Two Choices


May 23, 2014
We are faced with two choices as a nation: OPTION #1 the original intent of those early settlers and Founding Fathers who wrote the Constitution, to have a land based on liberty and prosperity. This was set forth by men like John Locke who talked of the "natural rights" or God given rights of man at birth. America was founded on this pioneer spirit. Option #2: OR...we can become European socialist that advocate government control. How do you feel on this issue? I see America tilting away from liberty.
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Bush92 said:
"I see America tilting away from liberty."

Thank yourself for that. You ramped up the drug war and even ordered US Army soldiers to raid a California town.

Bush92 said:
"I see America tilting away from liberty."

Thank yourself for that. You ramped up the drug war and even ordered US Army soldiers to raid a California town.


Look stoner, for starters "I'm not GH Bush." He was my Commander and Chief during first Iraq War...and a damn good one. History will show him in a good light. His son was a stupid little prick. Now, look stoner,...pot does not cure everything. Being stoned all day and potting more plants is not the solution to America's problems. Now...should you be allowed to grow on private property and have as much as YOU need?...sure.. Go for it. Should you sell in market with lax regulation...NO. Should you sell in market as part of a coordinated effort to crush Mexican cartels...hell yes.
I see lots and lots of Conservatives talk like defenders of freedom and liberty.

Talk's cheap.

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