Tucker Carlson uses my point against an anti gunner...New York and Vermont....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I have heard the argument that gun murder in Chicago is because the thugs get their guns in the suburbs or Indiana...and I respond by pointing out that New York, and L.A. have the same gun control laws as Chicago...and their gangs can also travel out of state to get guns......so that isn't the reason there is gun murder....

Tucker Carlson...made my point against an anti-gun moron......thank you Tucker......

Tucker Carlson Embarrasses Gun Controller Who Thinks More Gun Laws Can Fix Chicago - Breitbart

Horowitz responded by blaming Chicago gun crime on guns “from other states.” He named “Wisconsin, Mississippi, and Indiana” as states that are flooding Chicago with guns and said the solution is to expand universal background checks to all states.

Tucker said, “I’ve heard this argument but, New York City has seen a dramatic drop in gun crime, right?”

Horowitz said, “Right, and they have great gun laws.”

Tucker then pounced, “But it’s right south of Vermont, which has the laxest gun laws in America. You can get in a car and drive up there. So why isn’t that the same?”

Horowitz exact response: “Well, well, cause, first of all, New York, New York, it’s the same thing as Illinois where, where the crime guns are coming from out of state–but New York lives in a much safer neighborhood, right, you have to go quite some distance to get a firearm.”

Tucker said, “Really? Cause everyone I know in New York has a weekend home in Vermont.”

And the guy lies about how many people own guns.........

And he lies about Missouri too.....

He lies about rifles too....

Tucker beats this guy like drum......the guy is an idiot....

The guy doesn't tell the truth about background checks.....

He lies about the .223....
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