Trump's approval plunges to 37%

meet the new bullshit poll, same as the old bullshit poll.

In other news the chocolate ration has been increased from 30 grams to 25 grams.


Your posts usually deserve only the old Computer concept of "GIGO", Garbage In, Garbage Out.

Why is the poll bullshit? Do you believe there's no such thing as people either approving or disapproving of the job a president is doing?

That's quite a bizarre belief.

I have a distrust of any poll like this due to how the question is asked, the sample population, and a myriad of other issues with polling in general.

Also a sample size of 1500?

Bullshit. You have distrust of polls because they put you conservatives into an uncomfortable position of having to deal with reality...reality that has that insidious liberal bias.

The reality is that Trump is President, unlike the "reality" of the polls shown before the election.

And considering you idiots haven't been truly Liberal in the classical sense, stop using that title.

Progressivism on the other hand has to ignore reality. Just look at some of the larger Blue State pension funds having to ignore the reality of actual return rates, as opposed to the "We get 9.5% every year hurr durr" they have been propagating.
...on Gallup.

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval

For comparison to our last GOP disaster of a president, it took GW Bush until March of 2006 to hit 37%.

He's hit the bottom of the barrel with mainline Republican support. Meaning if it dropped below 40% which it is now--it is now tearing into the most ardent--stupid level of the Trump movement. You know the ones he stated: "That they could watch him shoot someone on the street, and they would still support him." We're into that crowd now with these numbers.

IOW--this group


The reality is that Trump is President, unlike the "reality" of the polls shown before the election.


The polls said Clinton would win the popular vote, and that's all the polls said. Did she?

A lot of the State polls were way off as well....and those are the ones that mattered, Most national polls had her up 3-5%, and she won the national vote by around 2%.

And all these numbers are combinations of multiple polls taken in multiple places, with much higher sample counts, and a simple binary answer (who to vote for)

They don't include a "how you feel" question involving approval or how you think he's doing his job.

The reality is that Trump is President, unlike the "reality" of the polls shown before the election.


So there's no such thing as an unpopular president?

lol, another good one.

There is actually unpopular, and media forced unpopular. If you went outside your circle of jerk-off hipster asshole friends, you would get a better picture of things.
...on Gallup.

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval

For comparison to our last GOP disaster of a president, it took GW Bush until March of 2006 to hit 37%.

This is getting boring and there will be three plus more years of this nonsense...

Oh well at least you have the polls to keep you warm at night, and before you comment about how you believe I am some Trumpster, well you believe California slanted vote should outweigh the rest of the nation vote and believe the polls that had Clinton winning the Electoral College so you believe anything and everything that suit your partisan view...

I believe in one person one vote. Would California slant the vote? It already does....

The only difference is that somehow the right wing get more votes for their people than the left does, and I can see why you're happy with this, and I can see why you don't want to change it. I mean, the whites in South Africa didn't want to change Apartheid, did they?

Two consecutive terms of Obama and those like you are still using the race baiting card!?!

The Electoral College elected President Obama not only once but twice, so are you now claiming that it failed to support your view that the Electoral College is built on keeping the white in power!?!

It is not my problem you have a hard time understanding that when this country was created you did not vote for the President and later were granted this right.

It is not my problem you lack the understanding to understand that Clinton lost more states which mean she loses the Electoral College and if you believe she lost because of the color of her damn skin you are really showing your stupidity today.

Your vote count on the state level and the Electoral College usually will vote according to your state popular vote, so there is your one vote for You!

Now I know partisan whores like yourself will use the race card to support your view and believe everyone that does not vote straight ticket Democrat is the enemy, but in the real damn world people know the rules and have lived by them all this damn time!

So shove your race baiting nonsense up your ass because I am not entertaining this bullshit of yours anymore you pathetic loser!
From state run media aka Fox News

Feb 11-13 2017
Trump approval
Approve 48%
Disapprove 47%

Mar 12-14 2017
Trump approval
Approve 43%
Disapprove 51%

Strongly Approve 30%
Strongly Disapprove 45%

Do you believe Donald Trump's revised executive order on immigration makes the US safer, less safer or doesn't make any difference at all?
Makes America safer 34%
Less safe 32%
No Difference 32%

The economy
Approve 47%
Disapprove 44%

Approve 45%
Disapprove 48%

Approve 41%
Disapprove 56%

Health care
Approve 35%
Disapprove 55%

America’s relationship with Russia
Approve 33%
Disapprove 55%
...on Gallup.

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval

For comparison to our last GOP disaster of a president, it took GW Bush until March of 2006 to hit 37%.

so?? Obama's was so low an ant could could piss on it
Ummm, Obama's lowest, according to Gallup, was 37%. Guess that means Trump's is so low, an ant can piss on it, huh?
Faun easy with this piss talk ,,,gonna get republicans here all hot and bothered
...on Gallup.

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval

For comparison to our last GOP disaster of a president, it took GW Bush until March of 2006 to hit 37%.

This is getting boring and there will be three plus more years of this nonsense...

Oh well at least you have the polls to keep you warm at night, and before you comment about how you believe I am some Trumpster, well you believe California slanted vote should outweigh the rest of the nation vote and believe the polls that had Clinton winning the Electoral College so you believe anything and everything that suit your partisan view...

I believe in one person one vote. Would California slant the vote? It already does....

The only difference is that somehow the right wing get more votes for their people than the left does, and I can see why you're happy with this, and I can see why you don't want to change it. I mean, the whites in South Africa didn't want to change Apartheid, did they?

Two consecutive terms of Obama and those like you are still using the race baiting card!?!

The Electoral College elected President Obama not only once but twice, so are you now claiming that it failed to support your view that the Electoral College is built on keeping the white in power!?!

It is not my problem you have a hard time understanding that when this country was created you did not vote for the President and later were granted this right.

It is not my problem you lack the understanding to understand that Clinton lost more states which mean she loses the Electoral College and if you believe she lost because of the color of her damn skin you are really showing your stupidity today.

Your vote count on the state level and the Electoral College usually will vote according to your state popular vote, so there is your one vote for You!

Now I know partisan whores like yourself will use the race card to support your view and believe everyone that does not vote straight ticket Democrat is the enemy, but in the real damn world people know the rules and have lived by them all this damn time!

So shove your race baiting nonsense up your ass because I am not entertaining this bullshit of yours anymore you pathetic loser!

How on Earth do you find a "race bait card" in what I wrote?

I don't lack any understanding in what happened during that election. But hey, fuck it, if it makes you feel better about yourself, fine, I know nothing, I bow down to your childish games. Wait, not, I'll just say, I don't do silly games, bye.
...on Gallup.

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval

For comparison to our last GOP disaster of a president, it took GW Bush until March of 2006 to hit 37%.

This is getting boring and there will be three plus more years of this nonsense...

Oh well at least you have the polls to keep you warm at night, and before you comment about how you believe I am some Trumpster, well you believe California slanted vote should outweigh the rest of the nation vote and believe the polls that had Clinton winning the Electoral College so you believe anything and everything that suit your partisan view...

I believe in one person one vote. Would California slant the vote? It already does....

The only difference is that somehow the right wing get more votes for their people than the left does, and I can see why you're happy with this, and I can see why you don't want to change it. I mean, the whites in South Africa didn't want to change Apartheid, did they?

Two consecutive terms of Obama and those like you are still using the race baiting card!?!

The Electoral College elected President Obama not only once but twice, so are you now claiming that it failed to support your view that the Electoral College is built on keeping the white in power!?!

It is not my problem you have a hard time understanding that when this country was created you did not vote for the President and later were granted this right.

It is not my problem you lack the understanding to understand that Clinton lost more states which mean she loses the Electoral College and if you believe she lost because of the color of her damn skin you are really showing your stupidity today.

Your vote count on the state level and the Electoral College usually will vote according to your state popular vote, so there is your one vote for You!

Now I know partisan whores like yourself will use the race card to support your view and believe everyone that does not vote straight ticket Democrat is the enemy, but in the real damn world people know the rules and have lived by them all this damn time!

So shove your race baiting nonsense up your ass because I am not entertaining this bullshit of yours anymore you pathetic loser!

How on Earth do you find a "race bait card" in what I wrote?

I don't lack any understanding in what happened during that election. But hey, fuck it, if it makes you feel better about yourself, fine, I know nothing, I bow down to your childish games. Wait, not, I'll just say, I don't do silly games, bye.

No, you made the claim that I wanted America to be more like the old South African system that kept whites in power...

So yeah race baiting nonsense and when called on it you now lie and deny it!

You believe the slanted vote in California should be the only vote that matter and the Founding Fathers made sure that is not the damn case!

If Texas does this you would be screaming racism, gerrymandering and stupid hicks not supporting your wish to have a one political party system lead by the Democratic Party!

The reason why you are bitiching about my response is because you know your racism nonsense is a fail and your delusion of believing your vote matters beyond the House and State level goverments!

So if you don't like the response that I have given you then do not accuse me of wanting to keep whites in power or try to claim the Electoral College is used to keep whites in power because Obama blew that notion out of water and Clinton is as black as Trump!
...on Gallup.

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval

For comparison to our last GOP disaster of a president, it took GW Bush until March of 2006 to hit 37%.

On a related note a If you are a liberal, Hillary also got 98.1% of the vote.


Who actually swallows this bullshit? Years and years of losing and losing more, and Americans can't take a few weeks of winning? False, no one is tired of winning yet, it will be great 8 years.
Trump's approval plunges to 37%

Good. Hopefully it will go even lower and stay there.

This level is very close to an absolute guarantee that the GOP loses the House in 2018.

BTW, 37% is about 7 points under the percent of votes he got in November. That is a clear indication that his supporters are turning against him.

And yet, miraculously, he maintains a 99.9% approval rating among the RW'ers on USMB. That if anything should tell you how far from normal America these people are.

That is key

He is losing support of those who voted for him

Your posts usually deserve only the old Computer concept of "GIGO", Garbage In, Garbage Out.

Why is the poll bullshit? Do you believe there's no such thing as people either approving or disapproving of the job a president is doing?

That's quite a bizarre belief.

I have a distrust of any poll like this due to how the question is asked, the sample population, and a myriad of other issues with polling in general.

Also a sample size of 1500?

Bullshit. You have distrust of polls because they put you conservatives into an uncomfortable position of having to deal with reality...reality that has that insidious liberal bias.

The reality is that Trump is President, unlike the "reality" of the polls shown before the election.

National polls, which is what all these polls that we are discussing are, have correctly showed him losing the national vote.

That reality didn't change just because he won the Electoral College, which national polls do not measure.

Trump HATED that reality and never came to terms with it, instead chosing to fabricate bullshit about how illegals stole his popular vote victory.
Your posts usually deserve only the old Computer concept of "GIGO", Garbage In, Garbage Out.

Why is the poll bullshit? Do you believe there's no such thing as people either approving or disapproving of the job a president is doing?

That's quite a bizarre belief.

I have a distrust of any poll like this due to how the question is asked, the sample population, and a myriad of other issues with polling in general.

Also a sample size of 1500?

Bullshit. You have distrust of polls because they put you conservatives into an uncomfortable position of having to deal with reality...reality that has that insidious liberal bias.

The reality is that Trump is President, unlike the "reality" of the polls shown before the election.

National polls, which is what all these polls that we are discussing are, have correctly showed him losing the national vote.

That reality didn't change just because he won the Electoral College, which nationals polls do not measure.

Most national polls showed him losing by 4-5% plus, when in reality he only lost it by 2%

But again, this is like arguing who had the most hits in a baseball game.
...on Gallup.

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval

For comparison to our last GOP disaster of a president, it took GW Bush until March of 2006 to hit 37%.

On a related note a If you are a liberal, Hillary also got 98.1% of the vote.


Who actually swallows this bullshit? Years and years of losing and losing more, and Americans can't take a few weeks of winning? False, no one is tired of winning yet, it will be great 8 years.

Dumbass %chance of win is not % of vote.
Why is the poll bullshit? Do you believe there's no such thing as people either approving or disapproving of the job a president is doing?

That's quite a bizarre belief.

I have a distrust of any poll like this due to how the question is asked, the sample population, and a myriad of other issues with polling in general.

Also a sample size of 1500?

Bullshit. You have distrust of polls because they put you conservatives into an uncomfortable position of having to deal with reality...reality that has that insidious liberal bias.

The reality is that Trump is President, unlike the "reality" of the polls shown before the election.

National polls, which is what all these polls that we are discussing are, have correctly showed him losing the national vote.

That reality didn't change just because he won the Electoral College, which nationals polls do not measure.

Most national polls showed him losing by 4-5% plus, when in reality he only lost it by 2%

But again, this is like arguing who had the most hits in a baseball game.

AVERAGE was within 1% error - which is AMAZINGLY good. Even 2-3% youa re basing your DISTRUST! on is actually a respectable result.
I have a distrust of any poll like this due to how the question is asked, the sample population, and a myriad of other issues with polling in general.

Also a sample size of 1500?

Bullshit. You have distrust of polls because they put you conservatives into an uncomfortable position of having to deal with reality...reality that has that insidious liberal bias.

The reality is that Trump is President, unlike the "reality" of the polls shown before the election.

National polls, which is what all these polls that we are discussing are, have correctly showed him losing the national vote.

That reality didn't change just because he won the Electoral College, which nationals polls do not measure.

Most national polls showed him losing by 4-5% plus, when in reality he only lost it by 2%

But again, this is like arguing who had the most hits in a baseball game.

AVERAGE was within 1% error - which is AMAZINGLY good.

You got a link to back that up?
Bullshit. You have distrust of polls because they put you conservatives into an uncomfortable position of having to deal with reality...reality that has that insidious liberal bias.

The reality is that Trump is President, unlike the "reality" of the polls shown before the election.

National polls, which is what all these polls that we are discussing are, have correctly showed him losing the national vote.

That reality didn't change just because he won the Electoral College, which nationals polls do not measure.

Most national polls showed him losing by 4-5% plus, when in reality he only lost it by 2%

But again, this is like arguing who had the most hits in a baseball game.

AVERAGE was within 1% error - which is AMAZINGLY good.

You got a link to back that up?
The polls you refer to were taken before Comey's November Surprise.
Bullshit. You have distrust of polls because they put you conservatives into an uncomfortable position of having to deal with reality...reality that has that insidious liberal bias.

The reality is that Trump is President, unlike the "reality" of the polls shown before the election.

National polls, which is what all these polls that we are discussing are, have correctly showed him losing the national vote.

That reality didn't change just because he won the Electoral College, which nationals polls do not measure.

Most national polls showed him losing by 4-5% plus, when in reality he only lost it by 2%

But again, this is like arguing who had the most hits in a baseball game.

AVERAGE was within 1% error - which is AMAZINGLY good.

You got a link to back that up?

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

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