Trump: 'We are stopping cold the attacks on Judeo-Christian values'

'oreily ' is scum simply because he is anti gun so happy to see him gone . As far as rape though , i know that he is gone from his show but WHO did he RAPE C.C.??
What a pile of crap. Riiiight, the "war on Christians" long until I have to listen to Christmas music everywhere I go? A week or so? Boy, I'm going to have a tough time finding Christmas decorations this year, what with all the Jewish and Muslim store displays taking up half the store. You couldn't throw a stone in this country without hitting an embarrassingly large church sitting on 10 acres of prime real estate. People who want to honor the idea of secular government have to spend resources going to court every single day to keep Christian icons out of courthouses and schools, and to keep magical nonsense out of public sciemce classrooms. Every single day this country has to hash out court battles initiated and waged by Christians who want to be exempted from the laws of the land, because they are demanding special privileges for their magical beliefs. And if you DARED ask a political candidate if they really believed something so stupid as a zombie king or the story of Noah's flood, you would get death threats and lose your press pass.

No, I think you have it all backwards and need to some to terms with which group is ACTUALLY "on the attack", and it is always.
all that is a two way street. And frankly, your hyperbole doesnt change the substance of my post.
Which hyperbole was that? The daily court battles? Real. The idea of asking a candidate about his religious nonsense being taboo? Real. The utter dominance of our society (our art, our economy, our calendars) by Christian holidays? Real. The ridiculous prevalence of christian churches, and the excessive real estate they procure? Real.

"Two way street"

Bullshit, there is no comparison to any of the above in any demographic , religion, or ideology. Nothing even close. And those fighting the attempt to impose Christianity on our code of law and in our public institutions are on the DEFENSE, not on the attack.
losing your press pass for questioning noahs ark is hyperbole.
Are you dumb or dishonest?
Yes, it is very much a two way street. Like how the bedwetters rape the intent of our constitution and come up with discriminatory PA laws and force christians to go against their belief and their PRIVATE PROPERTY, to sell said private property, to people they dont want to sell it to.
OMG there are too many churches :crybaby:
Give me a break.
I do understand they tend to shove their beliefs down peoples throats but so do SO MANY OTHER activists. Like gays and people that cant wipe their own ass so they want to destroy my liberties.
"osing your press pass for questioning noahs ark is hyperbole."

Are you kidding? No it isn't. If a reporter had, for instance, asked Romney if he really believed some of the hilarious ideas of Mormonism, that reporter would have been rhetorically assaulted from both sides of the aisle and not invited back. You can bank on that. In fact, he would probably have also lost his job entirely.

"Two way street"... This is a coward's tactic, implying equivalence and being nothing but apologism. A boxer vs. a hunter with a rifle is a "two way street", too, right? I mean, they are both fighting, right? No, I reject your ridiculous attempt to imply equivalence in either scope or aggression, where absoutely none exists.
ahhh hypotheticals to prove a point. Nice. LOL
"ahhh hypotheticals to prove a point.""

Correct, when appropriate. In this case, i used one to highlight the fact that you are trying to jump from one small commonality to equivalence, in your rhetoric.
What a pile of crap. Riiiight, the "war on Christians" long until I have to listen to Christmas music everywhere I go? A week or so? Boy, I'm going to have a tough time finding Christmas decorations this year, what with all the Jewish and Muslim store displays taking up half the store. You couldn't throw a stone in this country without hitting an embarrassingly large church sitting on 10 acres of prime real estate. People who want to honor the idea of secular government have to spend resources going to court every single day to keep Christian icons out of courthouses and schools, and to keep magical nonsense out of public sciemce classrooms. Every single day this country has to hash out court battles initiated and waged by Christians who want to be exempted from the laws of the land, because they are demanding special privileges for their magical beliefs. And if you DARED ask a political candidate if they really believed something so stupid as a zombie king or the story of Noah's flood, you would get death threats and lose your press pass.

No, I think you have it all backwards and need to some to terms with which group is ACTUALLY "on the attack", and it is always.
all that is a two way street. And frankly, your hyperbole doesnt change the substance of my post.
Which hyperbole was that? The daily court battles? Real. The idea of asking a candidate about his religious nonsense being taboo? Real. The utter dominance of our society (our art, our economy, our calendars) by Christian holidays? Real. The ridiculous prevalence of christian churches, and the excessive real estate they procure? Real.

"Two way street"

Bullshit, there is no comparison to any of the above in any demographic , religion, or ideology. Nothing even close. And those fighting the attempt to impose Christianity on our code of law and in our public institutions are on the DEFENSE, not on the attack.
losing your press pass for questioning noahs ark is hyperbole.
Are you dumb or dishonest?
Yes, it is very much a two way street. Like how the bedwetters rape the intent of our constitution and come up with discriminatory PA laws and force christians to go against their belief and their PRIVATE PROPERTY, to sell said private property, to people they dont want to sell it to.
OMG there are too many churches :crybaby:
Give me a break.
I do understand they tend to shove their beliefs down peoples throats but so do SO MANY OTHER activists. Like gays and people that cant wipe their own ass so they want to destroy my liberties.
The belief in your right to kill gays?

Pastor Roger Jimenez
Pastor Steven Anderson
Pastor Kevin Swanson
Pastor Jesse Price
Pastor Charles L. Worley
Pastor Bert Farias
Pastor Jeffrey S. Smith

A five minute internet search of "Christians" to want to kill gays. How may more do these Christian leaders represent.

These are the Christian values your kind wants to return to.
Well, this isn't the 1950's. Blacks, gays and other minorities will fight back. You won't get away with murder like you did in the past. There will be hell to pay for the continued murder of unarmed blacks and the calling for murder of gays.

Anyone kill you yet for being an obtrusive nasty whiny gay?

Are you threatening me?
all that is a two way street. And frankly, your hyperbole doesnt change the substance of my post.
Which hyperbole was that? The daily court battles? Real. The idea of asking a candidate about his religious nonsense being taboo? Real. The utter dominance of our society (our art, our economy, our calendars) by Christian holidays? Real. The ridiculous prevalence of christian churches, and the excessive real estate they procure? Real.

"Two way street"

Bullshit, there is no comparison to any of the above in any demographic , religion, or ideology. Nothing even close. And those fighting the attempt to impose Christianity on our code of law and in our public institutions are on the DEFENSE, not on the attack.
losing your press pass for questioning noahs ark is hyperbole.
Are you dumb or dishonest?
Yes, it is very much a two way street. Like how the bedwetters rape the intent of our constitution and come up with discriminatory PA laws and force christians to go against their belief and their PRIVATE PROPERTY, to sell said private property, to people they dont want to sell it to.
OMG there are too many churches :crybaby:
Give me a break.
I do understand they tend to shove their beliefs down peoples throats but so do SO MANY OTHER activists. Like gays and people that cant wipe their own ass so they want to destroy my liberties.
The belief in your right to kill gays?

Pastor Roger Jimenez
Pastor Steven Anderson
Pastor Kevin Swanson
Pastor Jesse Price
Pastor Charles L. Worley
Pastor Bert Farias
Pastor Jeffrey S. Smith

A five minute internet search of "Christians" to want to kill gays. How may more do these Christian leaders represent.

These are the Christian values your kind wants to return to.
Well, this isn't the 1950's. Blacks, gays and other minorities will fight back. You won't get away with murder like you did in the past. There will be hell to pay for the continued murder of unarmed blacks and the calling for murder of gays.

Anyone kill you yet for being an obtrusive nasty whiny gay?

Are you threatening me?

no, that's just RodISHI for you.... he slides rather seamlessly from being an insulting prick to whining about insults. It's an amazing talent.
I never heard such bullshit before.
Has anybody ever seen Trump in a church?

Trump: 'We are stopping cold the attacks on Judeo-Christian values' - CNNPolitics

Heated debates over the "War On Christmas" have raged for years, with many on the right complaining that political correctness has made it less acceptable to say Merry Christmas. Trump has seized on these feelings, regularly telling primarily religious audiences that his presidency has made it acceptable to "start saying Merry Christmas again."
"You go into a department store. When was the last time you saw 'Merry Christmas?' You don't see it anymore," Trump said on the campaign trail. "They want to be politically correct. If I'm president, you will see 'Merry Christmas' in department stores, believe me, believe me."
Never heard such bullshit?

If I had a son.....
Which hyperbole was that? The daily court battles? Real. The idea of asking a candidate about his religious nonsense being taboo? Real. The utter dominance of our society (our art, our economy, our calendars) by Christian holidays? Real. The ridiculous prevalence of christian churches, and the excessive real estate they procure? Real.

"Two way street"

Bullshit, there is no comparison to any of the above in any demographic , religion, or ideology. Nothing even close. And those fighting the attempt to impose Christianity on our code of law and in our public institutions are on the DEFENSE, not on the attack.
losing your press pass for questioning noahs ark is hyperbole.
Are you dumb or dishonest?
Yes, it is very much a two way street. Like how the bedwetters rape the intent of our constitution and come up with discriminatory PA laws and force christians to go against their belief and their PRIVATE PROPERTY, to sell said private property, to people they dont want to sell it to.
OMG there are too many churches :crybaby:
Give me a break.
I do understand they tend to shove their beliefs down peoples throats but so do SO MANY OTHER activists. Like gays and people that cant wipe their own ass so they want to destroy my liberties.
The belief in your right to kill gays?

Pastor Roger Jimenez
Pastor Steven Anderson
Pastor Kevin Swanson
Pastor Jesse Price
Pastor Charles L. Worley
Pastor Bert Farias
Pastor Jeffrey S. Smith

A five minute internet search of "Christians" to want to kill gays. How may more do these Christian leaders represent.

These are the Christian values your kind wants to return to.
Well, this isn't the 1950's. Blacks, gays and other minorities will fight back. You won't get away with murder like you did in the past. There will be hell to pay for the continued murder of unarmed blacks and the calling for murder of gays.

Anyone kill you yet for being an obtrusive nasty whiny gay?

Are you threatening me?

no, that's just RodISHI for you.... he slides rather seamlessly from being an insulting prick to whining about insults. It's an amazing talent.

The ONLY reason right wingers haven't started killing gays is they haven't figured out a way to do it legally.

They kill blacks and then claim those blacks were suspicious, or running, or threatening. Most use threatening. They won't get away with it forever.

---------------------------------------------------- its simple , run your store as you like in this Free country . Don't coddle or cater to the possible Christian and see what you get . You might get rich but if you don't cater to ME , then you won't get MY money . And ME , hey i am no hardcore Christian but Christians are the people [mainly] that built the USA from its very beginnings and no matter what i do in my personal life i like and acknowledge that Christian values are GOOD for the USA Lysis

Only if they are actual values. Bigotry, hatred, attempts to control women and curtail our rights, attacks on people with darker skin, etc., are not values, they are vices that should not be imposed on other people.
losing your press pass for questioning noahs ark is hyperbole.
Are you dumb or dishonest?
Yes, it is very much a two way street. Like how the bedwetters rape the intent of our constitution and come up with discriminatory PA laws and force christians to go against their belief and their PRIVATE PROPERTY, to sell said private property, to people they dont want to sell it to.
OMG there are too many churches :crybaby:
Give me a break.
I do understand they tend to shove their beliefs down peoples throats but so do SO MANY OTHER activists. Like gays and people that cant wipe their own ass so they want to destroy my liberties.
The belief in your right to kill gays?

Pastor Roger Jimenez
Pastor Steven Anderson
Pastor Kevin Swanson
Pastor Jesse Price
Pastor Charles L. Worley
Pastor Bert Farias
Pastor Jeffrey S. Smith

A five minute internet search of "Christians" to want to kill gays. How may more do these Christian leaders represent.

These are the Christian values your kind wants to return to.
Well, this isn't the 1950's. Blacks, gays and other minorities will fight back. You won't get away with murder like you did in the past. There will be hell to pay for the continued murder of unarmed blacks and the calling for murder of gays.

Anyone kill you yet for being an obtrusive nasty whiny gay?

Are you threatening me?

no, that's just RodISHI for you.... he slides rather seamlessly from being an insulting prick to whining about insults. It's an amazing talent.

The ONLY reason right wingers haven't started killing gays is they haven't figured out a way to do it legally.

They kill blacks and then claim those blacks were suspicious, or running, or threatening. Most use threatening. They won't get away with it forever.

Speaking of "bullshit"

Have you heard of this moron op?
losing your press pass for questioning noahs ark is hyperbole.
Are you dumb or dishonest?
Yes, it is very much a two way street. Like how the bedwetters rape the intent of our constitution and come up with discriminatory PA laws and force christians to go against their belief and their PRIVATE PROPERTY, to sell said private property, to people they dont want to sell it to.
OMG there are too many churches :crybaby:
Give me a break.
I do understand they tend to shove their beliefs down peoples throats but so do SO MANY OTHER activists. Like gays and people that cant wipe their own ass so they want to destroy my liberties.
The belief in your right to kill gays?

Pastor Roger Jimenez
Pastor Steven Anderson
Pastor Kevin Swanson
Pastor Jesse Price
Pastor Charles L. Worley
Pastor Bert Farias
Pastor Jeffrey S. Smith

A five minute internet search of "Christians" to want to kill gays. How may more do these Christian leaders represent.

These are the Christian values your kind wants to return to.
Well, this isn't the 1950's. Blacks, gays and other minorities will fight back. You won't get away with murder like you did in the past. There will be hell to pay for the continued murder of unarmed blacks and the calling for murder of gays.

Anyone kill you yet for being an obtrusive nasty whiny gay?

Are you threatening me?

no, that's just RodISHI for you.... he slides rather seamlessly from being an insulting prick to whining about insults. It's an amazing talent.

The ONLY reason right wingers haven't started killing gays is they haven't figured out a way to do it legally.

They kill blacks and then claim those blacks were suspicious, or running, or threatening. Most use threatening. They won't get away with it forever.

Blacks were much easier

They are afraid to stop & frisk gays cuz they might catch it
The ONLY reason right wingers haven't started killing gays is they haven't figured out a way to do it legally.

They kill blacks and then claim those blacks were suspicious, or running, or threatening. Most use threatening. They won't get away with it forever.
What "right-wingers" kill blacks? I'm betting you can't even define an AMERICAN "right-winger.
It's the Left that murders those who won't comply.

The ONLY reason right wingers haven't started killing gays is they haven't figured out a way to do it legally.

They kill blacks and then claim those blacks were suspicious, or running, or threatening. Most use threatening. They won't get away with it forever.
What "right-wingers" kill blacks? I'm betting you can't even define an AMERICAN "right-winger.
It's the Left that murders those who won't comply.

well, I can tell you one thing... I would certainly never define any right-winger by lumping him in with the likes of your embarrassing ass.
I never heard such bullshit before.
Has anybody ever seen Trump in a church?

Trump: 'We are stopping cold the attacks on Judeo-Christian values' - CNNPolitics

Heated debates over the "War On Christmas" have raged for years, with many on the right complaining that political correctness has made it less acceptable to say Merry Christmas. Trump has seized on these feelings, regularly telling primarily religious audiences that his presidency has made it acceptable to "start saying Merry Christmas again."
"You go into a department store. When was the last time you saw 'Merry Christmas?' You don't see it anymore," Trump said on the campaign trail. "They want to be politically correct. If I'm president, you will see 'Merry Christmas' in department stores, believe me, believe me."
His church is at Mar-a-Logo, that way it's a tax free golf course...
It is entirely fitting that trump has picked up Bill O'Reilly's torch. They remind me of twins
:boobies:Trump:boobies:: 'We are stopping cold:boobies: the attacks on Judeo-Christian :boobies:values'

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