Try saying "I can't breathe" 11 times without taking a breath.

If he would have complied he would be alive. This is really pretty simple.

B-b-b-b-b-b-ut...POLICE STATE! MOIDER!

In the history of the world there has never been a perfect legal system. I have no problem with trying to improve ours. What was racist about the recent episodes involving police officers ? I can tell you----NOTHING. Biggest strawman I've seen for a long time.
Different situation than being in a choke hold, but last Friday at lunch, I couldn't breath.

Myself and three current coworkers met a former coworker for lunch. Five us sitting at the table, eating, talking and having fun. I'm the introvert in the group, so people are used to me being pretty quiet. I'm enjoying my roast beef when all of the sudden I start choking on it. I really couldn't breathe, my airway was completely blocked. Vocally, I couldn't make a sound. Nada, zilch, nothing. 10 seconds pass, 15 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds, 45 seconds. Now, I am about to panic, I CAN'T BREATHE! I need to get someones attention and hope like heck that somebody realizes that I am choking and knows the Heimlich maneuver.
I'm holding the napkin in my left hand and I bang my right fist onto the table. Everybody looks at me. At that very same moment, the chunk of roast beef that is blocking my airway irritates my trachea enough that my body responds by coughing. Fortunately, I had air in my lungs. I kack up the offending piece of meat into my napkin like a cat coughing up a fur-ball. In unison, everybody asks, "Are you okay?" My eyes are watering and I'm gasping for air, I thank them for ignoring me while I was busy choking (that is the smart-ass in me) but yes, now I am okay since I am no longer choking and can breathe.

Fact: If you can't breathe, you can't talk.
When I was a kid, my two brothers and I used to wrestle in our basement. We had a beanbag chair down there. I recall one time...I ended up under that beanbag chair with my two brothers on top of it. The first time I couldn't fully inhale....I yelled.."I can't breathe!!" I could talk.....but I was under extreme stress. I yelled what came natural to me. Luckily...they heard me and got off.

You fucking morons.
Yeah, it's funny.....medical personnel and emts rule of thumb is that if someone is talking/complaining/crying..they're breathing.

And despite you two bitches moaning, the medical examiner ruled it a homicide. Fact.

And the grand jury ruled that there was no reason to indict anyone for it. Fact. And they heard more evidence than the medical examiner did.
Yeah, it's funny.....medical personnel and emts rule of thumb is that if someone is talking/complaining/crying..they're breathing.

And despite you two bitches moaning, the medical examiner ruled it a homicide. Fact.

And the grand jury ruled that there was no reason to indict anyone for it. Fact. And they heard more evidence than the medical examiner did.

That explains how mindless you are: Cops are allowed to get away with killing a citizen and not be accountable. Thanks for explaining yourself.

The DAs won't put a cop on trial. Rachel Maddow ran the numbers recently. Out of 187 killings by cops only 1 was indicted.
Yeah, it's funny.....medical personnel and emts rule of thumb is that if someone is talking/complaining/crying..they're breathing.

And despite you two bitches moaning, the medical examiner ruled it a homicide. Fact.

And the grand jury ruled that there was no reason to indict anyone for it. Fact. And they heard more evidence than the medical examiner did.

That explains how mindless you are: Cops are allowed to get away with killing a citizen and not be accountable. Thanks for explaining yourself.

The DAs won't put a cop on trial. Rachel Maddow ran the numbers recently. Out of 187 killings by cops only 1 was indicted.

were you hoping for affirmative action quota type statistics ?
You don't know much about physiology.

Doesn't matter though.

Before being attacked and killed, Garner had broken up a fight and was not suspected of committing any crime.

And, even if he had been selling loose cigs, that's not a death penalty offense. Neither is resisting being assaulted by police.

So you are against a police state enforcing laws that detract from big government?
fuck that fat son of a bitch. If he hadn't done anything wrong, half a dozen cops wouldn't have been required to cuff himin broad daylight

That is a false premise.
It's not a false premise.

If he's not breaking the law, what are the chances that multiple officers would even have approached him?

If he hadn't resisted, what are the odds that he wouldn't have been put in a choke hold?
fuck that fat son of a bitch. If he hadn't done anything wrong, half a dozen cops wouldn't have been required to cuff himin broad daylight

That is a false premise.
It's not a false premise.

If he's not breaking the law, what are the chances that multiple officers would even have approached him?

If he hadn't resisted, what are the odds that he wouldn't have been put in a choke hold?
Because they were afraid of him. He was big. BIG. And black. And was asking questions they didn't want to answer. Like "why am I being arrested?"
fuck that fat son of a bitch. If he hadn't done anything wrong, half a dozen cops wouldn't have been required to cuff himin broad daylight

That is a false premise.
It's not a false premise.

If he's not breaking the law, what are the chances that multiple officers would even have approached him?

If he hadn't resisted, what are the odds that he wouldn't have been put in a choke hold?
Because they were afraid of him. He was big. BIG. And black. And was asking questions they didn't want to answer. Like "why am I being arrested?"

That doesn't answer the question.

If he hadn't resisted,there would have been NO need for multiple officers.I promise you that IF I resisted, I'd be far more dangerous to a cop than this guy ever was, yet I've never been put in a choke hold... Why do you think that is? Surely you don't believe it's just b/c I'm white??
Different situation than being in a choke hold, but last Friday at lunch, I couldn't breath.

Myself and three current coworkers met a former coworker for lunch. Five us sitting at the table, eating, talking and having fun. I'm the introvert in the group, so people are used to me being pretty quiet. I'm enjoying my roast beef when all of the sudden I start choking on it. I really couldn't breathe, my airway was completely blocked. Vocally, I couldn't make a sound. Nada, zilch, nothing. 10 seconds pass, 15 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds, 45 seconds. Now, I am about to panic, I CAN'T BREATHE! I need to get someones attention and hope like heck that somebody realizes that I am choking and knows the Heimlich maneuver.
I'm holding the napkin in my left hand and I bang my right fist onto the table. Everybody looks at me. At that very same moment, the chunk of roast beef that is blocking my airway irritates my trachea enough that my body responds by coughing. Fortunately, I had air in my lungs. I kack up the offending piece of meat into my napkin like a cat coughing up a fur-ball. In unison, everybody asks, "Are you okay?" My eyes are watering and I'm gasping for air, I thank them for ignoring me while I was busy choking (that is the smart-ass in me) but yes, now I am okay since I am no longer choking and can breathe.

Fact: If you can't breathe, you can't talk.

First of all, glad you are okay. While it might not be easy to keep the presence of mind in such an emergency, it's possible to do a "self Heimlick." The key is to apply force to the abdominal area, creating lung compression from the diaphragm area. This forces the air out of your lungs, and with sufficient force an obstruction can be dislodged. One of the easiest ways to do this is to fold yourself over the back of a chair. Hopefully you'll never end up in such a situation again, but if you do hopefully you'll be able to help yourself if external help is not available.

Moving on to other points, breathing is a two way process. It requires both inhalation and exhalation. If you "cannot breath" (in the absolutist sense you are employing) then you cannot exhale. The fact that you coughed up the obstruction demonstrates that you could exhale. Thus, according to your own logic, you could breath.

Now that you see the failings of your approach in reasoning perhaps you will begin to understand that this is not an issue of theoretical technicalities, and that resorting to such arguments is just silly. The facts of this issue are that Garner's ability to breath adequately was compromised due to the actions of the police, even as he clearly alerted them to the fact. Whether his breathing was completely obstructed or only partially obstructed, the actions of police officers still caused his breathing to be sufficiently compromised that he lost consciousness and then died.
"Try saying "I can't breathe" 11 times without taking a breath."

The extent to which you and others on the clueless right just don't get it is remarkable; you're so blinded by your hate and ignorance that you have no idea how ridiculous you are.

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