Trump's approval plunges to 37%

If you libfags would get half as focused and energized as Trump is, we might be getting somewhere. Nothing but whining from libfags...much like this useless board.
Trump is getting nowhere fast is the problem.
Trump's approval plunges to 37%

Good. Hopefully it will go even lower and stay there.

This level is very close to an absolute guarantee that the GOP loses the House in 2018.

BTW, 37% is about 7 points under the percent of votes he got in November. That is a clear indication that his supporters are turning against him.

And yet, miraculously, he maintains a 99.9% approval rating among the RW'ers on USMB. That if anything should tell you how far from normal America these people are.

Boy you are delusional!

Midterm Election years usually benefit the GOP except in the 2006 election.

So keep dreaming.

You might get the Senate but you will not obtain the House!

Democrats are petitioning in every state to overturn Republican gerrymandering, so districts will be decided by geography, not partisanship. You won't be able to run "safe" districts any more.
You won't be able to run "safe" districts any more.

That would be a good thing to do, regardless of which party it helps or hurts initially. I'm not sure purely geographical boundaries is the right answer, but it's a reasonable place to start and build upon it once its weaknesses become manifest. In any case, the gerrymandering must be brought to an end.
Trump's approval plunges to 37%

Good. Hopefully it will go even lower and stay there.

This level is very close to an absolute guarantee that the GOP loses the House in 2018.

BTW, 37% is about 7 points under the percent of votes he got in November. That is a clear indication that his supporters are turning against him.

And yet, miraculously, he maintains a 99.9% approval rating among the RW'ers on USMB. That if anything should tell you how far from normal America these people are.

Boy you are delusional!

Midterm Election years usually benefit the GOP except in the 2006 election.

So keep dreaming.

You might get the Senate but you will not obtain the House!

Democrats are petitioning in every state to overturn Republican gerrymandering, so districts will be decided by geography, not partisanship. You won't be able to run "safe" districts any more.

Here is a damn clue for you seeing it is not me that is doing anything that involve gerrymandering!

I get fucking sick and tired partisan nutters telling mr what I belong to!

You're the type of partisan nutter that everyone that does not vote straight ticket Democrat must be Republican!

When you lose in 2018 just keep on telling yourself it is gerrymandering and not the reality that Red America hate those like you!
Is there a poll forum? Because that is where this stuff should go so we don't have to read it. Polls mean absolutely nothing. They are just talking point for Internet Trolls.
If Polls were Accurate, you wouldn't have to hear SHIT like this.
...on Gallup.

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval

For comparison to our last GOP disaster of a president, it took GW Bush until March of 2006 to hit 37%.
/---- 1,500 random adults is meaningless. Come back with a poll of likely voters and then we'll see.
"Daily results are based on telephone interviews with approximately 1,500 national adults; Margin of error is ±3 percentage points."
Friday, March 17, 2017

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 48% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty-two percent (52%) disapprove.
Trump's approval plunges to 37%

Good. Hopefully it will go even lower and stay there.

This level is very close to an absolute guarantee that the GOP loses the House in 2018.

BTW, 37% is about 7 points under the percent of votes he got in November. That is a clear indication that his supporters are turning against him.

And yet, miraculously, he maintains a 99.9% approval rating among the RW'ers on USMB. That if anything should tell you how far from normal America these people are.
Oh, please. The 2018 election is more than a year and a half away. Trump's JAR now has absolutely no bearing on that election. His JAR could drop to 10% but be well over 50% come November, 2018.
17-pt swing against him *in a week*.

58% Disapprove 37% Approve —

...on Gallup.

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval

For comparison to our last GOP disaster of a president, it took GW Bush until March of 2006 to hit 37%.

so?? Obama's was so low an ant could could piss on it
Ummm, Obama's lowest, according to Gallup, was 37%. Guess that means Trump's is so low, an ant can piss on it, huh?
Faun easy with this piss talk ,,,gonna get republicans here all hot and bothered
...on Gallup.

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval

For comparison to our last GOP disaster of a president, it took GW Bush until March of 2006 to hit 37%.

This is getting boring and there will be three plus more years of this nonsense...

Oh well at least you have the polls to keep you warm at night, and before you comment about how you believe I am some Trumpster, well you believe California slanted vote should outweigh the rest of the nation vote and believe the polls that had Clinton winning the Electoral College so you believe anything and everything that suit your partisan view...

I believe in one person one vote. Would California slant the vote? It already does....

The only difference is that somehow the right wing get more votes for their people than the left does, and I can see why you're happy with this, and I can see why you don't want to change it. I mean, the whites in South Africa didn't want to change Apartheid, did they?
...on Gallup.

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval

For comparison to our last GOP disaster of a president, it took GW Bush until March of 2006 to hit 37%.

meet the new bullshit poll, same as the old bullshit poll.

In other news the chocolate ration has been increased from 30 grams to 25 grams.


Your posts usually deserve only the old Computer concept of "GIGO", Garbage In, Garbage Out.
...on Gallup.

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval

For comparison to our last GOP disaster of a president, it took GW Bush until March of 2006 to hit 37%.
/---- 1,500 random adults is meaningless. Come back with a poll of likely voters and then we'll see.
"Daily results are based on telephone interviews with approximately 1,500 national adults; Margin of error is ±3 percentage points."
Friday, March 17, 2017

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 48% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty-two percent (52%) disapprove.

Opinion of all adult Americans is meaningless? Ridiculous.
...on Gallup.

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval

For comparison to our last GOP disaster of a president, it took GW Bush until March of 2006 to hit 37%.

meet the new bullshit poll, same as the old bullshit poll.

In other news the chocolate ration has been increased from 30 grams to 25 grams.


Your posts usually deserve only the old Computer concept of "GIGO", Garbage In, Garbage Out.

Why is the poll bullshit? Do you believe there's no such thing as people either approving or disapproving of the job a president is doing?

That's quite a bizarre belief.
...on Gallup.

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval

For comparison to our last GOP disaster of a president, it took GW Bush until March of 2006 to hit 37%.

meet the new bullshit poll, same as the old bullshit poll.

In other news the chocolate ration has been increased from 30 grams to 25 grams.


Your posts usually deserve only the old Computer concept of "GIGO", Garbage In, Garbage Out.

Why is the poll bullshit? Do you believe there's no such thing as people either approving or disapproving of the job a president is doing?

That's quite a bizarre belief.

I have a distrust of any poll like this due to how the question is asked, the sample population, and a myriad of other issues with polling in general.

Also a sample size of 1500?
...on Gallup.

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval

For comparison to our last GOP disaster of a president, it took GW Bush until March of 2006 to hit 37%.

meet the new bullshit poll, same as the old bullshit poll.

In other news the chocolate ration has been increased from 30 grams to 25 grams.


Your posts usually deserve only the old Computer concept of "GIGO", Garbage In, Garbage Out.

Why is the poll bullshit? Do you believe there's no such thing as people either approving or disapproving of the job a president is doing?

That's quite a bizarre belief.

I have a distrust of any poll like this due to how the question is asked, the sample population, and a myriad of other issues with polling in general.

Also a sample size of 1500?

Bullshit. You have distrust of polls because they put you conservatives into an uncomfortable position of having to deal with reality...reality that has that insidious liberal bias.

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