Turkey Should Help Anti-Assad Forces In Aleppo!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
It is really a catastrophic event Russia using its air force to bomb the Non-Islamic state anti-assad forces in and around Aleppo because Aleppo is the last major stronghold for the non-Islamic state anti-assad forces. If Aleppo is lost to the Assad Regime the war is over Assad won the war it may take another one to three years for his Regime to maneuver control of the entire country but it will happen; the Islamic state forces will be weakened or defeated by the U.S. led international coalition and those areas will either be turned over to the Assad Regime or the Syrian force it will be turned over to will fall to the Assad Regime forces in a timely manner and piece by piece Assad forces will capture areas of Syria not under regime control with the critical help of the Russian Air Force. What transpired over the past year is a gigantic mistake by the U.S. government over the Syria situation, the U.S. government's plan was to bring the parties in the civil war to the negotiating table and negotiate a peaceful agreement that creates a democratic good country of Syria that respects the human rights of their people. It was a humongous error because the Superpower Russia used the time the U.S. government spent trying to make this initiative work to use its airpower to help the Assad Regime take large chunks of territory from the Anti-assad forces now these forces are on the verge of having no leverage at the negotiating table.

These times have put the country of Turkey at crossroads where the fate of the Persian Gulf Region rests in their hands. Turkey should not have this burden but other major countries , namely in part the U.S. failed in their duty now the welfare of the region rests in your hands. The Turkish government's big picture task is to keep that anti-assad forces around Aleppo alive and strong enough that the Assad Regime must conclude that the regime cannot win the Syrian civil war militarily they must negotiate a good peace deal. Specifically what the Turkish government needs to do is too use its ground forces including tank units to drive a corridor from their border to Aleppo so the anti-assad forces in Aleppo can get resupplied. The Second major initiative is that the Turkish government needs to use its air force and ground to air missiles to at "minimum reduce" the air power threat from the "Russia Air Force" and the Syrian Air Force over this corridor and the region of Aleppo. If the Turkish government did these extraordinary virtuous acts they probably could get at least the countries of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates to send ground forces and supplies down this corridor and reinforce the anti-assad forces in and around Aleppo. If the Turkish government did these extraordinary acts I think there is a fifty-fifty chance they could get some countries like France and the United Kingdom to use their airforce and ground to air missile batteries to enforce a no fly zone against the Russia air force in this corridor and around Aleppo; I know these countries don't ordinarily get involved in military action unless the U.S. is involved but I believe the world gets it that the current U.S. President is not a reliable leader in the world for stopping evil and promoting long-term security this is evidenced by his reticence to help the anti-Gadhafi forces in Benghazi back in 2011 when they were surrounded and on the verge of being massacred it was only U.S. public outrage that caused him to change course and he was completely missing in action post the Libyan war to help the country of Libya build government security forces so the country wouldn't fail with various militias controlling large swaths of territory.

The Turkish government should consider that in all probability you only have to hold out with this military effort for one year. If a Republican or Hillary Clinton wins the White House this year a no-fly zone will certainly next year be put in place in Syria which will clip Bashar Assad's power embodied in the Russian air force and bring him to the negotiating table and if Bernie Sanders wins there is still a good possibility this would occur it would just necessitate the no-fly zone instituted by the international community where the U.S. only played an equal partner role in executing the no fly zone. There is a lot of compelling reasons that the Turkish government wants to do this Rescue Aleppo operation. First, if you don't the Assad forces will capture the Aleppo region but they will cede the area north of Aleppo to the Turkish border to the Kurds more specifically to the YPG forces because Assad cannot afford to secure all these towns north of Aleppo for he needs the Assad forces that take these towns to continue in the fight to take the provinces of Idlib and Hamah; once the YPG gets control of these towns they ain't letting them go and they are going to have a long band of territory along the southern border of Turkey and this is a bad omen in light of the unrest of the Kurdish population in Turkey you have the ingredients of a Kurdish secession war. Secondly, if Turkey doesn't do this Rescue operation Aleppo falls to Assad forces quickly and almost certainly Bashar Assad gets back control of the whole country and he is going to be looking for revenge against Turkey and Bashar has had a long running policy of sort of letting the Kurds do what they want and it would be no big loss to him to let the Kurds take sovereignty of the northern fifteen percent of the country of Syria to form their own country for the Alawites, his people, occupy the southern and western part of Syria and again there would then exist the ingredients of a Kurdish secession war in Turkey.
Oh for crying out loud Erdogan has been involved from the get go with Saudi Arabia and Qatar trying to overthrow Assad.

It's been out there for forever. And considering that son of a bitch has been black marketing ISIS oil and Syrian antiquities he's been financing ISIS has he not.

There is no civil war. Only mercenaries and terrorists funded by the Sunni nations that surround Syria.
Erdogan is having a blast bombing the crap out of Kurds instead of ISIS.

None of our western leaders seem to care.
Why should he as long as Russia helps the Syrian army to succeed?...

Syria's Assad shows no willingness to compromise
Fri Apr 8, 2016 -- As the Syria peace talks resume next week, President Bashar al-Assad, backed militarily by Iran and Russia, shows no willingness to compromise, much less step aside to allow a transition Western powers claim is the solution to the conflict.
Threatened by rebel advances last year, Assad is now pumped up with confidence after Russian air strikes reversed the tide and enabled his army to recover lost ground from Sunni insurgents as well as the jihadis of Islamic State. While Syria experts doubt he can recapture the whole country without an unlikely full-scale ground intervention by Russia and Iran, they also doubt President Vladimir Putin will force him out - unless there is a clear path to stability, which could take years. Instead, Russia’s dramatic military intervention last September -- after five years of inconclusive fighting between Assad and fragmented rebel groups mostly from Syria’s Sunni majority -- has tilted the balance of power in his favour and given him the upper hand at the talks in Geneva.

The main target of the Russian air force bombardment was mainstream and Islamist forces that launched an offensive last summer. Only recently have Russia and Syrian forces taken the fight to Islamic State, notably by recapturing Palmyra, the Graeco-Roman city the jihadis overran last year. The Russian campaign, backed by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and Shi’ite militia such as Lebanon’s Hezbollah, has for now outmatched the rebels, including the al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front and units supported by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, and the United States.


Dealing with those groups rather than Islamic State seemed the main aim of Moscow's intervention, analysts say. "The Russian intervention fundamentally reshaped the Syrian conflict," says Kheder Khaddour from the Carnegie Middle East Center. "The momentum of the rebels does not exist any more." Putin, diplomats say, weakened the opposition to coax it into accepting a settlement on Russian and Syrian terms. That does not mean the "transitional authority" sought by the U.S. and its allies, but a government expanded to include elements of the opposition, with Assad at its head for the immediate future.

Russia still wants Assad to lead the transition to the elections, while the opposition and its regional allies, including the United States and Europe, insist he should step down. So far no compromises are in sight. "We need things to advance in the coming weeks. If the political process is just about putting a few opposition people in nominal cabinet posts then this isn't going to go very far," said a European diplomat close to the talks. "If there isn't a political transition the civil war will continue and Islamic State will benefit from it," he said. Fawaz Gerges, author of ISIS: A History, said: "At this point the Russians have the upper hand in dictating a solution. The Americans are playing on Russia’s playing field."

May all those who call for support for terrorism perish in a terrible way and find their heads spiked on the fences, their faces grilled and their hearts eaten like they wish for the Syrians.
Oh for crying out loud Erdogan has been involved from the get go with Saudi Arabia and Qatar trying to overthrow Assad.

It's been out there for forever. And considering that son of a bitch has been black marketing ISIS oil and Syrian antiquities he's been financing ISIS has he not.

There is no civil war. Only mercenaries and terrorists funded by the Sunni nations that surround Syria.

Syria should be governed by sunni majority not Assad filthy sect in the country.

Many syrians are from turkish descent, it's evident that Turkey should arm the people de fight the crappy regime.
Oh for crying out loud Erdogan has been involved from the get go with Saudi Arabia and Qatar trying to overthrow Assad.

It's been out there for forever. And considering that son of a bitch has been black marketing ISIS oil and Syrian antiquities he's been financing ISIS has he not.

There is no civil war. Only mercenaries and terrorists funded by the Sunni nations that surround Syria.

Syria should be governed by sunni majority not Assad filthy sect in the country.

Many syrians are from turkish descent, it's evident that Turkey should arm the people de fight the crappy regime.
Syria is secular. Erdogan and his terrorists will be smashed.

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