Trumps angry America

An outsider view of the US.

Trumps supporters come across as total fuckwits . But they are just scared.

Its worrying times for the States.

Yes, Trump supporters are ignorant and frightened – but fortunately they make up an angry minority.

And the only thing they’re ‘angry’ about is having lost the last two General Elections.

They look and sound like the brexit crew we have over here. Afraid of facts and happy to back their prejudices.

Fingers crossed that they can be beaten.

They will be....they are a shrinking of the reasons they are so angry and afraid.

They know they are becoming the minority and are dying off, hence the fear , anger and crapping of the pants

It's you who should be in fear. Your tax base is disappearing and you are much too stupid to care for yourself.
Look at it this way, if Hispanics are so wonderful their own countries would be glorious instead of shitholes. Now LA is a shithole.
Well this certainly Splains a lot!

No wonder Moochelle is such a mean and nasty bitch. It must have been hell growing up to be constantly compared to the incredibly gorgeous and gracious Melania.
Well this certainly Splains a lot!

No wonder Moochelle is such a mean and nasty bitch. It must have been hell growing up to be constantly compared to the incredibly gorgeous and gracious Melania.

Is she mean and nasty? I guess I haven't followed her.

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