Two marines had to die b/c Obama is an idiot


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
We have a consulate in Libya. It's among Islam extremists so by definition it is a dangerous place to be. And Obama had just two marines guarding the place? They were killed trying to defend the place Rambo style. Thanks for looking out for our brave men Odumba.
We have a consulate in Libya. It's among Islam extremists so by definition it is a dangerous place to be. And Obama had just two marines guarding the place? They were killed trying to defend the place Rambo style. Thanks for looking out for our brave men Odumba.

Yes, Obama is in charge of how many Marines we have stationed at each of our embassies. God you are a dipshit.
We have a consulate in Libya. It's among Islam extremists so by definition it is a dangerous place to be. And Obama had just two marines guarding the place? They were killed trying to defend the place Rambo style. Thanks for looking out for our brave men Odumba.

Yes, Obama is in charge of how many Marines we have stationed at each of our embassies. you are a dipshit.

How many fucking times do I have to explain this to you libtard fuckheads. Obama oversees everything. Everybody in the govt. reports to him. It is his job to make sure that people are getting shit done right. If he can't do that, then he doesn't need the job. And frankly, this is shit that could've been seen a mile away. You don't have to be a fucking micro manager to be on top of this one.
It takes a really evil little bastard to post a thread like this.

It takes an evil person to be outraged by preventable deaths of US Marines? You keep telling yourself that.

His mother probably gets tired of cleaning his carpet when he wizzes out of control from threads like this.

Give her a break !

He's probably trying to figure out how to blame it on Bush.
We have a consulate in Libya. It's among Islam extremists so by definition it is a dangerous place to be. And Obama had just two marines guarding the place? They were killed trying to defend the place Rambo style. Thanks for looking out for our brave men Odumba.

Yes, Obama is in charge of how many Marines we have stationed at each of our embassies. you are a dipshit.

How many fucking times do I have to explain this to you libtard fuckheads. Obama oversees everything. Everybody in the govt. reports to him. It is his job to make sure that people are getting shit done right. If he can't do that, then he doesn't need the job. And frankly, this is shit that could've been seen a mile away. You don't have to be a fucking micro manager to be on top of this one.

I'm not a libtard but your assessment is nuts. By your standards bush is at fault for not having more security on planes prior to 9/11

Shit happens and it is our presidents responsibility to react accordingly. It's not even been 48 hours yet so chill
Sorry bud but this is over the line. Presidents are not responsible for individual security details.

Thread is way out of line.....period.

It's systemic of his administration. And his policies promoted this kind of attack.

It is plenty reasonable to ascribe the blame to him.
We have a consulate in Libya. It's among Islam extremists so by definition it is a dangerous place to be. And Obama had just two marines guarding the place? They were killed trying to defend the place Rambo style. Thanks for looking out for our brave men Odumba.

Yes, Obama is in charge of how many Marines we have stationed at each of our embassies. you are a dipshit.

How many fucking times do I have to explain this to you libtard fuckheads. Obama oversees everything. Everybody in the govt. reports to him. It is his job to make sure that people are getting shit done right. If he can't do that, then he doesn't need the job. And frankly, this is shit that could've been seen a mile away. You don't have to be a fucking micro manager to be on top of this one.

Seriously, you are a clueless moron, plain and simple. You think that 1.8 million federal employees all report to Obama. :cuckoo:

You can't make this shit up.
Sorry bud but this is over the line. Presidents are not responsible for individual security details.

Thread is way out of line.....period.

What part of commander and chief don't you get fuckhead?

The only part I don't get is why you're being such a partisan jackass.

Give the man time to respond ACCORDINGLY

If my kids get assaulted is it my fault for not stopping it? Don't be such a dick
Yes, Obama is in charge of how many Marines we have stationed at each of our embassies. you are a dipshit.

How many fucking times do I have to explain this to you libtard fuckheads. Obama oversees everything. Everybody in the govt. reports to him. It is his job to make sure that people are getting shit done right. If he can't do that, then he doesn't need the job. And frankly, this is shit that could've been seen a mile away. You don't have to be a fucking micro manager to be on top of this one.

Seriously, you are a clueless moron, plain and simple. You think that 1.8 million federal employees all report to Obama. :cuckoo:

You can't make this shit up.

Get some sleep.

BTW: Where was Obama afterwards....?

Can you say Las Vegas ?
Sorry bud but this is over the line. Presidents are not responsible for individual security details.

Thread is way out of line.....period.

It's systemic of his administration. And his policies promoted this kind of attack.

It is plenty reasonable to ascribe the blame to him.

No it is not.

Those fucking animals have wanted to kill Americans for decades. You want to place blame? Put it where it squarely belongs. On the killers.
Sorry bud but this is over the line. Presidents are not responsible for individual security details.

Thread is way out of line.....period.

It's systemic of his administration. And his policies promoted this kind of attack.

It is plenty reasonable to ascribe the blame to him.

No it is not.

Those fucking animals have wanted to kill Americans for decades. You want to place blame? Put it where it squarely belongs. On the killers.

Yes, Gramps, they have....and so have a lot of others.

But, the Lybian government and the Egyptian governments are nothing but shells....thanks to Obama.....they should have known better.

And if you need a little more......SEPT 11.
We have a consulate in Libya. It's among Islam extremists so by definition it is a dangerous place to be. And Obama had just two marines guarding the place? They were killed trying to defend the place Rambo style. Thanks for looking out for our brave men Odumba.

Yes, Obama is in charge of how many Marines we have stationed at each of our embassies. God you are a dipshit.

Ultimately, yes he is. It is his responsibility to appoint people that take security seriously. In case you hadn't noticed, we've been having problems with Islamic dipshits storming our embassies.
Sorry bud but this is over the line. Presidents are not responsible for individual security details.

Thread is way out of line.....period.

What part of commander and chief don't you get fuckhead?

The only part I don't get is why you're being such a partisan jackass.

Give the man time to respond ACCORDINGLY

If my kids get assaulted is it my fault for not stopping it? Don't be such a dick

It's not partisan. It's pointing out gross negligence jackass. He clearly left two troops and diplomats and govt. workers in harm's way.

For hours upon hours not only did they strike, but they held a fucking party out there. If not more marines then where were the deals in place with other international and Libyan forces to not let this even be a remote contingency? Pull your head out your ass dickhead.
By the way.......

FUCK YOU for your knee jerk reaction to my post. Calling me names does nothing to enhance your point. I happen to believe Obama has been terrible for our country but at the same time I'm capable of being a rational adult and drawing a line between fantasy and reality.

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