Hint: (When Rich Get Richer & Poor Get Poorer Then Economies Fail!)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Jewish Jesus knew a thing or two about the Passover. . .holiday(?), celebration(?), (festival), legend(?)! "Is it Me, Lord? Is it Me, Lord(?)!" became some nature of lottery event!

Jesus had told a likely Greek Religion, inspred two stores. Jewish leaders so love all the other deities, deitresses, and any combination.(?) . .well. Hollywood. . .actually knows about these matters.

In Matthew 20::1-16, the laborers who worked the whole day long got the same pay as the laborers who worked the last hour, only. The Poor dumb Sob's got paid just as much as the relatively more fortunate among them.

Many would call that "The Dream." Even Colored Clergy have never call that, "The Dream." Somehow, integrated basketball became. . . .well! Other sports were actually included, also.

In Matthew 25::14-30, the Greek Religion of the Pythagoreans--widely known about the Roman Empire, which admired Greek religion--created the scenario wherein the fixed percentage increase of Talents made the rich richer, but The Poor Dumb SOB got cast into Foreclosure: Described as outer darkness, no longer with the household. The household that should have been enriched eight talents, only got seven. There was no decimal point in place(?) in that era, but the square root of five squared, plus the square roof of five squared, approaches seven, like in the story. Not even the cow tried to jump up and down on the Moon at time time of the rule of Rome, the conqueror.

So Ceasar-like, Jesus went before the elders and proclaimed himself an idol in Heaven.

The Ivy League at least could see what the bonding companies could see. Actually, the civilizations of the like of Matthew 25 don't survive. The Obama Democrats put the Matthew 16 math into place with Tax Day, Schedule M. Complete failure and collapse was staved off.

The Party of The Old, Fat, White People--Cavorting About Naked On Other People's Yachts, dumping substance and other treasure into the sea--took that away, right way. Instead they proposed taking billions from the elderly sick, and giving it all to the billionaire rich.

Actually, the Ivy League won't so-state, and teachers in general will not so-state, and governments in general will not so-state, and the Party of Abraham Lincoln, (which caused so much of it all), will not so state: But actually the economy, arranged like intended, is destined to fail.

Where there are no markets to sell into, then there is no market economy!

It actually takes a Socialist. . .of the anarchist concept of Widespread Wealth Worldwide!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Her Majesty's band of married men, and almost married men, aside: The Family Royal of all the English, has in fact consented to be taxed. The Remaining Catholic Dissenters in Northen Ireland, noticeably: Have not gone the way of the Protestant Revolution(?), and do seem likely to even be wannabes about it!)
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Jewish Jesus knew a thing or two about the Passover. . .holiday(?), celebration(?), (festival), legend(?)! "Is it Me, Lord? Is it Me, Lord(?)!" became some nature of lottery event!

Jesus had told a likely Greek Religion, inspred two stores. Jewish leaders so love all the other deities, deitresses, and any combination.(?) . .well. Hollywood. . .actually knows about these matters.

In Matthew 20::1-16, the laborers who worked the whole day long got the same pay as the laborers who worked the last hour, only. The Poor dumb Sob's got paid just as much as the relatively more fortunate among them.

Many would call that "The Dream." Even Colored Clergy have never call that, "The Dream." Somehow, integrated basketball became. . . .well! Other sports were actually included, also.

In Matthew 25::14-30, the Greek Religion of the Pythagoreans--widely known about the Roman Empire, which admired Greek religion--created the scenario wherein the fixed percentage increase of Talents made the rich richer, but The Poor Dumb SOB got cast into Foreclosure: Described as outer darkness, no longer with the household. The household that should have been enriched eight talents, only got seven. There was no decimal point in place(?) in that era, but the square of five squared, plus the square roof of five squared, approaches seven, like in the story. Not even the cow tried to jump up and down on the Moon at time time of the rule of Rome, the conqueror.

So Ceasar-like, Jesus went before the elders and proclaimed himself an idol in Heaven.

The Ivy League at least could see what the bonding companies could see. Actually, the civilizations of the like of Matthew 25 don't survive. The Obama Democrats put the Matthew 16 math into place with Tax Day, Schedule M. Complete failure and collapse was staved off.

The Party of The Old, Fat, White People--Cavorting About Naked On Other People's Yachts, dumping substance and other treasure into the sea--took that away, right way. Instead the proposed toaking billions from the elderly sick, and giving it all to the billionaire rich.

Actually, the Ivy League won't so-state, and teachers in general will not so-state, and governments in general will not so-state, and the Party of Abraham Lincoln, (which caused so much of it all), will not so state: But actually the economy, arranged like intended, is destined to fail.

Where there are not markets to sell into, then there is no market economy!

It actually takes a Socialist. . .of the anarchist concept of Widespread Wealth Worldwide!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Her Majesty's band of married men, and almost married men, aside: The Family Royal of all the English, has in fact consented to be taxed. The Remaining Catholic Dissenters in Northen Ireland, noticeably: Have not gone the way of the Protestant Revolution(?), and do seem likely to even be wannabes about it!)

Tell 'em like it T.I.Z.!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Hint: When the Takers outnumber the Producers ("Evil Rich People") then Economics Fail. We have a Taker-Society at this point. Far too many think they're entitled to someone else's income. You can't just Take Take Take. Real Citizens are working hard for their income. No one is just entitled to that income. The Democrats have encouraged this Entitlement-Taker mentality for many many years. Now it's coming back to haunt us. When the Takers start to outnumber the Producers ("Evil Rich People"),you become a miserable Third World Nation. And that's where we're at. This Welfare Nation can no longer be sustained.

How could our Government have spent $15 Trillion more than they took in? More people should start asking that question rather than trying to pit American vs. American. This Class Warfare stuff is just a distraction so the Government can skate on their preposterous spending. Unfortunately too many usual suspects always fall for their Class Warfare Game. Real spending cuts are going to have to happen. It's just the reality. $15 Trillion in Debt isn't just gonna go away. Time to grow up America. The day of reckoning is here. Now deal with it.
Recall that the Ivy League Took What Hast They Not: And Gave What They Not Hast to the state and local bureacurats, and to the teachers--who definitely caused it all--instead of commencing major public works. Then two thirds of the Stimulus actually went to arithmetic, and not to real spending.

A Contractor in the Pacific Northwest actually got a few thousand dollars instead, to put new roofs on some outhouses, in a park near Mammoth Lakes resort.

Many would say that in a White House, possibly where they know about loose shoes: That a project like that may have made some sense--especially to Republicans, at work on a farm.

So the Republicans are making a mantra out of "Spending," and are not dealing with any problem with the computing. Senator Rand Paul has noted that the Administration seems to have lost $100.0 bil. in the. . .computing. . .somehow. These are the famous "Fashion Plate" kind of computers(?)!

The commentators, and the analysts on whom they rely: Are focusing on spending, and saying not one word about computing.

"Machines" and "autopilot" are words they use: In the usual way of having no meaning whatsoever.

School, they understand!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Voters in the Border State South actually went to the polls to vote in Haiti of no regulations, and regulation-free East Africa! Someone mericful, to us all, had actually seen to it: That Lincoln was put to an early resting place, a long, long, long, long time ago! No doubt they'll try to keep DOD funding intact, or something(?)!)
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Obama gonna make `em pay their fair share of taxes...
Americans agree: The rich should pay higher taxes
April 22, 2011 -- Hey, rich folks! The American people are putting you on notice. They want you to pay higher taxes.
Two new polls suggest there is broad support for raising taxes on households making more than $250,000 a year, and all in the name of deficit reduction. Heck, even a majority of Republicans want the rich to pay more. A full 72% of adults approve of increasing federal taxes on households making more than $250,000 starting in 2013, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll. Fifty-five percent of Republicans want the tax hike, along with 74% of independents and 83% of Democrats.

In case you need more convincing, an ABC News/Washington Post poll released Wednesday asked a similar question. The results: Seventy-two percent of respondents want to raise taxes on the rich to help reduce the deficit, with a similar breakdown by political party. Finally! Something everyone can agree on. But wait ... In December, President Obama and Congress extended the Bush-era tax cuts for everyone, including millionaires and billionaires. That extension runs through the end of 2012, so any fiddling with tax rates will be preceded by that year's presidential election. Given the issue's potential for red-hot political rhetoric, it's sure to be discussed.


Why hello, Mark Zuckerberg. I'd like you to pay higher taxes.

But is raising taxes on the rich the best way to cut the deficit? Not really. It could be part of a larger set of measures, but on its own, wouldn't raise all that much revenue. Why? There just aren't that many rich people out there. Hiking everyone's tax rate by 1 percentage point would yield an additional $480 billion over 10 years. By contrast, raising the top two tax rates by 1 percentage point would yield just $115 billion.

If Obama got his way, taxes would go up on individuals making at least $200,000 and couples making $250,000 and up. That would reduce deficits by just under $1 trillion over 10 years. Unfortunately, this year's deficit alone is expected to hit about $1.5 trillion. So any real deficit reduction will have to include other measures. However, the polls have some bad news on that front. Americans are sharply divided on whether they would accept reductions in Medicare or military spending, and whether they are willing to see their taxes go up in the name of deficit reduction.

Economies demand quid pro quo exchanges.

When enough people don't have enough of the quid, they can't buy enough of the quo.

40 years of supply sider policies have ruined this formerly thriving economy and society.

Greed is killing America, folks.

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