U.S. Fracking's Larger Implications

Could not pass this up! lol.
Remember the commercials with the baby buggy on Capitol Hill and the coughing coughing, to convince us to destroy the coal industry? And that skyrocketing energy costs are a small price to pay for our babies in buggies and clean air for all?

The EPA just announced that coal has no impact on global warming or notable CO2 emissions:

The Obama administration is effectively banning the construction of new coal-fired power plants, a move officials admit will have little to no impact on global warming.

“The EPA does not anticipate that this proposed rule will result in notable CO2 emission change … by 2022,” the agency writes in its proposal to limit greenhouse gas emissions.

“EPA knows there aren’t benefits,” Dan Simmons, director of regulatory and state affairs at the Institute for Energy Research, told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “EPA and environmentalists are being disingenuous when they claim this rule will have an impact on the climate or the environment.”

Last week, the EPA unveiled the first ever carbon emissions limits for new power power plants, hailing them as the first step to combating global warming and protecting future generations.

“Climate change is one of the most significant public health challenges of our time. By taking commonsense action to limit carbon pollution from new power plants, we can slow the effects of climate change and fulfill our obligation to ensure a safe and healthy environment for our children,” said EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy.

The rule “will contribute to the actions required to slow or reverse the accumulation of GHG concentrations in the atmosphere, which is necessary to protect against projected climate change impacts and risks.”

Why ban coal power if it won’t even put a dent in global warming? Critics say this is because the EPA is trying to mask the high costs of compliance by not claiming that the proposal would create any benefits.

“They don’t want to quantify the damages,” Simmons said. “They know the rule will create large harms, but they don’t want to be held liable.”

By claiming monetized benefits from cutting carbon emissions from power plants, the EPA would also have to calculate the costs — meaning how the rule would impact the coal industry, employment and the economy.
EPA admits banning coal plants won't impact global warming | The Daily Caller

Too funny. But whichever lie you choose to fly, we can still provide you with the resources you need. Just not for free.

36 years of you fending off the truth, has larger implications. It turned you into an idiot, H.
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None whatsoever. Some of the companies working in Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio right now are collecting workers from the western states because they are quite hardy when compared to the local labor force available.

My brother is a well site geologist (Illinois) and is booked for months sitting Utica wells in Ohio.

$1,000/day. Not bad.

Not bad at all. My day rate a few decades ago only ever made it to $500/day.
Fracking also brings small earthquakes and flammable water.

Still think it's a good idea?


He didn't get the memo on the fake flaming water, etc...:eusa_angel:

It wasn't fake. And it wasn't methane from an out of control frack job either. To those who never lived with and in coal country where the dewatering of the mine releases sorbed methane which almost immediately ends up in landowners well water, these kinds of things are undoubtedly fascinating. But have nothing to do with frack jobs.

When a frack job comes through your water well system into the house, the expected result looks like this:


Frackland didn't have any pictures of that happening, though, did they? Of course not, they had never been on a frack job gone bad, like I have, or taped the cleaning up of the mess, like I did, or remediated the split pipe which caused the problem and finished the job a week later, like I have. When someone wants to make a "documentary" without talking to the people who have done all of these things, you know its just a fraud, something to feed a given audience for a designed result.
And by merely using the term "Big Oil" tells me that you're a goddamn moron.

Fixed it for ya H:

"And by merely using the term "Big Oil" tells me that you're a goddamn hick" which brings along the connotation of much more than just stupid, as Irish is more than willing to demonstrate in voluminous fashion.
We have what we need right here. And we're doing our share.

No you haven't. According to you, you haven't signed the lease

The Irish Ram said:
Shale is brittle and easy to fracture.

Except for the ones with a higher clay composition, that are elastic, and don't.

Please try and stick to what little you know on the topic, you won't look as foolish that way.

The Irish Ram said:
We expect some environment impacts. Just not 13 of them.

You don't have any disasters. You haven't signed the lease, you said so yourself.
In spite of the crooks we are forced to deal with, I still think it's a good idea too. There is no reason for this country to depend on any country but this one for it's needs. We have what we need right here. And we're doing our share.
But, there is also no need to steal it to boost big oil and gas bottom lines, and tax it until no one can afford it.

Nobody's water's flaming that I know of, but it's completely disappeared in some areas. The mini quakes are new.
Shale is brittle and easy to fracture. It's propped up by the gas and oil. When it's pillow is sucked out of an area, the shale shifts and causes little quakes. They're no big deal so far. It will settle.
We expect some environment impacts. Just not 13 of them.

Disaster du jour:
Bracewell on fire.

The mini quakes are NOT new. They have been around as long as fracking has, which is over 30 years now.
Sorry Pops, no pissed off anybody. No relative or personal disasters yet. And you just compared signing a lease with f*****g up. lol. And I don't know any of the people suing for their royalty checks. Maybe the courts are just making them all up. ;)

I think you're pissed off because there are 2 sides to every story, and you just want there to be one.
Since you're here, what do you think about all of those bit players reneging on their royalty payments to the owners of the gas, that you think you're entitled to?

I'm pissed off because I've spent the last 36 years of my life fending off stupid fucks like you. Have a nice day, stupid fuck.

H!! Now wait one bloody second!! While I am the first to admit that stupid fucks like Irish exist and between their sheer ignorance and hillbilly understanding of how the world works might LOOK and TALK and POST and ACT like stupid fucks, they might actually only be ignorant, poorly educated, lousy work ethic backwoods hillbilly types with good hearts! Don't let their ignorant, lack of education and crappy work ethic cloud what might otherwise just be a slack jawed and silly hillbilly and the perspective such a person might have from rarely having ever left their "holler" as it were.

So cut some slack and remember, you don't kick a puppy or confuse this:


with this:

One inconvenient truth you keep fending off is the theft of our royalty checks. What's up with that?

You haven't signed a lease. Therefore you don't get royalty checks. Therefore there is nothing to steal.

May I recommend a course in remedial memory tricks so you don't get caught telling stories with forked tongue?

(play on words, Appalachia being one of those places where this still happens as well)

You in here anywhere learning the tricks of the trade Irish?

Boys, boys, baby boys, I would have never forced the truth on you if I had known you had such an aversion to it! You've run so far from the stolen royalty checks issue you're starting to look smaller and smaller....

I don't dance with snakes. You work for snakes.
I do shoot them while they sun themselves on the shale outcroppings on the banks of the creek, to keep the kids and horses and dogs safe.

When I say "we" have what you need, I am talking about Ohio and this wonderful tri-state area you insist on denigrating.

Let's see who's smart and who isn't:

My property isn't going anywhere, and their offer isn't either, so what you have is me not paying a lawyer for the next 2+ years to sue Big Gas and Oil for stealing the payment for my gas and oil. I'll let "et al" set the precedent for recovery first. Nor will you see me in court seeking damages for any pretend spillS on my land.
My contract will pay closer attention to these areas. No "misc". deduction clauses overlooked, or undiscovered. And special attention to their responsibility clause regarding water, "spills" and other environmental concerns.
"We" can't be too careful, cause to make clean coal, you need coal, and they'll probably be next in line, again, asking us to sign yet another "dern" lease with them when y'all get done :)

So it's your turn to "make us wealthy", ( thank you so much! )
When this country needed clay to build brick buildings, it bought our clay. When Big Steel needed coal we sold them our coal. When Big Gas needed gas, we bumpkins sold you our gas. When you needed more coal we renewed the leases. Now this country needs more gas, so guess who welcomed Big Gas and Oil back, when you came "aknockin", checkbook in hand.

You see, there's an old saying here, and everywhere else:
You can work for your money or let your money work for you.

So who's smarter, the one that drags his tired old butt out of bed every morning, day after day, sweat dripping down from those hard hats, long sleeves, 80 degrees out, 80% humidity, or those sitting on their air conditioned porches, sipping ice tea, watching them? :)

So, if you little boys want to take turns pulling my pigtails, you go right ahead. And I'll go look for more royalty theft court cases to see if your right and it is an Appalachia malady or if you screw people where ever you go.
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Boys, boys, baby boys, I would have never forced the truth on you if I had known you had such an aversion to it! You've run so far from the stolen royalty checks issue you're starting to look smaller and smaller....

I don't dance with snakes. You work for snakes.
I do shoot them while they sun themselves on the shale outcroppings on the banks of the creek, to keep the kids and horses and dogs safe.

When I say "we" have what you need, I am talking about Ohio and this wonderful tri-state area you insist on denigrating.

Let's see who's smart and who isn't:

My property isn't going anywhere, and their offer isn't either, so what you have is me not paying a lawyer for the next 2+ years to sue Big Gas and Oil for stealing the payment for my gas and oil. I'll let "et al" set the precedent for recovery first. Nor will you see me in court seeking damages for any pretend spillS on my land.
My contract will pay closer attention to these areas. No "misc". deduction clauses overlooked, or undiscovered. And special attention to their responsibility clause regarding water, "spills" and other environmental concerns.
"We" can't be too careful, cause to make clean coal, you need coal, and they'll probably be next in line, again, asking us to sign yet another "dern" lease with them when y'all get done :)

So it's your turn to "make us wealthy", ( thank you so much! )
When this country needed clay to build brick buildings, it bought our clay. When Big Steel needed coal we sold them our coal. When Big Gas needed gas, we bumpkins sold you our gas. When you needed more coal we renewed the leases. Now this country needs more gas, so guess who welcomed Big Gas and Oil back, when you came "aknockin", checkbook in hand.

You see, there's an old saying here, and everywhere else:
You can work for your money or let your money work for you.

So who's smarter, the one that drags his tired old butt out of bed every morning, day after day, sweat dripping down from those hard hats, long sleeves, 80 degrees out, 80% humidity, or those sitting on their air conditioned porches, sipping ice tea, watching them? :)

So, if you little boys want to take turns pulling my pigtails, you go right ahead. And I'll go look for more royalty theft court cases to see if your right and it is an Appalachia malady or if you screw people where ever you go.

You wouldn't know the truth if it bitch slapped you.
Why Texans Are Chasing Millions in Oil and Gas Royalties
Energy companies are paying billions of dollars in oil and gas royalties to Texas landowners. But some owners say they’ve been short-changed.
The biggest among them: the State of Texas.

“If they don’t pay the royalty, that’s stealing,” Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson told StateImpact Texas.

Patterson said his office is currently negotiating with two big oil companies (which he declined to name) for years of underpayments. Patterson said the the unpaid royalties could total upwards of $100 million. :eek:

Texas? BIG OIL??? H, look at what that stupid **** said, You had better set him straight, too. Tell him there is no "Big oil and Gas", just itty bitty oil and gas. Stupid Texas Land Commissioner!
From a ProPublica investigation:

Over the last decade, an untold number of leases were signed, and hundreds of thousands of wells have been sunk into new energy deposits across the country. But manipulation of costs and other data by oil companies is keeping billions of dollars in royalties out of the hands of private and government landholders…An analysis of lease agreements, government documents and thousands of pages of court records shows that such underpayments are widespread.
There are few things more simple than an oil and gas lease.

Unless of course, you can't read.

I've got no sympathy, and even less time, for the illiterate.

Oh, I understand. Over the years in my dealings with them I have just developed a different attitude, one of understanding and sympathy for their inability to think for themselves, or read, or understand why out of all their family members they were the ones stuck and not able to take make their way out in the world of competition and accomplishment.

I tried no sympathy for Irish's type of ignorance once, but it made negotiations difficult because they confused cut and dried, straight up honest businessman talk with disrespecting them, not understanding that there was a reason they were left behind on the farm, and it had everything to do with their inability to understand or learn the reality of the world and its efficiency of getting things done. Basically, they just didn't have the intellectual horsepower to get up to speed, let along tag along, and certainly couldn't participate...otherwise they wouldn't be the ones stuck where they were.

So it worked out better when you used small words, and always kept in mind that you don't need to kick a puppy, you just stay low key and gentle and recognize what you are dealing with.

Boys, boys, baby boys, I would have never forced the truth on you if I had known you had such an aversion to it! You've run so far from the stolen royalty checks issue you're starting to look smaller and smaller....

Nobody has stolen your royalty checks, you haven't signed a lease.

The Irish Ram said:
My property isn't going anywhere, and their offer isn't either, so what you have is me not paying a lawyer for the next 2+ years to sue Big Gas and Oil for stealing the payment for my gas and oil. I'll let "et al" set the precedent for recovery first. Nor will you see me in court seeking damages for any pretend spillS on my land.

That's because you haven't signed a lease, you have no contract to sue over.

The Irish Ram said:
So it's your turn to "make us wealthy", ( thank you so much! )

I've already mentioned that a landowner with money is the same as a landowner, they don't get smarter, better educated, or even better informed just because someone smarter than them has a way to utilize their mineral rights effectively. The illiterates Mr H speaks of are still illiterate, even after you give them money.

The Irish Ram said:
You see, there's an old saying here, and everywhere else:
You can work for your money or let your money work for you.

Certainly because you don't have any workers capable of withstanding oil field work by your own admission, you had certainly better concentrate on hitting the lottery of owning the right chunk of property.

The Irish Ram said:
So who's smarter, the one that drags his tired old butt out of bed every morning, day after day, sweat dripping down from those hard hats, long sleeves, 80 degrees out, 80% humidity, or those sitting on their air conditioned porches, sipping ice tea, watching them? :)

hard to say....certainly your local workers aren't capable of doing such things or the oil field would gladly employ them, and I'm betting neither Mr H nor myself wear hard hats near as much as we did when we proved that we weren't local incompetent poor work ethic labor...the oil and gas industry certainly also figures out who among the initiated are capable of understanding and running our corners of the business.
Range Resources to pay $87.5 million in Oklahoma royalty settlement.

In April we learned that Range Resources set aside $35 million for the Oklahoma royalty lawsuit. That wasn’t quite enough. They will need another $52.5 million.

The memorandum of understanding, which is expected to result in the execution of a definitive settlement agreement provides for a cash payment to the class in the amount of $87.5 million in exchange for full release of all claims regarding the calculation, reporting and payment of royalties from the sale of natural gas and its constituents for all periods prior to May 31, 2013. As previously disclosed in the Company 10-Q for the first quarter 2013, the Company accrued $35 million for this litigation in the first quarter of 2013, therefore the settlement will result in an incremental charge of $52.5 million in the second quarter of 2013. LINK

In 2010, Range settled with royalty owners in the Marcellus.

The proposed agreement would give landowners who leased property to Range Resources an immediate $1.75 million. The exact payout after that isn’t known because it depends on variables such as gas prices and other costs, but the settlement sets the amount at $28 million, with about $7 million of that going to attorneys’ fees.

Your boss isn't capable of mathematics................ :)

Updated: New Report: Reckless Endangerment while Fracking the Eagle Ford Shale
Regulators evacuate from dangerous levels of pollution, residents left trapped

Washington, DC – A new report released today, September 19th, provides an important window into a disturbing national pattern regarding the oversight of fracking-enabled oil and gas development: regulators, charged with protecting the public, are actively avoiding evidence that fracking is harming the public. The report focuses on Karnes County, TX in an attempt to illuminate a growing national pattern of absentee regulators.
Eagle Ford Shale Oilfield Nightmare


Chesapeake shorting royalty owners in Royalties

Four years ago DFW airport officials disagreed with how Chesapeake Energy was paying royalties. The lawsuit from that disagreement has just been settled and duck taped.

“The case has been removed from the trial docket to allow the parties to complete final settlement documents and obtain all necessary approvals,” spokeswoman Julie Wilson said in an e-mail. “The settlement terms are mutually acceptable to the parties and will be maintained confidential.”


The Star-Telegram blog reports the settlement amount is $5 million.

But there are new lawsuits that claim Chesapeake is underpaying royalties.



Was just outside talking to my neighbor/cousin, who signed at 4,000. per acre for 400 acres, royalty of 12% and is kicking himself in the ass because they are now offering 6,000 an acre and 17 1/2% royalties. Smart man, hard worker, but they had him by the short hairs. His original '91 lease had several months before it ran out and they threatened to plow a road right through his front yard and (new 250,000 dollar barn) and start drilling if he didn't sign. Lovely folks you work for boys.

As for poor little logistically impaired me:
HMMMMM. 6 grand and acre, and 17and 1/2 % royalties. Your getting closer to being my friend Big Gas and Oil. Big casino just had to have my property in Co., maybe I'll let you make me wealthy soon in Ohio too.
:) :) :) :) < my ducks in a row, smiling at you.
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