U.S. Arms Kurds


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Ft Worth,TX
The U.S. military says it has airdropped weapons, ammunition and medical supplies to Kurdish forces defending the Syrian city of Kobani against Islamic State militants.

The U.S. military says it airdropped weapons, ammunition and medical supplies to Kurdish forces defending the Syrian city of Kobani against Islamic State militants.

The airdrops Sunday were the first of their kind and followed weeks of U.S. and coalition airstrikes in and near Kobani, near the Turkish border. The U.S. said earlier Sunday that it launched 11 airstrikes overnight in the Kobani area.

In a statement Sunday night, U.S. Central Command said U.S. C-130 cargo planes made multiple drops of arms and supplies provided by Kurdish authorities in Iraq. It said they were intended to enable continued resistance to Islamic State efforts to take full control of Kobani.

US airdrops arms to Kurds fighting ISIS in Syrian town of Kobani Fox News
Did the democrats send them white flags too? Not to worry. The Kurds would never have use for democrat icons like white flags.
Those Kurds are some pretty tough dudes. The ones in Turkey have been at the Turks for twenty years.
Did the democrats send them white flags too? Not to worry. The Kurds would never have use for democrat icons like white flags.
Those Kurds are some pretty tough dudes. The ones in Turkey have been at the Turks for twenty years.

And that bastard in Iraq massacred them in their thousands, by gas, but the pansy left still can't figure any moral imperative as to why we went in there.
The U.S. military says it has airdropped weapons, ammunition and medical supplies to Kurdish forces defending the Syrian city of Kobani against Islamic State militants.

The U.S. military says it airdropped weapons, ammunition and medical supplies to Kurdish forces defending the Syrian city of Kobani against Islamic State militants.

The airdrops Sunday were the first of their kind and followed weeks of U.S. and coalition airstrikes in and near Kobani, near the Turkish border. The U.S. said earlier Sunday that it launched 11 airstrikes overnight in the Kobani area.

In a statement Sunday night, U.S. Central Command said U.S. C-130 cargo planes made multiple drops of arms and supplies provided by Kurdish authorities in Iraq. It said they were intended to enable continued resistance to Islamic State efforts to take full control of Kobani.

US airdrops arms to Kurds fighting ISIS in Syrian town of Kobani Fox News

'Bout time. If the idiots in this administration could only realize that the best "ground force" they have on the ground that require little or no training are legendary fighters that will fight to the last man, the Kurds. Arm them, finance them, and give them air cover, and watch them crush ISIS and any Islamist that threatens the region.

The Kurds are loyal, honorable people who will never forget and will always be grateful to those that help them.
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The U.S. military says it has airdropped weapons, ammunition and medical supplies to Kurdish forces defending the Syrian city of Kobani against Islamic State militants.

The U.S. military says it airdropped weapons, ammunition and medical supplies to Kurdish forces defending the Syrian city of Kobani against Islamic State militants.

The airdrops Sunday were the first of their kind and followed weeks of U.S. and coalition airstrikes in and near Kobani, near the Turkish border. The U.S. said earlier Sunday that it launched 11 airstrikes overnight in the Kobani area.

In a statement Sunday night, U.S. Central Command said U.S. C-130 cargo planes made multiple drops of arms and supplies provided by Kurdish authorities in Iraq. It said they were intended to enable continued resistance to Islamic State efforts to take full control of Kobani.

US airdrops arms to Kurds fighting ISIS in Syrian town of Kobani Fox News

'Bout time. If the idiots in this administration could only realize that the best "ground force" they have on the ground that require little or no training are legendary fighters that will fight to the last man, the Kurds. Arm them, finance them, and give them air cover, and watch them crush ISIS and any Islamist that threatens the region.

The Kurds are loyal, honorable people who will never forget and will always be grateful to those that help them.

The young Iraq veterans I talk to have a high regard for the Assyrians as well. The Kurds and the Assyrians. You could take the rest of the oxygen thieves over there and stick them all on top of a giant IED as far as they're concerned.
The U.S. military says it has airdropped weapons, ammunition and medical supplies to Kurdish forces defending the Syrian city of Kobani against Islamic State militants.

The U.S. military says it airdropped weapons, ammunition and medical supplies to Kurdish forces defending the Syrian city of Kobani against Islamic State militants.

The airdrops Sunday were the first of their kind and followed weeks of U.S. and coalition airstrikes in and near Kobani, near the Turkish border. The U.S. said earlier Sunday that it launched 11 airstrikes overnight in the Kobani area.

In a statement Sunday night, U.S. Central Command said U.S. C-130 cargo planes made multiple drops of arms and supplies provided by Kurdish authorities in Iraq. It said they were intended to enable continued resistance to Islamic State efforts to take full control of Kobani.

US airdrops arms to Kurds fighting ISIS in Syrian town of Kobani Fox News

now isil is flying three jets over syria

but for how long --LOL

Islamic State now flying three captured Syrian fighter jets report - Washington Times
The U.S. military says it has airdropped weapons, ammunition and medical supplies to Kurdish forces defending the Syrian city of Kobani against Islamic State militants.

The U.S. military says it airdropped weapons, ammunition and medical supplies to Kurdish forces defending the Syrian city of Kobani against Islamic State militants.

The airdrops Sunday were the first of their kind and followed weeks of U.S. and coalition airstrikes in and near Kobani, near the Turkish border. The U.S. said earlier Sunday that it launched 11 airstrikes overnight in the Kobani area.

In a statement Sunday night, U.S. Central Command said U.S. C-130 cargo planes made multiple drops of arms and supplies provided by Kurdish authorities in Iraq. It said they were intended to enable continued resistance to Islamic State efforts to take full control of Kobani.

US airdrops arms to Kurds fighting ISIS in Syrian town of Kobani Fox News

now isil is flying three jets over syria

but for how long --LOL

Islamic State now flying three captured Syrian fighter jets report - Washington Times
One FA-18 could take out all 3 jets at one time from 15 miles. I overheard some Navy pilots the other day at the base barbershop.
The U.S. military says it has airdropped weapons, ammunition and medical supplies to Kurdish forces defending the Syrian city of Kobani against Islamic State militants.

The U.S. military says it airdropped weapons, ammunition and medical supplies to Kurdish forces defending the Syrian city of Kobani against Islamic State militants.

The airdrops Sunday were the first of their kind and followed weeks of U.S. and coalition airstrikes in and near Kobani, near the Turkish border. The U.S. said earlier Sunday that it launched 11 airstrikes overnight in the Kobani area.

In a statement Sunday night, U.S. Central Command said U.S. C-130 cargo planes made multiple drops of arms and supplies provided by Kurdish authorities in Iraq. It said they were intended to enable continued resistance to Islamic State efforts to take full control of Kobani.

US airdrops arms to Kurds fighting ISIS in Syrian town of Kobani Fox News

now isil is flying three jets over syria

but for how long --LOL

Islamic State now flying three captured Syrian fighter jets report - Washington Times
One FA-18 could take out all 3 jets at one time from 15 miles. I overheard some Navy pilots the other day at the base barbershop.

they wouldnt even know what hit em

i am surprised that the base is still operational though
The U.S. military says it has airdropped weapons, ammunition and medical supplies to Kurdish forces defending the Syrian city of Kobani against Islamic State militants.

The U.S. military says it airdropped weapons, ammunition and medical supplies to Kurdish forces defending the Syrian city of Kobani against Islamic State militants.

The airdrops Sunday were the first of their kind and followed weeks of U.S. and coalition airstrikes in and near Kobani, near the Turkish border. The U.S. said earlier Sunday that it launched 11 airstrikes overnight in the Kobani area.

In a statement Sunday night, U.S. Central Command said U.S. C-130 cargo planes made multiple drops of arms and supplies provided by Kurdish authorities in Iraq. It said they were intended to enable continued resistance to Islamic State efforts to take full control of Kobani.

US airdrops arms to Kurds fighting ISIS in Syrian town of Kobani Fox News

now isil is flying three jets over syria

but for how long --LOL

Islamic State now flying three captured Syrian fighter jets report - Washington Times
One FA-18 could take out all 3 jets at one time from 15 miles. I overheard some Navy pilots the other day at the base barbershop.

they wouldnt even know what hit em

i am surprised that the base is still operational though
Carswell AFB closed 20 years ago and the NAS JRB in Dallas moved in and took over. Last weekend they had a 20 year anniversary ceremony.
The U.S. military says it has airdropped weapons, ammunition and medical supplies to Kurdish forces defending the Syrian city of Kobani against Islamic State militants.

The U.S. military says it airdropped weapons, ammunition and medical supplies to Kurdish forces defending the Syrian city of Kobani against Islamic State militants.

The airdrops Sunday were the first of their kind and followed weeks of U.S. and coalition airstrikes in and near Kobani, near the Turkish border. The U.S. said earlier Sunday that it launched 11 airstrikes overnight in the Kobani area.

In a statement Sunday night, U.S. Central Command said U.S. C-130 cargo planes made multiple drops of arms and supplies provided by Kurdish authorities in Iraq. It said they were intended to enable continued resistance to Islamic State efforts to take full control of Kobani.

US airdrops arms to Kurds fighting ISIS in Syrian town of Kobani Fox News

'Bout time. If the idiots in this administration could only realize that the best "ground force" they have on the ground that require little or no training are legendary fighters that will fight to the last man, the Kurds. Arm them, finance them, and give them air cover, and watch them crush ISIS and any Islamist that threatens the region.

The Kurds are loyal, honorable people who will never forget and will always be grateful to those that help them.

The young Iraq veterans I talk to have a high regard for the Assyrians as well. The Kurds and the Assyrians. You could take the rest of the oxygen thieves over there and stick them all on top of a giant IED as far as they're concerned.

They are both ancient people who are fighting for their homeland. They have no other choice. I truly don't understand what the West is waiting for. The Kurds number in the millions and are ready for this fight. Perhaps it is because the Turks might not look too favorably upon the West, arming their adversaries, but who gives a fuck, they cannot be considered our allies any longer.
The U.S. military says it has airdropped weapons, ammunition and medical supplies to Kurdish forces defending the Syrian city of Kobani against Islamic State militants.

It's about time when you realize how hard (and with so much bravery) the Kurds have been fighting with outdated weaponry.

How Kurds The World Forgot Are Holding Off IS LBC

The U.S. military says it airdropped weapons, ammunition and medical supplies to Kurdish forces defending the Syrian city of Kobani against Islamic State militants.

The airdrops Sunday were the first of their kind and followed weeks of U.S. and coalition airstrikes in and near Kobani, near the Turkish border. The U.S. said earlier Sunday that it launched 11 airstrikes overnight in the Kobani area.

In a statement Sunday night, U.S. Central Command said U.S. C-130 cargo planes made multiple drops of arms and supplies provided by Kurdish authorities in Iraq. It said they were intended to enable continued resistance to Islamic State efforts to take full control of Kobani.

US airdrops arms to Kurds fighting ISIS in Syrian town of Kobani Fox News
ISIS intercepted US arms meant for Syrian rebels...

Islamic State got U.S. weapons meant for Syrian rebels: study
Dec. 14, 2017 -- Sophisticated weapons the U.S. military secretly provided to Syrian rebels ended up with the Islamic State, a study said Thursday.
Conflict Armament Research, a British-based organization, examined 40,000 weapons and other items recovered from the Islamic State from July 2014 to last month -- time which the U.S.-led coalition removed militants from Iraq and Syria. The 201-page report concludes that "international weapon supplies to factions in the Syrian conflict have significantly augmented the quantity and quality of weapons available to IS forces -- in numbers far beyond those that would have been available to group through battlefield capture alone."

The report said 90 percent of the weapons and ammunition studied originated in China, Russia and Eastern Europe, but some were provided by the United States and Saudi Arabia to Syrian opposition forces opposed to President Bashar al-Assad "These findings support widespread assumptions that the group initially captured much of its military materiel from Iraqi and Syrian government forces," the report said. According to the report, the arms included anti-tank weapons from the United States that the Islamic State acquired less than two months after leaving the factory. Other items affected were ammunition and chemical components used to make explosive devices.


Conflict Armament Research, a British-based organization, said Thursday some U.S.-furnished weapons meant for Syrian rebels ended up with the Islamic State terror group.​

The U.S. government uses private companies to make the weapons because most militants use AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenades from former Soviet bloc countries or China that aren't compatible with most U.S.-manufactured ammunition and other supplies. The report didn't determine a breakdown of the weapons captured or the rebels who sold or gave the arms to the terror group. "The main drivers of illicit weapons supplies are not the companies and states that manufacture weapons but the governments and entities that acquire weapons lawfully and subsequently divert them to unauthorized users," the report said.

The secret arms supply is separate from the Pentagon's operation to arm the Syrian Democratic Forces. The report did not find any SDF weapons falling into Islamic State hands. Damien Spleeters, the lead author of the report, said the Islamic State "has been able to manufacture their own weapons and IED's on an industrial scale thanks to a robust chain of supply" that began in 2014.

Islamic State got U.S. weapons meant for Syrian rebels: study

See also:

How did arms bought by U.S. end up in the hands of ISIS?
December 14, 2017 - The report could become a vital tool for understanding the terror group’s deadly industrial proficiency.
The Islamic State (ISIS) group may stand alone in its brutality in Iraq and Syria, where it orchestrated civilian massacres and suicide bombings and salted people’s homes with thousands of improvised explosives. But a new report, three years in the making, describes the group as shrewd manufacturing and logistical planners who moved weapons, munitions and bombmaking materials throughout the war zone on a scale unprecedented for a terror organization.

Conflict Armament Research (CAR), a weapons-tracking group based in Britain, documented more than 40,000 firearms and munitions across Iraq and Syria by dispatching field investigators in an arc stretching from the northern Syrian city of Kobane to south of Baghdad, Iraq’s capital — a rough tracing of the group’s path to conquer wide swaths of territory and establish its caliphate. The report, which the researchers call the most comprehensive to date about how the group obtained and fielded its weapons, was published Thursday and could become a vital tool for understanding the terror group’s deadly industrial proficiency. Here are a few takeaways:

• ISIS used rockets supplied by the United States — possibly in violation of agreements with weapons makers.

As The Washington Post reported in July, the Trump administration ended a secretive CIA operation to arm moderate Syrian rebels battling President Bashar Assad. Few details on what arms they received are known publicly, but researchers found numerous rockets in Iraq that appear to have been purchased by the United States and supplied to Syrian groups. In one instance, PG-9 73mm rockets, sold by Romanian arms manufacturers to the U.S. Army in 2013 and 2014, were found sprinkled across both battlefields. Containers with matching lot numbers were found in eastern Syria and recovered from an ISIS convoy in Fallujah, the report says. The rockets, adapted by the group to use in their launchers, gave fighters a potent weapon against U.S.-supplied tanks and armored Humvees.

Records obtained by CAR from Romanian officials include agreements indicating the United States would not re-export those and other weapons, part of an effort to curb weapons trafficking. Saudi Arabia was another source of unauthorized weapons transfers to Syria, the report says. CAR’s report says the U.S. government did not respond to requests to trace this and other weapons documented by its researchers.

It took only weeks for ISIS to get its hands on U.S. antitank missiles.

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