U of Arizona hiring social justice advocates to police fellow students for bias incidents


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Administrators at the University of Arizona are now accepting applications for “social justice advocates,” whose job it is to snitch on other students accused of bias. They’re also expected to hold educational programs about “the mosaic of diversity, multiculturalism and inclusivity” and maintain “social justice bulletin boards” in student residence halls.

U of Arizona is Hiring ‘Social Justice Advocates’ to Police Fellow Students for ‘Bias Incidents’

Little snowflakes can't function in society to well wait until the losers get into a real situation with people who don't give a rats ass about your feelings. Wait until society collapses and these loser don't have a police like shadows hanging around their necks. What a bunch of cowardly gawd dam pussies.

With idiots like this how will we ever have a strong military who isn't made up of a bunch of freaks, other Countries will annihilate us they teach their brave men and women to defend their nation we have SJW who cry a rebel flag.

You are such weak minded morons omg your pathetic.
Like we said you snowflake democratic loon liberals have now created a society where you are going to eat yourselves alive lmfao. dumbasses. As you strip this nation of our heritage, then have asses like ANTIFA going around take their communistic paid off ways feeding them to morons who don't evn know wth George Washington is , you all are screwing yourselves and taking everybody else with .


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