Tucker, Carlson interviews Tim Scott, Mike Pence, and more

Tucker is the man. This is incredible so far I’ve seen the beginning of the interviews. I’m on the Tim Scott interview right now. And Tucker is not letting up. He’s asking Scott a Republican by the way …the tough questions.

One of the things Carlson was saying was Why are we sending all this money to Ukraine? Why don’t we use the resources that are we giving to Ukraine to help protect our border.? Tim Scott kind of dodged the question but Tucker did not let up. And this is just incredible. Wow we don’t see this type of journalism on Fox News or CNN.

Tucker turned what was supposed to be a discussion of moral and religious issues into a platform to hail Satan Putin.

This is understandable since morality no longer matters to the New Right.
Tucker turned what was supposed to be a discussion of moral and religious issues into a platform to hail Satan Putin.

This is understandable since morality no longer matters to the New Right.
Did your parents ever sit you down and explain you’re retarded and what that was going to be like for the rest of your life? Or is this retardation all a surprise to you?
Tucker Carlson has stated unequivocally that he wants Russia to win.

So of course he wants the West to abandon Ukraine.

Of course he does.

And he will lie to the parroting credulous rubes to get them on Putin's side. All day long.

That's why he is out of a job. He told way too many lies.

And the rubes are STILL lining up to drink his piss!
Tucker Carlson has stated unequivocally that he wants Russia to win.

So of course he wants the West to abandon Ukraine.

Of course he does.

And he will lie to the parroting credulous rubes to get them on Putin's side. All day long.

That's why he is out of a job. He told way too many lies.

And the rubes are STILL lining up to drink his piss!
Can you explain one way or the other why we should give a fuck if Ukraine wins or loses? What do we win or lose since it’s our money being sent there.
Can you explain one way or the other why we should give a fuck if Ukraine wins or loses? What do we win or lose since it’s our money being sent there.
There are many good reasons for the West to support Ukraine's fight against imperialist Russia.

First, it's the right thing to do.

Second, the Ukraine is a major food source for the world. We cannot allow a mass murdering genocidal dictator to control the world's food supply.

Third, this enables the West to see the military capabilities, tactics, and logistics of Russia. This is an invaluable strategic opportunity. We are learning our greatest enemy's strengths and weaknesses at a very cheap price!

The more we hurt Putin, the less saber rattling he will do in the future. He is a paper tiger and now the whole world knows it.

Worth every penny.
I think first it would be a good idea for you to explain how we should be unquestionably supporting Ukraine. Why? They aren’t Russia isn’t a good answer. Who gives a fuck if two countries we don’t care about are at war. Have at it.

So far the only useful part of Ukraine is they funnel millions to democrat politicians. That doesn’t sound like a good reason to send endless support.
He let someone else argue for him


Noted his avatar^ ….weird.
Asa Hutchinson full interview.

Tucker presses him pretty hard on his referring to cross sex hormones for kids as "treatment." Hutchinson said he doesn't want government telling parents what to do when it comes to medical gender affirmation for minors. He did say that he doesn't agree with surgery for minors.

Tucker presses him on troops for the border and why he would prioritized helping the Philipines over securing the border.

I don't know. Hutchinson strikes me as just another relic of the Bush/Cheney/Romney cabal.

He'd cave on the surgery, if he were confronted with someone falsely claiming that the kid will committ suicide without the surgery.

Hutchinson comes off as a hack

Man Tucker crushed the establishment.
Anti Russian racism from pro blm democrats is noted …

And the dems and their neocons Allie’s are nuts….the whole world knows America invades other countries…..
Can you explain one way or the other why we should give a fuck if Ukraine wins or loses? What do we win or lose since it’s our money being sent there.
I mean the amount of American exceptionalism from these pro blm racists is a disgrace…these are my positions but I get your pov as well

I agree its not our war

I’ll add give the billions to the poor!!! Clean our inner cities !!!
There are many good reasons for the West to support Ukraine's fight against imperialist Russia.

First, it's the right thing to do.

Second, the Ukraine is a major food source for the world. We cannot allow a mass murdering genocidal dictator to control the world's food supply.

Third, this enables the West to see the military capabilities, tactics, and logistics of Russia. This is an invaluable strategic opportunity. We are learning our greatest enemy's strengths and weaknesses at a very cheap price!

The more we hurt Putin, the less saber rattling he will do in the future.
He is a paper tiger and now the whole world knows it.

Worth every penny.
I support Ukraine. However, if West vs Russia and his minions, I highly doubt it will be like the war we are seeing right now. No one says we must abandon Ukraine, but the current way is not working. We must find a better way to find an exit plan for all the stakeholders.
I support Ukraine. However, if West vs Russia and his minions, I highly doubt it will be like the war we are seeing right now. No one says we must abandon Ukraine, but the current way is not working. We must find a better way to find an exit plan for all the stakeholders.
Yes, the exit plan is exactly what is missing. Same as it was for the endless middle eastern wars. People who fight wars with no exit plan are not interesting in winning the war, but in continuing the war.
Great point by Tucker Carlson is that Russia has killed no Americans. But the Mexican government has issues with the drug cartels which have killed tens of thousands of Americans…. Carlson put that in a form of a question to Tim Scott…. And Scott basically dodge the question.

Nobody on CNN or Fox News or MSNBC is asking these types of questions.
Apples and oranges.
Thank you for proving voter fraud does happen. When stuff like this is uncovered it justifies another round of audits in AZ, GA, MI, NV, PA, and WI.

Tucker is the man. This is incredible so far I’ve seen the beginning of the interviews. I’m on the Tim Scott interview right now. And Tucker is not letting up. He’s asking Scott a Republican by the way …the tough questions.

One of the things Carlson was saying was Why are we sending all this money to Ukraine? Why don’t we use the resources that are we giving to Ukraine to help protect our border.? Tim Scott kind of dodged the question but Tucker did not let up. And this is just incredible. Wow we don’t see this type of journalism on Fox News or CNN.

My Summary:

There are some significant differences in the candidates, as described below. Most try to come across as moderates and try to tap dance around the issues with answers vague enough to appeal to most

Tucker is a really a great journalist. He is so natural, so comfortable, has a lot of his own creative ideas and asks probing, difficult questions, and he subtlety does not let up when he does not get an answer.

Tim Scott (49:18) - Quotes bible. Very supportive of supporting Ukraine's war efforts against Russia. Finish The Wall for $15B and take the money from the IRS to enforce existing immigration law. High energy - runs around stage while speaking.

Former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson (1:42:00) - Defended his veto of anti- puberty blocker and trans surgery bill for minors; said he wanted parents to be able to decide, but also said minors should not have trans surgery. He got very uncomfortable discussing this, but Tucker would not move on when prompted, and Tucker made him keep tip-toe-ing. Tucker asked him how many COVID shots he took and how does he feel about it now. He refused to answer, but got Tucker to answer "zero" to applause. Asa went on to tout his actions supporting individual vaccine choice. Tucker suggests using the military to enforce the border. Asa hedged. I don't like his wishy-washy answers, but others will disagree.

Mike Pence (3:18:30) - Was Jan 6th an insurrection? Pence called it a riot, and said he did his duty. He supports prosecution of Jan 6th violent offenders. He says Biden was validly elected and Trump was reckless and endangered Pence, who had no right to overturn the election. Tucker and Pence had quite a disagreement about supporting religious freedom in Ukraine. Pence said we need to help Ukraine because Russia will come for NATO next. Hmmm. And Ukraine should be admitted to NATO after the war is won, and the war is succeeding.

Nikki Haley (5:58:18) - There were election irregularities, but Biden won, and we need to fix voting with voter ID and paper ballots. She said that she sent home John Kerry's sister for a press leak. She wants to completely replace the health care system with something that involves a lot of paperwork reporting. She believes climate change is real, and China gets uneven pressure. She won't say if humans cause it or can fix it, but she does not like climate mandates and we should be energy independent. She would not say who blew up Nord Stream, or whose White House coke it was. She says they know exactly whose it is - it the President's, Kamala's, Staff, or assistant staff. It's a coverup for Hunter or someone close to Biden. Republicans are responsible for the debt as much as Dems.

Vivek Ramaswamy (6:50:15) - This is our time to bring God back, instead of all the woke stuff. We should end the war and quit paying for it. He has lost big donors because of his stance. He says Russia should get some of Ukraine, Ukraine can't join NATO, and Russia has to stop partnering militarily w/ China and Cuba. Jan 6th was caused by pervasive censorship and COVID lockdowns - it's a very interesting thesis. Americans are not as divided as they are making us to believe. Dems use racism and White privilege to distract from their failures. Vivek says he grew up privileged - he had a mother and father and God. (He's Hindu; I hope he does not get criticism from Repubs for not being Christian.)

Ron DeSantis (7:47:00) - Did not come across as a robot. Pro-life, and lost large supporters for it. Climate Change initiatives are about controlling behavior, not the climate. He trumpets all the Californians coming to Florida for a better life - a major selling point of his, I think - and tells the relocating Libs they better not vote like they used to, or they will mess it up. Florida provided freedom, low taxes, low crime, open schools. Anti-trans. Said he "was attached" to Navy Seal Team 1 during his service. Tucker asked why he changed position on Ukraine. DeSantis said, Putin is a bad guy, but DC needs to tell us why we are there and for how long. Says goal should be sustainable peace in Europe (kind of wishy-washy answer to me). Secure the US border, fiercely. China is our biggest threat in many ways - economic, military, and they are "polluting our culture." Florida banned selling land to China. Our kids are going to be speaking Mandarin soon. Central Bank Digital Security is a giant threat and we will kill it. New FBI director needed Day One. Fauci should have been fired along with lots in the DOJ. COVID-type weaponization of government will come again. Claims he will declassify all kinds of stuff. Not sure if Biden will be the nominee, says he'd be happy to take on Newsom, which was my prediction long ago.... [Link]

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