U.S. militia groups head to border stirred by Trump's call to arms

FALFURRIAS, Tex. —Gun-carrying civilian groups and border vigilantes have heard a call to arms in President Trump’s warnings about threats to American security posed by caravans of Central American migrants moving through Mexico. They’re packing coolers and tents, oiling rifles and tuning up aerial drones, with plans to form caravans of their own and trail American troops to the border.

U.S. militia groups head to border, stirred by Trump’s call to arms

Ewww the big scary word :" Militia" oh now that's scary for trendy's to see
I hope they shoot each other in the confusion.
Militia Groups" are no more than gangs who live in fear of women, change, science, minorities, to name but a few. They live and wait for an apocalypse that they pray for every day because it is the only thing that gives their wretched lives meaning. If it never comes their lives are without meaning except that they will have poisoned the minds of their children with this fear and garbage.

Sound like you are the one who is afraid.

Lots in life to be worried about, but a group of migrants a thousand miles from the US border is not one of them.
Any group massing in numbers, organizing, crossing other countries borders in an attempt to cross our border illegally, is something definitely to be concerned about.

The timing of this whole thing is tied to this election where the Demon-crats with their promise of freedom, free crap, and free reign in our country has reached fever pitch.
And what??? Why are they pretending??? They may not overreach the authority that they no longer have. One doesn't get a badge for a lifetime. Any cop or member of the military who stops me must carry authority at that present moment to do so, and then I will respect that authority.

These "militia" people, gangs, have no authority. They are impostors; pretend folks, who have absolutely NO authority over anyone. These are gangs. Let's see their badges and their papers. I've respected cops all of my life, a badge meant that I stopped and did like what was told.

Who are these "militia" types?

According to the article, the Texas Minutemen were mentioned. I'm not familar with that group.

Here's what I found on their fedbook page. Texas Minutemen
Any group massing in numbers, organizing, crossing other countries borders in an attempt to cross our border illegally, is something definitely to be concerned about.
I agree...we should be finding ways to ease their suffering and give them asylum.
Just what we need. A bunch of conspiracy theory nuts with guns. Innocent people will probably die. Thanks Trump.
No, thank liberals for supporting the idea of thousands of illegals to cross our border at once. You anti american loons went to far, and now the sane people are going to take over once again.
FALFURRIAS, Tex. —Gun-carrying civilian groups and border vigilantes have heard a call to arms in President Trump’s warnings about threats to American security posed by caravans of Central American migrants moving through Mexico. They’re packing coolers and tents, oiling rifles and tuning up aerial drones, with plans to form caravans of their own and trail American troops to the border.

U.S. militia groups head to border, stirred by Trump’s call to arms

Ewww the big scary word :" Militia" oh now that's scary for trendy's to see
Great. A bunch of fat retards off to make America look stupid.
Liberals already did that, which bathroom do you intend to use today?
Just what we need. A bunch of conspiracy theory nuts with guns. Innocent people will probably die. Thanks Trump.

Not innocent people. Illegal people will die. What you think the civilian border groups are something new. They have been watching the border for years. They are well trained. A good portion are retired military.

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They are idiots.
No, they are patriots.
FALFURRIAS, Tex. —Gun-carrying civilian groups and border vigilantes have heard a call to arms in President Trump’s warnings about threats to American security posed by caravans of Central American migrants moving through Mexico. They’re packing coolers and tents, oiling rifles and tuning up aerial drones, with plans to form caravans of their own and trail American troops to the border.

U.S. militia groups head to border, stirred by Trump’s call to arms

Ewww the big scary word :" Militia" oh now that's scary for trendy's to see

These are trash gangs, just like the Crips and the Bloods. They have absolutely NO standing or authority to represent any of us Americans. None, even if they call themselves "sergeant" or something and have a tin "official" star that they bought online somewhere. They are pretenders in some movie.
Lol, the democrat party embraces anifta. Talk about crazy.
FALFURRIAS, Tex. —Gun-carrying civilian groups and border vigilantes have heard a call to arms in President Trump’s warnings about threats to American security posed by caravans of Central American migrants moving through Mexico. They’re packing coolers and tents, oiling rifles and tuning up aerial drones, with plans to form caravans of their own and trail American troops to the border.

U.S. militia groups head to border, stirred by Trump’s call to arms

Ewww the big scary word :" Militia" oh now that's scary for trendy's to see

These are trash gangs, just like the Crips and the Bloods. They have absolutely NO standing or authority to represent any of us Americans. None, even if they call themselves "sergeant" or something and have a tin "official" star that they bought online somewhere. They are pretenders in some movie.

Your boys and girls.
Just what we need. A bunch of conspiracy theory nuts with guns. Innocent people will probably die. Thanks Trump.

Not innocent people. Illegal people will die. What you think the civilian border groups are something new. They have been watching the border for years. They are well trained. A good portion are retired military.

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They are idiots.

Why. Because they don’t fit your agenda. Just remember there are 100’s of thousands of people who are ready to do what they have to. The libtards start fucking with there freedom, guns and normal Democrat bullshit. It will get very ugly and the liberals and Democrats don’t stand a chance against them.

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Just who has "fucked" with anyone's freedom? Aren't you the same asshole you were yesterday? Why do you want to murder innocent people?
Freedom of religion, the baker disagrees with you.
I kinda sorta feel bad for the legitimate folks running for their lives and joined that caravan just to get to the USA and try to LEGALLY get permission for immigrant status. Women with kids, trying to survive or make a new life for their kids by WORKING and learning our language and paying taxes while sending their kids to school. Even men who have skillsets, willingness and true desire to become AMERICAN. I am sure many of them joined that caravan just to get here but hide when those they travel with are assholes. Those scumbags ruin it for everyone, ya know?

Imagine the Irish coming over ...or the Italians...arriving on the boat to Ellis Island, tossing bricks and maybe knives once they disembark. The whole ship would have been denied entry and sent back across the sea...and those who really wanted to be here were turned back with the rest of them.

So yeah. I have some sympathy for those folks. If the USA was like Honduras (getting close, though, with all the bullshit and hatred being shown daily for each other) and I wanted to go to Canada for example..if I were a younger woman and had kids..I would join a large group to get there, then plead my case but avoid the assholes who ruin it for me. Pretty sure lots of people are stressed its happening to them, too.
These people are burning our flag, screw them.
Anyway. There won't be any real oath keepers near that whole border fiasco. It's indeed the proper role of the federal government to protect our borders from illegal occupation and entrance, so nothing wrong with that, this should be expected. Let them do what they're sent there to do undeterred. You won't ever see real oath keepers until hell breaks loose and American troops are marching against citizens. Hopefully that day won't ever happen.

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Any group massing in numbers, organizing, crossing other countries borders in an attempt to cross our border illegally, is something definitely to be concerned about.
I agree...we should be finding ways to ease their suffering and give them asylum.
Yeah, just get Hollyweird to take some of it's wealth, and start restoring all them (passed away celebrities), it killed with drugs and excess, (their old abandoned "mansions"), and let them live in them like those 60's hippy communes they loved so much back in their days of glory.

If they over run that, then just open up your own homes in order to take them in. Otherwise put your ideologies where your mouths are, and quit trying to force everyone else to do your bullcrap for you.
Excellent news.
Drooling racist gun nuts are looking for an opportunity to shoot some poor brown people is excellent news?
Rest assured that Tipsy will be too frightened to go there herself. She likes her violent fantasies safely far away from her person.
While I am not able to go now. I certainly have gone to the border to repel invaders in the past. These militias have been active for decades. Our group has always stayed on private property at the invitation of the property owner and been welcomed by the border patrol. These militias won't be any different.

You have never and would never go to the border in defense of the country because the end of this nation is your goal.
Not innocent people. Illegal people will die. What you think the civilian border groups are something new. They have been watching the border for years. They are well trained. A good portion are retired military.

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They are idiots.

Why. Because they don’t fit your agenda. Just remember there are 100’s of thousands of people who are ready to do what they have to. The libtards start fucking with there freedom, guns and normal Democrat bullshit. It will get very ugly and the liberals and Democrats don’t stand a chance against them.

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Just who has "fucked" with anyone's freedom? Aren't you the same asshole you were yesterday? Why do you want to murder innocent people?

There not innocent people asshole. Why can’t they do it the legal way. No these are groups of animals trying to force there way in you fucking idiot

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They are doing what the US law allows...For those seeking asylum..
No actually they crossed the Mexican border first. Which they should seek asylum there. See they are already breaking rules miles before they get here.

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