Trump Weighs In On QB Colin Kaepernick: " He Should Find Another Country That Works Better For Him"

Trump's not that impressed with the country either.

In Trump’s eyes, the United States is practically a Third World country, with crumbling roads, aging bridges and decrepit airports. It’s led by “stupid people” — even Mexico has smarter leaders, he says — and the entire world is laughing at America and its “depleted military.” Cities have “exploded” with violence; Islamic State fighters posing as refugees might attack at any moment; and the economy is “doing lousy,” with a real unemployment rate that could be eight times as high as the official one.

Trump even compared the health of the nation to a friend who is dying of cancer and is barely holding on.

Donald Trump’s vision of doom and despair in America

Maybe he should go somewhere that he doesn't think is such a shithole.
The difference is Trump is passionate about helping to repair what he sees wrong with America while Kaepernick apparently is only passionate about hating America. Of course, Hillary won't know what she thinks about America until she gets the results of the next focus group.
Trump's not that impressed with the country either.

In Trump’s eyes, the United States is practically a Third World country, with crumbling roads, aging bridges and decrepit airports. It’s led by “stupid people” — even Mexico has smarter leaders, he says — and the entire world is laughing at America and its “depleted military.” Cities have “exploded” with violence; Islamic State fighters posing as refugees might attack at any moment; and the economy is “doing lousy,” with a real unemployment rate that could be eight times as high as the official one.

Trump even compared the health of the nation to a friend who is dying of cancer and is barely holding on.

Donald Trump’s vision of doom and despair in America

Maybe he should go somewhere that he doesn't think is such a shithole. think that's maybe why he came up with the tag line 'make America great again?'

Stupid fucktard liberal.....
Ok, well the dude can keep spouting because I just saw him in an interview giving his opinion that Hillary should be in jail for deleting her emails...he has plenty of hate to go around.:lol:
Even the room temp IQ'ers know it isn't saying much...:lol:
Ok, well the dude can keep spouting because I just saw him in an interview giving his opinion that Hillary should be in jail for deleting her emails...he has plenty of hate to go around.:lol:
Of course he's correct about Hillary.
Typical Republican response. We're about freedom! We're about the Constitution! Wait, you didn't stand for the National Anthem?? Get out of here you traitor Commie!!
Typical Republican response. We're about freedom! We're about the Constitution! Wait, you didn't stand for the National Anthem?? Get out of here you traitor Commie!!

There is nothing contradictory in that. We are about freedom, and we are about the constitution, and we think if you are not, and you hate this place, then maybe you should find somewhere else to live.

There is nothing contradictory about that. Trump didn't propose forcing out, people who didn't stand. No one claimed we should revoke citizenship and deport people for not standing.

If you hate this place.... by all means get out, you whine pathetic excuse for a human being. Go live in Cuba, and find out how much better their health care is.

Go live someplace you actually love. We're not going to force you out, but if you don't like the United States of America, then start acting like it, and get out.

I think everyone who burns a flag, or hate the US, should leave. They should. I'm not going to force them to, but they should. Stop being a hypocritical bit of human trash.


"I hate this place, and everything about it, BUT YOU CAN NOT MAKE ME LEAVE! I'M STAYING SO I CAN BE A WHINY B!TCH AND COMPLAIN!"

Grow up. Grow some balls... back up your claims with actions. Move your butt out, and go someplace else. Of course left-wingers are just childish trash.

Left-wingers are like a 5-year-old that says he'll run away if you make him clean his room, so you open the front door, and he just cries and has a temper tantrum.
ESPN fired Curt Schilling for simoly supporting Trump. Today they make this guy a hero for degrading his home country. ESPN has become fullnon mental poision to America's youth. Another media outlet to avoid.

Kapernick is a dumb confused kid. Therev is no war on young black men by Police. Criminals, yes.

You're in the greatest country on earth, America! Act like it.

Ummm . Not true . Shilling was warned a number of times about posting offensive shit . Finally, he ran out of warnings .

OK maybe I am wrong on Schilling, my apologies. But not wrong on ESPN in general. Becoming un-watchable like almost all TV.
Typical Republican response. We're about freedom! We're about the Constitution! Wait, you didn't stand for the National Anthem?? Get out of here you traitor Commie!!

There is nothing contradictory in that. We are about freedom, and we are about the constitution, and we think if you are not, and you hate this place, then maybe you should find somewhere else to live.

Then no, you are not about those things, and Kaepernick never said he hated the country.
Typical Republican response. We're about freedom! We're about the Constitution! Wait, you didn't stand for the National Anthem?? Get out of here you traitor Commie!!

Most people offended by his actions don't take it that far...but people don't have to embrace his choice either, and anyone who wouldn't expect some blow back for such a stand is not being realistic. Hey, at least he didn't shit on the flag...although he probably wouldn't mind this stocking stuffer.:D

Kaepernick has a right to do what he did, but those who disagree with what he did also have a right to express their disagreement.

Unfortunately the left thinks only people with leftist views have a right to free speech

Hey, I think that Kaepernick has the right to protest as he sees fit, as long as he does it peacefully.

I also think that those who agree or disagree with him have the right to express their opinions as they see fit, as long as they do it peacefully.

However....................saying that he should quit football or leave the country is taking it a bit far.

Yes, as I also mentioned, Kaepernick had the right to do that. But actions have consequences, and with those consequences if people tell him to quit football or get out of America, he brought that on himself. I don't think that's going too far, I believe it as people taking it to the opposite end of the spectrum.

He deserves any trashing he gets. There's a real good reason why Kaepernick isn't a Stanford alumni
Typical Republican response. We're about freedom! We're about the Constitution! Wait, you didn't stand for the National Anthem?? Get out of here you traitor Commie!!

There is nothing contradictory in that. We are about freedom, and we are about the constitution, and we think if you are not, and you hate this place, then maybe you should find somewhere else to live.

Then no, you are not about those things, and Kaepernick never said he hated the country.
He didn't have to say a word.....
Typical Republican response. We're about freedom! We're about the Constitution! Wait, you didn't stand for the National Anthem?? Get out of here you traitor Commie!!

There is nothing contradictory in that. We are about freedom, and we are about the constitution, and we think if you are not, and you hate this place, then maybe you should find somewhere else to live.

Then no, you are not about those things, and Kaepernick never said he hated the country.
He didn't have to say a word.....

No, he didn't, but it's his right to and that's the point. Conservatives behave like the modern day Salem Witch trials when ever anyone does or says anything they perceive to be "Unamerican."
ESPN fired Curt Schilling for simoly supporting Trump. Today they make this guy a hero for degrading his home country. ESPN has become fullnon mental poision to America's youth. Another media outlet to avoid.

Kapernick is a dumb confused kid. Therev is no war on young black men by Police. Criminals, yes.

You're in the greatest country on earth, America! Act like it.

Ummm . Not true . Shilling was warned a number of times about posting offensive shit . Finally, he ran out of warnings .

OK maybe I am wrong on Schilling, my apologies. But not wrong on ESPN in general. Becoming un-watchable like almost all TV.

It was Ditka I was thinking of.....little bit more than support Trump and label BO bad.

Ditka has given several interviews in support of Republican front-runner Donald Trump, the last one over the weekend, when he called President Barack Obama "the worst president we've ever had" — and said he'd vote for Trump.
Last week Trump said political correctness is ruining the country . This week he's all mad because a QB ain't being PC !?

Add it to the flip flop list .

The fact of the matter is that the Flag represents the Free Market, Capitalist Economy that gave that son of a black father that abandoned him to grow up with white privilege so that he could exceed most of the 1%. Humility and Gratitude.....or is that lost on you people?
The bad part is riling up more BLM stuff at this time. He has big stage to do it. Yes maybe we over-react to his display. But 10 dead cops last month!

Everyone on edge. more whites shot by cops than blacks. They are not targeted with no consequences.
Typical Republican response. We're about freedom! We're about the Constitution! Wait, you didn't stand for the National Anthem?? Get out of here you traitor Commie!!

There is nothing contradictory in that. We are about freedom, and we are about the constitution, and we think if you are not, and you hate this place, then maybe you should find somewhere else to live.

Then no, you are not about those things, and Kaepernick never said he hated the country.
He didn't have to say a word.....

No, he didn't, but it's his right to and that's the point. Conservatives behave like the modern day Salem Witch trials when ever anyone does or says anything they perceive to be "Unamerican."'s just that if Americans don't have America in common, then just where do we go from there?
ESPN fired Curt Schilling for simoly supporting Trump. Today they make this guy a hero for degrading his home country. ESPN has become fullnon mental poision to America's youth. Another media outlet to avoid.

Kapernick is a dumb confused kid. Therev is no war on young black men by Police. Criminals, yes.

You're in the greatest country on earth, America! Act like it.

Ummm . Not true . Shilling was warned a number of times about posting offensive shit . Finally, he ran out of warnings .

OK maybe I am wrong on Schilling, my apologies. But not wrong on ESPN in general. Becoming un-watchable like almost all TV.

It was Ditka I was thinking of.....little bit more than support Trump and label BO bad.

Ditka has given several interviews in support of Republican front-runner Donald Trump, the last one over the weekend, when he called President Barack Obama "the worst president we've ever had" — and said he'd vote for Trump.

Ditka amounts to ONE vote .. and what he thinks of Obama is meaningless.

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