
Truther's conspire to win the stupidity award. There are no details!

This is the third time I've posted this link

How many times can you lie about not being given info? Is it infinite?

Let's start small shall we? From your link!

General Stubblebine: I don't know exactly what hit it, but I do know, from the photographs that I have analyzed and looked at very, very carefully, it was not an airplane.

Fact,,, he doesn't know what hit it.

myth it was not an airplane

fact, if it was not an airplane where are the people,, pilot co pilot, passengers and flight attendents..

myth,, if you know it was not an airplane then you know where the airplane and all the people are..

give us those details or die a fools death.
Truther's conspire to win the stupidity award. There are no details!

This is the third time I've posted this link

How many times can you lie about not being given info? Is it infinite?

Let's start small shall we? From your link!

General Stubblebine: I don't know exactly what hit it, but I do know, from the photographs that I have analyzed and looked at very, very carefully, it was not an airplane.

Fact,,, he doesn't know what hit it.

myth it was not an airplane

fact, if it was not an airplane where are the people,, pilot co pilot, passengers and flight attendents..

myth,, if you know it was not an airplane then you know where the airplane and all the people are..

give us those details or die a fools death.

You don't pay attention. We've already covered this.
That's the one sure way to stop a truther in their tracks. Ask them for details. They go apeshit on ya everysingletime. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

could you provide the details of the official story..I doubt very much you have the slightest clue of the details of the official lie are a waste of time whose entire knowledge and opinion of 9/11 is formed by osmosis of 3o sec sound bites of question

I didn't claim to be the expert on what did or didn't happen you did. Now give us the details starting with where are the people.

you talking about the flimsy evidence of those pics you showed on page three?:lol: as I told Manu,watch those 47 canada wants the truth videos I posted the link to,they debunk that.:lol:

the other reason we know that there was no airliner that hit it is not only that newscaster saying he was on the site of the lawn saying he saw no wreckage of an airliner,he is right in that the wreckage is totally inconsistant with that of an airliner,but also the dogs at the scene of the crime came out and just stood there when let loose to look for the bodies,they did not dig or bark like they do when they do find bodies. :lol:

Hundreds of eyewitnesses saw the plane hit the Pentagon dumb ass. HUNDREDS.

the thing your doing like you ALWAYS do in your posts disinfo agent-which of course is what the government pays you to do, is omit key points that those hundreds of witnesses testimonys conflict with each other.:rolleyes: Eots has posted many times before in the past their testimonys,dont worry,he'll come on and do it for you again.

Your "rep power" is zero. It says you are a worthless troll.

I just call you dumb fuck. More succinct; don't you think?
Hundreds of eyewitnesses saw the plane hit the Pentagon dumb ass. HUNDREDS.

the thing your doing like you ALWAYS do in your posts disinfo agent-which of course is what the government pays you to do, is omit key points that those hundreds of witnesses testimonys conflict with each other.:rolleyes: Eots has posted many times before in the past their testimonys,dont worry,he'll come on and do it for you again.

Your "rep power" is zero. It says you are a worthless troll.

I just call you dumb fuck. More succinct; don't you think?

Little pussies like you drop stupid one liners with the rep button then whine? Wtf is wrong with you?
This is the third time I've posted this link

How many times can you lie about not being given info? Is it infinite?

Let's start small shall we? From your link!

General Stubblebine: I don't know exactly what hit it, but I do know, from the photographs that I have analyzed and looked at very, very carefully, it was not an airplane.

Fact,,, he doesn't know what hit it.

myth it was not an airplane

fact, if it was not an airplane where are the people,, pilot co pilot, passengers and flight attendents..

myth,, if you know it was not an airplane then you know where the airplane and all the people are..

give us those details or die a fools death.

You don't pay attention. We've already covered this.

If You knew you would not have a problem answering. Yep truthers definitely conspire to keep the moron title on their side.. No answers just bs.
Let's start small shall we? From your link!

General Stubblebine: I don't know exactly what hit it, but I do know, from the photographs that I have analyzed and looked at very, very carefully, it was not an airplane.

Fact,,, he doesn't know what hit it.

myth it was not an airplane

fact, if it was not an airplane where are the people,, pilot co pilot, passengers and flight attendents..

myth,, if you know it was not an airplane then you know where the airplane and all the people are..

give us those details or die a fools death.

You don't pay attention. We've already covered this.

If You knew you would not have a problem answering. Yep truthers definitely conspire to keep the moron title on their side.. No answers just bs.

Do you know what a false dilemma is? That is the fallacy you keep repeating.
let's condense this in a nutshell,, truthers know it didn't happen the way the gov. said it happened, they know that, but they don't know shit about what happened. if they did they could produce answers instead of conjecture! The conspire to look stupid.. :eusa_whistle:
the thing your doing like you ALWAYS do in your posts disinfo agent-which of course is what the government pays you to do, is omit key points that those hundreds of witnesses testimonys conflict with each other.:rolleyes: Eots has posted many times before in the past their testimonys,dont worry,he'll come on and do it for you again.

Your "rep power" is zero. It says you are a worthless troll.

I just call you dumb fuck. More succinct; don't you think?

Little pussies like you drop stupid one liners with the rep button then whine? Wtf is wrong with you?

Nothing is wrong with me; I believe the 9/11 Commission Report.

Therefore I don't believe that you can wire 3 buildings for controlled demo while they are occupied. Do you?
Just in!!!!
A picture from 911 at the WTC that clearly shows evidence of the evil midget conspiracy that we fell victim to that fateful day......


  • $pm7.jpg
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If You knew you would not have a problem answering. Yep truthers definitely conspire to keep the moron title on their side.. No answers just bs.

Do you know what a false dilemma is? That is the fallacy you keep repeating.

no I don't state it in plain language! :eusa_angel:

Here's the problem: your camp keeps skipping over everything that shows the OCT is not accurate. Your post about stubblebine is a perfect example because you ignore his critique then say "Show us where 77 went!" That is the fallacy of a false dilemma. Nobody has to show where 77 went in order to present evidence it did not hit the pentagon. Stop skipping over unfavorable evidence and posing red herrings as a method of deflection. We must first examine all of the information available and then, and only then, can different conclusions be postulated. You don't give the evidence a chance to be examined.
Here's the problem: your camp keeps skipping over everything that shows the OCT is not accurate.

And you are using the NYCCAN's petition/unanswered questions as a broad blanket to try and pull in demolition and other conspiracies as reasons that those people want an independent investigation.

I asked you in the other thread you started to point out one question from those people asking about thermite, a plane flying North of the Citgo, explosives, etc.

I did a search of their list of questions and found none.
Your "rep power" is zero. It says you are a worthless troll.

I just call you dumb fuck. More succinct; don't you think?

Little pussies like you drop stupid one liners with the rep button then whine? Wtf is wrong with you?

Nothing is wrong with me; I believe the 9/11 Commission Report.

Therefore I don't believe that you can wire 3 buildings for controlled demo while they are occupied. Do you?

As I've said many times....I don't know what brought the towers down. How can you reference the Commission Report for the 3 buildings that came down? Their report was released in 04' and NIST did not complete it's report on WTC 7 until 08'. You just claimed a belief in something that does not exist. This shows you don't know basic information about your own position. Maybe you can make that fuck-up disappear by calling me an idiot with the rep button again? It's very effective! Lol.
Here's the problem: your camp keeps skipping over everything that shows the OCT is not accurate.

And you are using the NYCCAN's petition/unanswered questions as a broad blanket to try and pull in demolition and other conspiracies as reasons that those people want an independent investigation.

I asked you in the other thread you started to point out one question from those people asking about thermite, a plane flying North of the Citgo, explosives, etc.

I did a search of their list of questions and found none.

No I am not. Can you geniuses debate without putting words in others' mouths? I'm pointing out they do not accept Bush's Version....nothing more....nothing less.
Here's the problem: your camp keeps skipping over everything that shows the OCT is not accurate.

And you are using the NYCCAN's petition/unanswered questions as a broad blanket to try and pull in demolition and other conspiracies as reasons that those people want an independent investigation.

I asked you in the other thread you started to point out one question from those people asking about thermite, a plane flying North of the Citgo, explosives, etc.

I did a search of their list of questions and found none.

No I am not. Can you geniuses debate without putting words in others' mouths? I'm pointing out they do not accept Bush's Version....nothing more....nothing less.

So explain exactly what you consider "Bush's" version is then because I am quite confused.

When people say Bush's version, it usually includes that the towers came down due to plane impact and fire, the Pentagon was hit by a plane, a plane crashed into the ground because people on the flight fought with the hijackers, andn that WTC7 came down due to structural failure caused by fire.

Or does your understanding of Bush's version only include the procedures and flow of information up to the actual attacks?
Do you know what a false dilemma is? That is the fallacy you keep repeating.

no I don't state it in plain language! :eusa_angel:

Here's the problem: your camp keeps skipping over everything that shows the OCT is not accurate. Your post about stubblebine is a perfect example because you ignore his critique then say "Show us where 77 went!" That is the fallacy of a false dilemma. Nobody has to show where 77 went in order to present evidence it did not hit the pentagon. Stop skipping over unfavorable evidence and posing red herrings as a method of deflection. We must first examine all of the information available and then, and only then, can different conclusions be postulated. You don't give the evidence a chance to be examined.

Now that proves you are a nut. You cannot just launch an investigation if you don't have a clue as to what you are investigating. If you find the plane and the people then we may have something upon which to pin our arguements. You can't just twitch your nose and ignore the fact that an entire plane, it's pilot, co pilot, flight attendants and all the passengers have disappeared from the face of the earth. Find them alive and your story will hold water.. Until then, there's a hole in yer bucket dear Liza. a hole.
no I don't state it in plain language! :eusa_angel:

Here's the problem: your camp keeps skipping over everything that shows the OCT is not accurate. Your post about stubblebine is a perfect example because you ignore his critique then say "Show us where 77 went!" That is the fallacy of a false dilemma. Nobody has to show where 77 went in order to present evidence it did not hit the pentagon. Stop skipping over unfavorable evidence and posing red herrings as a method of deflection. We must first examine all of the information available and then, and only then, can different conclusions be postulated. You don't give the evidence a chance to be examined.

Now that proves you are a nut. You cannot just launch an investigation if you don't have a clue as to what you are investigating. If you find the plane and the people then we may have something upon which to pin our arguements. You can't just twitch your nose and ignore the fact that an entire plane, it's pilot, co pilot, flight attendants and all the passengers have disappeared from the face of the earth. Find them alive and your story will hold water.. Until then, there's a hole in yer bucket dear Liza. a hole.


You made this statement:
We must first examine all of the information available and then, and only then, can different conclusions be postulated. You don't give the evidence a chance to be examined.

Can you please show me where, in your search for the truth, you have questioned the other conspiracy theorist's claims and their evidence as vehemently as you have the "Official Story".

I see a pattern with you people.

You all claim that you are seeking the truth about what happened, but it's only against the "Official Story" you present your doubts and ask your questions.

Why is it that nobody from the truther group had anything negative to say about Terral's own self debunking in his photo where on one side of his mouth he says that there is thermite signatures everywhere, yet in the same photo says there are burns from fire on the ends on the beams/columns?

What about him admitting that he made a mistake about claiming a column was cut at an angle proving it was cut by thermite?

Where were you to crawl up his ass like you do with the, using your words, "OCTAs" Where was eots? Where was 9/11.

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