TSA screens people who complain

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
It seems that the TSA is trying out some behavioral profiling after all. I just do not get why complaining about stupidity is a sign that you might be doing something wrong. This seems like another excuse to take away our rights, and a way to formalize "contempt of cop" into suspicious behavior.

CNN has obtained a list of roughly 70 "behavioral indicators" that TSA behavior detection officers use to identify potentially "high risk" passengers at the nation's airports. Many of the indicators, as characterized in open government reports, are behaviors and appearances that may be indicative of stress, fear or deception. None of them, as the TSA has long said, refer to or suggest race, religion or ethnicity.
But one addresses passengers' attitudes towards security, and how they express those attitudes.
It reads: "Very arrogant and expresses contempt against airport passenger procedures."
TSA officials declined to comment on the list of indicators, but said that no single indicator, taken by itself, is ever used to identify travelers as potentially high-risk passengers. Travelers must exhibit several indicators before behavior detection officers steer them to more thorough screening.
But a civil liberties organization said the list should not include behavior relating to the expression of opinions, even arrogant expressions of opinion.
"Expressing your contempt about airport procedures -- that's a First Amendment-protected right," said Michael German, a former FBI agent who now works as legal counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union. "We all have the right to express our views, and particularly in a situation where the government is demanding the ability to search you."

TSA security looks at people who complain about ... TSA security - CNN.com
Make congressmen and administration officials enjoy the same TSA procedures as do the people who elected them and it will all change.
It seems that the TSA is trying out some behavioral profiling after all. I just do not get why complaining about stupidity is a sign that you might be doing something wrong. This seems like another excuse to take away our rights, and a way to formalize "contempt of cop" into suspicious behavior.

So far as I'm concerned "contempt of cop" should be an arrestable FELONY.

It's a very simple matter....

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It seems that the TSA is trying out some behavioral profiling after all. I just do not get why complaining about stupidity is a sign that you might be doing something wrong. This seems like another excuse to take away our rights, and a way to formalize "contempt of cop" into suspicious behavior.

CNN has obtained a list of roughly 70 "behavioral indicators" that TSA behavior detection officers use to identify potentially "high risk" passengers at the nation's airports. Many of the indicators, as characterized in open government reports, are behaviors and appearances that may be indicative of stress, fear or deception. None of them, as the TSA has long said, refer to or suggest race, religion or ethnicity.
But one addresses passengers' attitudes towards security, and how they express those attitudes.
It reads: "Very arrogant and expresses contempt against airport passenger procedures."
TSA officials declined to comment on the list of indicators, but said that no single indicator, taken by itself, is ever used to identify travelers as potentially high-risk passengers. Travelers must exhibit several indicators before behavior detection officers steer them to more thorough screening.
But a civil liberties organization said the list should not include behavior relating to the expression of opinions, even arrogant expressions of opinion.
"Expressing your contempt about airport procedures -- that's a First Amendment-protected right," said Michael German, a former FBI agent who now works as legal counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union. "We all have the right to express our views, and particularly in a situation where the government is demanding the ability to search you."

TSA security looks at people who complain about ... TSA security - CNN.com

What do you expect from NAZI's?
It seems that the TSA is trying out some behavioral profiling after all. I just do not get why complaining about stupidity is a sign that you might be doing something wrong. This seems like another excuse to take away our rights, and a way to formalize "contempt of cop" into suspicious behavior.

CNN has obtained a list of roughly 70 "behavioral indicators" that TSA behavior detection officers use to identify potentially "high risk" passengers at the nation's airports. Many of the indicators, as characterized in open government reports, are behaviors and appearances that may be indicative of stress, fear or deception. None of them, as the TSA has long said, refer to or suggest race, religion or ethnicity.
But one addresses passengers' attitudes towards security, and how they express those attitudes.
It reads: "Very arrogant and expresses contempt against airport passenger procedures."
TSA officials declined to comment on the list of indicators, but said that no single indicator, taken by itself, is ever used to identify travelers as potentially high-risk passengers. Travelers must exhibit several indicators before behavior detection officers steer them to more thorough screening.
But a civil liberties organization said the list should not include behavior relating to the expression of opinions, even arrogant expressions of opinion.
"Expressing your contempt about airport procedures -- that's a First Amendment-protected right," said Michael German, a former FBI agent who now works as legal counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union. "We all have the right to express our views, and particularly in a situation where the government is demanding the ability to search you."

TSA security looks at people who complain about ... TSA security - CNN.com
Wowzers!...Bureaucrats abusing their positions of authority over the hoi polloy?!?!?

Shocked!...Shocked, I say!

It seems that the TSA is trying out some behavioral profiling after all. I just do not get why complaining about stupidity is a sign that you might be doing something wrong. This seems like another excuse to take away our rights, and a way to formalize "contempt of cop" into suspicious behavior.

So far as I'm concerned "contempt of cop" should be an arrestable FELONY.

It's a very simple matter....

Thugs Standing Around are our servants, not our masters.

If they don't want to treat the people who pay their fat asses with the respect due them, let them go out in The World and get a real job.
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIVHNylH1Mk]YouTube - Respect My Authoritah![/ame]
If they don't want to treat the people who pay their fat asses with the respect due them, let them go out in The World and get a real job.

Ok, so just because we pay their salaries with our taxes we should be able to complain sufficiently to be allowed to bypass security? That's a great idea. Then maybe I can whine enough to be allowed to slip a gun through the next time I fly.

Personally, I'm all for strip searching every individual getting on a plane, and then placing all passengers in straitjackets and restraints for the duration of the flight to actually be able to ensure SECURITY onboard the aircraft.
Why even allow people to leave the house?

Can't take any chances with our security, can we? :rolleyes:

I know that I don't. Take chance that is. I'm going out to a sports bar this evening to watch the Bruins get slaughtered by the Canadians tonight, and I'll be carrying a gun, a speedloader, a knife, and my pepper spray with me.
It seems that the TSA is trying out some behavioral profiling after all. I just do not get why complaining about stupidity is a sign that you might be doing something wrong. This seems like another excuse to take away our rights, and a way to formalize "contempt of cop" into suspicious behavior.

CNN has obtained a list of roughly 70 "behavioral indicators" that TSA behavior detection officers use to identify potentially "high risk" passengers at the nation's airports. Many of the indicators, as characterized in open government reports, are behaviors and appearances that may be indicative of stress, fear or deception. None of them, as the TSA has long said, refer to or suggest race, religion or ethnicity.
But one addresses passengers' attitudes towards security, and how they express those attitudes.
It reads: "Very arrogant and expresses contempt against airport passenger procedures."
TSA officials declined to comment on the list of indicators, but said that no single indicator, taken by itself, is ever used to identify travelers as potentially high-risk passengers. Travelers must exhibit several indicators before behavior detection officers steer them to more thorough screening.
But a civil liberties organization said the list should not include behavior relating to the expression of opinions, even arrogant expressions of opinion.
"Expressing your contempt about airport procedures -- that's a First Amendment-protected right," said Michael German, a former FBI agent who now works as legal counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union. "We all have the right to express our views, and particularly in a situation where the government is demanding the ability to search you."

TSA security looks at people who complain about ... TSA security - CNN.com

I agree 100%... if you dare to grumble about anything they do, you are pulled out of line and searched! Been there done that many times. I refuse to let them touch me or my things without changing their gloves in front of me. A good deal of them refuse and i ask to see their supervisor...and WHAM...everything searched.

Why even allow people to leave the house?

Can't take any chances with our security, can we? :rolleyes:

I know that I don't. Take chance that is. I'm going out to a sports bar this evening to watch the Bruins get slaughtered by the Canadians tonight, and I'll be carrying a gun, a speedloader, a knife, and my pepper spray with me.
Yeah, well why not let people go to those lengths everywhere, rather than make them submit to being treated as criminals merely because they want to board an airliner?

BTW...Most places don't allow you to carry concealed weapons, even with with a permit....You aren't telling us that you're going to be violating the law and/or the policies of private business owners, are you?
This is a great example of Controlling the Population by Milllions of Regulations, which enable Government Functionaries to always have something to put a troublesome person In Their Proper Place...under the Government's Thumb.
Union People are just great huh? Bitter,dishonest,lazy,spiteful,hateful,and greedy. Unions in Government should have never been allowed. Many of our TSA screeners should actually be arrested. They're behaving more & more like Terrorists everyday. It's just so sad. What is our nation becoming?
Yeah, well why not let people go to those lengths everywhere, rather than make them submit to being treated as criminals merely because they want to board an airliner?

Fine. Then let me carry my tools onto the airplane. So far as I'm concerned there are two options.... Either let me carry whatever I want onto the plane, or if I'm going to be restrained from doing so, you damn well better make sure that nobody else has anything they're not supposed to. I've already commented on my preference for how it should be handled.

BTW...Most places don't allow you to carry concealed weapons, even with with a permit....You aren't telling us that you're going to be violating the law and/or the policies of private business owners, are you?

Actually in Massachusetts you must POST any restriction to carrying a weapon on your establisment's door or entry, and there is no law against possession of a firearm in a bar. I have a Class A License to Carry Concealed Weapons issued by the State and the particular location I am going to does not post any restriction on the carrying of weapons on their property. If they did, I would not be providing them with my business, whether I was carrying or not.
I am, like TOTALLY, shocked that Oddball is not on Anachronism's Ignore List.
It seems that the TSA is trying out some behavioral profiling after all. I just do not get why complaining about stupidity is a sign that you might be doing something wrong. This seems like another excuse to take away our rights, and a way to formalize "contempt of cop" into suspicious behavior.

So far as I'm concerned "contempt of cop" should be an arrestable FELONY.

It's a very simple matter....


First off they aren't cops. They are bag searchers. Just a cut above a door shaker. I can have contempt for anyone i choose, its rather one of my rights under the Constitution. I have as yet to come across a tsa personal who does not merit my contempt. Is are my health concerns walking on their filthy floor considered contempt? Is my wanting to put my shoes back on as quickly as possible after screening contempt? Is my telling them NOT to touch my makeup with dirty gloves contempt? Is my being pissed off that they DUMP everything out of my briefcase, open every zipper bag and remove its contents and toss it into the into the pile that they hand back to me not worth my contempt, disdain and angst? You know, so sorry we just emptied out you briefcase...here you can put it all back again how you found it.

THEY on the other hand have a job to preform and that does not include having a god complex, being rude to customers, and playing games on who they want to pat down and search.

If they are going to PROFILE..then they need to profile. Not annoyed flyers..but profiling out the what looks and feels like a terrorist.

The TSA is not the airline...it is not part of the system. It is a government knee jerk feel good program.
Yeah, well why not let people go to those lengths everywhere, rather than make them submit to being treated as criminals merely because they want to board an airliner?

Fine. Then let me carry my tools onto the airplane. So far as I'm concerned there are two options.... Either let me carry whatever I want onto the plane, or if I'm going to be restrained from doing so, you damn well better make sure that nobody else has anything they're not supposed to. I've already commented on my preference for how it should be handled.

Right...You're good with authoritarian tyranny, as along as its equally applied.

Some proponent of the old school republic you turned out to be.
The Terrorists are not publicly mauling our children. The TSA is doing that though. So who is really doing the Terrorizing at this point? More Americans really should start thinking about that. U.S. Government Terrorists are no better than Foreign Terrorists. How much public humiliation are Americans willing to take in the name of "Security?" Looks like some are willing to take any Government humiliations that come their way. And that's the saddest thing of all.

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