. You're one of the guilty.

He states facts?

I've been hunting through and found very little of substance but loads of "cocksucker" and similar.
Ever wonder why? I stated my reason.
I find it rather interesting how Roudy posts a lot on these subjects but never says anything of substance.
He insults and reds but never comes up with any valid arguments to support his position.

That would suggest his position is shaky at best.
BS Roudy puts out a plethora of informational facts and is met with juvenile remarks. You're one of the guilty.

and how exactly, hoss, is one supposed to respond to such compelling arguments consisting of "you're a Nazi, anti-semitic cocksucker." would a "i know you are but what am i" be sufficient.

roudy puts out next to nothing and what he does put out is from hate sites or propaganda sites.

i think the both of you just make statements and expect people to believe them. when called on it though, neither one of you back anything up.
Roudy is right his coward nation massacres defenseless people and look how proud he is
Stop putting defenseless people in front of your rocket launchers firing missiles into Israeli territory.

Why don't you start practicing trying to make Israel a brother again. It's not too late to patch things up after 3,000 years. Just stop the killing. They'll catch on. ;)
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Egypt blew israel away on yom kippur, not that I care about Arab countries and Israeli wars. Why do you lie again donkey? Hezbollah was fighting very strong for a militia and Hamas was waiting for Israeli troops in gaza but all they did was stay on the outskirts because they're babies, why are you trying to make Israeli troops sound brave? They get very nervous in combat.

And all Israel did was fight from computers and airforce jets and helicopters because they are pussies, they know their troops can't do shit on the ground.

Also Hamas is a very poor militia that was attacked by a superpower, see what war with Egypt or Turkey today will do.
"All Israel did" was fight five Arab armies, millions of more men than Israel, with the same arms, and without a shred of US help. If Egypt won why did Um Kalthoum want to commit
suicide after their defeat? Asshole, Egypt suffered the most humiliating defeat, after Jordan of course, they lost all of the Sinia and Gaza. You think you can capture that much territory and defeat five countries from the air only?.

Everybody knows Arabs were crushed by tiny Israel. Keep trying to bite your tail, you kalb khara doggy.

Donkey if America didn't come and ship Israel all the weopons Egypt would have won, and I don't give a shit about your so called victory against 5 armies, another lie donkey

Because is right----If israel had no weapons then Egypt would have won the 1973 war. That is why Shariah law specifically denies non muslims the right to bear arms The law is designed so that non muslims are always rendered defenseless so that muslims can rape and pillage andd slit the throats of infanst with ease. She the filth of shariah law----non muslims cannot so much as carry a knife even when traveling in places where there are will animals in shariah shit holes Poor because is so upset that his "god" cannot impose that filth world wide
I heard Dempsey on a Sunday talk show and he definitly said if Israel didn't attack, the US would.

It will all come down to the polls. If Obama is behind in October, we will attack. If he is ahead we won't. Obama is pissed at Israel because if they attack and Obama is behind he won't have that card to play anymore.
Y'think? I think if he's down in October, Congress better double the guard at Ft. Knox. :eusa_whistle:
U.S. to Israel: We Don
How mad is donkey right now? :D
Israel should just take the U.S. military's advice also previous Mossad leaders advice

The fact is, I do not support anyone attacking Iran and I certainly do not support getting America involved in another ME war but considering the political fallout for an American administration which fails to cover Israel's back would be a disaster for the ruling party.
A strong majority of Americans want America to have Israel's back.

The fact is, I do not support anyone attacking Iran and I certainly do not support getting America involved in another ME war but considering the political fallout for an American administration which fails to cover Israel's back would be a disaster for the ruling party.
A strong majority of Americans want America to have Israel's back.

BULLSHIT!!! yet another example of your casual liberties with facts: a majority of Americans are sympathetic to Israel due to decades of media whitewashing---but a majority of Americans do not want "America to have Israel's back"....so far as the political fallout, you are speaking of Jews and their simpleminded Evangelical supporters---that's it!!!! Do you think most Americans give a shit about Israel---they are trying to survive the economic implosion created by the two-party monopoly...
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The fact is, I do not support anyone attacking Iran and I certainly do not support getting America involved in another ME war but considering the political fallout for an American administration which fails to cover Israel's back would be a disaster for the ruling party.
A strong majority of Americans want America to have Israel's back.

BULLSHIT!!! yet another example of your casual liberties with facts: a majority of Americans are sympathetic to Israel due to decades of media whitewashing---but a majority of Americans do not want "America to have Israel's back"....so far as the political fallout, you are speaking of Jews and their simpleminded Evangelical supporters---that's it!!!! Do you think most Americans give a shit about Israel---they are trying to survive the economic implosion created by the two-party monopoly...

That's simply your opinion, Princess, but then what is the credibility of an old goat-sucker like you, eh?
Clearly the board thinks not much.
It doesn't matter what board you infect, the reaction you elicit from the peeps is always the same.

That's simply your opinion, Princess, but then what is the credibility of an old goat-sucker like you, eh?
Clearly the board thinks not much.
It doesn't matter what board you infect, the reaction you elicit from the peeps is always the same.

Not really goat-boy...you made another reckless claim that a 'strong majority of Americans want America to have Israel's back"---but typically you provided no proof---sound familiar dipstick??? Either present the proof---or own up to your bombastic liberties with fact....and taper off the goat juice

The fact is, I do not support anyone attacking Iran and I certainly do not support getting America involved in another ME war but considering the political fallout for an American administration which fails to cover Israel's back would be a disaster for the ruling party.
A strong majority of Americans want America to have Israel's back.

BULLSHIT!!! yet another example of your casual liberties with facts: a majority of Americans are sympathetic to Israel due to decades of media whitewashing---but a majority of Americans do not want "America to have Israel's back"....so far as the political fallout, you are speaking of Jews and their simpleminded Evangelical supporters---that's it!!!! Do you think most Americans give a shit about Israel---they are trying to survive the economic implosion created by the two-party monopoly...

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That's simply your opinion, Princess, but then what is the credibility of an old goat-sucker like you, eh?
Clearly the board thinks not much.
It doesn't matter what board you infect, the reaction you elicit from the peeps is always the same.

Not really goat-boy...you made another reckless claim that a 'strong majority of Americans want America to have Israel's back"---but typically you provided no proof---sound familiar dipstick??? Either present the proof---or own up to your bombastic liberties with fact....and taper off the goat juice

So now I am goat-boy, eh? Well, as the widely recognized goat-sucker here I expect you'll soon be on your knees before me.
As for your demands that I back up what I say to you, that will happen once you begin posting support for the camel crap you dump here, Princess. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
U.S. to Israel: We Don
How mad is donkey right now? :D
Israel should just take the U.S. military's advice also previous Mossad leaders advice

The fact is, I do not support anyone attacking Iran and I certainly do not support getting America involved in another ME war but considering the political fallout for an American administration which fails to cover Israel's back would be a disaster for the ruling party.
A strong majority of Americans want America to have Israel's back.

Who are these Americans?.. That is a lie, most Americans do not want to be involved in another war
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Are you African American or tel aviv Israeli?


Lmfaoooo I don't understand how an African American supports Israel when they are gonna out all the Ethiopian blacks in detention in a few days and deport them

The Following User Says Thank You to BecauseIKnow For This Useful Post:
Jos (08-31-2012)

This is hilarious-----the 'because' idiot parrots a silly fart from the meccaist-pig post
and jihadi jos belches " ameeeen' jos----are you the erstwhile 'joanserve'?

Roudy, who is onstreammedia.com? and how do they base their poll?
Onstream Media Corp, Pompano Beach FL 33069
They have NO reviews
you get a 0
Hello cocksucker Jihadist those two graphs are from GALLUP. If you'd like I can post you the links or you can go to Gallup.Com - Daily News, Polls, Public Opinion on Politics, Economy, Wellbeing, and World and type "Israel" in the search bar. That was a pathetic attempt at discrediting those results. You get a :9:
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Roudy, who is onstreammedia.com? and how do they base their poll?
Onstream Media Corp, Pompano Beach FL 33069
They have NO reviews
you get a 0
Hello cocksucker Jihadist those two graphs are from GALLUP. If you'd like I can post you the links or you can go to Gallup.Com - Daily News, Polls, Public Opinion on Politics, Economy, Wellbeing, and World and type "Israel" in the search bar. That was a pathetic attempt at discrediting those results. You get a :9:

so why not post the Gallup poll rather than the lame Onstream Media Corp one?
Roudy, who is onstreammedia.com? and how do they base their poll?
Onstream Media Corp, Pompano Beach FL 33069
They have NO reviews
you get a 0
Hello cocksucker Jihadist those two graphs are from GALLUP. If you'd like I can post you the links or you can go to Gallup.Com - Daily News, Polls, Public Opinion on Politics, Economy, Wellbeing, and World and type "Israel" in the search bar. That was a pathetic attempt at discrediting those results. You get a :9:

so why not post the Gallup poll rather than the lame Onstream Media Corp one?

because roudy's an anti-goyim, Nazi, cocksucker.

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