Trump will win but tough times are ahead.

Trump can't lose. If he wins BRILLIANT! If Biden wins Trump will spend each day enjoying his billions while mocking Biden from Trump Tower and telling the country "I told you so".

Trump is in big deep dodo especially how he mismanaged and handling of Coronavirus crisis. I know that most or all of you are missing something big.

Look at this country right now. Americans are getting sick and high deaths. Americans are suffering financially, businesses are closing, bankruptcies, job loses that will not coming back, $ trillions being spent to rescue Americans and no end in sight how we can get out from these mess and screw up created by Trump. USA is in very big trouble.

When Trump was running for president. WE TOLD YOU TRUMP WAS UNFIT AND MENTALLY DAMAGED. We told you then and we are telling you now.
Conclusions can be drawn from all this wokeness that is going around. Life expectancy has been declining in the US at an alarming rate. Early deaths from drug abuse, alcoholism and economic despair are rampant in America as the middle class is attacked by the US government and academia.

It occurs to reasonable minds that this kind of population behavior is encouraged by our government to create a cerebrally stunted society hooked on toxins and dependent on control mechanisms that enslave the people to addictions. At some point US politicians and academics apparently made a dark deal with the People’s Republic of China to destroy the brains of millions of US citizens with opioids so they could impose a world government on them.

With superstorms of a pandemic and an election year converging It is important that the people understand the ramifications, but the United States has been set up to fail. As information technology expands with no bounds, the average intelligence of the US is falling at a rate tantamount to a national contamination of lead poisoning.

The situation is dire, and the deep state is about to run a candidate for president, Joe Biden, so incapacitated that under normal circumstances he would be institutionalized. But because no one from the state can compete with the incumbent, a desperation move banking on the stunted intellects of millions of voters who hate Donald Trump like rabid dogs has been set into motion.

It is a propagandized robotic response that along with mail-in voter harvesting could make the election a lot closer than it should be. The great sellout of the middle class was exposed in 2016 and the elites have now resorted to tearing apart society at the seams in a zero-sum effort to save the state from the people.

Corporate predators like Big Pharma own US Congress and a bioengineered pathogen has been released into world populations to bring Donald Trump and any other world leader that supports nationhood to their knees. This is not going to work but great suffering is going to follow. Subsidies paying the people not to work will disappear and sudden poverty will hit many after the election.

Children will be deprived of schooling and martial law may appear to keep order. All this because Trump blew the lid off the plans of the state. He will succeed but tough times are ahead.
You are suffering under the fallacy that Trump is a good guy trying to fix the problems in our society. He isn’t. How much evidence do you require to recognize the truth?
Where would we be if Congress wasn't fighting Trump over every campaign point he tries to make good on?
More factories in the US.
More Americans working without Business Visas and Trespassers.
Conclusions can be drawn from all this wokeness that is going around. Life expectancy has been declining in the US at an alarming rate. Early deaths from drug abuse, alcoholism and economic despair are rampant in America as the middle class is attacked by the US government and academia.

It occurs to reasonable minds that this kind of population behavior is encouraged by our government to create a cerebrally stunted society hooked on toxins and dependent on control mechanisms that enslave the people to addictions. At some point US politicians and academics apparently made a dark deal with the People’s Republic of China to destroy the brains of millions of US citizens with opioids so they could impose a world government on them.

With superstorms of a pandemic and an election year converging It is important that the people understand the ramifications, but the United States has been set up to fail. As information technology expands with no bounds, the average intelligence of the US is falling at a rate tantamount to a national contamination of lead poisoning.

The situation is dire, and the deep state is about to run a candidate for president, Joe Biden, so incapacitated that under normal circumstances he would be institutionalized. But because no one from the state can compete with the incumbent, a desperation move banking on the stunted intellects of millions of voters who hate Donald Trump like rabid dogs has been set into motion.

It is a propagandized robotic response that along with mail-in voter harvesting could make the election a lot closer than it should be. The great sellout of the middle class was exposed in 2016 and the elites have now resorted to tearing apart society at the seams in a zero-sum effort to save the state from the people.

Corporate predators like Big Pharma own US Congress and a bioengineered pathogen has been released into world populations to bring Donald Trump and any other world leader that supports nationhood to their knees. This is not going to work but great suffering is going to follow. Subsidies paying the people not to work will disappear and sudden poverty will hit many after the election.

Children will be deprived of schooling and martial law may appear to keep order. All this because Trump blew the lid off the plans of the state. He will succeed but tough times are ahead.
You are suffering under the fallacy that Trump is a good guy trying to fix the problems in our society. He isn’t. How much evidence do you require to recognize the truth?
You are suffering under the fallacy of projecting Trump's alleged wrongs that Democrats do as a habit. And next to Hillbillary, he is a very good guy while she engages in her usual lying modus operandi. Many of us have accustomed ourselves to the short stick the DNC handed over to President Trump instead of an orderly transfer of power, which US law requires them to.

The trouble with the Democrat Party and you is that you have cried "wolf" many, many times, and your schtick that President Trump is not trying to fix the problems in our society is a blatant lie you and your sinister colleagues who stand for Marxist rule aka communism is getting to be tiresome. Go ahead. try being master of the calumny already firmly in place on the side of the DNC. You people make the nation's people sorry and sick. Your monster state governors and mayors are putting habituated criminals on the street, many of whom are noticed acting out unpleasant roles that threaten the lives of adults and children.
You have me entirely wrong. I voted for Don. Knowing full well she was the greater evil.

That said, Don has been a terrible failure. Time to go. Sadly, the dumb Ds have nominated a bimboo who is no better than Don.

You however needn’t worry about the election. You win either way, but don’t know it. Joe is more conservative than Don.

Oh Lordy..... I voted for Hillary and I’m proud of it. After many many years in public service and even today NOT a single evidence or conviction or charges of any Hillary wrongdoings. Clinton Foundation is open to the public for audit, submitted her years of Tax returns. Trump Foundation was ordered to shutdown paid $2 millions for fraud. Fighting to hide his tax returns all the way to Supreme Court. Trump is facing Thousands of lawsuits even before he ran for president.

Even today after 3 years of Trump lousy administration Trump goons and gangster has not charge Hillary.
Hillary and the rest of 2016 presidential candidates could have done a far far better job than this mongo Trump.
Trump is awful and Hillary would have been different, but just as awful. Just further proof the two criminal gangs are very much alike. Partisans can’t see it though.

Bud you don’t have any proof of that about Hillary.
We have what's left of her bleached out hard drive, plus we have 3 sources showing her secret life in the Deep State, O twisted sister.
Trump can't lose. If he wins BRILLIANT! If Biden wins Trump will spend each day enjoying his billions while mocking Biden from Trump Tower and telling the country "I told you so".

Trump is in big deep dodo especially how he mismanaged and handling of Coronavirus crisis. I know that most or all of you are missing something big.

Look at this country right now. Americans are getting sick and high deaths. Americans are suffering financially, businesses are closing, bankruptcies, job loses that will not coming back, $ trillions being spent to rescue Americans and no end in sight how we can get out from these mess and screw up created by Trump. USA is in very big trouble.

When Trump was running for president. WE TOLD YOU TRUMP WAS UNFIT AND MENTALLY DAMAGED. We told you then and we are telling you now.
You're a sick puppy to disparage the President, and no, we're not going to let you creepolinis coup this presidency.
Conclusions can be drawn from all this wokeness that is going around. Life expectancy has been declining in the US at an alarming rate. Early deaths from drug abuse, alcoholism and economic despair are rampant in America as the middle class is attacked by the US government and academia.

It occurs to reasonable minds that this kind of population behavior is encouraged by our government to create a cerebrally stunted society hooked on toxins and dependent on control mechanisms that enslave the people to addictions. At some point US politicians and academics apparently made a dark deal with the People’s Republic of China to destroy the brains of millions of US citizens with opioids so they could impose a world government on them.

With superstorms of a pandemic and an election year converging It is important that the people understand the ramifications, but the United States has been set up to fail. As information technology expands with no bounds, the average intelligence of the US is falling at a rate tantamount to a national contamination of lead poisoning.

The situation is dire, and the deep state is about to run a candidate for president, Joe Biden, so incapacitated that under normal circumstances he would be institutionalized. But because no one from the state can compete with the incumbent, a desperation move banking on the stunted intellects of millions of voters who hate Donald Trump like rabid dogs has been set into motion.

It is a propagandized robotic response that along with mail-in voter harvesting could make the election a lot closer than it should be. The great sellout of the middle class was exposed in 2016 and the elites have now resorted to tearing apart society at the seams in a zero-sum effort to save the state from the people.

Corporate predators like Big Pharma own US Congress and a bioengineered pathogen has been released into world populations to bring Donald Trump and any other world leader that supports nationhood to their knees. This is not going to work but great suffering is going to follow. Subsidies paying the people not to work will disappear and sudden poverty will hit many after the election.

Children will be deprived of schooling and martial law may appear to keep order. All this because Trump blew the lid off the plans of the state. He will succeed but tough times are ahead.

I agree. This pandemic will make it hard to get the economy up and running. Hope this shit ends soon.

I doubt Biden has any bright ideas about anything.
Conclusions can be drawn from all this wokeness that is going around. Life expectancy has been declining in the US at an alarming rate. Early deaths from drug abuse, alcoholism and economic despair are rampant in America as the middle class is attacked by the US government and academia.

It occurs to reasonable minds that this kind of population behavior is encouraged by our government to create a cerebrally stunted society hooked on toxins and dependent on control mechanisms that enslave the people to addictions. At some point US politicians and academics apparently made a dark deal with the People’s Republic of China to destroy the brains of millions of US citizens with opioids so they could impose a world government on them.

With superstorms of a pandemic and an election year converging It is important that the people understand the ramifications, but the United States has been set up to fail. As information technology expands with no bounds, the average intelligence of the US is falling at a rate tantamount to a national contamination of lead poisoning.

The situation is dire, and the deep state is about to run a candidate for president, Joe Biden, so incapacitated that under normal circumstances he would be institutionalized. But because no one from the state can compete with the incumbent, a desperation move banking on the stunted intellects of millions of voters who hate Donald Trump like rabid dogs has been set into motion.

It is a propagandized robotic response that along with mail-in voter harvesting could make the election a lot closer than it should be. The great sellout of the middle class was exposed in 2016 and the elites have now resorted to tearing apart society at the seams in a zero-sum effort to save the state from the people.

Corporate predators like Big Pharma own US Congress and a bioengineered pathogen has been released into world populations to bring Donald Trump and any other world leader that supports nationhood to their knees. This is not going to work but great suffering is going to follow. Subsidies paying the people not to work will disappear and sudden poverty will hit many after the election.

Children will be deprived of schooling and martial law may appear to keep order. All this because Trump blew the lid off the plans of the state. He will succeed but tough times are ahead.

I agree. This pandemic will make it hard to get the economy up and running. Hope this shit ends soon.

I doubt Biden has any bright ideas about anything.
If Trump is going to be defeated it will have to be with ideas not just "Orange Man Bad". There is talk that Trump may garner 20% of the black vote which would be an astounding development. The turmoil in the cities is backfiring badly and people are afraid for their families. This does not bode well for a state establishment that thinks fear will keep them in power.
Conclusions can be drawn from all this wokeness that is going around. Life expectancy has been declining in the US at an alarming rate. Early deaths from drug abuse, alcoholism and economic despair are rampant in America as the middle class is attacked by the US government and academia.

It occurs to reasonable minds that this kind of population behavior is encouraged by our government to create a cerebrally stunted society hooked on toxins and dependent on control mechanisms that enslave the people to addictions. At some point US politicians and academics apparently made a dark deal with the People’s Republic of China to destroy the brains of millions of US citizens with opioids so they could impose a world government on them.

With superstorms of a pandemic and an election year converging It is important that the people understand the ramifications, but the United States has been set up to fail. As information technology expands with no bounds, the average intelligence of the US is falling at a rate tantamount to a national contamination of lead poisoning.

The situation is dire, and the deep state is about to run a candidate for president, Joe Biden, so incapacitated that under normal circumstances he would be institutionalized. But because no one from the state can compete with the incumbent, a desperation move banking on the stunted intellects of millions of voters who hate Donald Trump like rabid dogs has been set into motion.

It is a propagandized robotic response that along with mail-in voter harvesting could make the election a lot closer than it should be. The great sellout of the middle class was exposed in 2016 and the elites have now resorted to tearing apart society at the seams in a zero-sum effort to save the state from the people.

Corporate predators like Big Pharma own US Congress and a bioengineered pathogen has been released into world populations to bring Donald Trump and any other world leader that supports nationhood to their knees. This is not going to work but great suffering is going to follow. Subsidies paying the people not to work will disappear and sudden poverty will hit many after the election.

Children will be deprived of schooling and martial law may appear to keep order. All this because Trump blew the lid off the plans of the state. He will succeed but tough times are ahead.

I agree. This pandemic will make it hard to get the economy up and running. Hope this shit ends soon.

I doubt Biden has any bright ideas about anything.
If Trump is going to be defeated it will have to be with ideas not just "Orange Man Bad". There is talk that Trump may garner 20% of the black vote. Which would be an astounding development. The turmoil in the cities is backfiring badly and people are afraid for their families. This does not bode well for a state establishment that thinks fear will keep them in power.

I wonder how many of those gutless wonders will be voted out of office?? Should be all of them.
Conclusions can be drawn from all this wokeness that is going around. Life expectancy has been declining in the US at an alarming rate. Early deaths from drug abuse, alcoholism and economic despair are rampant in America as the middle class is attacked by the US government and academia.

It occurs to reasonable minds that this kind of population behavior is encouraged by our government to create a cerebrally stunted society hooked on toxins and dependent on control mechanisms that enslave the people to addictions. At some point US politicians and academics apparently made a dark deal with the People’s Republic of China to destroy the brains of millions of US citizens with opioids so they could impose a world government on them.

With superstorms of a pandemic and an election year converging It is important that the people understand the ramifications, but the United States has been set up to fail. As information technology expands with no bounds, the average intelligence of the US is falling at a rate tantamount to a national contamination of lead poisoning.

The situation is dire, and the deep state is about to run a candidate for president, Joe Biden, so incapacitated that under normal circumstances he would be institutionalized. But because no one from the state can compete with the incumbent, a desperation move banking on the stunted intellects of millions of voters who hate Donald Trump like rabid dogs has been set into motion.

It is a propagandized robotic response that along with mail-in voter harvesting could make the election a lot closer than it should be. The great sellout of the middle class was exposed in 2016 and the elites have now resorted to tearing apart society at the seams in a zero-sum effort to save the state from the people.

Corporate predators like Big Pharma own US Congress and a bioengineered pathogen has been released into world populations to bring Donald Trump and any other world leader that supports nationhood to their knees. This is not going to work but great suffering is going to follow. Subsidies paying the people not to work will disappear and sudden poverty will hit many after the election.

Children will be deprived of schooling and martial law may appear to keep order. All this because Trump blew the lid off the plans of the state. He will succeed but tough times are ahead.
You are suffering under the fallacy that Trump is a good guy trying to fix the problems in our society. He isn’t. How much evidence do you require to recognize the truth?
You are suffering under the fallacy of projecting Trump's alleged wrongs that Democrats do as a habit. And next to Hillbillary, he is a very good guy while she engages in her usual lying modus operandi. Many of us have accustomed ourselves to the short stick the DNC handed over to President Trump instead of an orderly transfer of power, which US law requires them to.

The trouble with the Democrat Party and you is that you have cried "wolf" many, many times, and your schtick that President Trump is not trying to fix the problems in our society is a blatant lie you and your sinister colleagues who stand for Marxist rule aka communism is getting to be tiresome. Go ahead. try being master of the calumny already firmly in place on the side of the DNC. You people make the nation's people sorry and sick. Your monster state governors and mayors are putting habituated criminals on the street, many of whom are noticed acting out unpleasant roles that threaten the lives of adults and children.
You have me entirely wrong. I voted for Don. Knowing full well she was the greater evil.

That said, Don has been a terrible failure. Time to go. Sadly, the dumb Ds have nominated a bimboo who is no better than Don.

You however needn’t worry about the election. You win either way, but don’t know it. Joe is more conservative than Don.
Can you specifically show us where Trump has miserably failed?

Conclusions can be drawn from all this wokeness that is going around. Life expectancy has been declining in the US at an alarming rate. Early deaths from drug abuse, alcoholism and economic despair are rampant in America as the middle class is attacked by the US government and academia.

It occurs to reasonable minds that this kind of population behavior is encouraged by our government to create a cerebrally stunted society hooked on toxins and dependent on control mechanisms that enslave the people to addictions. At some point US politicians and academics apparently made a dark deal with the People’s Republic of China to destroy the brains of millions of US citizens with opioids so they could impose a world government on them.

With superstorms of a pandemic and an election year converging It is important that the people understand the ramifications, but the United States has been set up to fail. As information technology expands with no bounds, the average intelligence of the US is falling at a rate tantamount to a national contamination of lead poisoning.

The situation is dire, and the deep state is about to run a candidate for president, Joe Biden, so incapacitated that under normal circumstances he would be institutionalized. But because no one from the state can compete with the incumbent, a desperation move banking on the stunted intellects of millions of voters who hate Donald Trump like rabid dogs has been set into motion.

It is a propagandized robotic response that along with mail-in voter harvesting could make the election a lot closer than it should be. The great sellout of the middle class was exposed in 2016 and the elites have now resorted to tearing apart society at the seams in a zero-sum effort to save the state from the people.

Corporate predators like Big Pharma own US Congress and a bioengineered pathogen has been released into world populations to bring Donald Trump and any other world leader that supports nationhood to their knees. This is not going to work but great suffering is going to follow. Subsidies paying the people not to work will disappear and sudden poverty will hit many after the election.

Children will be deprived of schooling and martial law may appear to keep order. All this because Trump blew the lid off the plans of the state. He will succeed but tough times are ahead.
You are suffering under the fallacy that Trump is a good guy trying to fix the problems in our society. He isn’t. How much evidence do you require to recognize the truth?
Your only evidence is that he is a Russian spy. Got anything else?
What? LOL. Dumb Don isn’t a Russian spy. Only fools believe that.

Funny how people like you make dumb conclusions to try and hide your inability to accept the truth.
He's done a very good job of annihilating western culture for Putin.
Why are you holding onto a 'Russia, Russia, Russia' dream?
Makes no sense at all!

They really don't have much of a choice....
First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, one after another lead balloons.

“Before the election result was even in, Democrats had been attacking Trump as a “racist” and “white nationalist.” These characterizations were designed not just to defeat him, but to destroy him as a public figure. They were also labels that in thirty years of a successful public life had never been seriously attached to Trump, who remained a popular celebrity.

But perceiving Trump as an existential threat to their progressive dreams, Democrats and a compliant media turned to character assassination as a desperate means of stopping him. In addition to calling him a “racist,” they accused him of being “mentally unstable,” “incompetent,” “morally disreputable,” a “would-be dictator,” and “unfit for the Oval office.” Months before he entered the White House, leading Democrats were vowing to impeach him. Yet Trump was able to withstand this withering barrage. More surprisingly, he was able to turn the tables on his adversaries and carry out the very agenda they feared.” David Horowitz, “Blitz”
Eventually this is going to be a war. Just hoping we come to terms with it sooner than later.

There really is no point in attempting to convince these heathens of anything anymore.

Complete waste of time. Really always has been. This will eventually lead to armageddon.
Eventually this is going to be a war. Just hoping we come to terms with it sooner than later.

There really is no point in attempting to convince these heathens of anything anymore.

Complete waste of time. Really always has been. This will eventually lead to armageddon.

I sure hope it doesn't become that war.

If November is a close election.....and it shouldn't be may be correct.
How can Americans simply put up with the Bolsheviks like Kim Gardner and every Democrat DA, Judge and prosecutor who simply released rioters, arsonists, assaulters?
The world is coming to an end and "Armageddon":oops8: outa here!
Never mind, my wife already told me that was bad.
Eventually this is going to be a war. Just hoping we come to terms with it sooner than later.

There really is no point in attempting to convince these heathens of anything anymore.

Complete waste of time. Really always has been. This will eventually lead to armageddon.

Not Armageddon.
Armageddon is rivers full of blood.
There will only be streams instead, when the real shootin' starts.
It'll be over relatively quick.
Last edited:
Conclusions can be drawn from all this wokeness that is going around. Life expectancy has been declining in the US at an alarming rate. Early deaths from drug abuse, alcoholism and economic despair are rampant in America as the middle class is attacked by the US government and academia.

It occurs to reasonable minds that this kind of population behavior is encouraged by our government to create a cerebrally stunted society hooked on toxins and dependent on control mechanisms that enslave the people to addictions. At some point US politicians and academics apparently made a dark deal with the People’s Republic of China to destroy the brains of millions of US citizens with opioids so they could impose a world government on them.

With superstorms of a pandemic and an election year converging It is important that the people understand the ramifications, but the United States has been set up to fail. As information technology expands with no bounds, the average intelligence of the US is falling at a rate tantamount to a national contamination of lead poisoning.

The situation is dire, and the deep state is about to run a candidate for president, Joe Biden, so incapacitated that under normal circumstances he would be institutionalized. But because no one from the state can compete with the incumbent, a desperation move banking on the stunted intellects of millions of voters who hate Donald Trump like rabid dogs has been set into motion.

It is a propagandized robotic response that along with mail-in voter harvesting could make the election a lot closer than it should be. The great sellout of the middle class was exposed in 2016 and the elites have now resorted to tearing apart society at the seams in a zero-sum effort to save the state from the people.

Corporate predators like Big Pharma own US Congress and a bioengineered pathogen has been released into world populations to bring Donald Trump and any other world leader that supports nationhood to their knees. This is not going to work but great suffering is going to follow. Subsidies paying the people not to work will disappear and sudden poverty will hit many after the election.

Children will be deprived of schooling and martial law may appear to keep order. All this because Trump blew the lid off the plans of the state. He will succeed but tough times are ahead.
You are suffering under the fallacy that Trump is a good guy trying to fix the problems in our society. He isn’t. How much evidence do you require to recognize the truth?
You are suffering under the fallacy of projecting Trump's alleged wrongs that Democrats do as a habit. And next to Hillbillary, he is a very good guy while she engages in her usual lying modus operandi. Many of us have accustomed ourselves to the short stick the DNC handed over to President Trump instead of an orderly transfer of power, which US law requires them to.

The trouble with the Democrat Party and you is that you have cried "wolf" many, many times, and your schtick that President Trump is not trying to fix the problems in our society is a blatant lie you and your sinister colleagues who stand for Marxist rule aka communism is getting to be tiresome. Go ahead. try being master of the calumny already firmly in place on the side of the DNC. You people make the nation's people sorry and sick. Your monster state governors and mayors are putting habituated criminals on the street, many of whom are noticed acting out unpleasant roles that threaten the lives of adults and children.
You have me entirely wrong. I voted for Don. Knowing full well she was the greater evil.

That said, Don has been a terrible failure. Time to go. Sadly, the dumb Ds have nominated a bimboo who is no better than Don.

You however needn’t worry about the election. You win either way, but don’t know it. Joe is more conservative than Don.
Can you specifically show us where Trump has miserably failed?

In just about every way possible. I don’t see how he wins re-election, but I’m certain there’s tough times ahead whoever wins.
Conclusions can be drawn from all this wokeness that is going around. Life expectancy has been declining in the US at an alarming rate. Early deaths from drug abuse, alcoholism and economic despair are rampant in America as the middle class is attacked by the US government and academia.

It occurs to reasonable minds that this kind of population behavior is encouraged by our government to create a cerebrally stunted society hooked on toxins and dependent on control mechanisms that enslave the people to addictions. At some point US politicians and academics apparently made a dark deal with the People’s Republic of China to destroy the brains of millions of US citizens with opioids so they could impose a world government on them.

With superstorms of a pandemic and an election year converging It is important that the people understand the ramifications, but the United States has been set up to fail. As information technology expands with no bounds, the average intelligence of the US is falling at a rate tantamount to a national contamination of lead poisoning.

The situation is dire, and the deep state is about to run a candidate for president, Joe Biden, so incapacitated that under normal circumstances he would be institutionalized. But because no one from the state can compete with the incumbent, a desperation move banking on the stunted intellects of millions of voters who hate Donald Trump like rabid dogs has been set into motion.

It is a propagandized robotic response that along with mail-in voter harvesting could make the election a lot closer than it should be. The great sellout of the middle class was exposed in 2016 and the elites have now resorted to tearing apart society at the seams in a zero-sum effort to save the state from the people.

Corporate predators like Big Pharma own US Congress and a bioengineered pathogen has been released into world populations to bring Donald Trump and any other world leader that supports nationhood to their knees. This is not going to work but great suffering is going to follow. Subsidies paying the people not to work will disappear and sudden poverty will hit many after the election.

Children will be deprived of schooling and martial law may appear to keep order. All this because Trump blew the lid off the plans of the state. He will succeed but tough times are ahead.
You are suffering under the fallacy that Trump is a good guy trying to fix the problems in our society. He isn’t. How much evidence do you require to recognize the truth?
You are suffering under the fallacy of projecting Trump's alleged wrongs that Democrats do as a habit. And next to Hillbillary, he is a very good guy while she engages in her usual lying modus operandi. Many of us have accustomed ourselves to the short stick the DNC handed over to President Trump instead of an orderly transfer of power, which US law requires them to.

The trouble with the Democrat Party and you is that you have cried "wolf" many, many times, and your schtick that President Trump is not trying to fix the problems in our society is a blatant lie you and your sinister colleagues who stand for Marxist rule aka communism is getting to be tiresome. Go ahead. try being master of the calumny already firmly in place on the side of the DNC. You people make the nation's people sorry and sick. Your monster state governors and mayors are putting habituated criminals on the street, many of whom are noticed acting out unpleasant roles that threaten the lives of adults and children.
You have me entirely wrong. I voted for Don. Knowing full well she was the greater evil.

That said, Don has been a terrible failure. Time to go. Sadly, the dumb Ds have nominated a bimboo who is no better than Don.

You however needn’t worry about the election. You win either way, but don’t know it. Joe is more conservative than Don.
Can you specifically show us where Trump has miserably failed?

In just about every way possible. I don’t see how he wins re-election, but I’m certain there’s tough times ahead whoever wins.
Thanks for the specifics.

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