Turns out the Aztec Astronomer/Priests were Alarmists Also

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021

A new study on one of the most important remaining artifacts from the Aztec Empire, a 24-ton basalt calendar stone, interprets the stone’s central image as the death of the sun god Tonatiuh during an eclipse, an event Aztecs believed would lead to a global apocalypse accompanied by earthquakes.

So, much like our own "progressive" politicians, the Aztec government liked to keep its people cowed through frightening apocolyptic predictions. The Aztecs are known as great builders, mathematicians and astronomers, but the overwhelming majority of Aztecs did farm work, living on a pittance while keeping those builders, mathematicians and astronomers well-paid, well-fed, and well supplied with material and labor.

Like other early Mexican societies, the Aztecs relied heavily on agriculture, growing maize, beans and squash to sustain their population. But their dependence on the sun for agriculture was also accompanied by a belief that they had to feed the sun with the blood of human sacrifice to keep it alive.

The Aztecs sacrificed a prisoner on the calendar stone on the date 4 Olin, the day they believed the world would end. The day repeats every 260 days in their calendar cycle. With succession of the cycle, another prisoner was sacrificed and the sun rose again the following day. Tonatiuh lived on.

The priests, high in the Aztec society chain of command, were responsible for charting astronomical phenomena, including the eclipse that would bring impending doom, Milbrath said.

They may have known that no eclipse would come on 4 Olin during the height of the empire. Based on the Aztec calendar system, a solar eclipse would not fall on that date until the 21st century, she said.

You see the genius? Keep the people scared and compliant by predicting an event that they knew would not happen in their lifetimes, nor the lifetime of the empire. That strategy far predates are own global warming alarmists, who always seem to think they are so clever and original.

Unfortunately for the Aztec farm workers, they did not have libraries and published science to research and learn that the wool was being pulled over their eyes. So the astronomer/priests fed the people the information that the goverment wanted them to have, and the government rewarded the priests with wealth and position, and no doubt plenty sacrificial virgins.

Much like the modern day governments funding the IPCC to spread the alarm and fear. All to help the government keep 'em down, keep 'em down! I'll bet modern day progressives would love to sacrifice some of those horrid "deniers" until the rest of us toe the line.

Don't think they'd be much interested in the virgins, though.
But once they accepted the base line premiss , the rest came easily and naturally .Namely , Sun rules .

Interesting that our civilisation still rests essentially on the same idea -- that the sun remains the final arbiter of everything .

Our false High Priests ,however, are those that think our puny species efforts in terms of energy transfer , even begin to importantly compete with the sun ( climate thermostat) -- or , adding in up-to -date science , plus the incoming energy from the galaxy centre .

A new study on one of the most important remaining artifacts from the Aztec Empire, a 24-ton basalt calendar stone, interprets the stone’s central image as the death of the sun god Tonatiuh during an eclipse, an event Aztecs believed would lead to a global apocalypse accompanied by earthquakes.

So, much like our own "progressive" politicians, the Aztec government liked to keep its people cowed through frightening apocolyptic predictions. The Aztecs are known as great builders, mathematicians and astronomers, but the overwhelming majority of Aztecs did farm work, living on a pittance while keeping those builders, mathematicians and astronomers well-paid, well-fed, and well supplied with material and labor.

Like other early Mexican societies, the Aztecs relied heavily on agriculture, growing maize, beans and squash to sustain their population. But their dependence on the sun for agriculture was also accompanied by a belief that they had to feed the sun with the blood of human sacrifice to keep it alive.

The Aztecs sacrificed a prisoner on the calendar stone on the date 4 Olin, the day they believed the world would end. The day repeats every 260 days in their calendar cycle. With succession of the cycle, another prisoner was sacrificed and the sun rose again the following day. Tonatiuh lived on.

The priests, high in the Aztec society chain of command, were responsible for charting astronomical phenomena, including the eclipse that would bring impending doom, Milbrath said.

They may have known that no eclipse would come on 4 Olin during the height of the empire. Based on the Aztec calendar system, a solar eclipse would not fall on that date until the 21st century, she said.

You see the genius? Keep the people scared and compliant by predicting an event that they knew would not happen in their lifetimes, nor the lifetime of the empire. That strategy far predates are own global warming alarmists, who always seem to think they are so clever and original.

Unfortunately for the Aztec farm workers, they did not have libraries and published science to research and learn that the wool was being pulled over their eyes. So the astronomer/priests fed the people the information that the goverment wanted them to have, and the government rewarded the priests with wealth and position, and no doubt plenty sacrificial virgins.

Much like the modern day governments funding the IPCC to spread the alarm and fear. All to help the government keep 'em down, keep 'em down! I'll bet modern day progressives would love to sacrifice some of those horrid "deniers" until the rest of us toe the line.

Don't think they'd be much interested in the virgins, though.
They probably just ran out of room to carve on that rock so needed to add a "The end" to it.
But once they accepted the base line premiss , the rest came easily and naturally .Namely , Sun rules .

Interesting that our civilisation still rests essentially on the same idea -- that the sun remains the final arbiter of everything .
Of all religions, past and present, various versions of sun worship make the most sense. The sun is right there, where all can see it. But mere mortal will go blind if the gaze directly at it for more than an instant.

It has vast powers over humans who have no power over it.
Our false High Priests ,however, are those that think our puny species efforts in terms of energy transfer , even begin to importantly compete with the sun ( climate thermostat) -- or , adding in up-to -date science , plus the incoming energy from the galaxy centre .
That is the foolish arrogance of the modern religion of climate alarmism.

A new study on one of the most important remaining artifacts from the Aztec Empire, a 24-ton basalt calendar stone, interprets the stone’s central image as the death of the sun god Tonatiuh during an eclipse, an event Aztecs believed would lead to a global apocalypse accompanied by earthquakes.

So, much like our own "progressive" politicians, the Aztec government liked to keep its people cowed through frightening apocolyptic predictions. The Aztecs are known as great builders, mathematicians and astronomers, but the overwhelming majority of Aztecs did farm work, living on a pittance while keeping those builders, mathematicians and astronomers well-paid, well-fed, and well supplied with material and labor.
Prior to making this statement, is it not necessary to establish that at least some politicians, properly characterized as "progressive" have been engaged in keeping people "cowed" through frightening apocalyptic predictions? You could also provide some support that Aztec builders, mathematicians and astronomers were well paid and well supplied by the poor population because your linked article says no such thing.
Like other early Mexican societies, the Aztecs relied heavily on agriculture, growing maize, beans and squash to sustain their population.
Like early societies everywhere, people fed themselves via agriculture which occupied the labors of almost everyone.
But their dependence on the sun for agriculture was also accompanied by a belief that they had to feed the sun with the blood of human sacrifice to keep it alive.

The Aztecs sacrificed a prisoner on the calendar stone on the date 4 Olin, the day they believed the world would end. The day repeats every 260 days in their calendar cycle. With succession of the cycle, another prisoner was sacrificed and the sun rose again the following day. Tonatiuh lived on.

The priests, high in the Aztec society chain of command, were responsible for charting astronomical phenomena, including the eclipse that would bring impending doom, Milbrath said.

They may have known that no eclipse would come on 4 Olin during the height of the empire. Based on the Aztec calendar system, a solar eclipse would not fall on that date until the 21st century, she said.

You see the genius? Keep the people scared and compliant by predicting an event that they knew would not happen in their lifetimes, nor the lifetime of the empire
That is incorrect. Eclipses happen somewhere two to five time per years. What their advanced astronomy may have told Aztec astronomers was that no eclipse would occur on the date 4 Olin till well into the 21st century and thus they could continue to claim that the sacrifice had successfully staved off the death of the Sun.
That strategy far predates are own global warming alarmists, who always seem to think they are so clever and original.
"Think they are so clever and original"??? And you claim to have two master degrees? You could pass for someone in middle school.
Unfortunately for the Aztec farm workers, they did not have libraries and published science to research and learn that the wool was being pulled over their eyes.
They did not have an easy supply of paper. Their codices were printed on deer skins, woven cloth and the bark of fig trees.
So the astronomer/priests fed the people the information that the goverment wanted them to have
Wrong. The priests/astronomers WERE the government.
and the government rewarded the priests with wealth and position, and no doubt plenty sacrificial virgins.
Wrong. The priests would have rewarded themselves.
Much like the modern day governments funding the IPCC to spread the alarm and fear.
Nothing like the modern day government or the IPCC.
All to help the government keep 'em down, keep 'em down!
In the democracies of the western world, how has the work of the IPCC repressed the political will of populations or kept anyone in power?
I'll bet modern day progressives would love to sacrifice some of those horrid "deniers" until the rest of us toe the line.
I would love to require a little more science education in our public school system. You?
Don't think they'd be much interested in the virgins, though.
Why would that be?
But once they accepted the base line premiss , the rest came easily and naturally .Namely , Sun rules .

Interesting that our civilisation still rests essentially on the same idea -- that the sun remains the final arbiter of everything .
Where do you see that?
Our false High Priests ,however, are those that think our puny species efforts in terms of energy transfer , even begin to importantly compete with the sun ( climate thermostat)
The 1.3C degrees of warming that have taken place over the last 150 years is additional energy FROM THE SUN that the 50% increase in CO2 has trapped on the Earth. Greenhouse warming is not competing with the sun. It is simply trapping a small additional amount of the sun's incoming energy.
-- or , adding in up-to -date science , plus the incoming energy from the galaxy centre .
Energy coming from the galaxy's centre? From Sagittarius A*? Do you have a link discussing how much energy we are receiving from Sag A* and in what frequencies it's coming? My google search tells me that its strongest in radio waves and that massive dust clouds block ALL visible wavelengths (to which the Earth's atmosphere is transparent). So... do tell.
Of all religions, past and present, various versions of sun worship make the most sense. The sun is right there, where all can see it. But mere mortal will go blind if the gaze directly at it for more than an instant.
And blinding you is an important identifying characteristic of deities everywhere.
It has vast powers over humans who have no power over it.
They are given power over it by prayer and sacrifice.
That is the foolish arrogance of the modern religion of climate alarmism.
What is?
Of all religions, past and present, various versions of sun worship make the most sense. The sun is right there, where all can see it. But mere mortal will go blind if the gaze directly at it for more than an instant.

It has vast powers over humans who have no power over it.

That is the foolish arrogance of the modern religion of climate alarmism.
Look at Crack Crock .
Complete manic breakdown .
Trouble is that he is 100% Cognitively Rigid .

Like a harmed kid who can only think of his childhood teddy bear for the rest of his life .
Was it Yogi or Boo Boo , Crack Crock ?
Look at Crack Crock .
Complete manic breakdown .
Trouble is that he is 100% Cognitively Rigid .

Like a harmed kid who can only think of his childhood teddy bear for the rest of his life .
Was it Yogi or Boo Boo , Crack Crock ?
Is that really the best you've got?

Still waiting to hear how the galactic center might be responsible for global warming.
Look at Crack Crock .
Complete manic breakdown .
Trouble is that he is 100% Cognitively Rigid .

Like a harmed kid who can only think of his childhood teddy bear for the rest of his life .
Was it Yogi or Boo Boo , Crack Crock ?
I’m guessing that he’s on the autism spectrum. He shows a lot of features and that rigidity is one of them.
The 1.3C degrees of warming that have taken place over the last 150 years is additional energy FROM THE SUN that the 50% increase in CO2 has trapped on the Earth. Greenhouse warming is not competing with the sun. It is simply trapping a small additional amount of the sun's incoming energy.
Do you mean additional energy is trapped by additional greenhouse gases? There is no additional energy coming from the sun, at least not caused by anything on earth.
Do you mean additional energy is trapped by additional greenhouse gases? There is no additional energy coming from the sun, at least not caused by anything on earth.
When you throw a blanket over yourself does it speed up your metabolism? No. It just traps more of your body's constant supply of energy. The sun constantly pours energy on to the Earth, mostly in the visible spectrum. Simultaneously, the Earth sends almost the same amount of energy back into space. A portion of the outgoing energy is reflected, visible light and a portion of it is heat (infrared light) radiated by the Earth in proportion to it's temperature. If the Earth's climate is at equilibrium, incoming and outgoing will be equal and the global temperature will be stable. If incoming is more than outgoing, the planet's temperature will increase till that increase has boosted the outgoing to match what's coming in. If incoming is less than outgoing, the planet will cool till it's outgoing has fallen enough that the planet once more reaches equilibrium.

Do you understand?
A stunning display of ignorance:

Prior to making this statement, is it not necessary to establish that at least some politicians, properly characterized as "progressive" have been engaged in keeping people "cowed" through frightening apocalyptic predictions?
Common knowledge, but OK . . .

"Some of the models suggest to Dr. (Wieslav) Maslowski that there is a 75% chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during some of the summer months, could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years."

Al Gore, 2009

"Well, the scientists told us three years ago we had 12 years to avert the worst consequences of climate crisis. We are now three years gone, so we have nine years left,"

John Kerry, 2021

It isn't a completely recent phenomena, either.

"There are now fewer than 50 days to set the course of the next 50 years and more. If we do not reach a deal at this time, let us be in no doubt: once the damage from unchecked emissions growth is done, no retrospective global agreement, in some future period, can undo that choice. By then, it will be irretrievably too late.”

Gordon Brown, 2009

“A senior UN environmental official (Noel Brown) says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.”

Associated Press, 1989

“an environmental catastrophe which will witness devastation as complete, as irreversible as any nuclear holocaust.”

Mostafa Tolba, 1982

You could also provide some support that Aztec builders, mathematicians and astronomers were well paid and well supplied by the poor population because your linked article says no such thing.
There were definitely rich and poor in Aztec society. The biggest division in society was between nobles and commoners. Nobles ran the government, they owned most of the land, and they were quite wealthy. This was a hereditary class – one could only be a noble if one’s parents were nobles. Commoners (95% of the people were commoners) did the hard work. Most were farmers, and they had to produce enough to feed their family and to pay rent (to the noble who owned their fields) and pay taxes (to the king). Other commoners (craft workers, bureaucrats, merchants, etc.) also had to pay rent and taxes to nobles and the king. There were laws that limited certain kinds of things to nobles. For example, only nobles could wear clothes made of cotton (commoners had to wear rougher cloth made from the maguey plant), and only nobles could build large houses built on platforms.

priestly class not only orchestrated the state religion and its many festivals and rituals but also ran the state education system and, to a significant degree, controlled Aztec artistic output in all its forms. A male or female from any social class could become a priest, or tlamacazqui, but the most powerful ones always came from the pipiltin class. At the very top of the religious hierarchy was the king himself aided by two high-priests: Quetzalcoatl totec tlamacazqui, in charge of the Huitzilopochtli cult, and Quetzalcoatl tlaloc tlamacazqui, the head of the cult to the rain god Tlaloc. Other notable priestly positions included the supervisor of the elite state-run schools, the Mexicatl Teohuatzin; the general supervisors of the priesthood, festivals, and temple sites, the Huitznahua Teohuatzin and Tecpan Teohuatzin; and finally, the lowest level of priest were the quacuilli, who were in charge of a small district or parish.
Like early societies everywhere, people fed themselves via agriculture which occupied the labors of almost everyone.
They worked for the landowners, who gave them enough food to live on.

Aztec society was hierarchical and divided into clearly defined classes. The nobility dominated the key positions in the military, state administration, judiciary, and priesthood. While traders could become extremely wealthy and powerful, even their prosperity was based on their class, and most citizens remained simple farmers.

Within Aztec society, there was a limited opportunity for individuals to better their social position, especially in the military and religious spheres. It is also true that nepotism prevailed but, at the same time, promotions could be obtained on merit as well as demotions from incompetence. In practice, though, the vast majority of the Aztec population would have remained in the social group of their immediate family throughout their lives.

Aztec farmers may be further divided into those who worked their own land and those who worked the land of large estates and paid their rent with whatever they farmed. These serfs were the lowest class of all in Aztec society, known as mayeque; they owned no land and paid up to 30% of their produce to their overlords. In addition to farming, the macehualtin were also expected to perform military service in times of war and assist in state projects such as road and temple building.

That is incorrect. Eclipses happen somewhere two to five time per years. What their advanced astronomy may have told Aztec astronomers was that no eclipse would occur on the date 4 Olin till well into the 21st century and thus they could continue to claim that the sacrifice had successfully staved off the death of the Sun.
How is that different from what the quote I provided said?

Unfortunately for the Aztec farm workers, they did not have libraries and published science to research and learn that the wool was being pulled over their eyes. So the astronomer/priests fed the people the information that the goverment wanted them to have,

Wrong. The priests/astronomers WERE the government.

Wrong. The priests would have rewarded themselves.

Aztec Priests Power and Authority

Since religion was of central importance in the Aztec society, the priests enjoyed considerable amount of power and privilege. They provided the religious festivals and norms that legitimised the rule of the emperor. Thus the emperor derived his power directly from the Aztec priests who were thought to be custodians of the religion that guaranteed the stability of the cosmic and political order. There were feasts like Huey Tocoztli where the emperor himself participated in the rituals, signifying the importance of the religious festivals.
Nothing like the modern day government or the IPCC.
Similar in the use of apocolyptic predictions to control the populace.
In the democracies of the western world, how has the work of the IPCC repressed the political will of populations or kept anyone in power?
It hasn't, not by itself.

It's kept the IPCC in millions of dollars in funding, for producting neither goods, nor services.

It has been part of the rhetoric of progressive politicians' campaigns. How much "Global Warming" gets out the vote, as opposed to "DEI," "transgender rights," "my body, my choice," and other progressive foolishness, I'll leave to the pollsters.

I would love to require a little more science education in our public school system. You?
If I could, I would require you* to read a little more history, instead of watching Craig Killborn or whoever. If you did, you would know that in early agricultural civilizations, the farm worker was on a lowly rung of the ladder, often a slave. Really, it was in the United States that farming by farm owners became the norm, and that only after we got past our own agricultural slavery.

Yes, we need more science education. But before we get to that, we need to end the progressive influence on public education, so our kids can go back to learning basic reading and math.
Why would that be?
That modern progressives would not be interested in sacrificial virgins? Well, I'm assuming that the virgins were female, but I could be wrong about that.

*Actually, I'm libertarian, so I have no desire to require you to do anything. Enjoy your John Stewart or whoever. In fact, in looking up who is on TV these days, I see that Taylor Tomlinson has a show? She's funny, and cute, I recommend you tune in.

But her stand up may not translate well to the late night formate. Let me know, please.
When you throw a blanket over yourself does it speed up your metabolism? No. It just traps more of your body's constant supply of energy.
Yes, I was assuming that you mispoke.

That blanket could also shade me from the sun, or temporarily keep heat out.

And actual greenhouse can keep plants from freezing, just as Earth's greenhouse gases allow enough heat to stay in to allow plants and animals not to freeze. Greenhouse gases: VITAL to life on Earth!

The sun constantly pours energy on to the Earth, mostly in the visible spectrum. Simultaneously, the Earth sends almost the same amount of energy back into space. A portion of the outgoing energy is reflected, visible light and a portion of it is heat (infrared light) radiated by the Earth in proportion to it's temperature. If the Earth's climate is at equilibrium, incoming and outgoing will be equal and the global temperature will be stable. If incoming is more than outgoing, the planet's temperature will increase till that increase has boosted the outgoing to match what's coming in. If incoming is less than outgoing, the planet will cool till it's outgoing has fallen enough that the planet once more reaches equilibrium.

Do you understand?
Yes, I understood it long before you explained it. But that was a simple explanation that made sense, keeping in mind all the "if"s. Well done.

If you can explain that, why can you not explain what you think we should do to lower Earth's temperature, what it will cost, and how much that expendature will lower the temperature of Earth?

Is it possible that you understand only the Greenhouse Effect, and that the rest of it you are taking on faith?
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A new study on one of the most important remaining artifacts from the Aztec Empire, a 24-ton basalt calendar stone, interprets the stone’s central image as the death of the sun god Tonatiuh during an eclipse, an event Aztecs believed would lead to a global apocalypse accompanied by earthquakes.

So, much like our own "progressive" politicians, the Aztec government liked to keep its people cowed through frightening apocolyptic predictions. The Aztecs are known as great builders, mathematicians and astronomers, but the overwhelming majority of Aztecs did farm work, living on a pittance while keeping those builders, mathematicians and astronomers well-paid, well-fed, and well supplied with material and labor.

Like other early Mexican societies, the Aztecs relied heavily on agriculture, growing maize, beans and squash to sustain their population. But their dependence on the sun for agriculture was also accompanied by a belief that they had to feed the sun with the blood of human sacrifice to keep it alive.

The Aztecs sacrificed a prisoner on the calendar stone on the date 4 Olin, the day they believed the world would end. The day repeats every 260 days in their calendar cycle. With succession of the cycle, another prisoner was sacrificed and the sun rose again the following day. Tonatiuh lived on.

The priests, high in the Aztec society chain of command, were responsible for charting astronomical phenomena, including the eclipse that would bring impending doom, Milbrath said.

They may have known that no eclipse would come on 4 Olin during the height of the empire. Based on the Aztec calendar system, a solar eclipse would not fall on that date until the 21st century, she said.

You see the genius? Keep the people scared and compliant by predicting an event that they knew would not happen in their lifetimes, nor the lifetime of the empire. That strategy far predates are own global warming alarmists, who always seem to think they are so clever and original.

Unfortunately for the Aztec farm workers, they did not have libraries and published science to research and learn that the wool was being pulled over their eyes. So the astronomer/priests fed the people the information that the goverment wanted them to have, and the government rewarded the priests with wealth and position, and no doubt plenty sacrificial virgins.

Much like the modern day governments funding the IPCC to spread the alarm and fear. All to help the government keep 'em down, keep 'em down! I'll bet modern day progressives would love to sacrifice some of those horrid "deniers" until the rest of us toe the line.

Don't think they'd be much interested in the virgins, though.
Climate scientists are in unanimous agreement that the central figure in the Aztec calendar stone represents the CO2 molecule
Do you mean additional energy is trapped by additional greenhouse gases? There is no additional energy coming from the sun, at least not caused by anything on earth.
So, since you now say you knew how the greenhouse effect worked, why did you here pretend to be ignorant of it?
Of what rigidity do you speak? The care with which I avoid ending a sentence with a preposition?
Humor noted!

The rigidity I speak of is that of believing something based on faith in an organization, which you know little of, and being unable to deal with others who do not share the same faith that you are of.

So, since you now say you knew how the greenhouse effect worked, why did you here pretend to be ignorant of it?
I didn't.

But I did mispeak slightly. When I demanded an experiment, I had not noticed that you had only referred to the Greenhouse Effect in the part I quoted.

The greenhouse is real, but any claims that human activity increases (or decreases) global warming are subject to skepticism, no matter what organization is making that claim.

I addressed this already, in post # 176 of your thread attacking "deniers.":

You did provide one example of an experiment to see if the greenhouse effect is possible, but you did not show the results of any actual experiments.

Do you notice that I answer almost all your questions, but you answer almost none of mine?

Here are some examples, just from your attack thread:

Post # 176:

Question for you, if you will answer one: Has the warming of the earth continued steadily since the idea of man-caused global warming was introduced? Research before you answer.

Have apocalyptic predictions resembling the biblical Apocalypse come true? When?

Jean Dixon accurately predicted the assassination of JFK. Which explanation is more likely:

1) Jean Dixon is an amazing psychic.
2) Thousands, maybe millions, of predictions are made every year, so some of them are bound to come true.

Should they (the designers of the atom bomb) have skipped the testing and told the Army "this may wipe out an enemy city - or it may just slam into the ground harmlessly unless it happens to land on an important Japanese leader."

Would you have wanted your loved on to risk their lives delivering such a maybe propisition?

Post # 160:

I can’t imagine conditions that would support a prediction that climate will not change. But maybe my imagination is not as great as yours. Can you provide an example?

Post # 158:

Just out of curiosity, do you consider yourself as smart, even smarter, or not quite as smart, as those advanced Aztec mathematicians? I would happily admit to not being quite as smart as they. Yet they turned out to be wrong.

Post # 157:

Refresh my memory: did the world’s most prolific producers of carbon sign the Kyoto Protocol? I’m thinking about major industrial power, such as China, Russia, the United States, and Canada. Are they all active signatories to this protocol?

Last I recall, most of them had either not signed it, or signed it, and then withdrawn. That being the case, how could the Kyoto protocol be responsible for the inaccurate prediction?

Post # 137:

So, we just wait for the technology to catch up? If that’s all it is, that’s not really an issue. Thought you were going to say we need to pay a whole bunch more taxes and spend it all on some sort of program to reduce carbon and stop the climate from changing.

Or just do like Al Gore and fly around on private jets, but donate money to his own foundation, and claim that he lives a carbon neutral lifestyle. Just so I know where you stand, do you believe that Al Gore lives a carbon neutral lifestyle?

And of course, Post # 128, the question that inquires into the core of your claims:

Describe - in your own words - the best evidence that the Earth is warming, that the warming is more harmful than normal cyclical warming, that the warming is NOT cyclic but caused by human activity, and that some other human activity that you propose will stop this harmful man caused warming.

if you cannot answer at least four of those nine in your next reply, I'll have to assume that you are an overgrown child and stop replying to you.

Your choice to make.
A stunning display of ignorance:
A stunning display of ego, Seymour.
Common knowledge, but OK . . .
Apparently not given your frequent habit of stating unsupported and unverified assertionsas if they were established facts.
"Some of the models suggest to Dr. (Wieslav) Maslowski that there is a 75% chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during some of the summer months, could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years."

Al Gore, 2009
Some of the models suggest... 75% chance... five to seven years.
"Well, the scientists told us three years ago we had 12 years to avert the worst consequences of climate crisis. We are now three years gone, so we have nine years left,"

John Kerry, 2021
And do you know - can you show to us, Seymour, that that is not precisely the case? There really is no way to know when it will actually be too late as it is very unlikely we will ever do everything we possibly could do to avert disaster. We will never know, therefore, if it was a tipping point we passed or our failure to do what we should have done.
It isn't a completely recent phenomena, either.

"There are now fewer than 50 days to set the course of the next 50 years and more. If we do not reach a deal at this time, let us be in no doubt: once the damage from unchecked emissions growth is done, no retrospective global agreement, in some future period, can undo that choice. By then, it will be irretrievably too late.”

Gordon Brown, 2009
Brown's "50 days left" referred to the schedule of the Copenhagen climate talks, not the progress of global warming.
“A senior UN environmental official (Noel Brown) says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.”

Associated Press, 1989

“an environmental catastrophe which will witness devastation as complete, as irreversible as any nuclear holocaust.”

Mostafa Tolba, 1982
If we go back to the astronomical prognostications of these Aztecs you so favor and show them to have been in error, can we then discard all of modern astronomy as simply more of the same?
There were definitely rich and poor in Aztec society.
I appreciate you put some work into typing and C&Ping all this, but this treatise on the Aztecs has zero to do with AGW, the greenhouse effect or the environment. So, <SNIP>
How is that different from what the quote I provided said?
You said: "You see the genius? Keep the people scared and compliant by predicting an event that they knew would not happen in their lifetimes, nor the lifetime of the empire"

That differs because, if they had actually made the calculation that told them no eclipse would take place on Olin 4 for centuries, the purpose of using Olin 4 was that it gave the appearance that the sacrifices worked; that the priests had power over the monsters of the skies... not that there was something constantly to fear. If your power is only prediction, what you predict needs to actually take place now and then or the people will begin to doubt.
Again, this has no bearing whatsoever on AGW, the greenhouse effect or the environment. So, ,SNIP>
Similar in the use of apocolyptic predictions to control the populace.
It has been clearly explained to you now on multiple occasions why AGW is taking place, how we know that human activities are responsible and what actions are needed to mitigate the problem. You have been shown that the predictions of modern science regarding the climate are NOT false or alarmist but the product of the objective application of the scientific method.. Yet you pretend as if you've been told nothing. There is another term for such pretending Seymour. It's called lying.
It hasn't, not by itself.

It's kept the IPCC in millions of dollars in funding, for producting neither goods, nor services.
This is another lie. The IPCC has done significant work and has produced extensive documentation of that work. No one is getting rich by working for the IPCC. And the IPCC has done nothing in support of any politician, political cause or agenda.
It has been part of the rhetoric of progressive politicians' campaigns.
This is another lie. The IPCC does not control what others may do with its products. And, again, the IPCC has done nothing in support of any politician, political cause or agenda.
How much "Global Warming" gets out the vote, as opposed to "DEI," "transgender rights," "my body, my choice," and other progressive foolishness, I'll leave to the pollsters.
Your prose is beginning to resemble that of Tucker Carlson and it contains precisely as much value.
If I could, I would require you* to read a little more history, instead of watching Craig Killborn or whoever.
I don't know a Craig Killborn
If you did, you would know that in early agricultural civilizations, the farm worker was on a lowly rung of the ladder, often a slave.
Once again, your post is irrelevant. <SNIP>
Yes, we need more science education. But before we get to that, we need to end the progressive influence on public education, so our kids can go back to learning basic reading and math.
Why do conservatives like you always throw out this false dichotomy that our species can only deal with one problem at a time? We should constantly be working to improve our children's education, in every regard. I disagree with your position re progressivism, but that OUGHT to be irrelevant to the topic under discussion.
That modern progressives would not be interested in sacrificial virgins? Well, I'm assuming that the virgins were female, but I could be wrong about that.
Two masters degrees? How did you get those without getting out of the 8th grade? Can I ask roughly how old you are because that is a truly puerile comment.
*Actually, I'm libertarian, so I have no desire to require you to do anything
I really don't give a shit what you call yourself.
Enjoy your John Stewart or whoever.
I get my news from internet apps of mainstream news sources: CNN, Google News, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSN, AP, BBC and SmartNews. I get my news in text and photographs. I do not watch television shows. I do not listen to pundits. I do not get cable tv. Your attempts to attach me to names is pathetic. Is that because you've been such a failure at actually addressing the content of my posts? It seems you continue to attempt to shoot the messenger because you cannot handle his message.
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