U.S. militia groups head to border stirred by Trump's call to arms

Just who has "fucked" with anyone's freedom? Aren't you the same asshole you were yesterday? Why do you want to murder innocent people?

There not innocent people asshole. Why can’t they do it the legal way. No these are groups of animals trying to force there way in you fucking idiot

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They are doing what the US law allows...For those seeking asylum..
it's a mob
Asylum, in international law, the protection granted by a state to a foreign citizen against his own state. The person for whom asylum is established has no legal right to demand it, and the sheltering state has no obligation to grant it.
It is the right of a state to grant asylum to an individual, but it is not the right of an individual to be granted asylum by a state.
Asylum | law
Asylum is a protection granted to foreign nationals already in the United States or at the border who meet the international law definition of a “refugee.” The United Nations 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol define a refugee as a person who is unable or unwilling to return to his or her home country, and cannot obtain protection in that country, due to past persecution or a well-founded fear of being persecuted in the future “on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.” Congress incorporated this definition into U.S. immigration law in the Refugee Act of 1980.
Asylum in the United States
you people are STUPID
FK these jackasses who are wasting our/yours/my $$$$ for NO justifiable reason
If you don't like it tough shit read the laws that concern your disbelief and yes some were passed during Republican administrations..But once they are on US soil they have to be given due process.
Congress is the key to fixing the whole problem. I have not a damn thing to do with it and it goes for millions of people also.
shoot to kill
shoot to kill
Of course, because if they don't the illegal will sue.
Any group massing in numbers, organizing, crossing other countries borders in an attempt to cross our border illegally, is something definitely to be concerned about.
I agree...we should be finding ways to ease their suffering and give them asylum.
Yeah, just get Hollyweird to take some of it's wealth, and start restoring all them (passed away celebrities), it killed with drugs and excess, (their old abandoned "mansions"), and let them live in them like those 60's hippy communes they loved so much back in their days of glory.

If they over run that, then just open up your own homes in order to take them in. Otherwise put your ideologies where your mouths are, and quit trying to force everyone else to do your bullcrap for you.
No those are stupid ideas that must be the product of a mentally challenged person. I will stick to desiring good, federal policy to tackle this issue, thanks.
These "militias" are white gangs. They seek to impersonate legitimate U.S. law-enforcement professionals., people who have gone through training and who have earned our trust to give them badges signifying that We The People entrust them with our authority. Any phony impersonator should be jailed immediately. These gangs have gotten too cocky. They decorate themselves in red, white, and blue, and call themselves "patriots." They are absolutely nothing but a costume.
Are you one of the loons that want to abolosh ice?
Excellent news.
Drooling racist gun nuts are looking for an opportunity to shoot some poor brown people is excellent news?
Rest assured that Tipsy will be too frightened to go there herself. She likes her violent fantasies safely far away from her person.
While I am not able to go now. I certainly have gone to the border to repel invaders in the past. These militias have been active for decades. Our group has always stayed on private property at the invitation of the property owner and been welcomed by the border patrol. These militias won't be any different.

You have never and would never go to the border in defense of the country because the end of this nation is your goal.
Agree, the end of this country is their goal. It's the ultimate rebellion, but what they can't understand is how do we know ?? They thought their games would never be found out until their mission was all but complete.
And when one of them shoots someone & the shooting escalates & troops die, then will, you dumbass Trumpettes blame Trump then???
Nope, blame the dumbasses that tried to cross the border when they were told not too. If they obey our laws, then there would be no violence.
FALFURRIAS, Tex. —Gun-carrying civilian groups and border vigilantes have heard a call to arms in President Trump’s warnings about threats to American security posed by caravans of Central American migrants moving through Mexico. They’re packing coolers and tents, oiling rifles and tuning up aerial drones, with plans to form caravans of their own and trail American troops to the border.

U.S. militia groups head to border, stirred by Trump’s call to arms

Ewww the big scary word :" Militia" oh now that's scary for trendy's to see

LOL, some of 'Trump's Toy Soldiers' incited by the violent language from Dur Fuhrer Drumpt.

Nazi America is in full motion. LOL

Nope already started with your guys.
Anyway. There won't be any real oath keepers near that whole border fiasco. It's indeed the proper role of the federal government to protect our borders from illegal occupation and entrance, so nothing wrong with that, this should be expected. Let them do what they're sent there to do undeterred. You won't ever see real oath keepers until hell breaks loose and American troops are marching against citizens. Hopefully that day won't ever happen.

True. You would never see one. That's how it is supposed to be.
Any group massing in numbers, organizing, crossing other countries borders in an attempt to cross our border illegally, is something definitely to be concerned about.
I agree...we should be finding ways to ease their suffering and give them asylum.
Yeah, just get Hollyweird to take some of it's wealth, and start restoring all them (passed away celebrities), it killed with drugs and excess, (their old abandoned "mansions"), and let them live in them like those 60's hippy communes they loved so much back in their days of glory.

If they over run that, then just open up your own homes in order to take them in. Otherwise put your ideologies where your mouths are, and quit trying to force everyone else to do your bullcrap for you.
No those are stupid ideas that must be the product of a mentally challenged person. I will stick to desiring good, federal policy to tackle this issue, thanks.
What ???? You know you hate the feds right now, and all because you ain't in control of it like you wished you were, so I just tried to give you some ideas that you might like in the current situation.
Just what we need. A bunch of conspiracy theory nuts with guns. Innocent people will probably die. Thanks Trump.

Not innocent people. Illegal people will die. What you think the civilian border groups are something new. They have been watching the border for years. They are well trained. A good portion are retired military.

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They are idiots.
-------------------------------- some may be but YOU and your ilk are traitorous Bulldog .
Any group massing in numbers, organizing, crossing other countries borders in an attempt to cross our border illegally, is something definitely to be concerned about.
I agree...we should be finding ways to ease their suffering and give them asylum.
Yeah, just get Hollyweird to take some of it's wealth, and start restoring all them (passed away celebrities), it killed with drugs and excess, (their old abandoned "mansions"), and let them live in them like those 60's hippy communes they loved so much back in their days of glory.

If they over run that, then just open up your own homes in order to take them in. Otherwise put your ideologies where your mouths are, and quit trying to force everyone else to do your bullcrap for you.
No those are stupid ideas that must be the product of a mentally challenged person. I will stick to desiring good, federal policy to tackle this issue, thanks.
What ???? You know you hate the feds right now, and all because you ain't in control of it like you wished you were, so I just tried to give you some ideas that you might like in the current situation.
And those ideas were moronic and made you seem retarded. Again, I'll continue to support the ideas I value, and to try to get them instituted into law and policy.
FALFURRIAS, Tex. —Gun-carrying civilian groups and border vigilantes have heard a call to arms in President Trump’s warnings about threats to American security posed by caravans of Central American migrants moving through Mexico. They’re packing coolers and tents, oiling rifles and tuning up aerial drones, with plans to form caravans of their own and trail American troops to the border.

U.S. militia groups head to border, stirred by Trump’s call to arms

Ewww the big scary word :" Militia" oh now that's scary for trendy's to see

LOL, some of 'Trump's Toy Soldiers' incited by the violent language from Dur Fuhrer Drumpt.

Nazi America is in full motion. LOL
View attachment 226643
Nope already started with your guys.

I don't have any, "guys" but maybe you like gay bars?
the legitimate folks running for their lives and joined that caravan just to get to the USA and try to LEGALLY get permission for immigrant status.
tRumpian hate speech to the contrary that's what they are all doing.
Trump hate speech is derrived from constant attacks from liberals who hide their hands after Trump hits back.

You mess with an old junkyard dog to much, and he's gonna get out of that fence, then what ?? I know what -the gang of leftist that were dragging sticks along the fence would try to set the dog up by forcing his anger to overcome him, and once he breaks out the fence they beat him with those sticks as if he just broke out without them doing a thing to bring him out.

The problem for the leftist however, is that the citizens of the community aren't stupid, and they know the junkyard dog was being taunted and picked at, and they know who beat the dog when he was forced out of the fence.

However the plan goes arry, and the junkyard dog chases these leftist in every direction they could run in or until they climbed up into the tree's yelling for their momma's... LOL
No, that's not how it goes. tRump attacks without provocation or reason. Everything from singling out individuals to attacking whole companies, nationalities, and races. He hates everyone with the unreasoning fervor of a thwarted child.
Lol like Obama did with,
Coal companies
Sicking the irs on conservative groups
Spying on elected represenatives
Sending illegal guns across the border, to hopefully get stronger gun regulations. Thank God that one failed.
Just to name a few.
FALFURRIAS, Tex. —Gun-carrying civilian groups and border vigilantes have heard a call to arms in President Trump’s warnings about threats to American security posed by caravans of Central American migrants moving through Mexico. They’re packing coolers and tents, oiling rifles and tuning up aerial drones, with plans to form caravans of their own and trail American troops to the border.

U.S. militia groups head to border, stirred by Trump’s call to arms

Ewww the big scary word :" Militia" oh now that's scary for trendy's to see

LOL, some of 'Trump's Toy Soldiers' incited by the violent language from Dur Fuhrer Drumpt.

Nazi America is in full motion. LOL
View attachment 226643
Nope already started with your guys.

I don't have any, "guys" but maybe you like gay bars?
They are representing the democrat party, and not one democrat member is condoning them.
They are representing the democrat party,
Except they specifically say they are not doing this. So that's an invention of your imagination.
and not one democrat member is condoning them.
Wrong word, but we get the picture. You, of course, just made this up.
Portland ring a bell?
But giving one example would not support your madeup, universal statement. Come on man, that's basic logic.
They are representing the democrat party,
Except they specifically say they are not doing this. So that's an invention of your imagination.
and not one democrat member is condoning them.
Wrong word, but we get the picture. You, of course, just made this up.
Portland ring a bell?
But giving one example would not support your madeup, universal statement. Come on man, that's basic logic.
Anifta blocks streets, the liberal mayor does nothing.
They are representing the democrat party,
Except they specifically say they are not doing this. So that's an invention of your imagination.
and not one democrat member is condoning them.
Wrong word, but we get the picture. You, of course, just made this up.
Portland ring a bell?
But giving one example would not support your madeup, universal statement. Come on man, that's basic logic.
Anifta blocks streets, the liberal mayor does nothing.
A man commits the worst slaughter of jews in our country's history...the president is most upset about losing electoral momentum...

Sure, let's make comparisons.

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