Tucker Carlson for President


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Tucker Carlson should definitely run for president. He is a hero an all American hero and people on the left by calling him a “liar” they are willingly lying either they’re on drugs and they simply repeat whatever they were told by their slave masters on CNN, on the view or by Democrats like AOC the tyrant.

How could anybody here support AOC you lefties talk about a “ liar “well AOC said she would oppose Israel and yet she votes in favor of the iron dome missile defense system. And I got nothing against the Israeli people or the Palestinians I am showing you people on the left that you are game played and you’re getting played for a fool by AOC and the squad. And now AOC is one of the biggest tyrants in America threatening to suppress freedom of speech all over this country…. she is a disgrace to the great Democrats of history. And I can’t believe that my own fellow Democrats support her.

No one who is a patriot cares that Mr. Carlson has changed a few viewpoints on Donald Trump ….that doesn’t make him a liar. It makes the far left the a threat to democracy for making things up about their opponents in debate, for destroying our economy, getting us involved in this insane war in Ukraine when Russia poses zero threat to America…. so much for the far left and Neo conservative supporting the cause of World War II

“ oh your a russobot”

^When Democrats and the conservatives have nothing else to say they resort to the talking points of their slave masters the mainstream media…. anyone who opposes their anti-American agenda is a “Russian agent”

The high gas prices of course drives up the price of everything else. Nobody can afford a home in America unless they’re rich. And our middle class has been utterly wrecked. Somebody like Tucker Carlson he’s a hard hitter he’s going to hold people accountable, and he cares about the workingman. But for those brainwashed racists on the far left for those brainwashed Nazis on the far left, for those Tyrants who follow AOC they never watch Tucker Carlson… they don’t even know that he interviews all sorts of people far left wingers, right wingers main stream Democrats. The man clearly cares about this country he’s been married to the same woman for 30 years his high school sweetheart. You don’t see that anymore these days what an incredible example of a great family man in Tucker Carlson…. he’s been with the same woman his whole life, he’s got a great family he doesn’t even have a mansion and he’s got millions and millions of dollars he just has a regular house….the guy goes fishing and he comes from a political background his dad was involved in politics

A hero rises in Tucker Carlson,

20 years ago, 10 years ago perhaps even five years ago all of the left-wing posters here would have praised Tucker Carlson for how he stood up for that black communist who did not agree with supporting Ukraine and who is now facing 10 years in prison for doing so. But now so many far left Democrats in America are completely brainwashed into supporting men going into women’s bathrooms, into supporting racist job hiring quotas, and blindly being told how to live their life “shut your mouth and put your mask on and take the Jab “ and the left listens and they pick their mask on… they applaud Joe Biden and the Democrats for putting out trillions of dollars in so-called stimulus money utterly up ending and wrecking things for so many people….now the home mortgage loan rates have more than tripled…. OK people literally can’t afford a home it’s no longer a joke.

Tucker 2024 !!!!

Praise God
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The Double T's................Trump and Tucker.

They can't do anything to him now. He's on his own. AOC can just eat her own shit now.

I would certainly give my vote to either one of them.

I would hope that some of the left-wing posters of the US message board give Tucker a shot just watch some of those YouTube clips I’m sure they still exist… they’re quite informative.
Tucker Carlson should definitely run for president. He is a hero an all American hero and people on the left by calling him a “liar” they are willingly lying either they’re on drugs and they simply repeat whatever they were told by their slave masters on CNN, on the view or by Democrats like AOC the tyrant.

How could anybody here support AOC you lefties talk about a “ liar “well AOC said she would oppose Israel and yet she votes in favor of the iron dome missile defense system. And I got nothing against the Israeli people or the Palestinians I am showing you people on the left that you are game played and you’re getting played for a fool by AOC and the squad. And now AOC is one of the biggest tyrants in America threatening to suppress freedom of speech all over this country…. she is a disgrace to the great Democrats of history. And I can’t believe that my own fellow Democrats support her.

No one who is a patriot cares that Mr. Carlson has changed a few viewpoints on Donald Trump ….that doesn’t make him a liar. It makes the far left the a threat to democracy for making things up about their opponents in debate, for destroying our economy, getting us involved in this insane war in Ukraine when Russia poses zero threat to America…. so much for the far left and Neo conservative supporting the cause of World War II

“ oh your a russobot”

^When Democrats and the conservatives have nothing else to say they resort to the talking points of their slave masters the mainstream media…. anyone who opposes their anti-American agenda is a “Russian agent”

The high gas prices of course drives up the price of everything else. Nobody can afford a home in America unless they’re rich. And our middle class has been utterly wrecked. Somebody like Tucker Carlson he’s a hard hitter he’s going to hold people accountable, and he cares about the workingman. But for those brainwashed racists on the far left for those brainwashed Nazis on the far left, for those Tyrants who follow AOC they never watch Tucker Carlson… they don’t even know that he interviews all sorts of people far left wingers, right wingers main stream Democrats. The man clearly cares about this country he’s been married to the same woman for 30 years his high school sweetheart. You don’t see that anymore these days what an incredible example of a great family man in Tucker Carlson…. he’s been with the same woman his whole life, he’s got a great family he doesn’t even have a mansion and he’s got millions and millions of dollars he just has a regular house….the guy goes fishing and he comes from a political background his dad was involved in politics

A hero rises in Tucker Carlson,

20 years ago, 10 years ago perhaps even five years ago all of the left-wing posters here would have praised Tucker Carlson for how he stood up for that black communist who did not agree with supporting Ukraine and who is now facing 10 years in prison for doing so. But now so many far left Democrats in America are completely brainwashed into supporting men going into women’s bathrooms, into supporting racist job hiring quotas, and blindly being told how to live their life “shut your mouth and put your mask on and take the Jab “ and the left listens and they pick their mask on… they applaud Joe Biden and the Democrats for putting out trillions of dollars in so-called stimulus money utterly up ending and wrecking things for so many people….now the home mortgage loan rates have more than tripled…. OK people literally can’t afford a home it’s no longer a joke.

Tucker 2024 !!!!

Praise God

Just what we need. A pro-Putin candidate. He is a liar just as you are. The problems we have are due to Nazi Republicans. Carlson willingly spreads Russian propaganda. That is a fact you commie.
Tucker Carlson should definitely run for president. He is a hero an all American hero

A hero? WTF. Did he save a bunch of kids from a burning building? Did he risk his life and limb to save combat soldiers from enemy fire?
No, he just got on TV and read a script.

Your version of hero is as pathetic as those who call Caitlyn Jenner a hero.
A hero? WTF. Did he save a bunch of kids from a burning building? Did he risk his life and limb to save combat soldiers from enemy fire?
No, he just got on TV and read a script.

Your version of hero is as pathetic as those who call Caitlyn Jenner a hero.

Considering whats out there today...................with all the shit going on in this country..................he's pretty much the "bar" for hero nowadays.
Tucker Carlson should definitely run for president. He is a hero an all American hero
I don't believe Carlson is a hero. :dunno:
and people on the left by calling him a “liar” they are willingly lying either they’re on drugs and they simply repeat whatever they were told by their slave masters on CNN, on the view or by Democrats like AOC the tyrant.
I don't watch CNN. I don't worship junior reps like AOC. I believe Carlson is a lying propagandist espousing fear to his (ex) right wing viewership. Nothing more, :dunno:
How could anybody here support AOC you lefties talk about a “ liar “well AOC said she would oppose Israel and yet she votes in favor of the iron dome missile defense system. And I got nothing against the Israeli people or the Palestinians
I don't care about AOC. I care even less about Israel. :dunno: Does that makes me antisemitic to a dummy like yourself?
No one who is a patriot cares that Mr. Carlson has changed a few viewpoints on Donald Trump ….that doesn’t make him a liar.
It makes him a hypocrite, and hypocrisy doesn't make one a 'patriot.' It simply makes them a hypocrite. You are confused, magaturd. This jagoff would make just as bad (or worse) of a president than your orange daddy.
A hero? WTF. Did he save a bunch of kids from a burning building? Did he risk his life and limb to save combat soldiers from enemy fire?
No, he just got on TV and read a script.

Your version of hero is as pathetic as those who call Caitlyn Jenner a hero.
He’s a hero, Tucker is original… probably the only guy in the mainstream standing up to the Ukraine propaganda machine. He writes his scripts with producers…. he is in opposition to many other people on Fox News like the neocons like Graham and Romney.

Hope your doing well
Considering whats out there today...................with all the shit going on in this country..................he's pretty much the "bar" for hero nowadays.

Not my bar. My life has been saved by an actual hero. I've had the honor of saving someone's life (fire). The bar is where it is.
The bar these clowns are using only identifies as a "bar." It's more like that police tape they put around a crime scene. :auiqs.jpg:
He’s a hero, Tucker is original… probably the only guy in the mainstream standing up to the Ukraine propaganda machine. He writes his scripts with producers…. he is in opposition to many other people on Fox News like the neocons like Graham and Romney.

Hope your doing well

That's not even close to what a real hero is. Take your radical, inclusive progressive definitions and shove it, pal.
Not my bar. My life has been saved by an actual hero. I've had the honor of saving someone's life (fire). The bar is where it is.
The bar these clowns are using only identifies as a "bar." It's more like that police tape they put around a crime scene. :auiqs.jpg:
Its all good

Many heroes are paraplegics. A hero doesn’t have to rescue someone, they provide inspiration
He’s a hero, Tucker is original… probably the only guy in the mainstream standing up to the Ukraine propaganda machine. He writes his scripts with producers…. he is in opposition to many other people on Fox News like the neocons like Graham and Romney.

Hope your doing well
Your acting like a far lefty , unprovoked attacks and I like Desantis

Our country Is a dump..Tucker provides hope for the future

No one even knows anything about what sort of plan he may have if he was president. No idea on what he would actually try to get passed.
He may be an awesome president. But at the moment, he's only been a talking head for a bias news organization.
Typical trash post just like YoursTruly

Though I expect better from the latter..

Our country’s economy is in the gutter…keep posting gifs

Hold on, Pal. I never said a word about Tucker supporting Russia. All that leftist propaganda (russis hoax) crap is not something I support.
Personally, I could care less about Russia or Ukraine. And think the USA should mind it's own business.

So do not tie me to some leftist BS.

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